What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • ckeith2021
    ckeith2021 Posts: 19 Member
    Chest day for me, with some abs, and 30 minutes of the elliptical.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    Around 75 minutes of easier cardio today. 10K on the rower (50 minutes) and then around 25 minutes more on the Assault Bike. All easy paced.
  • Xikaiden
    Xikaiden Posts: 37 Member
    2 1/2 hr walk this morning (before it temps got too hot)
    and after lunch these exercises routines below.
    the heart comment is because the app only recorded the bpm for the first 3 rounds and everything else was blank
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    Did 500m rows X 8 with lifting supersets in the 6 minutes I set for rest periods in between the rows.

    It actually worked out well, with around 3 minutes of actual rest to bring down the HR. Avg times on the rowing around 2:01 or 2:02 (fell apart a bit toward the end as I ran out of juice). 88 degrees in the garage (even with my new cooler) and it's humid for AZ (our monsoon season is the only time we have humidity). Around 820 calories burned for the hour.

    Got the HR up to around 84 or 85% max but not any higher. Muscle fatigue wouldn't allow the cardio to get any more intense. Nice interval set and glad that one of my two hard days is done already on Monday.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    * Only 5.4km rowing bow in the quad.
    * 5.33mi walk, slow (3.1mph): By the end, it was 88 degrees F, around 50% humidity, "feels like" temperature of 93F. (Hot/humid during the row right beforehand, too.)

    Shorter row than usual because we had a time-consuming adventure.

    There've been storms lately, so some debris in the river. Today, I - who am responsible as the person steering - got the quad hung up on about a 40' submerged branch/tree (broken off at base so no roots, but big, maybe 8-10" in diameter at the thick end) that was submerged except for about a 6" small branch-stub sticking up that I missed seeing because of mild chop (plus the usual fact that we travel backwards). (That's roughly as long as the boat, BTW.) Somehow, I cleverly managed to approach it so that it got stuck crosswise between the skeg (a fixed fin thingie under the boat near the stern) and the deeper swell of the boat's hull further from stern.

    Couldn't go over it in either direction (It was floating up under our hull at an angle), couldn't get it to move sideways (there was maybe 8' of it to our right, the other 30' or so to our left. We tried so. many. things. No dice. 😬🙄 Everything dragged it up/down-river, or clockwise/counterclockwise around the pivot point on our hull. About the only thing we hadn't tried was one of us getting into the water to wrangle the branch, which was probably up next.

    Finally a nice fisherman named Josh in a small aluminum boat with a trolling motor came to our rescue, helped push it down and sideways out from under us. Bless him and all his descendants to be! We would've gotten out somehow, but we were very lucky he was there.

    No damage to boat or rowers, but this was probably either the 2nd or 3rd worst thing that's happened to me in a rowing shell, in 18 years of regular rowing.
  • snacker127
    snacker127 Posts: 75 Member
    60 min total body Peloton bike bootcamp
  • Irfan_Ali
    Irfan_Ali Posts: 13 Member
    Up Mount Snowdon in Wales in just under 2.5hrs and back down in 2hr 7 mins

    Weather was atrocious at the summit as we were hit by low cloud cover, raining non stop and you couldn't see any views, I reckon I could have done in 2hrs had the weather not been that bad

    Tough Mudder at the end of this month so can't wait
  • Xikaiden
    Xikaiden Posts: 37 Member
    8hrs walking due to work, will be the same for tomorrow.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,031 Member
    Irfan_Ali wrote: »
    Up Mount Snowdon in Wales in just under 2.5hrs and back down in 2hr 7 mins

    Nice! I love Snowdon, although I've not had the chance to go up it for a few years.

    I climbed on Sunday. I am in the UK's Office for National Statistics COVID survey, and so I needed to cut the session short to get home in time for a test. (As it happened, the tester was an hour late so I could have stayed on.)

    So it was only an 80 minute session, and it felt like I'd just started to get into my stride when it ended.

    Monday was a rest day, although I managed a 6 mile walk in the evening.
  • yuvrajsrivas11
    yuvrajsrivas11 Posts: 1 Member
    Want to lose weight fast follow this diet plan
  • oliness
    oliness Posts: 2 Member
    250 calories burned on elliptical Cross trainer in 18 minutes. My goal is to get that time down.

    Also lateral arm pull at 65lbs for 10 reps. Want to eventually increase the weight
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,998 Member
    Sun Salutations (10-30m)

    Strength: Static Holds
    Hollow Body - 60-48-36-24-12s (3m)
    Handstand Wall - 60-48-36-24-12s (3m)
    Hang - 60-48-36-24-12s (3m)
    Dip - 60-48-36-24-12s (3m)
    Jumprope 5x250sk (1250sk)
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    Easy hour of cardio. 8K meters on the rower, then 20 more minutes on the LateralX.

    Oh, almost forgot. I ordered a 70 lb Kettlebell today from Rogue. Can't wait. To be safe (and I have an old man back), I also got a weight lifting belt on order as well. You can pick up a lot of strength doing KB swings with 1/3 of your body weight. I'm close to 200 right now. Probably around 10 lbs of fat, to be honest. But not a lot more.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    Had planned a bike ride despite around 90 degrees F. Bike noped out: I decided to let the bike shop fix the flat and give it a needed tune-up at the same time.

    So, just under half an hour of stationary bike, a putative 10k + cool-down while staying in one place, moderate pace, while playing a computer game on my phone. (Slackety slackerville! 😆) Even at mostly Z3 and below in an air-conditioned house, I still sweat to the point of literally dripping off my body. 🙄 Jeesh.
  • mistyrbell9588
    mistyrbell9588 Posts: 20 Member
    I am often going on to Instagram to get work out ideas, as I follow a few trainers who post videos. I work out 5-6 days a week and like to mix it up & try new things. I thought I would start a discussion and have people post their work outs. Maybe give each other some good ideas! If I stick with the same thing over and over I get booorred.

    30 min on treadmill, alternating speeds walking & running
    Squats with kettlebell
    Overhead press to squat with 40lb. bar
    Mountain climber/burpee/pushup circuit
    10 minutes of stretching to end

    Total time: 1hr. 10 min.

    Age: 47
    Current weight: 162
    Goal weight: 142

    Just curious, your workout sounds very strenuous, just wondering how many calories you burn? Not trying to be rude or obtrusive. I hate exercise to be honest. I force myself to do a beginner HIIT routine, which I have yet to fully conquer. Then I just do work in the garden, tilling, pulling weeds, cleaning, etc... Still less than a month in, so I'm taking my time, just gradually working myself up. But it does take a long time to burn calories the "easy" way, like I've been doing....
  • mikethewriter
    mikethewriter Posts: 18 Member
    • Lunges - 10 reps
    • Pushups - 3 sets of 20 reps
    • Squats - 3 sets of 20 reps
    • Dumbbell rows - 3 sets of 10 reps
    • Single leg deadlifts - 10-12 reps
    • Burpees - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    I am often going on to Instagram to get work out ideas, as I follow a few trainers who post videos. I work out 5-6 days a week and like to mix it up & try new things. I thought I would start a discussion and have people post their work outs. Maybe give each other some good ideas! If I stick with the same thing over and over I get booorred.

    30 min on treadmill, alternating speeds walking & running
    Squats with kettlebell
    Overhead press to squat with 40lb. bar
    Mountain climber/burpee/pushup circuit
    10 minutes of stretching to end

    Total time: 1hr. 10 min.

    Age: 47
    Current weight: 162
    Goal weight: 142

    Just curious, your workout sounds very strenuous, just wondering how many calories you burn? Not trying to be rude or obtrusive. I hate exercise to be honest. I force myself to do a beginner HIIT routine, which I have yet to fully conquer. Then I just do work in the garden, tilling, pulling weeds, cleaning, etc... Still less than a month in, so I'm taking my time, just gradually working myself up. But it does take a long time to burn calories the "easy" way, like I've been doing....

    I honestly don't believe she's active on the site any longer. That was a post from 3 years ago. Though she started one of my favorite threads on the site (obviously).

    My workouts twice a week are similar to this or even a bit harder, to be honest. But you are doing fantastic!

    Please don't compare yourself to others. I've been at this for 11 or 12 years now. When I started, I was 255 and had just destroyed my right knee in an accident. I literally started exercising by learning to walk again -- it took over two years. I started with just bearing weight and being able to literally turn an exercise bike one time. From there, over a year, I got to the point where I could walk a few 100 meters. That's it.

    Fast forward two years from then, I tried jogging and could jog without pain. Slow, very slowly, but still. Huge progress. I started jogging 100 steps at a time. Within 2 years, I was doing 8 mile trail races. Also lifting in the gym on machines and doing spin classes. My first spin class was so bad that the instructor came up to "check on" me after class -- she was that concerned about me! After another year spinning, I was stronger than her.

    I row and lift now (as well as do Assault Bike and LateralX). But I do a ton of Cross Fit type of stuff as well.

    A "normal" Monday or Friday, I burn 900 calories in an hour. When I started, I would burn around 250 to 300. I tried a boot camp class when I first started losing and thought I'd die. Now, Orange Theory isn't even enough of a challenge for me.

    You have to understand that super incremental, consistency is the key. People don't become athletic overnight. It's by doing something every single day or around five or six days a week (taking one day of rest). It also helps losing weight. I was over 40% body fat at 255 or so. Now, I'm nearly 200 lbs but only like 10 of that is excess fat that I would like to lose. I'm likely around 20% body fat now and even have a (slight, not ripped) six pack at 200 lbs (and I'll be 57 this year). You can do a heck of a lot more strenuous exercises when you've slowly lost the weight and built up to it.

    But just do it one day at a time. Don't look ahead and don't compare. Just be super consistent. And I hated cardio when I started. Now, I'd say I'm solidly addicted to cardio.
  • mistyrbell9588
    mistyrbell9588 Posts: 20 Member
    I am often going on to Instagram to get work out ideas, as I follow a few trainers who post videos. I work out 5-6 days a week and like to mix it up & try new things. I thought I would start a discussion and have people post their work outs. Maybe give each other some good ideas! If I stick with the same thing over and over I get booorred.

    30 min on treadmill, alternating speeds walking & running
    Squats with kettlebell
    Overhead press to squat with 40lb. bar
    Mountain climber/burpee/pushup circuit
    10 minutes of stretching to end

    Total time: 1hr. 10 min.

    Age: 47
    Current weight: 162
    Goal weight: 142

    Just curious, your workout sounds very strenuous, just wondering how many calories you burn? Not trying to be rude or obtrusive. I hate exercise to be honest. I force myself to do a beginner HIIT routine, which I have yet to fully conquer. Then I just do work in the garden, tilling, pulling weeds, cleaning, etc... Still less than a month in, so I'm taking my time, just gradually working myself up. But it does take a long time to burn calories the "easy" way, like I've been doing....

    I honestly don't believe she's active on the site any longer. That was a post from 3 years ago. Though she started one of my favorite threads on the site (obviously).

    My workouts twice a week are similar to this or even a bit harder, to be honest. But you are doing fantastic!

    Please don't compare yourself to others. I've been at this for 11 or 12 years now. When I started, I was 255 and had just destroyed my right knee in an accident. I literally started exercising by learning to walk again -- it took over two years. I started with just bearing weight and being able to literally turn an exercise bike one time. From there, over a year, I got to the point where I could walk a few 100 meters. That's it.

    Fast forward two years from then, I tried jogging and could jog without pain. Slow, very slowly, but still. Huge progress. I started jogging 100 steps at a time. Within 2 years, I was doing 8 mile trail races. Also lifting in the gym on machines and doing spin classes. My first spin class was so bad that the instructor came up to "check on" me after class -- she was that concerned about me! After another year spinning, I was stronger than her.

    I row and lift now (as well as do Assault Bike and LateralX). But I do a ton of Cross Fit type of stuff as well.

    A "normal" Monday or Friday, I burn 900 calories in an hour. When I started, I would burn around 250 to 300. I tried a boot camp class when I first started losing and thought I'd die. Now, Orange Theory isn't even enough of a challenge for me.

    You have to understand that super incremental, consistency is the key. People don't become athletic overnight. It's by doing something every single day or around five or six days a week (taking one day of rest). It also helps losing weight. I was over 40% body fat at 255 or so. Now, I'm nearly 200 lbs but only like 10 of that is excess fat that I would like to lose. I'm likely around 20% body fat now and even have a (slight, not ripped) six pack at 200 lbs (and I'll be 57 this year). You can do a heck of a lot more strenuous exercises when you've slowly lost the weight and built up to it.

    But just do it one day at a time. Don't look ahead and don't compare. Just be super consistent. And I hated cardio when I started. Now, I'd say I'm solidly addicted to cardio.

    That's fantastic! I can't imagine how hard it must have been to push through that kind of pain starting at square one! Slow incremental progress. I'll keep that in mind. It's so easy to get discouraged when I see so many people who are doing all of these amazing things. I'll just have to keep at it and work my way up to it. Almost a month in, I still don't see major results, but I do feel like I'm making progress.
    My HIIT routine is still very hard to do, but I'm spending less time dying and behind for the exercise to be over, and spending more time focusing on my posture and doing the exercise properly.
    It's inspiring to know that change is possible and that even if I can't see immediate progress, it will come. Thank you for your reply!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,998 Member
    Yoga and jumprope...
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2021
    I am often going on to Instagram to get work out ideas, as I follow a few trainers who post videos. I work out 5-6 days a week and like to mix it up & try new things. I thought I would start a discussion and have people post their work outs. Maybe give each other some good ideas! If I stick with the same thing over and over I get booorred.

    30 min on treadmill, alternating speeds walking & running
    Squats with kettlebell
    Overhead press to squat with 40lb. bar
    Mountain climber/burpee/pushup circuit
    10 minutes of stretching to end

    Total time: 1hr. 10 min.

    Age: 47
    Current weight: 162
    Goal weight: 142

    Just curious, your workout sounds very strenuous, just wondering how many calories you burn? Not trying to be rude or obtrusive. I hate exercise to be honest. I force myself to do a beginner HIIT routine, which I have yet to fully conquer. Then I just do work in the garden, tilling, pulling weeds, cleaning, etc... Still less than a month in, so I'm taking my time, just gradually working myself up. But it does take a long time to burn calories the "easy" way, like I've been doing....

    I honestly don't believe she's active on the site any longer. That was a post from 3 years ago. Though she started one of my favorite threads on the site (obviously).

    My workouts twice a week are similar to this or even a bit harder, to be honest. But you are doing fantastic!

    Please don't compare yourself to others. I've been at this for 11 or 12 years now. When I started, I was 255 and had just destroyed my right knee in an accident. I literally started exercising by learning to walk again -- it took over two years. I started with just bearing weight and being able to literally turn an exercise bike one time. From there, over a year, I got to the point where I could walk a few 100 meters. That's it.

    Fast forward two years from then, I tried jogging and could jog without pain. Slow, very slowly, but still. Huge progress. I started jogging 100 steps at a time. Within 2 years, I was doing 8 mile trail races. Also lifting in the gym on machines and doing spin classes. My first spin class was so bad that the instructor came up to "check on" me after class -- she was that concerned about me! After another year spinning, I was stronger than her.

    I row and lift now (as well as do Assault Bike and LateralX). But I do a ton of Cross Fit type of stuff as well.

    A "normal" Monday or Friday, I burn 900 calories in an hour. When I started, I would burn around 250 to 300. I tried a boot camp class when I first started losing and thought I'd die. Now, Orange Theory isn't even enough of a challenge for me.

    You have to understand that super incremental, consistency is the key. People don't become athletic overnight. It's by doing something every single day or around five or six days a week (taking one day of rest). It also helps losing weight. I was over 40% body fat at 255 or so. Now, I'm nearly 200 lbs but only like 10 of that is excess fat that I would like to lose. I'm likely around 20% body fat now and even have a (slight, not ripped) six pack at 200 lbs (and I'll be 57 this year). You can do a heck of a lot more strenuous exercises when you've slowly lost the weight and built up to it.

    But just do it one day at a time. Don't look ahead and don't compare. Just be super consistent. And I hated cardio when I started. Now, I'd say I'm solidly addicted to cardio.

    That's fantastic! I can't imagine how hard it must have been to push through that kind of pain starting at square one! Slow incremental progress. I'll keep that in mind. It's so easy to get discouraged when I see so many people who are doing all of these amazing things. I'll just have to keep at it and work my way up to it. Almost a month in, I still don't see major results, but I do feel like I'm making progress.
    My HIIT routine is still very hard to do, but I'm spending less time dying and behind for the exercise to be over, and spending more time focusing on my posture and doing the exercise properly.
    It's inspiring to know that change is possible and that even if I can't see immediate progress, it will come. Thank you for your reply!

    HIIT is a little intense for beginners, certainly was for me. Don't be afraid to notch it down a bit. I said I've been at this 12 years, it's actually been going on 15 now. One month is amazing, but put that into context. Just do what you can each day but don't go too quick or you'll get burned out or injured.

    After a harder day, my next day is (relatively) easy. I call those my "old man cardio days".
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Today was 50 minutes of easy cardio. 30 on the rower and 20 on the Assault Bike. Wasn't liking the 90 degree garage today.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    * Just over 7k rowing bow in the quad. (Same rower lineup from Monday's tree adventure let me steer again - go figure 🤷‍♀️. It was hot, but blessedly uneventful.)

    * 2.4mi walk with a couple of my rowing buddies, right after the row, leading to . . .

    * lunch at a plant-filled beer garden, next to a pond with a fountain.

    I think this may be li'l ol' lady cardio? 😉😋

    @mistyrbell9588 - Hang in there, just keep gradually progressing via keeping a bit of a manageable challenge in your routine, doing things you find fun: You'll amaze yourself with what you accomplish, long term.

    I didn't become routinely active until my mid-40s, after around 8 months of full-course cancer treatment, obese at the time. Now I'm 65, very active, a healthy weight, and light-years healthier/stronger. Younger, health and capability-wise, for sure.


    (Garmin exaggerates. 😉🤣)
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 533 Member
    Hump day gets a nice jog.


    Was thinking of doing it outside. Been a bit rainy so didn’t take the chance.
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    Upper body day but had to split up arms from chest/back. All done though!
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    * Just over 7k rowing bow in the quad. (Same rower lineup from Monday's tree adventure let me steer again - go figure 🤷‍♀️. It was hot, but blessedly uneventful.)

    * 2.4mi walk with a couple of my rowing buddies, right after the row, leading to . . .

    * lunch at a plant-filled beer garden, next to a pond with a fountain.

    I think this may be li'l ol' lady cardio? 😉😋

    @mistyrbell9588 - Hang in there, just keep gradually progressing via keeping a bit of a manageable challenge in your routine, doing things you find fun: You'll amaze yourself with what you accomplish, long term.

    I didn't become routinely active until my mid-40s, after around 8 months of full-course cancer treatment, obese at the time. Now I'm 65, very active, a healthy weight, and light-years healthier/stronger. Younger, health and capability-wise, for sure.


    (Garmin exaggerates. 😉🤣)

    Hi there! Didn’t realize you went through cancer treatment. My mom did the same (breast) and is very active. I wish she strength trained and ate to fuel herself more, but she is trying to lose weight. You give me hope things can still turn for her!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,246 MFP Moderator
    Sporadic update... but today's was a 22 mile bike ride followed by a couple of hours of wrangling horses. I'm tired.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    alexmose2 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    * Just over 7k rowing bow in the quad. (Same rower lineup from Monday's tree adventure let me steer again - go figure 🤷‍♀️. It was hot, but blessedly uneventful.)

    * 2.4mi walk with a couple of my rowing buddies, right after the row, leading to . . .

    * lunch at a plant-filled beer garden, next to a pond with a fountain.

    I think this may be li'l ol' lady cardio? 😉😋

    @mistyrbell9588 - Hang in there, just keep gradually progressing via keeping a bit of a manageable challenge in your routine, doing things you find fun: You'll amaze yourself with what you accomplish, long term.

    I didn't become routinely active until my mid-40s, after around 8 months of full-course cancer treatment, obese at the time. Now I'm 65, very active, a healthy weight, and light-years healthier/stronger. Younger, health and capability-wise, for sure.


    (Garmin exaggerates. 😉🤣)

    Hi there! Didn’t realize you went through cancer treatment. My mom did the same (breast) and is very active. I wish she strength trained and ate to fuel herself more, but she is trying to lose weight. You give me hope things can still turn for her!

    Stage III breast cancer, in my case, diagnosed when I was already pretty physically depleted. After treatment (bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, 6 weeks of radiation therapy every weekday), I realized that if I ever wanted to feel even as strong, healthy and happy as I had before diagnosis, I was going to have to *work* at it. I started with some manageable things: Yoga for a while, later a strength training class, other things, then found rowing, which is what completely transformed my life, physically and socially.

    Things absolutely can turn for your mom . . . but she needs to want to turn them. I was already active before weight loss . . . fueling exercise and weight loss can co-exist, IME, even weight loss at a pretty satisfying rate.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    * Just over 7k rowing bow in the quad. (Same rower lineup from Monday's tree adventure let me steer again - go figure 🤷‍♀️. It was hot, but blessedly uneventful.)

    * 2.4mi walk with a couple of my rowing buddies, right after the row, leading to . . .

    * lunch at a plant-filled beer garden, next to a pond with a fountain.

    I think this may be li'l ol' lady cardio? 😉😋

    @mistyrbell9588 - Hang in there, just keep gradually progressing via keeping a bit of a manageable challenge in your routine, doing things you find fun: You'll amaze yourself with what you accomplish, long term.

    I didn't become routinely active until my mid-40s, after around 8 months of full-course cancer treatment, obese at the time. Now I'm 65, very active, a healthy weight, and light-years healthier/stronger. Younger, health and capability-wise, for sure.


    (Garmin exaggerates. 😉🤣)

    @AnnPt77, according to Garmin, we're the same age. :)
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member

    You have to understand that super incremental, consistency is the key. People don't become athletic overnight. It's by doing something every single day or around five or six days a week (taking one day of rest). It also helps losing weight. I was over 40% body fat at 255 or so. Now, I'm nearly 200 lbs but only like 10 of that is excess fat that I would like to lose. I'm likely around 20% body fat now and even have a (slight, not ripped) six pack at 200 lbs (and I'll be 57 this year). You can do a heck of a lot more strenuous exercises when you've slowly lost the weight and built up to it.

    But just do it one day at a time. Don't look ahead and don't compare. Just be super consistent.

    @MikePfirman - This paragraph is THE ANSWER for 99% of us. It's incredibly simple to say, but often very difficult for many people to execute over the long term. That is why I believe that those who succeed in achieving long term fitness are the people who have made it a habit. For those folks, there's no thinking involved, it has become automatic.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Back from vacation and into the lap pool. 2600yd swim today, starting with drills, then a main set of 5x400 @ just above race pace using a pull buoy to simulate a wetsuit swim. Bike trainer work resumes tomorrow.