September 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I need a strobe or disco light or something as I already wear light color, reflective stuff AND a bright AF head lamp. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    A loud siren, perhaps?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,031 Member
    edited September 2021
    @WhatMeRunning Thanks. That means a lot to me.

    @katharmonic Thanks for the encouragement. Funny about your secret half marathon. Hugs on the anniversary of your sister's death. I'm sure that is hard every year.

    Thanks @Tramboman, @Scott6255 , and @skippygirlsmom ! You're encouragement keeps me going.

    Congrats on your 5 mile PR @bradkcrew !

    @RunsOnEspresso I'm glad you weren't hit. Did the driver ever see you?

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,100 Member
    @quilteryoyo You did it!! I'm so excited for you! And running that distance without the crowd support adds a level of difficulty. You did awesome! All the signs along the trail were a nice touch @Teresa502 . Makes it feel like a "real" race.
    Someone else mentioned that first HM often suck. I also had a rough 1st HM. It's a challenge to go that distance and actually feel good doing it. Getting fueling and hydration dialed in takes practice and then when you think you have it figured out, boom, it stops working and you gotta start over.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso that has happened to me a couple times, and even with cars driving FORWARD. When they are close enough, I'll bang on the car and give them a WTF shrug and head shake. Glad you weren't run over!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited September 2021
    Another little run in the rain - 4 miles, was planned to be a tempo run but slowed down after the first two. We saw a BOBCAT! And not on trails, it was in the middle of the bridge on Wolf River Boulevard! There is a crossing for pedestrians and cycles divided from the road by a cast iron fence, and as we approached the overpass a cyclist was coming towards us with what looked like a cat trotting in front of him. What went through my mind in less than two seconds: “Cat, oh he looks friendly, hi guy are you coming to greet me? He sure moves funny for a cat, more like a big puppy, gosh he has huge paws, and he’s a funny color, is that some sort of Bengal cat or something? Gosh he really is huge, um, look at the tail, his tail is real weird… BOBCAAAATTT!”

    He trotted right up to us, paused about ten feet away, looked at us, looked at the woods adjoining the riverbank, turned, and sauntered into the woods and disappeared. Total time less than five seconds I would guess. The cyclist came over the bridge as my husband and I stopped and gaped, and we all three said, “WAS THAT A BOBCAT?” Apparently he ran across the bridge, encountered a bicycle coming towards him, turned and ran back the other way into us.

    I have bottle fed a baby bobcat when I worked for the nature preserve and we used to have them at the place where I grew up, but I’ve never been this close to one in the wild! I think this guy was young, he wasn’t much larger than a big domestic cat, and he had a playful bounce to his gait.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited September 2021
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    5 miles this morning. Almost hit by someone backing outof their driveway, like I was already behind the car when they started it and threw in reverse. Without looking apparently.

    I need a strobe or disco light or something as I already wear light color, reflective stuff AND a bright AF head lamp. 🤷🏼‍♀️


    Will not do one bit of good. You could sing the star spangled banner at the top of your lungs, decked out in glitter and gold, while whistling dixie and doing the two step and they still will NOT see you.

    Whatever is wrong with society, the new cancel culture, all about me and special snowflaked unicorns, I do not know. The new way of driving is to blow through stop signs, speed through school zones, pass school buses, fly out of driveways, forwards and backwards, make angry hand gestures at whoever is in the way, all the while looking at the next tiktok, youtube, instagram star.

    I wear bright colors, have nox vest (neon lights), a blinking light, reflectors and most all know me as 'that woman who always run." DAILY! I still get "OMG I did not see you!" or an exasperated look or shrug, or just completely ignored as they whip out the driveway or through the stop sign. Did I mention this is D.A.I.L.Y? I have stood (running in place at the end of driveways as special frosted snowflake unicorns back out, not looking, until they look up and see me at the driver's side window with the look of 'yes, stupid, we almost had to call an ambulance.' The same people, every day.

    Yup, I saw another guy this morning fly through a stop sign. I was so glad I was turning or I'd have been hit because he was only looking left. No one making a right ever looks left, right, left. Almost got hit last week by someone doing the same thing. I stepped into street and was able to stop because I'd been watching. He stopped for a car then stepped on it as I started to cross. And that was broad daylight.

    And I usually run against traffic, as I'm supposed to. People just don't look for walkers, runners, kids, families only cars. Then they look at you like "whaaaa? People walk/run? I didn't know thats what that cement over there was for. Thought it was for extra parking"
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @AlphaHowls - I suppose you're right, it wouldn't help. I've seen traffic whiz in front of emergency vehicles with their lights and sirens blazing. We live on a dead-end street. A small bus comes to pick up my youngest son to take him to a needs-focused school across town. The only traffic (rare) is either people who live on this street or are taking their kids to/from the "regular" school just down the street. At least once every couple weeks someone goes blowing past the stopped bus with red lights flashing and a big red stop sign with flashing red lights on it extended. It's a hefty automatic ticket too (camera's send the before/after pics straight to the police). Yet people still do it all the time. Next door neighbor even did it once.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,100 Member
    edited September 2021
    @teresa502 That's scary. Sounds like a safe move to mix it up a bit for a while.

    @rheddmobile Wow! Another scary encounter! I can't imaging running into an actual bobcat and having it get that close.

    @johnisrunning That is a great view!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    5 miles this morning. Almost hit by someone backing outof their driveway, like I was already behind the car when they started it and threw in reverse. Without looking apparently.

    I need a strobe or disco light or something as I already wear light color, reflective stuff AND a bright AF head lamp. 🤷🏼‍♀️


    Will not do one bit of good. You could sing the star spangled banner at the top of your lungs, decked out in glitter and gold, while whistling dixie and doing the two step and they still will NOT see you.

    Whatever is wrong with society, the new cancel culture, all about me and special snowflaked unicorns, I do not know. The new way of driving is to blow through stop signs, speed through school zones, pass school buses, fly out of driveways, forwards and backwards, make angry hand gestures at whoever is in the way, all the while looking at the next tiktok, youtube, instagram star.

    I wear bright colors, have nox vest (neon lights), a blinking light, reflectors and most all know me as 'that woman who always run." DAILY! I still get "OMG I did not see you!" or an exasperated look or shrug, or just completely ignored as they whip out the driveway or through the stop sign. Did I mention this is D.A.I.L.Y? I have stood (running in place at the end of driveways as special frosted snowflake unicorns back out, not looking, until they look up and see me at the driver's side window with the look of 'yes, stupid, we almost had to call an ambulance.' The same people, every day.

    Yup, I saw another guy this morning fly through a stop sign. I was so glad I was turning or I'd have been hit because he was only looking left. No one making a right ever looks left, right, left. Almost got hit last week by someone doing the same thing. I stepped into street and was able to stop because I'd been watching. He stopped for a car then stepped on it as I started to cross. And that was broad daylight.

    And I usually run against traffic, as I'm supposed to. People just don't look for walkers, runners, kids, families only cars. Then they look at you like "whaaaa? People walk/run? I didn't know thats what that cement over there was for. Thought it was for extra parking"
    In Memphis I know of two cyclists hit and killed by people making right turns in the past year. It’s a problem. One was at Shelby Farms in the marked bike lane.

    Here we are one of the most dangerous cities for pedestrian deaths. I don’t expect people to see me or avoid me, I leap out of the way when a car approaches. I once had to run jump on some stranger’s porch when a car swerved completely off the street and into a yard and almost hit me. This is why we try to run at parks and not roads.
  • CarsonSurfs
    CarsonSurfs Posts: 75 Member
    @johnisrunning, I visited the Grand Canyon a number of years ago, 2006, shortly after I had started running. I ran ONE TIME while I was there and the altitude killed me. My lungs burned for a couple of days after. You appear to be a bit more experienced than I was at the time. How did you handle the altitude? Did you notice any differences in your perceived effort for equivalent paces?
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    Great job @quilteryoyo !!!!!!!
  • sweetdaisy13
    sweetdaisy13 Posts: 357 Member
    @quilteryoyo Well done on running your Half Marathon 🎉