Mommy Challenge Part 3: Hot Mummies for Halloween!!!



  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    Hi everybody,
    I had a pretty good weekend, was good with my foods and enjoyed the company of lots of friends. And it showed on the scale. I gained 1 pounnd last week and today this one is gone plus some. Yeah!!!
    Keep at it everybody and the pounds will come off. Persistence is sooo important. Have a good week!

    Week 09/05-- 165.8 lbs
    Week 09/12-- 164.2 lbs
    Week 09/19--
    Week 09/26--
    Week 10/03--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 1.6 lbs
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Happy Monday fellow Mummies!

    Week 9/5/11-- 141.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 139.6 lbs
    Week 9/19 ---
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 2 lbs

    It looks like everyone is starting off this challenge very well. Unfortunately, I am extremely sick with a virus/bug & haven't been able to hold anything down for the last couple of days. I will be out of commision for a couple more days while I get some rest to fight this thing off. I'll be back to business & hitting my workouts hard in no time, I hope.

    Have a wonderful week all!!
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    I am pretty happy with my week. I can only hope it continues :)

    I wish you all great luck!

    Week 9/5 -- 191.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 189.6 lbs
    Week 9/19 ---
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hello ladies! I am down from last week, but up from Friday. I was super bloated this morning; I'm sure that had something to do with it.

    9/5 - 164
    9/12 - 163

    Looks like everyone else did really well also!!! Great job! :bigsmile:
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    I think I'm the only one who gained :( It's my TOM so hopefully by next week I'll see my efforts on the scale!
    Could also be from doing 30DS/bulking up?

    9/5- 143.3
    9/12- 144
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Ladies, well I hope you will let me continue with you. I officially feel off the radar for a couple of weeks. With school, crazy busy weekends, sick kid, and mommy I just wasn't able to get on and completely fell off track. I just looked at the last weigh in and I can't believe I missed the last week, it was great to see how well everyone did. Again I hope you will let me continue with you. I will weigh in tonight if that is okay, I really need the motivation and you all were great.
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    I just weighed in at 156.8.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    OK, first weight in at 210 even. That's a little down from my original weigh! Woo hoo!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    Happy Monday fellow Mummies!

    Week 9/5/11-- 141.6 lbs
    Week 9/12 --- 139.6 lbs
    Week 9/19 ---
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 2 lbs

    It looks like everyone is starting off this challenge very well. Unfortunately, I am extremely sick with a virus/bug & haven't been able to hold anything down for the last couple of days. I will be out of commision for a couple more days while I get some rest to fight this thing off. I'll be back to business & hitting my workouts hard in no time, I hope.

    Have a wonderful week all!!

    You're in the 130's!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations!
  • Mrsmannix
    Mrsmannix Posts: 22 Member
    I am with you! My goal was to lose 10 by halloween, probably too late for 10.. but 8 is good for me! Dont have a scale so ill have to wait till I go to the store to post... which ill do on monday =) it will also be my first weigh in... kinda scared to do it... if I have not lost any pounds ill be so mad at myself! We shal see!!!!
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning Mummies!!! I forgot to log in my weight yesterday...

    Week 9/5/11-- 240 lbs ----SW
    Week 9/12 --- 237 lbs
    Week 9/19 ---
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 3 lbs

    I am happy with this loss and can't wait to lose more...Have a great day mummies!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Morning Mummies~ How is everyone? Whats new? Are you all fallling back into the school routine nicely? Colton has his 5th day today & he is really excited. Im so glad he love school, and I like the 3 hours i get to work out and spend 1 on 1 time with the baby. Today is day 9 of the shred for me. Almost a 3rd of the way through my 3rd round. Sad to admit it is the only cardio I have done though. What is this weeks challenge??? Oh Latoya, where are you?? I miss you!!!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    Morning Mummies~ How is everyone? Whats new? Are you all fallling back into the school routine nicely? Colton has his 5th day today & he is really excited. Im so glad he love school, and I like the 3 hours i get to work out and spend 1 on 1 time with the baby. Today is day 9 of the shred for me. Almost a 3rd of the way through my 3rd round. Sad to admit it is the only cardio I have done though. What is this weeks challenge??? Oh Latoya, where are you?? I miss you!!!

    I agree, where is she?? we should probably come up with our own challenge and spread the word... should we aim for a cardio challenge like walking or running an extra 4 miles this week.... (meaning an extra workout to our regular routine and it can be done in any way, elliptical, treadmill, walking, stairclimber, etc) let me know what you think
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Week 9/5/11-- 211 lbs ----SW
    Week 9/12 --- 210 lbs
    Week 9/19 ---
    Week 9/26---
    Week 10/3--
    Week 10/10--
    Week 10/17--
    Week 10/24--
    Week 10/31---

    Total weight loss: 1 lb.

    Guess I need to do it like this :)
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Yesterday was hectic and I forgot to post my weight. I'm at 141.7 - down almost a pound. Pretty good considering I had 2 days with just a couple hours sleep and then stayed up all weekend working 10am sat - 4am mon. (Don't happens about 3-4 times a year :)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Mummies!!! Sorry I went MIA, parties and eating kept me busy and away from computer!! Good job ladies on losses!! Sad to say, Im up 2 pounds this week!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Supposed to move away from the 150's not back toward :explode: :explode: :explode: Fun times this week meant food and more food. I am going to Vegas this week so i have to find a way to bring this scale down in the mist of partying. My baby turns 1 today :sad: :sad: bittersweet. no more newborn, so sad. More motivation to lose my baby fat, as i no longer have an infant. Lets do this mummies!!! Lets go with a challenge that Mimi mentioned: 4 miles. and because i am late, lets start today until next wednesday. On monday a new challenge will be posted as well. so for 2 days we will have 2 challenges. but as before we should aim to do each challenge continuously anyway. So this week we should try to:

    1. perform 2 hours of exercise (1st week challenge)
    2. run walk, bike, etc 4 miles (new challenge)

    9.5.11- 150.2
    9.12.11-152.2 :sad:
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Sounds good to me! Happy birthday to your little one! I know, it's bittersweet :(
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    1. latoya 152.2 (+1.8):huh:

    2. nicolerah 133.5 (-2) :smile: :smile:

    3. bhurley- 163 (-1):smile:

    4. shandun- 202.2 (-1.2):smile:

    5. kristynstephens- 149 (-.1):happy:

    6. notgoddess- 141.7 (-2.3) :smile: :smile:

    7. angelacasey- 158 (-3.4):smile::smile: :smile:

    8. twin22twin-152 (-4.5):smile::smile: :smile: :smile:

    9. annetinkerbell-127.4 (-2.6)

    10. martinah- 210 (-1):smile:

    11. alycra- 189.6 (-1.4):smile:

    12. ybodwn -144 (+.7):flowerforyou: ITS A NEW WEEK NO WORRIES!!

    13. minissam- 164.2 (-1.6):smile:

    14. miami_mimi -150 (-2.6):smile::smile: ALMOST THERE!!

    15. heatherblack -237 (-3):smile::smile: :smile:

    16. lovecola- 139.6 (-2):smile::smile: YOU HAVE COME SO FAR!!

    17. zseteacher-249 (-1):smile:

    18.lisafred-220 :tongue: NO GAIN!!

    19.mrswilson- 268.1 (-3.1):smile::smile: :smile: YAAAAAAY TO BREAKING MINI GOAL!!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks Latoya!! I actually cheated and got on the scale today- I was down to 141.3! So I guess it was totally circumstantial bloat which just happened to coincide with my first Monday WI on this challenge.. glad that's gone and feeling a big difference.
    I guess my stats next week are going to look pretty extreme :ohwell:
    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    And I would like to extend your same blessing and self-forgiveness back to you Latoya..
    It's a new week, no worries!! :bigsmile: