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  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,684 Member
    I just tried to post something that went off into outer space. Here goes again, shorter version. Lucky you! :p

    Kim - thank you for the Lisa updates. Sending her hugs and plenty of get well vibes. <3 Good wisdom and insight into being a caregiver for family members, Machka is setting the example for many of us. We plan what we can do if it happens, and will learn as we go along if we get there.

    Rebecca - sending vibes YOUR way for getting Lee back under OHSU's good care, however that might happen.

    Vicki - good that your church alerted about families with Covid. I presume the families are home now, under quarantine? Hope their symptoms are minimal. Good idea wearing a mask under those circumstances.

    We also like "Forged in Fire". Used to watch Deadliest Catch a lot, but not so much anymore. The accountant I worked for Seattle had the Northwestern as a client, Sig Hansen and the crew would pop into the office now and then. He is short. One day he "cussed" one of his daughters out over the phone, in Norwegian, lol.

    Katla - your stratolounger story reminded me of another reason I liked mine (it was dark brown leather color) - there was room for me plus 2 little dogs.

    After doing some hearty hamstring and hip flexor stretches this morning, went on the 2 mile walk with neighbor then out to the potting shed for my SWSY (Strong Women Stay Young) routine. Felt great - boy did I need it. Have Pip's boot ready to get me into doing it again on Saturday.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    We will be up here for some time, but we might just do the yearly appt at OHSU. It all depends how they explain their need to see us in November for a liver biopsy. Last week they called husband saying it was time to schedule his annual biopsy. To that my husband said he didn't have one last year. His numbers have improved since last year so it makes no sense. The fact that Washington's hospital never look at husband's quarterly lab work we do at the Naval base clinic is frustrating! Its been almost a week since husband sent a rather heated message and no call back yet.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,577 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: chiropractor, recycling, dogs to power line, BDBS.
    Bonus: two loads of laundry, packed up hot weather clothes
    Get to do: pack and trip prep, next week: inventory donation then call for appointment, take pics of car, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, Pilot tech support 5034447924 to link subscription and fix login, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; weed drive again, finish weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, Tuesday: call Progressive adjustor.
    Self Care October
    8: make progress on a task you’ve been avoiding: purged some hot weather clothes for next donation

    Joe wants to empty the guest room and set up a chair, TV and card tables in it for him to sort and purge his stuff. Fine with me, I could then vacuum and do laundry without feeling like I was getting on his nerves. He said “vacuuming doesn’t bother me, I’ll suffer to live in a clean house.” :P Then he said he wanted to get rid of the bed entirely, not keep it, as a way of ensuring we have no overnight guests, to protect against infection. I reminded him I had no problem telling my friends “not now” because of the pandemic, but I wanted to keep the bed somehow, in case of future need. The frame we can break down and store in the rafters but the box springs and mattre$$? He just wants to be rid of it. “What if your god daughter called and said they’d lost their house in the fire and had no where to stay, you’d tell them to come here.” “That’s a great example because that is EXACTLY what I’d do, whether we have a mattress or not!” Fortunately we were both laughing by now.

    So, instead of proceeding with morning devotions, ablutions, etc… I did a load of laundry and spent an hour packing up my hot weather clothes, even purging a few pieces. Bonus? Found a glove I’d been missing, so glad I held on to its mate in hope ;)

    Miss Kellie so good to see you and yours. Keep the pics comin’!
    Machka your commute is turning into a triathlon ;) and your marriage a testament to the transformative power of love.
    Allie that’s a powerful way to look at it. I remember how well you cared for Tom’s father and how close you two were.
    Welcome @stopthat35 ! Would you let us know what you’d like to be called and your general locale?
    Kim thanks for keeping us updated on Lisa. Ditto Terri’s healing energy and hopeful thoughts.
    Tina I’m with you about the value of in person correction from teacher, whether its Yoga, T’ai Chi or BB&B. Miss it muchly.
    Evelyn sorry I must have missed last week’s wildness, remind me?
    Michele ((hugs))

    Will only scan then next few days from my phone. Thankful for the surgeon and medications, hopeful we can be done with them.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    October: better than September.
    daily: sit with Joe: 7, weigh: 7, steps>5491=5511 yesterday, 4067 so far today, vits=7 log=7 CI<CO=7 CI<250<CO=6 Tumble & Shadow 5=8 mfp=7 outside=8 up hill=8
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3= rx=1 dance= clean 30 mins=1
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=1 20for20=
    bonus: AF=3 play= sew=0
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    We were married when I was 18 and he was 22, 33 years ago this past June. We’ve grown up together and learned along the way. I don’t think either of us does anything the other truly hates, we each do thing that are a minor annoyance for sure. His tv watching is too loud for me, but my snoring is too loud for him. We have the greatest respect for one another and anything that truly needs discussed and worked out we do. We had a bad 12 years or so where we weren’t on the same page but we got through it and stronger for it.

    Heather - I am not a career either, So I understand what you are saying.
    I think that none of us would react the way we think in those situations we can be stronger than we think when the situation calls for it.

    Barbara - the man cave area is great this is why I want a sitting room. When we lived in the townhouse with a basement, Rodger used to stay down there a lot. We grew apart doing that and I don’t think it helped us. So I put up with his shows as background noise a lot, but if they get too much I’ll go for a bath, or watch tv in the other room.

    Kelly - what lovely pictures, I’m happy you are having a great week.

    Katla - I am watching Forged in Fire with hubby while I’m reading through tonight. There are some beautiful blades made and it is an art. My nephew had my Mom watching it for a few years before she went into the nursing home.

    Kim - thank you for the update on Lisa. She’s been in my thoughts.

    I was thinking the same thing about my daughter’s puppy. My daughter is going to meet the puppies tomorrow so she will see which one chooses her. I can’t wait to see pictures. I am happy for her that she will have company when her husband is away working.

    Vicki - I hope you weren’t near the family that is sick.

    Heather - our eldest tells us almost everything, our youngest is the one that we find out about things later on.

    Lanette - that’s a cool story about Sig. I like Deadliest Catch, but truthfully I think it’s Mike Rowe’s voice that draws me in.

    Michele - hope Vince is on the mend and has no more incidents. You’re fortunate your hospital allowed you in. They aren’t allowing it here yet.

    I talked to my best friend last night and during our call she asked about my Mom. I told her that I didn’t think she has had a visitor since last Christmas so she asked if she would be allowed to yet. I called Mom’s nursing home today and she can go visit if she makes an appointment first. She will be doing that.
    In fairness to my brother Mom’s nursing home had been closed to visitors for 6 weeks in January and February, they had only reopened for a week or so when Covid hit. They started allowing visitors in July though and I can’t fathom why my brother hasn’t visited. I would but I’m not allowed in the province yet.
    Mom will be happy with Cheryle and the administrator told me today that Mom seems very content.

    I went and bought a turkey tonight for our Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. They have put more restrictions on today, but we are still allowed our cohorts and a gathering of 15 or less. Since it is just our girls and their husband’s and our grandchildren we are only at 8. We are all healthy and showing no symptoms.
    It is cool here tonight, for the first time I reached for a jacket when I went out. I guess it is October and to be expected.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    hi, I hope you are all ok. snowed under, with tech stuff in 3 different schools, 3 different platforms. I put a colleague and an old contact in touch professionally. the old contact asked for news and I just spoke about his work, etc. he said I'm always reserved, and asked me by mail to tell what's going on for me. but I feel like nothing's going on. I find some nice moments in life but I find life difficult. I usually like my vocation and it usually eaves me some time for other things. now I'm not enjoying it and it seems to take up most of life. they put people in fields lower in the hierarchy online, and it means 3x times work for same pay, (everyone said that last semester) and less efficient and less pleasant work. no time to develop new pedagogy in relation to the new situation.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2020
    Dr. Katie: I’m so sorry a former coworker has lost her life to COVID. I am even more sorry your DH was exposed to COVID. I hope he stays well and healthy. :heart:

    I went to the grocery store for some items DH wanted and ran into a longtime friend in the parking lot on my way back to my car. I had a nice visit with Karen in the parking lot. She was there with a grandchild. Lucky for her that her family is close by. I’ll admit to envy. When I came home I called my daughter & talked to her on her way home from work. It made me feel better. We were able to connect via the phone. YAY!!! I’m giving thanks to Alexander Graham Bell for inventing the telephone, and the more recent magic of satellite phone service.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    edited October 2020
    Tracey - I only see my elder son about once a year as he lives in Nottingham. I see him every week on the YouTube videos he makes and I rejoice in the fact he seems well and happy now. He had a bad couple of years a few years ago. Long may the good times last! I feel I am seeing him, but, of course, he is not seeing me. :p
    Nottingham is now a covid hotspot and going under strict restrictions, so I'm glad he has had it. He is obese, so it would have been a worry.

    I'm hoping to organise a quick visit to see the grandchildren in their garden on Sunday, if the weather forecast holds out. Even an hour would raise our spirits. <3

    The living room is now very blue, or green, as DH calls it. :o I love it, but I hope it isn’t too much. The painter still has work to do and will come in Saturday morning to finish off. We have asked for backs of doors to be painted, as they are on show as we keep them open, but, strictly speaking they are not part of the living room. That will take him the extra hours. The doors that look like French windows are very time consuming.
    I hope that the walls will calm down when mirrors, ornaments and pictures are back in. Trouble is, I'm not sure I want all of it back! We need to find a rug, which will be a challenge! Buying on line is not easy.

    Michele - I am sure you are tired. Exhausting business worrying about loved ones. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    Morning ladies
    Got up about an hour ago went out and got the paper and took Alfie out.wstching tv and waiting for Faith to wake up..
    Michelle-ugh lots of waiting and worrying
    .hope Vince is on the mend..
    Katie- sorry to hear about your co worker..
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,743 Member
    Lisa, Michele, and any others in need: sending healing vibes and positive energy your way.
    DrKatie: Sorry to hear that your family have been exposed to Covid. (((Hugs)))

    Drive-thru flu jab went off very efficiently. We were actually through and done before our given time. Drive into town and bought fresh salmon (enough for 3 weeks) and venison steak for tomorrow.

    Weather is still bright and sunny, but there may be showers later.

    We are now restricted from meeting indoors with anyone from other households. My elder daughter mentioned Christmas on one of our family Skypes recently, and I had to leave the room during the discussion because I was upset and didn’t want them to feel bad. This morning DH and I decided that we are going forward as If we will be able to get together. We will adjust to whatever the situation is at the time. Where there is a will, there will be a way, even if it has to be outdoors.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited October 2020
    Michele First, I'm glad that Vince is doing better. I also have to be careful about bending down because of my inner ear disorder that also is connected to causing my heart to go into pounding which is very scary. It isn't afib as the rhythms are in sync, just very heavy and concerning. Docs say nothing to worry about, just avoid things that set it off and to stop whatever I am doing when it occurs. I haven't read "Women rowing North" but it sounds interesting. That title makes me think of my friend in her early 60's that is an avid kayaker and she goes year-round even in the harshest conditions. I shiver just looking at her photos, especially from the Canada and Alaska winter expedition with the natives.

    Fae becoming more sissyfied with age
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited October 2020
    Margaret Just floor your car until you hit 60 occasionally and that will keep it carbon-free. My car is 8 years old and has 38,000 on it. I have friends drive me in it to my long distant doctor's appointments just to get it up to freeway speed and keep the engine in good repair.

    I share your aggravation trying to get anything done with any company. They put you on hold on purpose just to discourage you. They try to trick you into contracts. I sign no contracts anymore unless I sell my place and relocate. No contract no service? Well, that is their loss and I will find a service that doesn't require contracts.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited October 2020
    M in Oz Congratulations! That is great! Wow, 5 years 8 months of hard study.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Fantastic Machka! What an achievement! They certainly put you through the hoops. Group work! Ugh! :#:o:#
    Now you can rest and recover and get over the shock of being done.
    My MA , way back in 1972-4, was a doddle compared to yours. I admire your perseverance. :flowerforyou:

    Tandoori chicken tonight. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    Machka- awesomesauce congratulations..you have worked so hard,and been through so much..i commend you !!
    I got a call from the Drs office that they forgot to do a calcium test on the 24 urine catch.. ugh so i have to do it again.. swell.. so another day of staying close to home.. oh well.. could be worse. Will drop Alfie off and run over tonight and get bloodwork done and pick up the jug..lol
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2020
    Heather: Color is important to me. It helps shape my mood. I like blue/green, too. We had our bedroom painted a warm blue and love it. It is similar to the color of a robin’s egg. Trim is white. Our guest room is dove gray with white trim. All the other parts of the house are an orangish beige. I like the cool colors for bedrooms and the warmer color for the parts of the house where we are active during the day. :star:

    Lisa: I hope things are going well for you. I miss your good sense and observations. :heart:

    Michele: I hope Vince is doing well. :flowerforyou:

    (((Dr. Katie))): So sorry you’ve been exposed to Covid 19. I hope your immune system and the rest of your family’s immune systems give it a big dose of Pip’s boot and kicks the virus out. I pray that you stay well. :heart:.

    Fae: More sissified? I doubt it. Fae is making good choices for a healthy life. :star:

    (((Margaret)): Your comments are spot on. I’m sorry for the added stress from the Xfinity provider your son used. The contract was with him, not you. They need to deal with it. :grumble:

    Barbie: You and Jake have created an excellent life together. Congratulations!!! :heart:


    DH made arrangements to get his flu shot at the doctor’s office instead of the pharmacy. He wants to use his injector rather than a needle. I hope it all goes well. I get every vaccine that comes along to protect myself and help to lower risks for DH.

    Night before last I was able to see Mars. It was a beautiful sight and I’m glad I waited up to see it. Now we have clouds that obscure the sky.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    Katie - I'm sorry to read about your friend. I hope that your husband doesn't get it from his exposure.

    Heather- I think once you get your items back in place you'll be happy with your colour choice.

    Terri - I hope that things calm down by Christmas for all of us. I am afraid we will be right back on restrictions too.

    Machka - Congratulations! I think you should celebrate by laying on your sofa. :)

    I better get to work, I have a lot to do today.
    Tracey in Edmonton