Labor Day Shredders!



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Circuit training general is the closest to my HRM
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Just finished day 2. I didn't have weights yesterday, today my husband got me five pound ones. I was ok until the arm raises towards the end. For some reason I had the hardest time and after about four times I could hardly raise my arms with those stupid weights at all (forget about getting to eye level). :sad:
  • Jbugfit2011
    Just want to say Great Job to everyone!

    My name us Jessica I am Arbonne Consultant so I work from home while taking care of my 2 year old daughter. I plan to set the alarm for 6:00am for the next 30 days... I am finding If I don't do it before she wakes up I have a second chance during her nap. I am going to be honest and let you all know I have been extremely exhausted the last 4 days. Unusually exhausted! Although I have committed to this challenge and I will be accountable sorry for not being timely. Tomorrow will be my first day of the shred but I plan on doing (2) daily doubles to catch up :)

    Measurements will be posted in the morning along with CW.& GW
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Anyone know how to log it in your exercises?

    Put it as circuit training. It's as close to my HRM as you can get.
  • JellyPrz619
    How does everyone feel today? I'm a little sore (mostly legs). Also, anyone who can't do the regular push ups? I can do around 3 total then switch to modified.

    I can't do any regular push ups D:
    Not yet at least
  • tiggerfan
    going to be doing D3 a few hrs later than normal during the week days
    my youngest went back to school today, and I've gotta go do the food shopping as well,
    had a sneaky measure this morning, when I got up, and fingers crossed, it looks like I've lost bout 2.5-3 inches all over, but will see wait and see wot day 11 says
  • blackheartedd
    Hey guys! Today was my L1D1. It was ... wow. I cried for a bit in the last abs .. :D And Im 99,9% sure that tomorrow i'll barely walk :D I'll do my best to do day 2. I've decided to do it 6 times per week. I'll still do the 30s.

    My goal is to feel better about myself. I've always been chubby .. I want the body that I've always dreamed of. And Im pretty close. Ive lost a lot of weight in the passed 1 year.
    + right now im not feeling so well, and I plan on turning the bad feelings into kick *kitten* body. There is always a big plus in depressions. You just have to find it :D

    About me - Im from Bulgaria, my name is Valeia , im 21 years old and a student. Don't have kids, but in a relationship.

    My current weight is 77kilos whiich in lbl isss... (goes to google to search for calculator) 169.4lbs O_O
    My weight goal is 70kilos, but when I get there I might fight for 67. We'll see. The main goal as I said is to feel good.
    Im 5.7" (I think this must be in feet) or with other words - 1,73cm tall.

    UUUM.. measurements ..
    Waist - 71 cm = 27.9527 "
    Arm - 33 cm = 12.9921 "
    One leg - 62 cm = 24.4094 "
    hip - 108 cm = 42.5196 "

    My problem area is my hips. And arms. I kind of like my tummy, but I can look better. :D I've seen a lot of before and after pictures of 30day shred, and most of the people lost a bunch of inches in their waist. We'll see what we'll happen with me. I'll do a before picture today, and in the end of the 30ds I'll show them to you. :D

    Sorry for the long post :S Wish you all a happy day/evening and lets get shreded! Don't give up! And good luck!
  • tiggerfan
    just finished today's.
    and am happy to say that when doing the press-ups this time on the first round I did 10, then had to do the modified ones, then on second time round managed to do 4 full press-ups, and the rest modified,
  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    :grumble: CONFESSION TIME :grumble:

    I was posting on here yesterday with the best intentions on going home and doing the shred. BUT after work we had a going away party for someone, had a couple beers....... grabbed McDonald's on my way home...... when I got home I laid down with my little guy and fell asleep with him... :sad:

    BUT BUT BUT... before you all yell at me... I am jumping back on the wagon. I woke up early this morning and did Day 2 on the shred and then I have 3 hours of volleyball tonight and IF I can move afterwords I will do Day 3... so I am not letting a few hours of naughtiness keep me down, like it usually does. :noway:
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    I did day one yesterday!!! IT KICKED MY BUTT!!! :laugh: But I am not going to give up... I will be doing day 2 tonight...wish me luck...Also, do I need to eat back all my calories? I had 600 left over yesterday because I didn't eat all I had worked off...
  • jts10
    jts10 Posts: 37
    I started a day after you all because I was out of town, but I am in! Unfortunately I didn't get to do a measurement (I guess I could do it 3 days late?) but I still need to go get a tape to do the measurements.

    For the first week I am just going to be doing the 30 day shred, but after that, has anyone found it nice to run as well? I am pretty active -- play ultimate frisbee a few times a week, but I could definitely push it up a notch to lose the 15 lbs that I want. Any suggestions?
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Feeling way more sore today after D2L1. It burned a lot in my arms to pick up my infant 22lb son! But I love feeling the burn!
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Feeling way more sore today after D2L1. It burned a lot in my arms to pick up my infant 22lb son! But I love feeling the burn!

    I am a day late so I have no clue how I will feel tomorrow after day 2 LOL...I know my legs are feeling it this morning...
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Going to be doing D3L1 when I get home from work tonight. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and let me just tell you that all I can say is *ouch*. My legs are sooo sore! Gotta love that from only doing a 27 minute workout!! Hope you all have a great day. Good luck!

  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Yes my legs burn sooo badly too!! The baby woke up at 2am and I sprung out of bed not thinking about how sore I would be and ouchie!

    Question, how many minutes do you log in the circuit training into MFP? I don't have a HRM yet.(I want one soo badly) I wasn't sure if it was more accurate to do 20, or a little more? Thanks!
  • tiggerfan
    Question, how many minutes do you log in the circuit training into MFP? I don't have a HRM yet.(I want one soo badly) I wasn't sure if it was more accurate to do 20, or a little more? Thanks!

    I log it as 26 mins, as I include the warm up and cool down
  • tangerine202
    Im a couple of days late on my measurements (we were out of town) but here they are!

    9/7 Weight- 180.2
    Arms (l,r)-13.5, 13.5
    Upper Waist-33
    Lower Waist-42
    Thighs(l,r)-26, 25.5
    Calves(l,r)-16, 15.75
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    L1D3 DONE!

    Sorry I have been MIA all morning, it was my little Colton's 1st day of PreK... It was a rough morning for me! He did great, but Im stuggling with my baby being so grown already! :sad: Ok enough about me!

    I am so ready for day 4... on every round i have done it, day 2 & 3 are the WORST! Come day 4 & 5, MUCH easier! :wink:
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    :glasses: :glasses: Started Day 1 yesterday (Level 1)... Can't believe how sore I am!! Can't wait do do Day 2 when I get home!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    To get caught up on a few peoples questions...

    I dont do the cool down but the warm up and actual work out is about 25 min for each level on my HRM

    I too do modified push ups. Round 1 I had just had a csection and could barely do 6 modified, not I am happy to announce after 2 full rounds of the shred I can do about 7 real push ups, however I only do real ones on the first set, modified on the 2nd.

    Angela- Slacker! You better double up to get caught up! :wink: However, falling asleep snuggling your son is a pretty good excuse to me since I have 2 sons I know how it goes :love:

    Heather- You are suppost to eat back your exercise calories. That being said I would only eat them all back if you are using a HRM. Circuit trainging is really close to what my HRM says, but as for other exercise on here, bike,walk, run, ect it WAY over estimates. For instance, standing 1 hour- 400 calories... so i say if you dont have a HRM eat like half of them back. Just my opinion though :happy:

    Great job everyone!!!! :flowerforyou: We are almost half way though level 1! And after about 4 days level 1 gets... i wont say easy... but definitly better!!! Dont be alarmed if you have weighed yourself and you see that you have gained a few lbs. Sore muscles retain water to heal, or so I head. And that has been the pattern for me so far during all 3 times. I always gain a lb or 2 the first week then by day 10 im down quite a bit!!!

    Thanks for listening to me ramble! Anyone who hasnt got there weight and measurements and info about yourself in please do!

    Happy Shredding!!! :drinker: