May 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Went onto the Brooks site this afternoon. Of course, the pair of GTS 19's that were on sale are no longer available. Today, they had, or I did a better job of finding them, a pair of the GTS 20's in my size. I ordered them. Credit card went through right away. I'm thinking there was a system glitch or something yesterday. Since the 20's weren't on sale, they were more expensive. At least I have a new pair on the way. Probably 2 weeks before I get them.
    I hope you like the 20s! I skipped the 19s because they felt like they made me run funny, but I don’t mind the 20s as much.
  • ImeldaOmom
    ImeldaOmom Posts: 12 Member
    31.7/ 55 km Completed
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    I did 3 miles Friday, 3.25 Saturday, and set out to do 3 yesterday but ended up walking after 1.5 because I had shin splints.
    I don't understand. I've been averaging 12-15 miles a week the last 2-3 months with no issues. I don't know if maybe 3 days in a row is becoming too much, if I ran too hard the first two days, if it could be my shoes, or if its the extra 20 lbs with being 26 weeks along catching up to me. I was very frustrated and disappointed at myself. The dogs were frustrated as well. When we walk to cool down, they usually stop pulling (I have them trained to run in front of me, makes me push my pace) and walk nicely beside me. I think they were confused because they kept me at a pretty good speedwalk the whole way home.

    Go back and read your post and look at what you have done in the last 3 days. How many pregnant women do you see out running? You are doing all this and the rest of life while growing a human in your body! You are doing amazing! It's ok to listen to your body when it protests. That's how we prevent really bad injuries and shorten our recovery time. You are awesome so no negative talk!

  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    5-1 7k moderate
    5-2 7k easy
    5-3 11k easy
    5-4 rest
    5-5 7k moderate
    5-6 7k moderate
    5-7 7k moderate
    5-8 7k easy
    5-9 11k slow
    5-10 7k moderate
    5-11 rest
    5-12 7k moderate
    5-13 7k moderate
    5-14 7k thresholdy
    5-15 7k easy
    5-16 11k slow
    5-17 7k moderate
    5-18 rest

    May Total: 117k
    May Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k

    2020 Total through April: 700k

    A rainy, scheduled rest day today.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
    9-19 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson, OH
    10-11 Haunted Hustle 5k, Aurora, OH
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    I did 3 miles Friday, 3.25 Saturday, and set out to do 3 yesterday but ended up walking after 1.5 because I had shin splints.
    I don't understand. I've been averaging 12-15 miles a week the last 2-3 months with no issues. I don't know if maybe 3 days in a row is becoming too much, if I ran too hard the first two days, if it could be my shoes, or if its the extra 20 lbs with being 26 weeks along catching up to me. I was very frustrated and disappointed at myself. The dogs were frustrated as well. When we walk to cool down, they usually stop pulling (I have them trained to run in front of me, makes me push my pace) and walk nicely beside me. I think they were confused because they kept me at a pretty good speedwalk the whole way home.

    Go back and read your post and look at what you have done in the last 3 days. How many pregnant women do you see out running? You are doing all this and the rest of life while growing a human in your body! You are doing amazing! It's ok to listen to your body when it protests. That's how we prevent really bad injuries and shorten our recovery time. You are awesome so no negative talk!


  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    I did 3 miles Friday, 3.25 Saturday, and set out to do 3 yesterday but ended up walking after 1.5 because I had shin splints.
    I don't understand. I've been averaging 12-15 miles a week the last 2-3 months with no issues. I don't know if maybe 3 days in a row is becoming too much, if I ran too hard the first two days, if it could be my shoes, or if its the extra 20 lbs with being 26 weeks along catching up to me. I was very frustrated and disappointed at myself. The dogs were frustrated as well. When we walk to cool down, they usually stop pulling (I have them trained to run in front of me, makes me push my pace) and walk nicely beside me. I think they were confused because they kept me at a pretty good speedwalk the whole way home.

    Go back and read your post and look at what you have done in the last 3 days. How many pregnant women do you see out running? You are doing all this and the rest of life while growing a human in your body! You are doing amazing! It's ok to listen to your body when it protests. That's how we prevent really bad injuries and shorten our recovery time. You are awesome so no negative talk!



    Definitely! I can't run three days in a row at all, let alone do so carrying another human being!

    Have been speed reading and not talking much recently, been in a bit of a fug with my cabin fever. I've been for 4 outdoor runs and 1 outdoor walk now, still taking a lot of effort to force myself out of the door but it is nice to be outside apart from dodging idiots and sliding about... I try to be out the door by 7am to avoid the crowds of walkers and runners that have suddenly appeared but our local council seems to think the way to deal with the current situation is to spray all the streets with disinfectant every morning and I don't know what it is they're using but oh boy is it slippery!
    Hal is working me hard, I think this week is the 'peak' of this base training he has me doing. The total for the week is 23 miles, which is about the same as the peak week of his novice HM plans and my highest so far. Feels like I've been increasing mileage for weeks on end, and my legs are missing swimming and the evil physio. Add the fact I'd never really done much speedwork before and now I'm doing it every week, and you'll understand why I quickly felt the difference between nice soft treadmill and hard sidewalks and roads! So decided to only go outside for one run last week and this week. The next two weeks' runs are a lot shorter (thank GOD!) so I might head out more often then. Unless (as people think) they decide to make masks obligatory in public spaces. I don't think I could run with a real mask on. What I'm doing atm is wear a buff and pull it up over my mouth and nose whenever I see another human.
    Then I start the next HM training cycle. The first few weeks at least should feel like a rest. I'm going to try and intermediate plan this time round, and I think (and fear) the mileage is higher than I've done before. It was that or train for a marathon for a challenge, but I'm not at all likely to be running a marathon anytime soon.

    02/05: 11.3km race pace
    04/05: 6.15km fartleks
    06/05: 6.57km easy
    07/05: 10.4km intervals
    09/05: 11.5km lsr
    11/05: 5.53km tempo
    13/05: 8.04 easy
    14/05: 9.6km intervals
    16/05: 13.07km lsr
    18/05: 5.12km

    May goal: 140km. Run so far: 87.28km
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5/1 – 3
    5/2 – 3
    5/3 – 3
    5/4 – 3
    5/5 – 0
    5/6 – 2
    5/7 – 4
    5/8 – 4
    5/9 – 3
    5/10 – 10K Mother’s Day virtual
    5/11 - 2
    5/12 – 3
    5/13 – 2
    5/14 – 5
    5/15 – 4
    5/16 – 5
    5/17 - 5
    5/18 - 2 - it's Skip's birthday so I ran 2.0 in honor of her turning 20

    59 of 50 miles

    Mother’s Day Virtual 5K – done
    Retro Run Virtual 5K – done
    Rona on the Run - Virtual for St. Jude benefit - done
    Keep Moving Huntsville - at least one mile a day 1 - 31 May
    Pirate Challenge – 10 weeks mile challenge June - Sept
    Flora-Bama 600K - Virtual race from Huntsville AL to the Florida Alabama state line in Orange Beach
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @Faebert I don't even know how the spoiler thing works ha ha nice shoes
    @brittanystebbins95 I agree with @Teresa502 you are doing great, give your body a rest when it needs it, could really be as simple or complex as your body changing right now.
    @eleanorhawkins they are spraying the streets. Okay that is a new level of insanity. Since you are starting another cycle of HM I would definitely rest just as if you would after a race. Skip is ultra training, she took off about 10 days after her marathon and then came back slowly running mostly with dear old me and then started a couple weeks ago on the plan. Body needs to rest. I don't run with a mask, sorry I can barely run with a buff when it's 10F out without feeling like I can't breathe let alone when it's 80F. I wear one if I'm in a store though they are not mandatory here.

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I try to be out the door by 7am to avoid the crowds of walkers and runners that have suddenly appeared but our local council seems to think the way to deal with the current situation is to spray all the streets with disinfectant every morning and I don't know what it is they're using but oh boy is it slippery!

    Spraying the streets? I mean unless you have a lot of people licking the streets or something, I am not sure what they think it will do?

    Ikr? On the news last night, they were showing some town that has set up a 'disinfecting arch' over the main road into town so all cars coming from elsewhere get sprayed before they drive in. I mean wtf? They think the cars are going to bring a virus in, rather than the people inside them? It's like you see people driving about in their cars, alone, wearing masks. But then at the other end of the scale you have the people that pay no attention at all to any of the rules. As of today we are allowed to visit relatives as long as more than 10 of us don't gather at once, we all stay 2 metres apart and wear masks. Sport is still strictly individual and we must keep at least 10m distance for running, 20m for cycling. Walking in pairs at the most and only people who live together, and at least 4m from other walkers. So 7.30am I found a group of like 15 teenaged girls out walking, no masks, arms linked, spread all the way across the street. The mind boggles, it really does. Is there no middle-ground or common sense left in this world?

    ETA on the spraying thing. My mother lives in a small rural village up in the mountains. They don't have street-cleaning vehicles there. So they've recruited a bunch of local farmers to use their tractors to pull tanks of disinfectant with hoses round the streets, with a council worker walking behind operating the hoses. Dunno what they're spraying, but dogs keep burning their paws on it afterwards :(

    Not only does it not sound very effective at limiting spread of the virus, but it also sounds harmful to wildlife and plant life (in addition to people and pets).
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    I try to be out the door by 7am to avoid the crowds of walkers and runners that have suddenly appeared but our local council seems to think the way to deal with the current situation is to spray all the streets with disinfectant every morning and I don't know what it is they're using but oh boy is it slippery!

    Spraying the streets? I mean unless you have a lot of people licking the streets or something, I am not sure what they think it will do?

    Ikr? On the news last night, they were showing some town that has set up a 'disinfecting arch' over the main road into town so all cars coming from elsewhere get sprayed before they drive in. I mean wtf? They think the cars are going to bring a virus in, rather than the people inside them? It's like you see people driving about in their cars, alone, wearing masks. But then at the other end of the scale you have the people that pay no attention at all to any of the rules. As of today we are allowed to visit relatives as long as more than 10 of us don't gather at once, we all stay 2 metres apart and wear masks. Sport is still strictly individual and we must keep at least 10m distance for running, 20m for cycling. Walking in pairs at the most and only people who live together, and at least 4m from other walkers. So 7.30am I found a group of like 15 teenaged girls out walking, no masks, arms linked, spread all the way across the street. The mind boggles, it really does. Is there no middle-ground or common sense left in this world?

    ETA on the spraying thing. My mother lives in a small rural village up in the mountains. They don't have street-cleaning vehicles there. So they've recruited a bunch of local farmers to use their tractors to pull tanks of disinfectant with hoses round the streets, with a council worker walking behind operating the hoses. Dunno what they're spraying, but dogs keep burning their paws on it afterwards :(

    Not only does it not sound very effective at limiting spread of the virus, but it also sounds harmful to wildlife and plant life (in addition to people and pets).

    I guess this would be a bad time to be on a motorcycle or drive a convertible!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Hope you had a great birthday @bearly63 !

    Happy Birthday to Skip too! Oh to be 20 years old again!