
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Machka - I have fun when my daughters and grandchildren are around. I enjoy visiting and talking with friends. To me those are fun days.


    And I'm thinking that for me, it might be more like an all-day bicycle ride exploring a place I haven't been before, stopping to take photos, stopping for lunch in a new cafe, etc. <3:smiley:

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    For those of you who like a bit of luxury in your hotels ...

    World’s only gold-plated hotel opens in Vietnam: The Dolce Hanoi Golden Lake hotel

    M in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: Gold Beach, 1 load laundry, board meeting reminder
    Bonus: pleasant afternoon with Joe at the picnic table, amended grant agreement reply.
    Get to do: rx, BB&B, clean something, practice new dances (Turning Tables, Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); transplant bean, make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments. Sunday board meeting reminder, Monday cancel board at vet, Tuesday Library, Line Dance class, board meeting prep, Wednesday T’ai Chi, pack, pooches to petsitter, board meeting
    Altruistic August
    9: water some plants, Lord knows they need it!

    Welcome @farmermariepier and con VERY gratulations on being smoke free! Glad to hear you’ve eliminated the diet pepsi, think that is another really healthy choice.
    SuziQ Glad to hear from you. Good detecting, Sherlock! We’ve also learned that our homeowner’s insurance had a $1500 water damage deductible for a $30 off the premium. New agent doesn’t recommend as water damage is most common claim and averages at least $2000. With the policy’s $500 deductible and the extra water damage deductible, means that $2K would come out of our pockets. Yikes. Waiting for her quote, looking forward to switching.
    Welcome back @annalee_1 ! You have come to the right place for support. This is a very caring group and a judgement-free zone.
    Heather I must have been channeling you this afternoon. Instead of staying in the house, I took my lunch and bottle of wine out to where Joe was sitting and we had a lovely time chatting. Note to self, if you want to be with Joe, be WITH him.
    Beth remind me how your youngest’s son’s garbage panned out?
    Allie holy moly indeed! Hope those bags of treats were big Our pups love these https://www.chewy.com/full-moon-organic-chicken-jerky-dog/dp/176569 2 lbs/$21/ or 1 lb/$12. We order when getting kibble so meet the free shipping minimum.
    Tracey the “don’t see bras making a comeback” cartoon made me snort my water. Thanks for the much needed laugh!
    Pip :love: Yogi in the fountain. Lucky Yogi to have such a greenspace!
    Karen in VA stunning pic. What have you been up to otherwise?

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    August: better than July.
    daily: steps>5491=3446 vits=10 log=9 CI<CO=7 CI<250<CO=5 Tumble & Shadow 5=6 mfp=9 outside=4 up hill=3
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=3 rx=1 dance=1 clean 30 mins=1-2/3
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=2 20for20=
    bonus: AF=6 play= sew=
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited August 2020
    B) Far too hot! Wasn't feeling too good yesterday (Sunday) felt very queezy and had an upset tummy. Feel a bit better this morning, but feel a little dizzy - well not full on dizzy, but sort of lightheaded.

    I'm about twenty pages behind - spending too much time watching decluttering videos instead of actually doing the work. Also been busy painting and trying to get someone to take out our gas fire. I broke the outside lantern/lamp a few days ago (I was trying to "sweep" away the cobwebs in the porch area and accidentally knocked the lamp off it's bracket and can't get it back on :s ) Trying to get hold of an electrician is impossible. I've advertised on check a trade.com but so far no takers, it's probably too small a job for them. I'll have to look in the local link magazine, see if I can get someone.

    Better get to the shop for mum, I didn't go to see my mum yesterday and I know she has a few bills to pay and no doubt a shopping list.

    Take Care. <3

    Viv UK
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Monday!

    Oops, slept in by 2 hours. Good thing we normally get up 4 hours before we have to be at work. Was really unproductive yesterday. Cooked breakfast, cleaned up dishes, helped husband (Steve) with JCB, spent several hours with Steve's uncle . That time was nice. Heard lots of family stories and saw the car. We aren't taking the car but the time was great. Came home, made dinner, went to meet friends for ice cream. Steve went into the small grocery in town and picked up a couple of things with one of our friends. We then picked up my order from the big grocery. I did clean up the kitchen and a quick decluttering before bed. I never made the bed yesterday 😯
    I reckon once written down it wasn't too unproductive.😉
    Just got a text that my other niece is delivering her baby today! Prayers for safe delivery and health for momma and baby boy.❤❤❤

    Need to get ready for work.

    Joy- I find that daily in lots of activities

    Fun- that requires some thinking.

    Remember water!

    Kylia running behind in Ohio
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited August 2020
    Typing around Egg this morning, as the moment Corey leaves for work (about 5:20 a.m.) she comes and lays on my lap, as she knows I'll be at the computer for a while..

    VERY pleased with the scale this morning, as I've now lost 10 pounds in 10 days, 21 pounds total since mid-March, and now stand at 198 - Woot! One-der-land... :blush: Will continue this pattern until it no longer works for me - Burn 1,000+-calories in exercise daily, keep calories in to 1400 or less, and stick to a reasonable IF eating pattern. First meal was about 1 p.m., dinner was at 6 p.m. yesterday.

    Much like Rebecca, I eat what I choose--am not trying to restrict proteins, carbs or fats, nor am I struggling to balance my macros, etc. For instance, lunch was a tortilla with mozzarella cheese and three pepperoni melted on it in the microwave (I know it's weird, I've just been obsessed with them of late).

    Love seeing that benighted scale move under 200... I'm such a big geeky girl. Well, a shrinking geeky girl. Makes me happy.

    Minor family kerfuffle:
    My daughter asked (over text message) last night if I would come up and stay two weeks at the beginning of September while her husband is in the field. She's beginning a nursing class and will be out two evenings a week, working in the office two or three days a week, and working from home a few days a week.

    I said "No." Evidently, the other set of grandparents also have said no as well, because they're usually the ones who bail them out of these short jams. They're two hours closer, and honestly, kind of suckers where these kids are concerned. More power to them. I don't babysit kids, I'm not good at it, they sense it, and it sheer misery for all concerned. OK, mostly for me, but that's just one of three major reasons--I don't want to be away from my husband, and am just getting my old Crohn's-type issues under control for the first time in a year and a half.

    My daughter has been hinting at this on Facebook for more than two weeks now, "Can any family member come give me a hand for these two weeks?" has been posted more than once. I roundly ignored every post to that effect, and told Corey it was aimed at me. Sure enough, she finally asked semi-directly. When I said, "Your dad needs me here, and I need to be here," my very verbose daughter came back with "Okay," which means now she's PO'd. To her, I'm not working, so I'm the perfect babysitter.

    Nearly five decades ago, when my oldest brother's wife got pregnant, my mother's response to the news was, "I don't babysit." Now I know why.

    She'll come around in the end, but she's not good at being thwarted, and it may take a while.


    Re - where I find joy...
    Like Kylia, daily activities, being away from in front of a computer, working my body physically to exhaustion on a serial basis, something I've seldom done in my adult life. Feeling the seasons change, as the breathless heat gives way to the occasional cool morning that says Fall is coming. Your triumphs bring joy as well.

    Laughing -
    Saturday afternoon, driving with my husband, I don't even remember what we were discussing, but I remember laughter filling the car.

    Whoops! Egg's long gone, and it's time I headed for the elliptical. After that, the garden and trees need water, and I'll probably get the trimming done this morning around the edges of the house, the new fence, and orchard. Corey helped me move about 20 flowering plants to the fence lines yesterday, trying to put those things that love shade in the shady spots, and the sun-lovers in the sunny spots. Will either mow today after the dew burns off or tomorrow.

    Later, y'all,
    Love, Lisa
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Barbara What I have been up to: Probably most notably, I worked my last shift at brick & mortar urgent care yesterday! It was a gratifying and productive shift; a good way to end my career there. I’m still technically a prn (as needed) employee, but would take a shift only if they offered a bonus I could not turn down. I am not sad, despite 30 years with the company…I suppose partly because the door is still open…but I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s a demanding job, both physically and mentally, and even more so now because Pandemic. Wearing mask/fogged-up eye covering all day is annoying & tedious. I noticed my younger colleagues seem energized by the challenge, while I feel depleted. Can only imagine how it is going to be come flu season.

    Karen in Virginia

    Congratulations! I hope the next phase brings much joy and you find that energy again as well...

    Lisa in AR
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Barbara - I am surprised by your insurance agent's quote. Flood insurance is handled via FEMA/Government and is regulated. Flood insurance here is about $400/year and I am only 14 feet about sea level, but am not in a flood zone.

    Karen - Congratulations! On to your next phase! You did a wonderful job planning and moving over to your new gig. Very happy for you!

    Lisa - Wow, WTG on the weight loss!! It's interesting how people in general just assume one does not have a life because they do not work. I find many say to me, "well, you do not have children". My prompt response is, "that does not mean I do not have a life or my time isn't as valuable as yours". Yes, I can be a bit snarky at times.

    Kylia - Congratulations on the soon to be new member of the family!!

    Pip - What a great doggy area!

    Happy Monday one and all!
    SuziQ - SFL
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im up ans Alfie is fed and begging and barking for treats.. he loves those treats lol
    My poor brother honestly.. they are still.without power and even on the generator the cord i am guessing went bad as now the well pump and AC aren't working..
    Jean left for work around 6:15 saying she is all stressed out. Meanwhile Sean wakes up checks on Faith there she is on the floor her diaper soaking wet,her pajamas soaking wet.
    Jean doesnt even go into talk with her anymore unless she has to.as Faith will start with 20 questions..
    Sure Jean is stressed but she comes home Thursday afternoons packs a cooler and takes the dog and goes up to the Lake every weekend..awww and who has to deal with her mom ,me and Sherri.im glad to get paid for it and I love her to death..but honestly i think Jean is delusional
    Well i have a 10 am phone call and will make my tea now..
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    And, here was my fun (cleaned) up with the neighbor's leaking water heater.

    The first picture is the entry to my pantry. Notice how it slops down from the stairs. The second shows my water heater under the stairs, the space between the water heater and the wall and the area where I had to clean up the majority of the water. :smile: If I was still 40 pounds heavier it would have been a challenge to get between the wall and water heater!


  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    And, finally.....for those of us who love onions. I saw this on FB and found it interesting.
