Let me know you a little better



  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,644 Member
    I’ve gone from,
    “what the **** did you say to me?”
    “whatever, I really don’t care.”

    old age 😂
  • hdriding75
    hdriding75 Posts: 151 Member
    Can I have more friends. I need more friends
  • Finishiitnow
    Finishiitnow Posts: 896 Member
    I’ve gone from,
    “what the **** did you say to me?”
    “whatever, I really don’t care.”

    old age 😂

    🍻 cheers 🥂 love that one
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I love dogs. In fact I generally take right to dogs whil;e people not so much. But I am getting better about people.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    It’s weird, so many people from so many places and not one kindred spirit.
    I’ve felt this way my whole life.
    Like parts of my personality need to stay hidden or no one will like me.
    There were years, 17-35 that my ex filled that role.
    But I kinda kept growing, expanding my opinions.
    He didn’t expand his, just dug in more.
    I think that’s what people mean by
    “growing apart”.
    I have no one to share me with.
    It’s lonely.

    I can relate to a lot of what you wrote here.
    You're not alone.
    And being with the wrong person can feel just as lonely.

    Take care of YOU <3
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,940 Member
    I’ve gone from,
    “what the **** did you say to me?”
    “whatever, I really don’t care.”

    old age 😂

    I've never really been one for swearing. An old high school English teacher once challenged us to write a paper filled with cussing, but expand our vocabulary by replacing every swear word with a non-swear word/phrase which gets the same point across. I took that paper to heart, and have spent most of my life since avoiding all swearing and utilizing my vocabulary.

    The exception is when I am seriously irate about something, in which case I am fully capable of demonstrating my proficiency with cussing. My kids have grown to know that if Dad ever starts cussing, he's SERIOUS, and it's time to shape up, lol.
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,644 Member
    Revolu7 wrote: »
    It’s weird, so many people from so many places and not one kindred spirit.
    I’ve felt this way my whole life.
    Like parts of my personality need to stay hidden or no one will like me.
    There were years, 17-35 that my ex filled that role.
    But I kinda kept growing, expanding my opinions.
    He didn’t expand his, just dug in more.
    I think that’s what people mean by
    “growing apart”.
    I have no one to share me with.
    It’s lonely.

    A little tough love to a good heart......this is on you chica. You still treat your ex as if hes not an ex. Nobody gets a chance to share something real with you because you grew, but never let go. Wanting something gets very painful when it stays just a want forever.

    I know you’re right 💓
  • kdroberts1
    kdroberts1 Posts: 181 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    I love dogs. In fact I generally take right to dogs whil;e people not so much. But I am getting better about people.

    I always say I like dogs more than people!! 🤣
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    I don't believe anything in life is really personal... We are all just brains reacting to the environment... In the shoes of another we'd all do and be the same as they are...
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,940 Member
    Unless that other were enjoying Brussel-sprout flavored ice cream...I don't think I would be the same then...
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Grew up in a cat household, and for the first 26 years of being an adult I had a home with cats only. But starting this past year we've systematically added more varieties of animals, first fish, then salamanders, then parakeets, and finally I gave in to my kids' pleas to get our first two dogs. Never wanted dogs growing up (truth was I was a bit scared of them as a young kid), didn't want the increased maintenance of them today (other animals you feed and otherwise forget, unless the cat comes to you for an occasional scratch). Figured despite my kids pleading for the dogs, the actual chore of taking care of them would largely fall to me...they may feed them and occasionally play, but walks, discipline, training, etc would fall to me...and it largely has, as predicted.

    But you know what? Gotta say the dogs are growing on me. Sure, they are noisy and destroying my back yard and their food costs more than all the other animals combined, but they do make great companions to sit and watch football with, and the first time the puppy brought ME his tug-of-war rope felt great.

    That's so cool. <3 IMO dogs are the best companion ever. :) They love you no matter what. All they want is food, playtime with you, and endless belly rubs in return.

    Having had an animal-loving older sister while us 4 kids were growing up, we were always getting different animals. My 2 older sisters would go cruising out on the back roads and bring home stray cats, a dog, picked up a duckling at a local store near Easter time. We had small turtles, goldfish, parakeets, hamsters, bunnies, and we even had a Capuchin monkey gifted to us when I was about 13. As an adult, we've had bunnies, hamsters, cats and dogs. Dogs will always hold the biggest piece of my heart. And yes, they are a commitment but worth it IMO.
  • stretch0823
    stretch0823 Posts: 35 Member
    Never grow old 58 going on 17.
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,644 Member
    Never grow old 58 going on 17.

    Got ya beat, 60 going on 17 ✌️😎
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Never grow old 58 going on 17.

    Got ya beat, 60 going on 17 ✌️😎

    Got ya both beat, 68 going on 17 o:):p

    I really don't feel my age; it's got to catch up to me sometime though.