Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 119



  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    SW: 218.4 lb (12/1/19)
    Total weight loss: 28.8 lb

    Round 117 ⬇️4.4lbs
    Round 118 ⬆️ 3 lbs.. the holiday got me

    Round 119
    7/6- 195- alright .. let’s lose everything I gained. 😓
    7/7- 194.8 - going to KI today and hoping to walk a lot!
    7/8- 192.4- my elliptical broke this morning so I improvised and ran 3 miles... my body hurts. Hoping to get a new elliptical ASAP
    7/9- 191.6 - T25 cardio workout this morning
    7/10- 191.2 💪🏼
    7/11- 189.6 ❤️❤️ Woo let’s hope I can stay in the 180s
    7/12- 188.4 😃I’m having a great weekend and keeping on track
    7/13- 187.2 This weekend has been amazing and shows me that I can still enjoy my weekend and have a few drinks and still lose!
    7/14- 187.5 - not unexpected and 100% ok with having a small cheat day
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 995 Member
    @musicsax I am so sorry. Your grandson, you and your family are in my prayers.
  • Tesha231
    Tesha231 Posts: 381 Member
    @starrjulia8 Sorry for the loss of your Grandma. Hugs!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,440 Member
    @Tesha231 My scale gives me other stats, apart from weight. Muscle/fat/water percentage, BMI, bone weight, and daily calories needed (TDEE) I also sudofed body measurements. Currently I have lost about 48” overall.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,440 Member
    @musicsax (((Hugs))) So sorry about your little GS. Praying for him. 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,276 Member

    To all our French Friends: have a safe and wonderful Independence Day!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,276 Member
    @musicsax I am praying for that very possible miracle for your DGS. My prayers also go out to you, your DD and SIL, as well as the rest of the families.
  • carol7878
    carol7878 Posts: 302 Member
    Round 119

    Female age 66
    Height 5’7
    OSW 235 lbs 5/1917
    SW 1/01/20. 182 lbs
    Old goal 150 achieved round 116 ⭐️⭐️
    Update goal 145 lbs

    Beginning 182lbs at round 100
    Round 100: 178.4lbs -3.6
    Round 101: 174.4lbs -4
    Round 102: 171.8lbs -2.6
    Round. 103: 170lbs -1.8
    Round. 104: 167.4lbs -2.6
    Round. 105: 164.0lbs -3.4
    Round 106: 169.6 lbs +5.6🙁
    Round 107 : 163.8 lbs -5.8 😀
    Round 108: 163.0 lbs. -0.8
    Round 109: 159.6 lbs -3.4🤗
    Round 110: 159.6 lbs. 0.00🤷‍♀️
    Round 111: 158.2 lbs. -1.4🤗
    Round 112: 157.8 lbs. -0.4
    Round 113: 156.0 lbs -1.8 🤗
    Round 114: 154.0 lbs -2.0 🤗
    Round 115: 151.6 lbs. -2.4 🤗
    Round 116: 150.0 lbs. -1.6 🤗⭐️
    Round 117: 147.0 lbs. -3.0 🤗
    Round 118: 145.2 lbs -1.8 🤗

    07/06 144.6 lbs -0.6 1,746 Calories, 73 Carbs, 44 Net Carbs, 6,328 steps and 30 minutes water aerobics.

    07/07 145.2 lbs + 0.6. I just kept snacking last night. It was healthy veggies and dip. But calories add up. So No Surprise here! 1,520 Calories, 46 Carbs, 23 Net Carbs, and 8,141 steps. Corrected 7/06’s numbers!! That still might be wrong because I didn’t weigh my snacks. That can make a big difference

    07/08 145.2 ➡️ 1,589 Calories, 43 Carbs, 23 Net Carbs, and 8,719 steps. This is maintenance hope I can keep it up! 👍

    07/09 145.0 lbs, 1,448 Calories, 28 Carbs, 15 Net Carbs, and 9,329 steps. Good day, I kept busy and that always help me from snacking!

    07/10 144.6 lbs. 1,557 Calories, 36 Carbs, 15 Net Carbs, and 7,267 steps. It has been a sad week, we lost 2 close friends to cancer. Both families decided to have private funerals due to COVID-19.

    07/11 144.2 lbs, 1,508 Calories, 42 Carbs, 28 Net Carbs, 2,419 steps and 30 minutes of water aerobics.

    07/12 143.8 lbs 1,786 Calories, 49 Carbs, 37 Net Carbs, 6,211 steps and 30 minutes water aerobics.

    07/13 145.0 lbs no surprise here! 1,342 Calories, 50 Carbs, 30 Net Carbs, and 8,822 steps.

    👍🏼👍🏼 This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE. 👍🏼👍🏼
  • carol7878
    carol7878 Posts: 302 Member
    Looks like I totally missed a day!!🤪😂
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,410 Member
    @musicsax I cannot imagine the anguish you are enduring right now. I will be praying for you, your family, and a miracle. I don’t know where you live, but can you seek a specialist? Someone at Duke, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins or some other first class medical facility? Someone who specializes in the genetic disorder your sweet little one suffers from???