Guys/Girls: What is your real opinion on..



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    I like both but I prefer staying in and cook together.

    An amenable compromise. If the dude can't cook, this might guarantee you both at least get edible food and is romantic/cute. If you both can't cook, maybe order out. :lol:
    tmantwo wrote: »
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    Depends. Can he actually cook?

    Should it matter? He tried. (Sorry, not a girl but bro code... I gotsta stick up for the brothers who put forth the effort and try.).

    Edit-boo, I got an anonymous disagree.

    For me? Yes. I cook all the time because I have no choice. It would be nice to have someone else do it for awhile and give me a break and have it be edible. :tongue:
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    A dinner cooked by him if he knows how to cook. Or even cooking together and teaching him a few things along the way. . It doesn't even have to be romantic. I just enjoy seeing a man in the kitchen :)
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,149 Member
    I say take out - one too many times have been "cooked" a dinner or breakfast for something "special" and it's not QUITE edible, or mostly edible, but then being left with the mess to clean up afterward is NOT romantic at all. I've had that Mother's Day breakfast at home- and he left me with 2 sinks full of dishes for my "day off" from cooking, and it was A LOT more work to clean up, and the food- well, it was ok, and I applaud the effort, but there's nothing yummy about burnt eggs. LOL

    And I've eaten things without complaint from him, or the kids when it was made, I'd never want to hurt their feelings. If you can't cook something though, take her out.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    Cooked by him.

    I had an ex who did restaurants exclusively because he didn't know how to cook. Going out all the time got old fast as I don't like most restaurant food (especially if mushrooms aren't on the menu). Also furthering that relationship would have meant I'd end up cooking daily or we'd be one of those couples who eat out nightly like in those movies about old NYC couples. Non, merci 🤷🏿‍♀️
  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,179 Member
    JessBbody wrote: »
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    Tough question. These are two equally appealing scenarios.

    I love going out to dinner because I usually prefer going out instead of staying in, in general. I like the getting dressed up part and the see-and-be-seen part. The actual food is secondary.

    But if he took the time to cook me a meal that he prepared for and tried to create something lovely from his heart, I would like that just as much if not more.

  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,179 Member
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.
  • PlentyofProtein00
    PlentyofProtein00 Posts: 3,667 Member
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner? like being cooked for, watching him at work with a glass of wine in hand listening to music, talking about any random thought.

    But every once in awhile I like getting dressed up.
  • GymGoddessGoals
    GymGoddessGoals Posts: 2,146 Member
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    He cooks for me and I show my appreciation. And if he doesn't feel like cooking I tell him to get into the kitchen and make me a sammich.

    We are somewhat foodies so we do like to go on adventures for dinner as well.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    I guess the big question is... Who's doing dishes? 😬
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Girls: a romantic dinner cooked by him OR brought out for dinner?

    I guess the big question is... Who's doing dishes? 😬

    You know, if he's willing to do dishes and I don't have to do it (for once), I'd be more willing to concede not-as-great tasting food. That's honestly more "hot" to me than a man who can cook: a man who is willing and able to do general chores without having to be asked.

    And to be fair, I've only had one or two instances where it was very obvious that the guy in question was cooking more as a show of ego than from a place of effort and love/affection.

    Most guys I've had relationships with were decent cooks, even if they hated cooking as much as I do. :lol:
    Two of them are/were actually better at cooking (not baking, that is my scene) than I am, so I would usually concede to whatever they felt like making and bake a dessert or make bread/biscuits/pastries for whatever they were preparing.

    Only one I had to teach how to cook (more for his benefit once he left the state and had to do everything on his own since none of us would be there to help him out). He freaked out over having to cut a hunk of meat to make a beef stew, so... :grimace:
  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,179 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    i wouldnt tell anyone anything bc it feels too insulting even if it’s supposed to be helpful.

    i had a friend with a stache in college and it was blonde but like, a lot. one day we went to get nails done and the korean lady doing her nails goes “you should get your face waxed. 15 dollars.” just like that, no kittens given at all. anyways my girl was like “................... okay” and miraculously problem solved.

    You wouldn’t even tell a spouse, sister, good friend? I’d honestly feel like nobody cared enough to tell me it I noticed it down the road.’s a tough one because she has to really know I guess. I hate to have to tell people they have something in their teeth or stuff like that. But I do because I’d want someone to tell me before I embarrass myself further.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    edited November 2020
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    I had a coworker with a full-ish, grey beard. Her focus was on weight maintenance (she was the leader of like a weight loss anonymous or 12-step group, I forget how she described it)

    Anyhooo, her eyesight was fine, she was in a committed long-term relationship and she was a great person so who am I to ask about her beard? I figured she wanted it there or didn't want to bother with the process of not having it there.

    Sidenote: I've chosen to actively ignore (out loud) the subsequent question.
  • Miss_Chiev0us
    Miss_Chiev0us Posts: 1,592 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    I wouldn't say anything since it's on their face and I assume they already know about it. Also, some people have alot if facial hair because of medical conditions so to me it sounds kind of rude and none of my business to point it out.
  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,179 Member
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    I had a coworker with a full-ish, grey beard. Her focus was on weight maintenance (she was the leader of like a weight loss anonymous or 12-step group, I forget how she described it)

    Anyhooo, her eyesight was fine, she was in a committed long-term relationship and she was a great person so who am I to ask about her beard? I figured she wanted it there or didn't want to bother with the process of not having it there.

    Sidenote: I've chosen to actively ignore (out loud) the subsequent question.

    True. I get it. I still hope I have a friend who is good enough to me that they feel comfortable trying to help. I wouldn’t expect something that personal from a co-worker etc. Something in my teeth or my face etc.....anyone. I welcome anyone to have mercy on me.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    edited November 2020
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    I imagine most guys wouldn't for fear of getting slapped, regardless of their relationship with the person.

    Some really good communicators will point it out (in the politest way possible) to their closest friends/family/partner, but most of us don't want to step on toes, assume the other person is already aware of facial hair on their own face they see every day and don't want to hurt people or otherwise start conflict. Also, most of us are probably terrible at communicating things in a friendly, non-confrontational manner, even to those who know us best.

    Unlike having something in your teeth (which you may or may not know depending on the last time you were able to check your reflection), most people are painfully aware of the "imperfections" in and of their own face and don't want others pointing it out. :neutral:
  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,849 Member
    edited November 2020
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    I wouldn't say anything since it's on their face and I assume they already know about it. Also, some people have alot if facial hair because of medical conditions so to me it sounds kind of rude and none of my business to point it out.

    This reminds me of a coworker one time. She had, what I assumed to be ink smudges on her chin. So I told her she had ink on her face to be helpful. She said it was stubble and she’d forgotten to shave it. I felt like such an *kitten*. 🤦‍♀️

    Of course then she proceeded to explain to me why she had stubble because of a medical condition. I swear I didn’t ask her why. But I’m sure it embarrassed her because I, being the smart person I am, told her about the ink in front of another person too. 😬
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    just leave this on their nightstand, bathroom vanity or work desk.

    ....... they'll get the idea and then there's no need for any awkward conversation.

  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Guys.....or anyone.....why would you not tell your wife/gf/mom etc she had a lot of facial hair? I mean, I guess she would have to know for herself so maybe this is irrelevant. I had to meet someone new a couple days ago and she ALMOST could post in the beards thread. That’s an exaggeration. But it was a lot. I get some people don’t care but when they seem to care about their appearance in other ways.....why? I hope someone tells me if it ever comes down to this.

    I wouldn't say anything... I'd just feel kinda mean...
    I'm supposed to just appreciate you as you are... 💕