

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt I can’t believe we are talking about Easter either but it really will be here before we know it and we are really trying to not wait until the last minute to plan things. :grin: That is good that you will be able to get the shot soon. I’m hoping my mom will be able to get it soon here too. My husband’s doctor wants him to wait a while because of his allergies. That is great that your Dd was able to get her house fixed up. That is one perk she can be thankful for in light of having to be home and missing her vacation. Hopefully, you will be able to see them soon! Sorry that your DH has been in pain. :/

    @mswatson0777 That is awful that the cake made you so sick! I hope you are feeling better today. <3 Congrats on your weight! I agree that being home all the time makes it really hard and you are doing great. Did you try MBFA yet? I’m only doing the upper body, lower body, and full body weight days with this program right now and doing Barre Blend on the other days.

    @theslightedgeforever keep your head above the water!! My schedule has been busy too lately. I haven’t touched my puzzle in days! :o

    @trooworld I agree that it’s disappointing when we want the scale to be more because of the effort we did that week and it’s not. Just keep focusing on those behaviors and it will go down. :)

    @cbabie I’m praying that life is settling down and that you are able to focus on yourself and your health. <3

    Good morning! Yesterday, was the baby shower and we had a great time together. The mama-to-be was very surprised and touched. Many people in the church had given gifts as well so she had lots of cute things and a lot of needed diapers. I am happy to report that I didn’t touch any of the desserts or the punch! I did eat too many Deviled eggs and I had a small slice of cantaloupe. Today is my mom’s 78th birthday and we are taking her to Texas Roadhouse for a steak dinner. I do plan on splurging and having a baked sweet potato, but with no sugar on it. I made Keto cheesecakes that are in the fridge waiting for when we come back home. :) Now, I need to go workout and get ready for church. It was sprung on me last minute to do children’s church this week because the teacher’s little boy was exposed to COVID in school and is quarantine until he can get a test. So, I put together a lesson yesterday afternoon and we are just going to hope for the best. Have a good day! :)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Now you know why I sent out the hounds! lol I'm glad you are okay and just busy. You'll have a better week this week.

    @mswatson0777 I hope so, thanks! I'm sorry you felt so sick after the cake, that stinks. I hope the bland foods help.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Thanks for your support! Yeah, I am keeping my eye on the average and it helps. I hope you can get an appointment quickly. Sounds like your DD really improved her house! That must have been fun to do. If your DH will never do plant-based, how about you do, "I will add more fruits and veggies to my diet daily" or something like that? Maybe, "I will eat 2 servings of veggies at each meal". Or, can you do this + meatless Mondays? Your poor DH, I hope he feels better soon, back pain is the worst!

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks for your support, I appreciate it. The scale is down more today (of course, when I need it to go down, it goes up lol). I'm so proud of you for your behavior at the baby shower! Well done! Happy birthday to your mom, I hope you guys enjoy dinner. Have a great time with the kids!

    Hi all. It was raining some of the day yesterday and will rain more today and tomorrow. Makes it hard to go on walks as I planned for the weekends. I think I'll ride the spin bike today instead. Last night, I made a WW recipe for chicken nachos. It came out really good. Had some jello shots and watched TV after eating. Tonight's dinner is a bit of an indulgence: Green Chili with Pork (Chile Verde Con Cerdo). I'm having it with carb-balance low-carb tortillas and either homemade refried beans or steamed broccoli or both lol. I think I will make a chocolate cake today with a recipe from WW.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @mswatson0777 Sorry you were feeling sick after the cake. Does cream cheese usually bother you? So did you get the snow?

    @retiredandlovingit So let's talk HEALTH. You and hubby are a separate entity. But if you are like me I didn't want to fix meat separately for myself (he can't eat red meats due to a blood disorder). So could you go plant based yourself and fix your dh whatever you would normally fix him? Dh finally retired at end of November. He's been home from home since March. So I got used to him being home and it's not as bad as I thought. I still just do my own thing and if he wants to come I compromised with him and gave him an extra day out for breakfast. If it was up to him it would be 7 days a week. I said, go find a retiree buddy and go drink coffee somewhere. I did draw my line in the sand and said I'll fix you breakfast after I finish my exercise each day. If not, there's cereal and milk. Go for it. Sometimes he does if he doesn't want to wait. That's okay with me. I'm getting my exercise done. He's not starving. Win-win. I think Iowa has had a "different plan" through this whole covid thing. I hope you will find a shot soon.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @teresaw1020 Good for you for not touching the desserts or punch. Happy Bday to your mom. I love TX Roadhouse. Those rolls are lethal.

    @trooworld 25% again Your food sounded good. I'm glad your scale moved down. I need to get my FOCUS POWER back after my busy week. I have an end of the month weigh in coming up.

    I've had a headache all day that I can't seem to shake. usually precedes a bad cold or flu coming on. I hope not.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all..didn't get much snow last night, but predicting a lot more tomorrow. Yuck! I didn't need to shovel, the neighbor was going up the street doing everybodys.

    @theslightedgeforever Big chuckle for the day with your comment about Iowa's plan. Yup, that is so true!!! By the way, thanks for thinking I am younger (you mentioned it awhile back). I don't feel & don't think I look 71, but others might diasgree, lol. Yes, I know I don't need to eat like dh, just need to get a little more willpower. He already fixes his own breakfast while I usually go walk on the treadmill. I am still figuring out how I am moving forward, probably more fruit & veggies & less meat & dairy. Even though I have read a lot about plant based, not sure I am actually there yet.

    @TeresaW1020 Happy bday to your Mom. Oooh, I love Texas Roadhouse, especially the rolls!! Glad you had a good time at the baby shower.

    @trooworld Thanks for the thoughts about dh. He is trying so much, I hope some of it helps him soon.

    Well, gotta go!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,344 Member
    I'm here..............

    I didn't realize it had been so many days. I have had an extremely busy week. But it's almost over. One more appt for my mil next week and nothing else planned. Oh, just remembered my son's bday. lol

    Not even going to try and catch up since I have a Zoom play cards date with my daughter in 10 min.

    I gained 1.8 this week. :( Over calories 2 days and over carbs one day. Exercise was spot on.

    January goals:

    Green-Stayed OP 237/238 gm o:)
    Intentional Exercise-rest day
    Zone minutes 0 minus ??? due to inactivity 0/8 Fitbit was dead part of the day.

    I keep saying the same! I go way to long between posts. I just need to put time aside to pop on the boards and comment. Might be easier to do via my laptop than phone. Happy Birthday to your son!

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,344 Member
    Hi all..I am still here, lol. I really need to learn how to do my posts differently. I just had a big long one almost done & I hit a button, not even sure which one, and lost it all!!

    @mswatson0777 Too bad about the cake, it sounds delicious! (I love cream cheese frosting, it's about the only one I really like) Good job with your walk. I wimp out and do the treadmill. I heard northern Iowa would get snow today, sounds like it is up your way instead. We might get some tonight & Monday. Hope you make some good progress on your dissertation. Yay for the 150's!

    @cbabie Good job on the walking & tracking. Seems like that is about all I feel like doing lately, too, but at least it is something!

    @trooworld. Glad your headache is better. Hope your dh gets on board with WW, it does make it easier to be compliant. I try to go more by weekly average than daily weight. It usually is better, although mine lately is not. I need to stop that. Great job with your water!!

    @TeresaW1020 Wow, doesn't seem like you should already be planning for Easter. It is really unbelievable that we have been dealing with Covid for almost a year! You are doing so well with your plan, I am sure you will look great at the wedding.

    @theslightedgeforever Hi! Sounds like you have been busy! Did your dh retire then? How is it going? I imagine a little adjustment for both of you. I do enjoy it! (when we are able to do stuff that is)

    Iowa finally opened the Covid shots up for people 65+ starting Feb.1. They had a different plan, but think the federal govt kind of forced them to do it this way. Yay!! Now to figure out where we can get an appointment!

    Hopefully soon, so we can finally go to OK. I would really like to go there in March for gd's birthday! I think this is the longest we have gone without seeing them since they moved from Atlanta 7 years ago. My brother & sil got their first shot yesterday, so we would feel safe seeing them, too. (glad of that, they are both almost 75 & she had open heart surgery a couple of years ago)

    Dd is anxious for us to come, too. Working from home made her realize how much she was letting the house go. She has painted the whole inside including ceilings & crown molding (with 2 coats!), got new carpet (which she badly needed), and gotten rid of some furniture & gotten some new. Also done improvements on outside. I worried about how much $$ she seems to be spending, but she says she has saved a lot on child care in the last year, since the kids are only going to school & home, and she didn't go on her yearly vacation like she usually does, lol.

    Well, need to get busy. I am trying to declutter some. Started cleaning out old files & then went down & sorted out some clothes to take for donation. Figure if I spend an hour on each, it should be done soon.

    This years goal is HEALTH. Still trying to figure out what that means & how to accomplish it. Been reading a lot & think I am leaning toward plant based, but also know that will be hard since dh will never do it. He has been fighting a painful back & hip, but finally got some muscle relaxers & got the right dose of Advil, so hopefully it will improve. He will be starting physical therapy for it, too. He says it feels like when he has needed back surgery & we hope it is not, he has had too many of those already!

    Hope everyone has a good week.

    That’s so frustrating when posts disappear! Maybe type in a word document and then post?

    I would be worried to but they probably saved a ton in childcare alone.

    Have a great week! I’m with you on your goal for Health this year!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I got over 100%. As of today, I'm changing my water goal from 60 oz to 128 oz. My food was good! The scale is down again today. What can we do to help you get back your FOCUS POWER? I hope your headache goes away and that you don't get sick.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Have a good day!

    Hello everyone. I ended up riding my spin bike for 20 minutes. That's longer than I wanted to, I decided I was bored and not liking it after 7 minutes lol. Dinner was really good last night and so was the dessert. I have about 11 weekly points left until Saturday. I should regain some though, thanks to rollovers.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Your menu sounds great. What is the recipe for the Chilie Verde Con Cerdo that you are making? I love salsa Verde!! Bummer about the rain and not being able to walk, but you have your bike so no excuses, and don’t let boredom make you stop! :grin:

    @theslightedgeforever and @RetiredAndLovingIt Ohhhh I agree that those rolls are lethal and so delicious!! This is why I was very quick to tell our waitress NOT to bring them to our table. I didn’t even let mom or DH have a voice in that decision. :D

    Good morning! So, I’m super happy to report that after have steak, shrimp, Caesar salad (no croutons), sweet potato slathered in butter, and then home for a large portion of Keto cheesecake with fresh strawberries the scale was down a tiny bit this morning!! It just proves that my body loves this way of eating. I’m very happy that none of suffered any ill side effects from the erythritol that I used in the dessert. I will be able to make yummy sweets on special occasions and individual portions is a perfect choice. Mom really enjoyed her birthday, which is what I wanted for her. Now, I need to go workout and today is floor mopping and grocery list-making. Fun times!! :grin:
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @RetiredandLovingIt We definitely got the snow that was meant for you! And daycare is SO expensive, I'm sure your DD felt like she was rolling in money. Where my friend lives it's $350/week per kid!!! I would also love to walk indoors, but with the dogs I have to brave the cold

    @trooworld Great job sticking with exercise even though it was a drag! Your weekly menu sounds incredible by the way! I also did Mexican flavors with a chicken taco skillet this week, it was veggie packed and wonderful.

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you don't get sick!! And I am lactose intolerant, but I didn't think I had that much (guess I was wrong!)

    @TeresaW1020 Great job avoiding the sweets! And your dinner out sounded wonderful. I haven't tried MBFA yet, I'm still working through the first one since I jump between programs basically every workout (I get bored easily). This morning I did a P90X plus workout that was intense!

    Happy Monday! I'm actually doing pretty well this morning. After feeling so sick on Friday it was easy to eat within my goals and limit treats. I definitely got activity in shoveling all the snow and trudging through un-shovelled sidewalks with the dogs. I made a big taco chicken skillet to have as lunches and will be making baked salmon with roasted broccoli and rice pilaf for dinner tonight so my healthy menu is set. The only downside is I didn't get any dissertation work done, but I did get 8 weeks of course readings completed for my class so I wasn't entirely a lazy bum. I think I just needed a break from looking at my dissertation paper.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, it's been raining not stop I swear since Thursday. I finally got DH to have wood burning fireplace going. We never get to use it because of "air quality", with the rain..we have been able to use it. I fought a horrible headache all day yesterday, so nutshell, no tracking and no walking. It's supposed to rain all day here today again, so no walking, but will track.

    @TeresaW1020 yea on the loss and no sugar. I think my headache was caused from dehydration and no sugar. LOL So glad your mom enjoyed her birthday. In these times, it's the little things that become the big things.

    @mswatson0777 So sorry you were sick, but glad you are better. I am sure you needed the break and glad you took it.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt what a great neighbor. LOL. you get snow, we get rain.

    @trooworld yea on the loss and you are so in. your groove.

    @gemwolf110 sorry about losing post..but glad you poked your head in anyway. LOL.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited January 2021
    @retiredandlovingit A friend of mine and I were discussing doing plant-based diets and she was having very black and white thinking on it. Either she does it or she doesn't like there wasn't any gray in between to work with. Are you more a "add a fruit and veggie per day to what you are already doing" person or are you the kind that is better with a meatless Monday or Tuesday or whatever. I'm trying to figure out which way is better for me. I don't think willpower is important as planning it out. For instance, if we are going to have a colonoscopy we are all very good about which foods we can eat or not eat. How much liquid intake we will have.

    @gemwolf110 I like typing on my laptop vs the phone. So much faster. What activities are you doing to make sure your health is the best this year?

    @trooworld Yaaay for you on your 100%. I don't really know what any of you can do to help me with my focus power. I think it's an internal thing. Just keep me accountable. Encouragement more than scolding. Woohoo on your spin bike. You are rocking January.

    @teresaw1020 I'm so glad that your scale is down. So keep doing what you are doing. It's working. If I were with you at TXRoadhouse, I'd move to a different table. :D Luckily I only go once a year. Well, now haven't even done that.

    @mswatson0777 So we are almost at the end of January, how is your energy levels? Are your clothes feeling any looser? Any good NSV to report? I think lots of us have done some kind of Mexican dish this week. I took 7 layer dip to a bday gathering. I did well on my distancing. But then I usually do. lol In one of my groups people were talking about us all taking a road trip and how they would have to pull me behind them in my own trailer. I posted them a better solution. qi1hcwzxpjv9.jpg

    @cbabie So back to tracking and walking today. Hey we had headaches on the same day. Aren't you glad you got rain instead of snow?

    January goals:

    Yellow-Went Over 180/164 gm :(
    Intentional Exercise-45 min walking o:)
    Water-50% :|
    Zone minutes 52 minus 4 due to inactivity 4/8 o:)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @TeresaW1020 here is the recipe, it looks more complicated than it is (it's a lot of writing!):

    Green Chili with Pork
    1 (3½- to 4-pound) boneless pork butt roast trimmed and cut into 1½-inch pieces, trimmings reserved
    1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon kosher salt divided
    1 cup water
    1 1⁄2 pounds tomatillos husks and stems removed, rinsed well and dried
    5 poblano chiles stemmed, halved, and seeded
    1 large onion cut into 8 wedges through root end
    5 garlic cloves unpeeled
    1 jalapeño chile stemmed and halved
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    1 teaspoon dried oregano
    1 teaspoon ground cumin
    1⁄8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    Pinch ground cloves
    2 bay leaves
    2 teaspoons sugar
    1 teaspoon pepper
    1⁄2 cup minced fresh cilantro plus extra for serving
    Lime wedges

    Toss pork pieces with 1 tablespoon salt in large bowl. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Meanwhile, chop pork trimmings coarse. Transfer to Dutch oven. Add water and bring to simmer over high heat. Cook, adjusting heat to maintain vigorous simmer and stirring occasionally, until all liquid evaporates and trimmings begin to sizzle, about 12 minutes. Continue to cook, stirring frequently, until dark fond forms on bottom of pot and trimmings have browned and crisped, about 6 minutes longer. Using slotted spoon, discard trimmings. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons fat; set aside pot.

    Adjust 1 oven rack to lower-middle position and second rack 6 inches from broiler element and heat broiler. Line rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place tomatillos, poblanos, onion, garlic, and jalapeño on prepared sheet and drizzle with oil. Arrange chiles skin side up. Broil until chile skins are blackened and vegetables begin to soften, 10 to 13 minutes, rotating sheet halfway through broiling. Transfer poblanos, jalapeño, and garlic to cutting board.

    Turn off broiler and heat oven to 325 degrees. Transfer tomatillos, onion, and any accumulated juices to food processor. When poblanos, jalapeño, and garlic are cool enough to handle, remove and discard skins (it's OK if some small bits of chile skin remain). Remove seeds from jalapeño and reserve. Add poblanos, jalapeño, and garlic to processor. Pulse until mixture is roughly pureed, about 10 pulses, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. If spicier chili is desired, add reserved jalapeño seeds and pulse 3 times.

    Heat reserved fat in Dutch oven over medium heat until just shimmering. Add oregano, cumin, cinnamon, and cloves and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in tomatillo mixture, bay leaves, sugar, pepper, and remaining 1 teaspoon salt, scraping up any browned bits. Stir in pork and bring to simmer. Cover, transfer to oven, and cook until pork is tender, about 1½ hours, stirring halfway through cooking.

    Remove pot from oven and let sit, covered, for 10 minutes. Discard bay leaves. Using heatproof rubber spatula, scrape browned bits from sides of pot. Stir in any fat that has risen to top of chili. Stir in cilantro; season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve, passing lime wedges and extra cilantro separately.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I did not let the rain or boredom stop me, I rode the bike again yesterday! :D That is so great that you could eat all of that and still be down, woo hoo! I'm glad your mom enjoyed her birthday.

    @mswatson0777 That was just for one night! LOL I have a lot of other things planned for the I am making crockpot lasagna (WW version)! Your chicken taco skillet sounds delicious. I guess the snow is a blessing in disguise? I love salmon. I'm glad you had a break. Now, you are refreshed!

    @cbabie It's been raining here, too. I'm sorry about your headache, is it stress-related or weather-related or just random? Mine tend to be tied to the weather. I am in my groove!

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks, I got 100% again yesterday. You've got my support. I am rocking January! It feels great.

    Hi all. I had a great day again yesterday. I rode the bike again, stayed within my points, drank enough water, and between my breakfast (a piece of toast with 1 Tbsp of peanut butter on it + a bunch of fruit), lunch (leftover green chili with pork) and dinner (Sheet pan fried cauliflower rice with chicken), I ate about 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables. My weight has been going down all week, too as a reward ;). I'm feeling great. Below is a picture of my breakfast.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS

  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @cbabie I love that you and your SO are making the best of a rainy week and enjoying the fireplace. There's nothing quite as relaxing as a wood burning fireplace, I love using my Grandma's when I visit

    @trooworld thanks for sharing the recipe. You always do such an amazing job of searching out and trying new recipes! It sounds like your eating has been on pointe!

    @theslightedgeforever I got a good laugh out of your Beverly Hillbillies photo! I also do well at social distancing because I'm okay staying home from parties! My energy levels actually aren't too bad. I feel like the bloat from the holidays are gone. I wouldn't say I'm where I want to be, but I'm not in a bad place either! How are you doing with energy levels and your goals?

    Happy Tuesday! Last night was actually great. I got a good walk in, did a zoom yoga session with a friend, and my salmon turned out great! This morning I had to motivate myself to get a workout in, but I ended up doing MBF's leg day week 3. The single leg Russian deadlifts with a 20lb weight were KILLER!

    I also got some dissertation work in before work which felt good to get a jumpstart on. I'm at the less stressful part where I'm reviewing sections for grammar and clarity, which is easier than writing new content. Don't get me wrong, I have other sections I need to add content too, but it was nice to do an easier part this morning and feel like I was making progress.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, we lost all power yesterday about 1:30pm and it came back about 11:30 I was so bored and stressed, I ate all the wrong things..dinner is still in the crock pot uncooked and spoiled..LOL. I did grab a book, but keeping baby to understand no electronics..NOT...I used my Hotspot and she had her shows. We used camping lanterns to stay warm and have some light. So we all stayed in one room. I couldn't even find cards to will be getting a box together for another such a time as this. LOL. Do I didn't walk or track..but at it again today. May not walk, it depends on the weather and my treadmill is out in the rain. :(

    @mswatson0777 I love that you did a zoom yoga...I am thinking I need to do more fun stuff via zoom. I miss things outside my home, but don't want to leave. AZ is the worst ranked state in the nation.

    @theslightedgeforever maybe we give each other the headaches. LOL. jk. Yes back to tracking and moving..

    @trooworld I love you picture of food, so pretty and looks worth eating!! I think the headaches are from dehydration..I am not drinking enough I know..but it could be weather and stress. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Thanks for sharing the recipe. I got 50% Your breakfast looked really good. I'm a visual person and I like all the fruit cut up versus just laying a banana, some whole strawberries, and a tangerine on the plate. You're doing great, keep it up.

    @mswatson0777 My energy levels and goals: so-so. I'm actually going to change one of my goals. See below. Your mental health sounds so much better now. You are making progress on each part of your life it seems which is a grand thing.

    @cbabie Sorry you had a brown-out. Can't be due to the heat. Did they figure out what caused it? I bet Pinterest would have some good ideas for a brown-out with kids. Glow sticks, even a walk outside with everyone would have been fun. If they don't want to go, just leave them at home. There are enough open spaces where you live to walk around without running into someone. What's the vaccine situation where you live? I read today where some people are being asked to double mask in places. Put on some music and dance. Lots of ways to burn calories.

    I was discussing plant based diet with @retiredandlovingit yesterday and it's something I too have been thinking about but it gets as far as I want to add more f&v to my diet. Which is not really a SMARTER goal. So I figured out today a way around it. I was listening to a podcast about Your Health First and it was talking about constipation. How people are ending up in the ER for this condition. young people. I also learned that diabetes destroys the nerves in the intestines. Didn't know that one. So it was talking about fiber and how we need to be getting 35-40 gms a day of fiber. He's a gastroenterologist/hepatic specialist. The book I'm reading is talking about how gut health is related to brain health. Brain health would determine if I will end up like my mil or not. Increasing fiber would be a win-win all around. So beginning on Thursday I want to try an experiment and track fiber instead of carbs. I will still use my carb cycling spreadsheet and the colors but just change my focus slightly. My current intake is averaging 12-14 gms per day. 35-40 is way too far out of reach right now. So I will babystep my way there. I will try to get 14 on my green days, 17 on my yellow days, and 21 on my red days. Then once I achieve that, I will slowly move up the goals so it all becomes a habit. I'm hoping to learn new recipes along the way.

    January goals:

    Yellow-Went Over 209/164 gm :(
    Intentional Exercise-36 min walking 39 min dancing o:)
    Water-50% :|
    Zone minutes 71 minus 3 due to inactivity 5/8 o:)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @theslightedgeforever All I know is if those rolls were in front of me my resolve to behave would have gone out the window. They really didn’t want them either so it was all good. I’m getting ready to start the Beck Diet Solution on my Fat2Fit group. I even have Trooworld joining in on the fun. We are going to start thinking like skinny people!! :grin:

    @trooworld That Green Chili with Pork looks great and really involved! Do I have to use real tomatillos, or can I just buy the jar stuff and use that instead? I have never worked with a tomatillo! :grin: Yayy for riding your bike. That picture of your fruit is sooo pretty!! Even though I personally find bananas nasty. But they look good! :D

    @mswatson0777 I agree that MBF’s leg day is NO joke! Yesterday, I did MBFA week 2 leg day and today my quads are crying. I did Barre Blend week 7 full-body today and some of the moves had to be modified because my legs are so tired. But it’s good! I sure wish I could find 20 lb. weights. :)

    @ebabie Uggghh loss of power is the worst!! :s I once four days in Florida after a hurricane and thought I would die of boredom. We are definitely attached to our technology, aren’t we? :)

    Hi everyone! It is unseasonably warm here today. DH and I ate lunch out on the screened porch. We talked about how it is almost pollen season so I went on Amazon and ordered some cheap furniture covers so we can cover up the furniture. I will still have to wash everything after pollen season but at least maybe it will be easier. Mom and I went to Walmart and this evening we have ladies Bible study starting back up. Mom decided to come this time and I’m hoping she can climb the stairs without any issues. I'm thinking I need a cup of coffee now. :)
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi all from snow country! We got about 12” of the “lovely” white stuff! At least, dh is feeling a little better so he got out the big snowblower. I helped by shoveling the sidewalk from front door to driveway. At least a 2-3 ft drift there!

    @cbabie. That’s too bad, no power! Glad you could keep baby girl entertained tho. I seem to get headaches when weather changes. (Although not as much as I used to) Keep trying with the walking & logging.

    @TeresaW1020 you are killing the workouts! Great job! Listened to the GA governor on tv at noon. Sounds like they are vaccinating quite a bit, although not really enough. I Tried getting on county website, pharmacy websites, etc, since they said 65+ could do it now. Nothing!! Worst part was filling in all the info, only to be told there are no appointments!, Grr..they could have said that first! GA’s pollen is the worst! Good thing you got covers.

    @mswatson0777 Glad you got some work done on your dissertation, even if not the harder stuff. I actually like my gas fireplace instead a wood one. Flip a switch on & off & no mess, lol. We had a wood burning furnace for too long. Think we got your snow this time, lol. My niece in Mpls says we are beating them for snow this year. Wouldn’t have thought that.

    @trooworld. your fruit looks delicious!! Wish we had a little more in season. Good job with the bike & your water! Glad the scale is rewarding you!

    @theslightedgeforever My sister is like your friend...very black & white WFPBNO. If someplace can’t guarantee no oil, she just won’t eat. & she is so thin, she could do a little, but her dh has heart disease in family, so she avoids it with him. Good plan with the fiber. I was getting 25 or so grams, but am trying to up it to 35. Some days I make it, but more about 30-32. What book are you reading? I follow a lady who went plant based & lost over 150#, but the thing she is most grateful for is renewed health & mental clarity. I really “only” have 20-30# to lose, but my main focus is my asthma (?) cough. I am stopping the sweetened fizzy water I was drinking, and the next thing to go will be dairy. I am reading “Your Body in Balance” by Neal Barnard & also some of Dr. McDougalls books.

    Well, going to go clear the walk a little more, so it will melt. Then need to clean a little. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @mswatson0777 Thank you! My eating has been on point! :D It sounds like you had a good day yesterday, too! I'm glad you got a break with some easier sections.

    @cbabie Oh that's terrible! I'm sorry that happened. When the electricity goes off here, it is fun for us (as long as it isn't too long). We break out our camping lanterns and read and, depending on what time it is, have some sort of adult beverage. Getting a box together for the next time is an excellent idea. re: my was worth eating! It was so good. How's your head today? I have a terrible headache today. Mine is from the weather.

    @theslightedgeforever You doubled your water intake yesterday, yay! I got over 100%. I am the same way (a visual person). It looks much more appealing cut up. Thanks for your support. Your plan to increase fiber is a good one...that is so important.

    @TeresaW1020 You can buy canned tomatillos and if you can't find that, then you could probably improvise with green chili sauce. I will post a less complicated recipe that is similar that I got from a Mexican friend. I agree, that one is involved! Tomatillos are easy to work with: you just pull the outer papery skin off and rinse them well under water. How nice to eat on your screened porch!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Wow, that's a lot of snow! Thanks, it was delicious. We are lucky to have access to fresh fruits and veggies all year round.

    Hi all. Yesterday was great. I did all the right things and the scale keeps going down. I decided to reward myself by signing up for a membership with Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home program. It's only $4.99 a month and gives you access to more videos than the YouTube videos. Plus, they are harder than the YouTube videos. I did one after work last night. I went to bed last night with a slight headache and woke up to a pounding headache. I think it's from the weather. Unfortunately, I have to go into work today, I'm not working virtually.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS