Wrong answers ONLY!



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,293 Member
    edited January 2022
    Dare I suggest a little remouilade relish comprised of pickle, mustard and horseradish to go with your espresso nib peanut butter sandwich? Try dipping your sandwich in it. It'll hit the spot and those tears in your eyes will be tears of joy at how delightful it tastes.

    I don't like being the passenger in a car - I other to drive. How do I offer to drive without making others feel like I don't trust their driving?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,551 Member
    edited January 2022
    Honestly? Tell them the truth that they suck at driving otherwise how else will they improve? But if you really must spare their feelings, tell them you have a right shoulder issue that requires your seatbelt to cross your left one. The downfall to this is you’ll never be able to drive them in Europe. 😬

    My freshly teenaged son is wanting to earn more money doing chores. What additional chores shall I give him to justify a $3 per week increase?
  • KathLeenMVP
    KathLeenMVP Posts: 26 Member
    Sleeping an extra hour 3 out of a 5 day rotation.
    When should night shift start during winter?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,293 Member
    edited January 2022
    Cat0703a wrote: »

    My freshly teenaged son is wanting to earn more money doing chores. What additional chores shall I give him to justify a $3 per week increase?
    I actually think you should have him do your job for you one day a week. It's a win-win for everyone. You get to play hooky, maybe sleep in that day, get a mani-pedi, order in a latte... while he covers things for you. Don't train him - just let him make it up as he goes along. It'll be fun, your coworkers will enjoy not knowing what's going on... definitely worth an extra $3 a week.
    When should night shift start during winter?

    Noon. No wait. 9am. I can't decide. Let's just switch the night shift with the day shift - but just for winter.

    My waiter at dinner tonight did an outstanding job so I gave him a great tip. What's your best non monetary tip to give to strangers?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,551 Member
    @cmsienk, that’s an excellent idea. I’m sure my team will appreciate a 13 year old bossing them around. It’ll teach him responsibility too.

    Glad your waiter did an outstanding job; ours left a lot of room for improvement making not one major error but two with our order. 😒

    In my purse I bring new in package underwear for our servers. Some people only share the tip “always wear fresh underwear as you’ll never know when they’ll be seen” but I go the extra step and give them a new pair.

    I’m looking for inspiration for my meal planning this week. What is your signature dish?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    By using little squeeze bottles filled with ketchup, I've become quite adept at signing my name in ketchup across my plate. In cursive, even, which really impresses my guests. For some reason I'm less able to use mustard bottles, the signature always comes out in French rather than English, but I ascribe that to using French's Mustard inside. Don't even ask what happens when I use a squeeze bottle filled with mayo...

    Several times in this thread people have been trying to answer the same question at the same time, posting over top of one another. How can we avoid this confusion in the future?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,293 Member
    edited January 2022
    Everybody in this thread could list their phone number at the top of their next post and we could start one giant group text. Just before you post here, send out a text asserting your right to be the next poster.

    Quite often I take a load of clothes out of my dryer only to find I'm missing one sock. Where do you think those missing socks go?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    I suspect that some socks apparently turn into lint in the dryer. Oddly enough, I occasionally find an extra sock in my dryer. You wouldn't be missing a rainbow-colored sock or a pink sock with a unicorn on it, would you? Years ago, I decided to buy only one color/type of sock. So now all my socks are exactly the same. Fortunately for me, both my feet are the identical shape.

    Is there some way we can ensure that a sock pair cannot get separated?

  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    edited January 2022
    Sewing the socks together near the top means they can be put in the dryer together. You may walk like a penguin when wearing them. But hey, penguins look adorable when they walk.

    Went to charge my phone this morning and had to hunt for the charger amongst several chargers. What is a good way of making sure you grab the correct one?

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,293 Member
    Glue the charger that came with your phone right into the phone's charging port. Voila! You'll always have the correct one at hand.

    I'm trying not to snack at night, but it's so hard sometimes. What do you do to distract yourself from snacking at night?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    Why in the world would you not want to snack at night? "Snacking is Life!"
    Okay, you've probably heard that snacking at night is a surefire way to defeat one's weight loss efforts. I find that hard to believe. The less light there is, the less visible the snacks are that you're eating, and therefore the fewer calories you absorb from those snacks. This seems obvious.
    But okay, one way to not "snack at night" is simply to pretend that while eating snacks, you are in another time zone where it isn't night. Problem solved. You're welcome. 😂

    How many snacks a day is the optimum number?

  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    edited January 2022
    24 . 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am - - 10pm, 11pm, Midnight. If hungry this can be changed to 1/2 hourly .Humans are grazing animals.

    Its raining yet its lovely and warm. What should we do today?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,293 Member
    I think we should all get together and try out your recently installed toboggan run. Doesn't it sound like perfect weather for that? Who's with me?

    In spite of my eagerness to try the toboggan run, I'm actually feeling really lazy today. I need a little motivation to get moving. How do you motivate yourself to work out?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Reverse psychology. Tell your kids they can't do something, that's all they want to do. So every morning when you wake, look at yourself in the mirror and tell your reflection that you can't work out, you lazy out-of-shape bum. Voila, your brain will immediately want to prove you wrong by running to the gym.

    Speaking of running to the gym, why is the parking lot at the gym full of cars close to the entrance, rather than the far-away spots which promote walking?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    Well, undoubtedly, it's because people are aware of the fact that steps taken in a parking lot have less health benefits than steps taken on a treadmill. But there's another reason as well. As we all know, people who go to the gym are above all else considerate. They are mindful of the fact that parking further from the entrance is beneficial in that way. But being considerate, they don't want to deprive others of that chance, so they choose the closer parking spots to leave the further spots available to others. It's either that, or they're in such a hurry to get to the rowing machine or elliptical or other machine of choice that they can't spare the extra seconds it would take to walk the extra distance.

    Speaking of which, why don't rowing machines come in their own small pool of water, to make for a more realistic rowing experience?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    You're supposed to provide your own water in the form of sweat. If you haven't produced a pool of sweat-water by the time you're done, you haven't worked out hard enough.

    The NFL playoffs start this coming weekend, and my favorite team has failed to reach the playoffs for the last six years. How do I deal with this disappointment?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,415 Member
    Hang in there. Which teams make it into the playoffs is pure random probability. If your team hasn't won in six years, the probability is good that they'll get there very soon. It's like when you toss a coin, the probability is 50/50 that it'll be heads/tails. And we all know, despite what statisticians say, that if you've tossed a coin and gotten tails six times in a row, the probability is increasingly better that your next toss will be heads.
    I've spent half my paycheck on the lottery since it's inception, and I haven't won yet. So I know the probability of me winning soon is astronomically high, probably greater than 100%.

    How many breakfast burritos make a dozen?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Here in America, each breakfast burrito feeds one person, so you need 12 burritos to feed 12 people. But in certain third-world countries, each breakfast burrito is shared between upwards of 17 people to fill their daily caloric needs, so a dozen are fed using approximately 71% of a burrito.

    This summer my wife and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. How should we commemorate this milestone?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,551 Member
    Separate vacations! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? It’ll also give you the benefit of having something new to talk about. Win win! But if that doesn’t work for you or your wife, you can always go with the traditional gift for 20 years which life size statue of the two of you dancing for your front lawn. Or perhaps the trending one which is having your bodies painted then having boudoir photos taken. I hope my suggestions were helpful ones. 🤗

    I’m awake early. What should I do with my free time?

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,293 Member
    edited January 2022
    This is a good opportunity to organize your neighbor's refrigerator and pantry. And after that, their sock drawer. Don't worry if they're still sleeping; you've got this extra time - don't waste it. Just crawl in through a window; I'm sure you'll find an open one - after all, it is January.

    I haven't worked since mid-December and my next job isn't until January 20th. I've already organized my fridge, pantry and sock drawer (and several of my neighbors'). Maybe I need a second job. Got any ideas for something with flexible hours and days?