

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    SuziQ & Kylia & Lisa & Faye ~ You all make me feel like a lazy so-and-so...LOL When you get so much done so early, what is left for the rest of the day?

    Carol in GA

    Carol, that is my thought too. I’ve always been a night owl though and used to do all of that after my girls and husband were in bed. Now a couple hours each Sunday and my house is good to go. That’s one advantage of small spaces.

    I find the days I don’t work very long if I don’t have plans.


  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    Ok its offical. I am a proper slug when it comes to waking up. I won't even admit to y'all the time I get up.
    Lazy as all get out on Whidbey Island
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »

    Rita – I want the best of both worlds….road travel and a home base. I keep thinking along the lines of a small cottage with a decent shed/garage. Between the pension Charlie left me and SSI I should be able to swing it, but not living in SFL where everything is getting more expensive by the day.

    Tina – From what I have read excessive hand washing is a sign of a OCD which is why I had to reign myself in when I thought carrying around a roll of paper towels would be a good idea! I know I am a little OCD because I prefer things to be in their place, organized, clean, etc. But over the years have learned to temper myself a little. I started to get bad in my early to mid-twenties and then realized what was going on and toned it down. It will always be part of me, but in my instance very controllable.

    Barbie – I love a PBJ every now and then. Except I cannot put two inches of PB and one inch of jam like I did when I was much younger! There is a restaurant here called Tucker Dukes and they make PB & J Bon Bons – Fried Peanut Butter and Housemade Berry Jam which is served with shots of milk. One day I will try them!

    Machka – As I was moving along the ceiling I was also vacuuming the baseboards. Most of the hand sanitizers contain aloe which makes them sticky to me. I buy and make a blend of 50% alcohol and 50% sanitizer. It cuts the stickiness factor. I do not like touching raw meat either. I have disposable gloves for that chore. TG I am not a huge meat eater!! I think anyplace containing more than one child is a petri dish. 😊

    Early Rising – Actually, I do not go to bed too early. It’s usually around 10-11pm, unless something really good is going on. Then, I can stay up. Six hours of sleep is about the best amount for me. On the weekends I do take a nap. When I get so much done in the morning I can feel good about taking the rest of the day and doing whatever I want. If I decide I want to spend the rest of my day in bed – it is guilt free!
    Hugs to all,
    SuziQ – SFL

    I had to reign myself in too. I am not as bad as I used to be, but I get a bit of anxiety when I do use my hand to flush a public toilet and there is no soap. I don't go crazy using sanitizer at amusement parks and when we go on dive trips, I just accept that I will have to eat with dirty hands. However, I do carry a little bottle of soap and a washcloth for hikes. :smiley:

    I don't think liking to have things in their places and being tidy is OCD. I think it's healthy and organized.

    I like early rising, but not 3am early. I couldn't get anything done because I'd wake the mister, so I'd just be sitting on the computer anyway. I am also a terrible napper. However, the early mornings on the deck with coffee is wonderful.

    I vacuum my vents and the cobwebs now and then. I'm too lazy to do the baseboards. I'm kind of obsessive about keeping the kitchen tidy.

    I agree about sanitizers without aloe. Much less sticky, as are the spray kind.

    I love PB&J. It's a dessert for me. I also eat peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon as a treat. When I was a kid, I liked more jelly. Now it's all about the PB.

    I hate touching raw chicken. Other meat is OK, but chicken just feels slimy to me.

    The fires up north have increased substantially over night. Thinking of all of you up there!

    Tina in CA where it "feels like" 102 at 10am.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 160 Member
    Can't find my original post stating my start day. Starting weight 250.5 8/23/20-246.5 4Lb. loss
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    If you don't like the aloe in hand sanitizers, just buy a bottle of Everclear and use it straight. 95% and safe for skin. I mix my own with 10% pure aloe jell and it isn't sticky just smooth. Everclear is safe to use on your lips and face. 1/2 gallon goes a long way. Everclear is used in first aid training to sanitize the dummy's lips.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    Machka - Happy Anniversary. I always read the story of how you met and ended up married. It always fascinates me how people come together and their histories, I think I was an anthropologist in another life.

    Heather - I played in the dirt a lot too, I used to only wash my hands when I used the washroom and if I got something on them. Now, working in a nursing home my habits have changed significantly. I am very careful and have started carrying hand sanitizer in my purse. I hope that that doesn’t mean I end up catching colds and flus more regularly. I don’t usually get them.

    Glad you were out for your run and that you made it inside before the clouds opened up.

    Faye - my grandchildren used to come visit every Sunday, they would leave their house shortly after their breakfast and would come have 2nd breakfast with us. 2nd breakfast refers to some show or movie that their Dad enjoyed. He is a self proclaimed nerd and I am anything but so I’m not sure which show.
    I have seriously been considering selling some of my scrapbooking supplies. I have a lot that is just taking up space and I don’t seem to be using it at all anymore. The think that has stopped me is that I do want to make a scrapbook for my daughter and for my Grands

    Michele - I hadn’t heard of it either and looked it up. You’re right it seems it could happen at anytime. I hope they repair it for him.

    Pip - I hope you continue to enjoy your retirement. That month went so fast!

    Katla - I’m so happy for you to be able to ride today. Enjoy!

    Rebecca - your fear of spiders is mine with mice.

    I like sleeping in, I find it helps the day go faster. I’m finding it harder to do now because my body is so used to being up. I wake up around 7 every morning. Some weekend days I am able to go back to sleep until 9. I usually go to bed shortly after 10 on weeknights, but I read for an hour or so in bed. On weekends I stay up until 11 or 12 depending on what I find on TV.

    I watched two movies yesterday. I very rarely watch a movie but I felt very lazy yesterday. I watched A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood with Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers in the afternoon and then in the evening after Rodger went to bed I watched Brittany Runs a Marathon. Both good movies, but that will probably be it for a while for me.

    Today I need to do some laundry and tidy up. I may take a peek into the craftroom/spare room to see what I can do about rearranging to make a sitting room in there. I have an idea it will just take some money and a lot of work.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I tell u what, it’s been a month now since retirement and it still hasn’t sunk in. I am loving not having to wake up at 3:30 every weekday and living my life in bike gear and sports bras.

    What job did you work at that you were in bike gear and sports bras? That sounds ideal to me if I could still ride a bike. I am thinking about a 3 wheeler.

    I was a year round bike rider, 52 weeks out of the year, no matter what the weather was like. We would leave the house together from home. He would ride to the bus station, I would ride to the gym, then ride to the train station then run to work. I had an office job. When the gyms closed down, I was riding straight to work (13mi on way trip).

    Katla- no the air quality was still bad but it didn’t affect me.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Machka Happy Anniversary!

    Carol If I missed it, Happy Anniversary!

    Karen in Virginia

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    edited August 2020
    I miss dessing up now and then. There are clothes in my wardrobe that I haven't seen for months and forgotten I had!
    I'm wearing leggings, a camisole and a long sleeved exercise top. I've worn those for months on end. When it was hot I wore pyjama shorts and a silky white camisole. Didn't answer the door in that! :o I've dressed in smart casual for my family visits and twice for my girlfriend. 5 times since March 23rd.
    I do put face on if I'm having a Zoom, but don't change clothes.
    I do enjoy scrubbing up and looking decent. These days I go for days with dirty hair, no make up. I should make more effort as I always feel better, but I don't often bother. It's just me and him. :D

    We were meant to be going to Fatto a Mano on Tuesday, because they have completely open to the street tables, but the weather is going to be awful. Rain and high winds. I will have to tell my son we can't go as we are not ready to sit inside. The occasion was to introduce us to the new au pair. :s I will miss the opportunity to scrub up.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2020
    updates stuff done
    1) Walk done
    2) 30 minutes cleaning/tidying,done
    3) order new kitchen scale and laundry bin online done
    4) Order monthly 2h of housecleaning helpdone
    4) track food done
    keeping bar low

    I walk to Montparnasse cemetery these days and sometimes around, then to a café counter and read the paper and drink an expresso maybe someething more.
    Tidied kitchen and living/office space a bit and dumped out earth from plants. My next door neighbour changed and there is some abandoned stuff on the balcony with spider mite webs. the new people are never there when I try to stop by, to ask them to wash up the mite webs. so if I clean and spray with nettle solution (a good remedy) it's all back the next day...

    I had to toss all the flowers and tomato on the balcony! : (
    I would like to scrub and refresh : get new earth, flowers, but it's of no avail till I get the neighbour to clean up her infested corner. it's not noticeable unless one has plants which she doesn't. She just has a left over corner of plant stuff. it makes tiny little white webs that somewhat resemble spider webs, but are more network-y.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Tracey I understand you not selling scrapbooking supplies. If you ever wanted to replace them it would be a real expense. I have a lot of hand wood tools I should sell, but if I ever changed my mind, it would cost me 10 times what I would get for them. Actually I have 3 breakfast. I have a 20 gr protein shake after getting up, then after Tai Chi I have another breakfast, cottage cheese, and unsweetened applesauce, then after my workout, I have almond butter and plain local yogurt. I eat again at 9 AM and then lunch at 11 AM. Snack at 1 PM and dinner at 3 PM. Off to bed at 6-7 PM.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,006 Member
    air quality is now at 340 :(
    It was better last night and early this morning-
    Thunderstorms/dry lightening coming in this evening. Praying no more fires start.
    Trying to get updates for my family/friends are at

    Napa Valley
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,006 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    air quality is now at 340 :(
    It was better last night and early this morning-
    Thunderstorms/dry lightening coming in this evening. Praying no more fires start.
    Trying to get updates for my family/friends are at

    Napa Valley

    now it is 370
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    Debbie - I wasn’t sure of the Air Quality Index system so I looked it up. That’s terrible, I hope you are able to stay inside.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Debbie and others in fire country. I hope you get rain and no wind very soon. I hope none of you are being blacked out and can at least filter some of that bad air. Stay safe ladies and I hope if dry lightning strikes it hits already burned places.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    edited August 2020
    Leftovers today. Left over couple of meatballs and 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce, my kielbasa sausage mixture, (red onions, zucchini, and potatoes) like a 1/2 cups worth, then some pasta. Added a spoonful of olive bruscetta sauce and a spoonful of black olives just because I could. It was pasta mishmash! It was odd, but ok.
    Having a bowl of cereal later.
    Be safe all!
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member

    Faye - my grandchildren used to come visit every Sunday, they would leave their house shortly after their breakfast and would come have 2nd breakfast with us. 2nd breakfast refers to some show or movie that their Dad enjoyed. He is a self proclaimed nerd and I am anything but so I’m not sure which show.

    Tracey In Edmonton

    Second breakfast is from the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Oh my gosh Debbie! Sending good thoughts that things improve. <3
    I'd never heard of the AQI either, but found it on the web.
    I can't imagine the worry.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx <3