
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allie Congratulations 🎉🍼👶🏻🍼🎉
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    Chose well: Joe, 143.3, readings, BP, T’ai Chi, osteo back, chiro, mfp50+, steps >7400, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, H206
    Bonus: bank, post office, veg prep, bequest committee meetings, AF
    Workin’ on it:
    Happier January 2022
    8: Say positive things to the people you meet today. R meeting followup.

    Our neighbor (the chainsaw-wielding hero) stopped by to let us know the bank above the lane, on our property, slid a bit after the recent storms. Fortunately not blocking the road. He offered to have “his guy with a tractor” push/clear the slide, but it would cost us some $$.

    Julie I don't use guided meditations, but have some soothing, new age-ish music CDs that help me modulate my breathing.
    Barbie brava for sacrificing your “wants” to the need to make healthful, caring decisions. At a church committee zoom meeting this evening, people were talking about all the recent infections. Our county reported 42 new cases yesterday, up from an average of 4 cases/day the past month. Fortunately most people were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms. None of the folk meeting in person were masked. I wasn’t masked either, but was “zoomed” in from my home office. SMH.
    Karen in VA ((hugs))
    Welcome @SFFirebird ! Would you let us know what you’d like to be called and your general locale?
    Michele wow that’s a long list. I’ll stop complaining about Freddie’s empty dairy and frozen food aisles now ;)
    Lisa thanks for the ground beef recall link!
    Allie that is great news! Congrats gramma!
    Sue “laughter yoga”? Like what happens when we do Lion’s pose the first time?
    Oh Kay. ((hugs)) Rough stuff indeed. [prayers]
    Flea thank goodness for the stunning news. Praying you continue to feel better.
    Welcome @Twistarella Elizabeth!

    Joe walked the dogs all the way down the lane to the mailbox so I flaked on taking them to the powerline. He checked out the slide and feels nothing needs to be done (surprise :naughty: ). Instead of weighing in, I asked him to discuss with our neighbor and I would support whatever he decides. He did concede that our neighbor has more expertise in these matters than he does, so gives me hope he will be guided (and not dig in in reaction to an opinionated wife.:)

    Oh look who just popped his head in to say “Good Morning!”

    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Flea-great news on your labs/tests! It is amazing what they can do with some things!

    Kylia-I'd be very careful. Covid-19 is rampant in our counties right now.
    I had 12 staff this week go positive. Most recent last night. She had a stuffy nose most of the week, lost sense of smell Thursday afternoon and tested positive yesterday. Her husband (whose workplace in Columbus has an outbreak) test positive last night also. Luckily neither of them feels really sick and I hope it stays that way over the weekend. My staff member and her husband are really pretty darned careful but it seems like this new variant is a real stinker. I figure it is a matter of time for me to catch it, but I am dodging it as long as I can!

    Going to get grocery list together and run down there quickly before it gets crowded.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka you sure know how to set a scene and spin a plot... but the very best was the camping memories that came back to your DH. :love: Popping a rib=painful, and don’t even think about sneezing :astonished:

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
    Machka- Really enjoyed reading about your trip 😀 and the mystery story. >:)
    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Saturday!
    Machkaa love your story telling. I am happy that you both had a great time.
    Kylia in Ohio
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Machka-enjoyed the Maria Island journal. Beautiful place. Sorry about the rib-it is amazing how simple things can cause such pain!

    Ginny in Ohio

    Thank you all! :)

    It's amazing what happens when you just relax and let your mind wander ... and when you read a lot of mysteries. :grin:

    My back is feeling a bit better today. At least I can breathe!

    Machka in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Good morning, my little chickadees. I was up early today to get in my workouts. I'm just about to go out to the local shops to get meat for the Sunday dinner and some bread. We did our main shopping on Wednesday, and our big supermarket had already filled all the Christmas shelves with Easter eggs. There weren't many gaps on the shelves even though it was quite early.

    Machka loved the Maria Island journal. Sounds like a wonderful place. So sorry about the rib. You never know the minute.
    Heather congrats on getting another item published-you are on a roll! We get the the Mail digitally. Look forward to reading it.
    Rebecca: What a marvellous way for your son to re-enlist.
    AllieHope all goes well with the arrival of little guy!

    Weather has taken a turn to cold. We don't get much snow, but we went to check up on brother-in-law's house up the country, and there was a smattering of snow on the hill he lives on.

    Granddaughter has returned to Oxford,. She has got a job, so will be remaining there after she presents her thesis.

    Take care all,
    Slowly catching up 😂
    Pg 18

    ☘️ Terri
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,225 Member
    Great news Flea!

    So sorry, Kay. Hugs for you.

    Congratulations, Allie!

    My turn to be awake early. I had a dream that my sister was rude to me. Those sibling rivalries run deep. Might as well get up and have breakfast.

    I laid out my calories in advance today. I can have a slice of pie if it's my only snack, and I do my dumbbells tonight. Looking forward to that even though I remember being disappointed by it before. It's just hard when my dad eats it in front of me at dinner.

    Annie in Delaware

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Terri - It's in the Express magazine. Or tomorrow in the People magazine.


    They've given me a great double spread. :D I'm delighted.

    I did not sleep well, worrying about how it was going to look and if they'd messed it up too much, but it was intact and, apart from a few sub-headings, more or less as intended.

    Allie - Great news. Looking forward to pics.

    Flea - Fabulous news. <3 Soooo happy for you. XOXO

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,783 Member
    Kay - many hugs, dear heart, hoping for the best outcomes for your dad.

    Flea - outstanding! So pleased for the good results.

    Heather - I keep forgetting to say congratulations on the story publication! Or maybe I did and I just don't remember. :smiley: Either way, so pleased for you.

    Karen - many good thoughts winging your way, dear.

    Machka - so sorry about the rib, but the vacation sounded wonderful.

    On my second cup of tea, and Corey just came through for his first cup of coffee. Not sure what the day holds... but at least it's warmer outside than yesterday. We're edging right around the freezing mark.

    Third night in a row where I've been able to get nearly 7 hours of sleep or more each night, really pleased with that, and it's making a difference in... well, everything. Easier to live through each day when you're not exhausted from the outset.

    Later, y'all,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :)Allie,What a relief for all that the baby arrived safely. I hope Carmine doesn't get left out as everyone fusses over the baby.

    :)Michele, Jake knows how much I love dancing and how much I enjoy teaching my class, but he and the dogs are happiest when I am home all the time. The only reason I had to make decision was that someone wanted to use the room where I teach and I can't in good conscience insist that they save it for me but not use it. I have been OK one day at a time not teaching my class as long as Covid continues to spread.

    :)Kylia, We have been ordering groceries online and picking them up curbside for 14 months. It is so relaxing to sit in my chair and make my list, then show up in the car and have everything put in the back. We will often purchase things from the grocery store that might be cheaper elsewhere just for the peace and luxury of dealing with only one store.

    :)Flea, congrats on the good results

    :)Heather, Thanks for showing us what your story looked like in print. Congrats on your success.

    :) The US figure skating championships have started and I'm recording them. There are strict masking protocols at the event. It is sad to hear that some skaters have gotten Covid and can't compete. It makes my disappointment about teaching line dance seem less. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Skaters aren't the only athletes who seasons have been disrupted.

    :) I'm planning to have a lovely day with the usual dog walking, walking by myself in the evening, a meeting on Zoom, lots of riding my exercise bike and watching figure skating. Today is warmer and drier and the snow is nearly all melted.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HEATHER Just read your story, enjoyed it very much. I had asked DH to buy the paper today as he has given up on news and newspapers in general. Congrats on getting it published.

    Kate UK ❤️
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited January 2022
    Flea: That’s such good news.
    Heather: Oops! My mistake.

    Dr Katie: (((Hugs)))

    Allie: Congratulations.

    Off to disassemble the rest of the Christmas tree and put everything in to eaves.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member

    Worked on Frieday then went to the soup kitchen. I swear, many times the food is pretty good. We’re to go to a Newcomer Winter Party tonight. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Jillian Michael Shred it With Weights DVD

    Julie – I’ve never gotten into visualization or meditation. As a matter of fact, meditation would probably put me to sleep

    Barbara – I’ve been looking for Great Value brand apple juice in 8oz bottles, Great Value unsalted crackers, Aldi’s brussel sprouts, cinnamon, juice, sardines, small boxes of tissues, edamame, phyllo shells, quart freezer storage bags, slow cooker liners, certain trash bags. Some of these items I might wind up having to buy a brand that I really don’t care for

    Talked to the manager at Burger King today about the fact that I’ll be leaving for a month to go to FL (I didn’t mention FL, just “our other place”). Honestly, I was a bit worried that they wouldn’t want me back but she kept saying “that’s OK, just note the days” Relief on my part

    KJ – love how you find the silver lining. I still want to be a kid in your daycare, or at least have my grandson in there. Would have loved to have had someone like you when my kids were little

    barbie – I’m so sorry you’re giving up teaching line dancing. I know you really enjoyed it. But I completely understand your reasons. Does Jake agree with you?

    Made soup in the IP. The plan for tomorrow is to make another tomato soup. Really, I’m running out of containers to put it in...lol

    Sorry if I posted this previously and forgot to delete it on WordPad

    I got a popcorn maker for Christmas. The first time I used it, it was fine so we threw out the box. Now, every time I make popcorn, the popcorn burns. Almost as if the popcorn maker can’t push the popcorn out. So we’re going to return it to Amazon, even tho we don’t have the original box. I’m sure this has happened to them before.

    Did Jillian Michael’s Shred It with Weights DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Xtrain All Out Low Impact HIIT DVD. I do wish the gym opened earlier on the weekend, but this’ll do.

    The Winter Party last night went well. I know that I went over calories. Had two glasses (small) of wine, the dessert, while small, had whipped cream on it, I think the seafood had some sort of cream sauce. But this is only one day and today I’m determined to get back on track. For the first time in a long time I had some pizza (that was the appetizer) At least it did have a thin crust!

    Karleen – so glad you enjoyed your day out. Now get back to good choices!!!! I know you can do it.

    Katie – try to take care of you, too. I’m so very sorry about your dad. Glad your sister is there now. (((HUG)))

    Flea – how very wonderful!!!

    Elizabeth – welcome! Sit a spell, put your feet up, and have a tall glass of water. Looking forward to getting to know you more

    Last night was the first night I used the at-home sleep study. The instructions say to velcro the strap, but I couldn’t find any velcor. It also says to tape this tube thing to your hand and I couldn’t find any tape. I did find that over night the pulse-thing didn’t make good contact so I’ll probably use some medical tape we have at the house. I’ll probably also do it for three instead of two nights in case this isn’t a good example for them because I didn’t have the pulse-thing taped to my hand.

    Jess called last night to say that her first interview with NC State (not sure if it was a phone interview or a video interview) went well and they want her to come there for another interview. She also applied to Colorado State and University of NC at Chapel Hill but hasn’t heard back from them. I know she’s going to get accepted, but who knows where she’ll go?

    Terri – it’s gotten cold here, too.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well Tracy hasnt sent me pictures ,but Kyle came home to take a shower and change and showed me some.. and he is adorable..as most babies are dark hair and eyes.. ,im going to see if he will send me some of the pictures.
    He got some in the delivery room too..
    From what Kyle told me he was 8 lbs 2 oz and 22 inch long he isnt really sure on the length... but have to wait on the reveal of the name
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member
    Allie ~ So glad to hear the baby and Tracy are doing well. Like Barbie, I hope that the new parents will include Carmine in the bonding process.

    Flea ~ Prayers that you will continue to get good treatment and positive feedback.

    Lisa ~ I just purchased 4 packages of ground beef at Walmart here. I will make sure that every bit is fully cooked and hope not contaminated although I did not see reports about the e coli in GA.

    Kay ~ Prayers continued for you and you family. So sad about your Dad.

    It has been very cold for Georgia for the last few days. The older I get, the more it affects me so am turning the heat up higher and wearing more warm clothes. I know that many of you have much worse cold weather than we in the deep South and just pray that we will all be able to pay for high heating cost this winter.

    Carol in GA