

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,885 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    NOW...for the new year introduction:
    My name is Kelly, but am called KJ by many. I am 55, 5'8 tall and weigh 260. This is the heaviest I have ever been. I am an "emotional" eater who never had a weight issue prior to menopause. Then the weight really started hanging around. At about age 45, I began to gain weight. In the past ten years, I have gained over 100 pounds. Yikes! My DH and I have been married for almost 33 years. We have three children. Our DOS will be 35 in February and lives locally, our DD is 32, married with three sons and lives in Texas, our DYS is 28 and currently living with us. I am a childcare provider (27 years) and care for up to 12 children each day (Monday-Friday) from 7:30 am -5:30 pm. My husband helps me with this career. He took his retirement/buy out six years ago, when his job was outsourced. I am not naturally an athletic person. My favorite past time is reading. If I had my way, I would read to the detriment of everything else; so, I don't read much. Activities that I enjoy, that I have to actually make myself do, lately, is walking/hiking outside, swimming, paddleboarding/kayaking. At one time I was a regular rollerskater. I am thinking of getting on skates again. DH thinks this is a bad idea due to my "advancing age". lol When he (or others) says things like that to me, it makes me set my jaw and do it just to spite them. So...we shall see...

    Thanks Kelly!

    My New Year Introduction:

    My online name for 2 decades now is Machka. It is the Serbo-Croatian word for female cat. One portion of my family is Serbian and I love cats. :) I'm 54, 5'6" tall and now weigh 4 kg lighter than my highest weight.

    I have been slim, somewhat muscular and fit most of my life. I have edged up toward the top end of my normal BMI range 2 or 3 times throughout the years, but then in 2014 I edged over the top end of my normal BMI range into overweight. In February 2015, I joined MFP and by Christmas I had lost 25 kg dropping to my late-teens and early-30s weight.

    My main sport is cycling, especially long distance cycling. My husband and I met while cycling a 1200 km event in France with a 90 hour time limit (including all breaks) in 2003 called the Paris-Brest-Paris. We developed our relationship while cycling long distance events around the world and finally married in 2008 in Canada. I'm Canadian and he's Australian. In 2009 I moved to Australia. That's a story in itself which I may tell later.

    Once I had lost the weight in 2015, my husband and I started making plans to cycle the 2019 Paris-Brest-Paris. We were cycling all sorts of long distance events in training, and in March 2018 had cycled a 300 km distance as a pre-qualifier.

    2 weeks later my husband had a workplace accident which resulted in a severe traumatic brain injury. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and in hospital for a total of 100 days, then in rehab for another 4 months. He has made a "remarkable" recovery given the severity of the injury, but he'll never fully recover.

    During the early months and even into years after his injury, I gained weight because my focus was on working full time (in data), finishing my Master's degree, and of course, caring for my husband.

    By the end of 2020, I had graduated with my Master's degree and I had hit new heights with my weight! But I'm happy to say I have lost 4 kg in 2021 and have been more active.

    In fact, both my husband and I were more active in 2021. Various things I've read, including the current book I'm reading which I've mentioned earlier in this thread, emphasise the importance of exercise to the brain.

    2021 was kind of a regrouping year for me. Figuring out where I was after all the intensity. We'll see how 2022 goes. So far, it's a combination of relaxing and exercise ... perfect!

    Machka in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,346 Member

    Wow! I kind of like this going in later because I get to exercise, even started to get dinner ready, made the last of the ribs for tomorrow, cleaned up. The bad part is that I won’t get home until probably around 2. Oh well...it’s only this one time.

    Worked, then helped Vince bring in about 80% of the decorations. Just the lights, extension cords, “fence” need to come in. We wanted to get them in before it started to rain which it’s predicted for today (and it is raining now). Went to church where I lectored.

    Flea – happy anniversary!

    Alexandra – welcome and happy belated birthday

    Sue WA – I’m pretty sure there’s a book about hygge

    M – my neighbor was in charge of the volunteers for their chili & pottery fundraiser. Just recently I spoke to her about Connections and she said that basically it is closed down. So, unfortunately, I can’t accompany Jerry to Connections.

    Ginny OH – congrats on continuing the Nonsmoking

    Paula – I like your feeling of “be kind, especially to yourself” Welcome!

    Peterboro- welcome

    Made more of the lime bars for tomorrow. I’ll probably send some home with Ken & Lynette. Ordered my new mahjongg card which will be sent in April. I’m getting sort-of tired of this card.

    Sunday here: Oops, forgot to post last night. Oh well… Did Firm Complete Aerobics and Weight Training DVD (another new one). Work tomorrow but bowling in the afternoon then ceramics at night

    kylia – lovely family

    After exercise cut up the lime bars I made for tonight then made more chocolate bran muffins. Peeled the potatoes for tonight.

    Allie – happy birthday to Dan. That was very nice of you to get him a car

    barbie – when I would walk, I used to listen to a certain radio station. Then, when in early November they started with the Christmas music (it wasn’t even Thanksgiving) I changed to listening to audiobooks and really enjoyed it.

    Better post this before I forget again...lol

    Welcome to anyone I may have missed

    Michele NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
  • dtstylist
    dtstylist Posts: 2 Member
    Hello.. I’m new here. Looking forward to getting to know you all. My word for the year is Discipline. Looking forward to great things this New Year!
    Dtstylist in NWA
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,314 Member
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 615 Member
    Very small world, Mary! We pass through Rogers every time we head up to Brainerd, which is quite often during the summer. Don't get up to Walker too often though! Yikes! We're in North Lakeville, immediately west of North Park (off Ipava & 173rd) If they're anywhere close, message me. It's really a "small town" and we've been here for 30 years!
    Harley would LOVE to say "hewoof" but he's sleeping on Caddie's Christmas present. (which he may not give back. hmmmmmm...
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Making a batch of garlic bread. It requires a cold oven start, so it pretty much is the only cooking thing I'll do until it's done. But we like garlic bread, and this makes three loaves which is six different meals that will get garlic bread, and that makes it easy. I'll put it in the freezer in half-loaves.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,552 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    Hi Gals,
    Well, the winter holidays are over and usually that means that there is a slow time in my business… not this year! Since June work has been so busy that I have had a hard time fitting in the things I think are important.

    I find the fall and winter a time of thoughtfulness – not thinking of the type of thoughtfulness that is being kind and caring (although that is very good) but a time of thoughtfulness – introspection – evaluation – review and looking forward -
    - the current growing and coming limitations of my mom are more evident than ever.
    - The business is busier than ever
    - There are “duties” of the family matriarch that I need to take on or discard as I am soon to be/already am in that role; either truly or behind the scenes
    - There is some home business that I need to do – financial review, wills etc
    - I will not draw social security (USA’s government retirement) until I am 70. But there are things I can do between now and then to make that all as smooth and best for my taxes. I need to do more research.
    - Balancing work time, house work time, yard work time, friends, family and me time.

    These are the times that I always think this would be easier with a significant other; but honestly reading some of the things you ladies write makes me think maybe it is better to be alone. It is not that I want them to carry the load, it’s more that I would like someone help look at the decisions from another angle to see if I am missing something. A good financial guy/gal can help but mine doesn’t really know me. And chances are anyone I would hire would not really Know me. And there are many things I would not share easily.

    My Christmas Day was good, spent with friends – then I brought my Mom to my home for New Years and we did our “Christmas” celebrations then. I’ll take her home tomorrow. Today I will take her to Fairfield and we will take a friend of hers who is in dementia care out for lunch. This will be only my second time eating in a restaurant since 3/16/20 and I am not really looking forward to it. But we are all fully vaccinated and boostered. It will be fine I am sure –

    Thinking of you one and all! Welcome to the newer members.

    Thinking of everyone.
    Smiles Kim in N. California
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,607 Member
    Rita LOVE the rainbow!