

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    My dilemma…..

    I have been invited to an outdoor Christmas gathering this Saturday. It will be a smallish group. Everyone was asked to bring an appetizer and their own drinks. Initially I said yes but am now second guessing my decision. The reasons are numerous. The biggest issue is the appetizer thing. Everyone will be touching the food (there is no plan for someone to serve). Do I go and bring something for everyone and not eat myself? Is it OK to bring my own dish and not eat everyone else’s food? Whatever I bring will be packaged in individual servings so no one will have to touch a serving utensil or accidently bump another appetizer on a serving tray. What about the bathroom? We will have to use the host’s bathroom. Do I bring Lysol wipes?

    I am starting to feel I am either overthinking this or I should just decline. I miss everyone and want to see them, but I also live alone. If I get sick I have no family here to call and take care of me. Yes, I am sure friends and neighbors would assist, but……

    What would you do? :#

    We, in Tasmania where there are no locally transmitted cases, were invited to a Birthday/Christmas party last weekend ... and opted not to go.

    Our reasons:

    1) My husband doesn't do well in groups of people. It tires him out rather badly and he gets confused and frustrated.

    2) COVID ... or other illnesses. We're just not keen on spending time in close quarters with people this year.

    I don't like shopping these days either. I get really edgy if the shop starts to get just a little bit crowded, and will leave. I also don't like it when someone sits beside me on the bus.

    That said, we hosted a cycling event with 5 volunteers and 22 riders the weekend before. But it was all outdoors and our actual contact with the others was quite limited. We also had wipes and hand sanitiser etc.

    And then last Monday, we had dinner with our son and daughter-in-law at their place. I was OK with that because it was only the 4 of us. Plus we were outside for a while and most of the time inside we sat across from each other at a large table with distance between us.

    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Wednesday! I have been reading posts and mentally saying to myself, "Oh, I have to reply to her!"
    Going to try to keep this short. lol
    Rita- Like the others I like the first (last) style; but I also like the first one in the second row (except I would go shorter and spikier). But you are gorgeous, so any style you pick will look fantastic!
    Machka- I love the rooms you are posting! So pretty! My living room is just a shade lighter than the most recent blue bedroom that you posted.
    Heather- So...will the Horsham Hellraiser birthday incident be in your upcoming memoir?! This sounds like a story that needs to be included!
    Lisa- Hmmm...I need to back track and find those questions.

    What excites you right now? (can't be the vaccine. :)) - Right now, I am just very excited about my upcoming time off. lol I have six more days of work (the rest of this week and then M-W of next week). Then I can just relax.

    What are you looking forward to? (this can be the vaccine, but doesn't have to be. :)) Planning next year's daycare activities and time off, while I am off over the holidays.

    What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? A lot of great things have happened; but I think the best thing was seeing how absolutely amazing and supportive all of my childcare families have been since Covid hit.

    Where did you grow up? I grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan (30 miles away from where I live now)

    What do you do for fun? currently, I sleep for fun lol When I am not utterly exhausted, I hike, swim, and paddleboard.

    Is there a charitable cause you support? There are a few. The American Heart Association, Gilda's Club (an other cancer charities), and then I pick one to receive my "mindful money" each year. This year it was a local women in transition charity (for women escaping abusive situations). Next year it will be our local veterans facility.

    What is the one thing you like best about yourself? My sense of humor. (I crack myself up)

    What’s the most important thing I should know about you? I love life and the crazy messiness that it encompasses. I am at my best when I am under the wire getting things done.

    Kids arriving. Still have pancakes to make! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly) Welcome New girls!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im dressed and will stroll out to the kitchen in a few..
    Yesterday was a sh-t show,Sherry left early she is the one that helps take care of Faith..Sean didnt know how sick Jean really was ..her Cpap has been broken for a week and she still smokes ,so nobody to blame except herself..Sean who knows where he was,had his phone turned off.. didnt get home until after 6.
    Jean sick in bed,me like a log not doing much.. had enough energy to feed the dog and give Faith her pills and feed hee 1/2 wrap that was already made.
    This afternoon and overnight we are expecting over a foot of snow.
    Ginny- yes there is a back up battery for the defibrillator and that needs 24/7 power
    So here is hoping we dont lose power.
    Yes there is a generator and we will have to have that plugged into it
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im dressed and will stroll out to the kitchen in a few..
    Yesterday was a sh-t show,Sherry left early she is the one that helps take care of Faith..Sean didnt know how sick Jean really was ..her Cpap has been broken for a week and she still smokes ,so nobody to blame except herself..Sean who knows where he was,had his phone turned off.. didnt get home until after 6.
    Jean sick in bed,me like a log not doing much.. had enough energy to feed the dog and give Faith her pills and feed hee 1/2 wrap that was already made.
    This afternoon and overnight we are expecting over a foot of snow.
    Ginny- yes there is a back up battery for the defibrillator and that needs 24/7 power
    So here is hoping we dont lose power.
    Yes there is a generator and we will have to have that plugged into it

    I hope she doesn't smoke inside where you are!

    @SuziQ113 reminded me about your medical system. If you were here, I doubt you would have been allowed home yet.

    I wish you had more reliable care.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- I love the rooms you are posting! So pretty! My living room is just a shade lighter than the most recent blue bedroom that you posted.
    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly) Welcome New girls!

    My living room is probably a shade darker than that room. We rent so we're limited in what we can do and I haven't had the time to do anything pretty much since we moved in. But now I'm thinking that maybe in the new year I might be able to do a few things to pretty it up a bit.

    The table and chairs are in the lounge room because I've taken over the dining room (other half of that room, to the right) for work (when the photo was taken) and for uni. And now there's also a Christmas tree in the dining room. Again, in the new year I want to look at some other options to make the whole area nicer.

    So I'm getting ideas from that site I posted a link to. :)


    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    edited December 2020
    My Samsung tablet, which isn't very old, has been running out of Storage. I've had to delete caches several times a day and it was getting on my nerves.
    I knew that videos of the grandchildren were taking up a lot of space, but I couldn’t see how to move the old ones onto the SD card. The new ones go onto it, but I have so many old ones from when they were little! <3
    So, I have painstakingly been moving them over one at a time,which actually has been wonderful because I've been looking at them again. How they warm the heart!
    Now I've got about 5gs of space left on my tablet. I'm now copying the old ones onto Dropbox, so they are secured if the sd card crashes. Takes a while, but I really, really don't want to lose them. My deceased friend Ros is also on there chatting away. <3<3<3:D
    Cleaner coming today. She normally comes Saturday, but she is taking this weekend off.
    Then it is my regular girlfriend Zoom. Yes, I have put my face on! :p
    I told DH that I couldn’t be bothered, nor would I have time, to make dinner. I gave him the option of takeaway pizza, or falafel and hummus, with salad and flatbread (all in the freezer) He picked the latter! Hooray! It is one of my favourite meals, but he is not over enthusiastic. :*;) Good manoeuvring on my part.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)SuziQ, If you want to spend time with the people who will be at the gathering, then follow Heather's advice and go and have a great time. Otherwise, be like me and stay home.

    :) The yarn arrived in the mail last night so today I can begin knitting the baby blanket for my friend. It's a kind of yarn I don't normally use and a brand new pattern, so I'm excited.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,090 Member
    SuziQ if everyone else is sharing food, it becomes very awkward to not share yours. I would take something to share, but not eat at the party. You can have a snack in the car or beforehand. And then not stay long. Because the people who show up are not the ones being very careful.

    It's a risk, but then you need some friend time too. Only you can decide how to balance that. Myself, I wouldn't go, but then I would fall in a FOMO funk.

    Annie in Delaware
  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    @SuziQ I would take my own food and drink, and extra food to share or choose not to eat while there. If I needed to use the restroom, that would be the time to go home.

    Cathy in Arlington, TX
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    SuziQ - I agree with taking people to the Everglades. That is a very special place. I loved it.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,916 Member
    Allie please isolate yourself from Jean and don’t catch whatever it is she has!! Your immune system is really low right now!

    Barbara,Your DH sounds like mine: “go walk outside” but he won’t lol

    Hairstyle, I looked closer and both #2 (one next to original) and #8 are the same one. Only difference I would do for me would be to part it on the other side. It is more like what I usually get so sounds like consensus is #8 (original cut what it looks like when first done but parted on other side!)

    Home décor, Mine has never been a ‘real’ décor per se. It has always been a mish-mash of whatever. I am not very good at decorating and DH is a clutterbug. Currently my décor includes aliens, baby Yoda, skulls, 90’s furniture and curtains that came with the RV and lots of clocks (DH collects them??) LOL. Livable but a mess! I would love a minimal style with lots of open space. But, DH would fill it up in no time! He seems to need clutter. Probably adds to my anxiety/depression but who knows. Another excuse!

    Going for bloodwork today and waiting on call for CAT scan. Something is very wrong with my left kidney or bowels on that side. Spoke to doc yesterday and she has me on a light diet with no seeds until we get this problem/pain resolved. (Or at least know what it is).

    Pictures in spoiler: pic of the winning haircut (but whiter), sunset we had last night, and if you look close, a bird invasion we had last night! LOL.

    Laters Ladies!
    RV Rita
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    edited December 2020
    My friend took this picture of our Zoom meeting. :D I am on the top right in the purple top.
    It has been one of the best things about this year, chatting with my old school friends every Wednesday.
    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    SuziQ: You will need to make up your own mind regarding the holiday social event. I notice that it seems to be more of a worry for you than a pleasure you’re looking forward to attending. I admit to being curious about what you decide. Heather has some practical advice. We are avoiding socializing with more than one other person and at least 5 feet apart. Our deck is great for this, but the weather is chilly and damp—not an inviting situation just now. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: It sounds as though you are back to work awfully soon after being hospitalized. Faith gets some good luck in who cares for her, but I worry about you. I hope you don’t let yourself become over-tired. Can you call for help if your own health is in jeopardy? :heart: (PS: I’m in favor of voting Jean off the island. She, of all people, should know you need rest and time to heal.)

    Rita: You’re looking VERY good! :star:

    Fae: Great advice! Our minds and bodies need exercise. :heart:

    Has anyone heard from Tracey in Edmonton? :huh:

    Holiday Cookies are off of our island. DH has gluten intolerance and the gluten free cookies are not wonderful in my opinion. I have my mom’s shortbread cookie recipe, but he can’t eat them and I can’t leave them alone, so I don’t bake cookies. :noway:

    I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, and then I’m free for a while. I haven’t seen personal friends in ages, and poor old Arrow has had to do without me. I’ve also had to do without my human friends along with Arrow’s owner.

    I plan to be in line for corona virus vaccine as soon as it is available to DH and me. Our doctor has us on her list and will let us know when to come in for vaccination. Our turn will be after first responders and medical staff. DH has more than one autoimmune problem and is "at risk" elderly, so that puts him on the list somewhere. He may be immunized before me. We will find out for sure later on. Who would have ever guessed that being labelled “elderly” might be an advantage? :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,916 Member
    Katla I am gluten free and found away to bake without gluten or sugar. My DH and 23 yo friend can’t tell the difference! But, has been my downfall as far as my weight is going! Lol

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited December 2020
    Suzy I agree about refund. I have to see how that works. Does the refund cover transport and replacement. It SHOULD.

    Last night or the night before (I can't remember which) at 9:30 pm I got an amazon delivery! that's a first. It said CYCLE on the package so I thought it was the slim foldable Exercycle to assemble. During an associative online meeting that I was invited to this evening, where my presence was really not important and everyone had videos off, I benefited from the time on 'radio mode" (mike and video off and just listening) to unpack. Finally it was curtains and not the cycle. I was able to hang the 2 sets curtains as I was listening , and toss out the old ones. I love the way they look. Definitely a PLUS.

    I was mostly in class today and then went for a short walk (first in days) and then had meeting with lawyer and then the other radio-mode one (see above).

    I looked into getting a local handy-person to help too. (not the ikea helpers who cost a fortune, but the local multi-purpose help service) 15 euros per half hour. Minimum half an hour. It might be very useful for the bed and tall shelves assembly, to have a hand...plus help me to not drag it out for EVER....

    I still have to call ikea for the crooked table....
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited December 2020
    SUZY I see you got lots of answers to your outing dilemma but I wrote this before reading them so here it is to add to the lot.

    I can't stand the long aloneness (almost a year now) so I have gone to small gatherings (about 6 max), and would very likely go to larger outdoor one if invited and I liked the people.

    If you are worried you can decline the eats and just have drink. You could bring some single serving drinks (and eats) so you know you can have a drink. I think having a drink but not eating can be inconspicuous. Both my dad (business guy in 60s and 70s) and me (in France 30 years ago) found walking around with glass half full was a way to get people off our backs for pushing us to drink. If I said no thanks to wine, they'd get on my case, but if I said yes, and only literally wet my lips and didn't finish, no one would say a word. Now I'm old enough, and times have changed so I have no problem declining if need be. Since it's just appetisers, it would seem totally reasonable to say one is not hungry and just drink a bit. I would not say why, (which could seem moralistic or make people feel uneasy or guilty or be cause for conflict), but just say no thanks, not hungry, and truly have a snack beforehand to ward that off. Wise or not, I am not very very worried personally about getting sick from COVID myself (or shall I say more worried about basic mental health after not seeing people hardly at all for many months over a year, which seems a real issue for me and greater risk than COVID at present) and have shared meals with small groups on occasion, or one on one, after many many months of solitude. I would drink not a ton, to not use the bathroom more than necessary if possible. Personally I am LESS worried living alone. I haven't caught something from my spouse/child that I can give to friends at the party, and if I do get it at the party, I can't give it to someone else, which is, by far, my greatest worry. I tend to have sanitiser on me in a little container. So can wash before and after touching everything. I was never a hygiene freak at all previously, but aren't we all now... <3