May 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited May 2021
    @quilteryoyo well done on your virtual race and getting a total of 6 miles in! Fantastic pace and effot.

    @polskagirl01 sorry about your HM being postponed. I hear you on the DOMS and feeling out of shape, but yes you are doing great and have been steady so you are not. A mountain run is a mountain run!

    Thanks for showing us around your neck of the woods @kgirlhart! The blue sky and bluebonnets makes a really pretty picture.

    Nice 15 mile run @Scott6255!

    @swenson19d I was just thinking about you and your monthly questions the other day and considered thinking one up myself to try to draw you back! And here you are. Hope your meeting with the hip surgeon goes well. I'm sorry that it continues to be such a challenge and painful.

    So, to answer the questions:
    When you fall off the wagon, how do you recover? I sort of fell of the running wagon in mid-March with a back injury and it's been hard to get back on. I've given myself a lot of permission to take it slowly and not just jump back in full speed. But I use my friends to help keep me motivated. As compared to before I don't run by myself that often these days, I try to get a friend to meet me so I won't back out.

    Vacation plans this summer/season? I just took a trip to Florida a couple weeks ago and that was a nice break after not traveling for a year. I'm planning a visit to a friend at the end of June and a visit to see my family in July or August. I'll hopefully be doing lots of weekend hiking trips.

    What is your favorite non-running related hobby? Hiking I guess. Rock climbing is something I loved but haven't gotten back to and I'm itching to do that. Really - happy hour outside on a nice day is my very favorite hobby :)

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Scott6255 awesome run, well dine
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,745 Member
    @kgirlhart - those bluebonnets are beautiful. Love all the pictures of your area!

    @swenson19d - Sorry about the continuing hip problems. I gave you a "hug" because I know how much you like them! :D

    How do I get back on the wagon - I usually don't worry about it. Just move on and take each day as it comes - no looking in the rearview mirror. (Also guilty of burying my head in the sand quite often.)

    Vacation plans - Heading to the Grand Canyon in four weeks for a 4-day, 3 night rim-to rim hike. Not sure what else I will do this summer. Last year I ended up having vacation days left to take in December which I hate because the weather is too cold to do much outside so I'm going to focus on taking more summer days even if they are just for day trips.

    Favorite non-running hobby - Hanging out with friends and family, reading, working puzzles, soaking up the sunshine.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    Received an email the other day.

    "On behalf of the United States Running Streak Association (USRSA), I want to congratulate you on completing 3 years of your current running streak! Great job! We would love to include an update on you and your running in our next newsletter of The Streak Registry."

    5/1 13.29 miles
    5/2 13.24 miles
    5/3 13.52 miles
    5/4 13.42 miles, 1100 Days on the run, 282 days HM+ streak
    5/5 13.22 miles
    5/6 13.56 miles
    5/7 13.49 miles
    5/8 13.31 miles

    Way to go!!!! Well deserved.