
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    edited November 2021

    Hi folks. We are adaptable, so I will stop whinging and adapt 😂

    Previous photo was on our walk in Castle Park on Tuesday afternoon. The autumn colour is quite pretty at the moment.

    DH has gone out with his bird watching cronies this morning. I’m playing around with the new settings to see what’s what.

    Sue - (((hugs))) Glad to see you posting again.

    This morning I’m finishing a birthday card for my daughter. She is 55 on the 18th of November, but we are going to see her this coming Sunday and taking her her birthday present and card.

    I finally got my gynae appointment for my ongoing prolapse problem. It’s on Friday, the 19th of November.

    Have a great day everybody. I will try and pop back in later today and see how things are.

    (((Hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 For those who need them.

    ☘️ Terri

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    MACHKA I do to do lists too. thanks for that post. I like the part about giving specific instructions to your future lazy (or tired or distracted..) self.

    TRACEY I'm so sorry about your work stuff. that is really upsetting.

    ALLIE that stinks about the long wait. What will you do during the wait time?

    Julie, France

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member


    Busy, busy, busy. It seems busier now than we've been in a while.


    We had our son and daughter-in-law over for dinner tonight! In preparation for that, we've been madly working on both house and garden. Our hope was to eat outside so we tried to prepare the path (but didn't get enough gravel), I weeded for hours and hours, and we each finished a patio table. But on the chance we might eat inside, we also cleaned and prepared the house. We ate inside. We're having such a cold spring.

    It was the first time we've had them over and first time my husband and I have had a dinner party ... ever!


    Not as much happening lately as hoped ... unless you count hours of garden work and house cleaning and organising.


    We have a very low-key Christmas which usually involves a restaurant dinner and cycling. We purchase very few gifts. If I get something for someone, it is usually because I've seen something I think they would really like in a local craft/art type of place or similar, and I might get it on our travels around the state in some other month of the year and just hang onto it till Christmas.

    Christmas is in the summer here and I'd rather be out enjoying myself than worrying about shopping.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member

    Yes, I find if I have a vague item on my list, it will rarely get done. I've got to break it down into easy steps!

    M in Oz

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    Hmmm discovering the new format. Not a fan of the white. A shame that easy spoiler option is no longer there. presumably there are sup up sides ? I think a much bigger choice of emojis offered? and ....🤔😯🙂🌎️

    Julie, France

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    queasy stomach. I have had queasy stomach often over past week or so. a lot of my friends and colleagues seem to be getting bugs in the past week or two.

    hypothesis : we were super-protected from one another over months and years and now there is a bit more mixing and we are catching things... and it's been a bit cool too...

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member

    Happy Thursday, everyone! The new updates are a little frustrating; but we will get used to them! Every time a site I visit "updates" or has a "new" format, I tell myself, "Change is good. It keeps our brains active. If I stop learning, I am not growing. I am stagnating."

    Michele- The Mermaid looks beautiful! Nice job! For shells, I would take any of them; but most likely the white and add some very fine iridescent glitter.

    Machka- all of your "how to" posts, while helpful, are freaking me out! lol

    Terri- I will be turning 55 on the 18th of this month, as well. I am your daughter's birthday twin!

    I found a photo/request on marketplace from a woman asking for leaves to be dropped off at her house so she could compost. It brought a memory from my misspent youth, to the surface. Harmless fun.

    Kelly LaMore


     · Shared with Your friends

    This caught my attention. For a moment I was thrilled that perhaps someone was about to perform a little mischief. Backstory: Long ago, in a neighborhood not too far away...a young girl had her dad's pick up for the night and decided to collect, oh, about forty bags of fall leaves that were already at the curb in a friend's neighborhood. She then took these bags of leaves, and with a friend's help, she drove to a certain young man's house. This young man's father was a police officer, so extreme caution was used. The family dog was outside in the backyard and gave a couple of growls, but happily accepted the hotdogs given to her, as a bribe for her silence. The girls were able to deposit all forty bags into the front yard and they made a wondrous carpet a little over knee deep in rustling, fall, goodness. The girls made their way through the dark, to the pick up, giggling quietly. News spread in their circle of friends of the "leafing" and the angry police officer/father who told his boys that "it HAD to be one of their friends; so they had to clean it up". It was many, MANY years later; when the girl was married to the young man, that she laughingly told the former police officer/now father in law, that SHE was the Midnight Leafer. Lol. It makes me sad that the woman who posted this request for leaves is only going to use them for compost. Missed opportunities, right here.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member

    morning ladies,

    on my laptop ,because I cant get on the darn thing on my phone anymore I go to the community page it syncs and comes up blank, nothing on it,I even uninstalled and reinstalled the app.

    yesterday wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be but lots of information that they pour into your head and lots of drs,pharmacists,social workers, nurses, that come through .. you also watch a video and get sent home with a booklet about what the transplant is..

    with my blood type A+ unless i have a living donor it could be a 4-7 yr wait..they still have to go through the evaluation.. after I left there I had lab work to do.. 18 vials of blood they took,then I had to go for a chest x ray luckily all in the same building.. then i drove back and picked Alfie up from Toms .. I had been up since 1:30 in the morning so I just wanted a little nap... but Alfie wouldn't let me.. so I watched the Waltons and went to Trudys for dinner and we had a meeting with the Board of Directors as they are going to self govern , the property managment company has done a shoddy job and they fired them.

    so starting in January they will run the place..I don't know if ill ever figure out how to get back the community page on my phone, it is so much easier ,Kelly tried explaining it but it didn't work... like I said it syncs and does nothing.

    I am still exhausted from yesterday , even though I got a good nights sleep, im guessing its mental exhaustion. we shall see how today goes

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member

    Hooray, my son replied! I am going up to Nottingham for a night in a couple of weeks. I stay at a nice hotel and he comes over and we get the tram out to his house. Out for dinner, probably.

    Haven't been up for a couple of years because of covid.

    I will have to transfer some money out of savings. It's his birthday that week.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member

    To do lists- When I make a list; I have to write the estimated time it will take to do it. IF it is something that takes longer than two hours, I have to break it down into smaller jobs. Such as "build mud kitchen" becomes "buy supplies for mud kitchen-1 hour", "sand lumber for mud kitchen- 1 hour", "build mud kitchen-2 hours", "paint mud kitchen- 1 hour", "poly-coat mud kitchen- 1 hour", "stock shelves in mud kitchen- 30 minutes". Bite sized. The only way I can focus. KJ

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member

    The spoiler option is even easier!

    Instead of typing [spoiler] your words [/spoiler] you just click on the paragraph icon and choose spoiler. Then it comes up as a grey box and you type in it.

    Hi there!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member

    You should still be able to bookmark this thread with your browser.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member

    Just now getting internet back. Yes, been here b4. On my 50th bday. Helicopter ride in the canyon and had champagne lunch

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member

    There are a lot of people who bike on the ride that have MS. They let them ride first for a mile and we cheer them when they come back. Some ride longer with us if they are able to

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member

    I found these twin bed sheets that had a camping theme. Made the fitted sheets as couch covers and one of the flat sheets as a cover for Kirbys air mattress. Happy with the look!