

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »

    Need to go unload dishwasher. I have a bad habit of waiting to see if the dishes will put themselves away. Hasn't happened yet and the cats are no help!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    I keep hoping the same...alas, they never do.

    Tina in CA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Worked then had bowling. At night picked up a prescription for Loki and then went to ceramics. The plan for tomorrow is to work, then go with Vince for his allergy shot, return my sleep study, then go to the Salvation Army. Ceramics at night.

    Vince took Clyde to the vet. One of the MD’s in the practice tested positive for Covid and just now another one of the MD’s tested positive and did about 4 of the workers. They canceled all the appointments for today but our vet was there. Vince said there wasn’t anyone there when he went. Anyway, it seems Clyde has an abscess by his right back foot. The MD said it should be better in a few days. He’s on an antibiotic right now.

    M – broken rib///partial dislocation. There’s a difference???? In my mind, there really isn’t. Glad you’re feeling better now

    Lisa – you can count me as another person who is glad you have a good MD

    Bit rushed today. Hoping tomorrow will be better.

    Know that all good thoughts are with everyone

    Michele NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got behind while we were having a belated Christmas with son and his family.
    KJ - hugs for you. Hope it is only a cold. My son who is in excellent shape was sick for a week. Couldn’t understand why it hit him so hard. Take care of you.
    Katie- prayers for you and your dad.
    Late. Have to go to sleep.
    SueBDew in TX.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today I went to my first yoga class since our trip to Virginia. It was great to see long time yoga friends & the exercise made me feel better. I plan to go to yoga frequently now that we’re home.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Worked then had bowling. At night picked up a prescription for Loki and then went to ceramics. The plan for tomorrow is to work, then go with Vince for his allergy shot, return my sleep study, then go to the Salvation Army. Ceramics at night.

    Vince took Clyde to the vet. One of the MD’s in the practice tested positive for Covid and just now another one of the MD’s tested positive and did about 4 of the workers. They canceled all the appointments for today but our vet was there. Vince said there wasn’t anyone there when he went. Anyway, it seems Clyde has an abscess by his right back foot. The MD said it should be better in a few days. He’s on an antibiotic right now.

    M – broken rib///partial dislocation. There’s a difference???? In my mind, there really isn’t. Glad you’re feeling better now

    Lisa – you can count me as another person who is glad you have a good MD

    Bit rushed today. Hoping tomorrow will be better.

    Know that all good thoughts are with everyone

    Michele NC

    With a partial dislocation nothing is broken and the rib may slide back into place in a couple weeks. Now that the muscle spasm that pulled it out is relaxing the pain is diminishing.

    With a cracked rib, which I have had in the past, you're in pain for the full 8 weeks it takes to heal and then the pain gradually eases off.

    My left shoulder partially dislocates on a fairly regular basis from a cycling accident I had in 2007. It gets achy and I lose range of motion when it does but I can still do things.

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Chose well: 143.7, Joe, readings, BP, osteo back, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, H20x6,
    Bonus: 20 mins vacuuming, veg and chayote prep, 3 hrs packing up ornaments & taking down tree.
    Workin’ on it: mfp50+, steps >7400
    Happier January 2022
    11: Switch off your tech at least an hour before bedtime (and no snackin’ eitherI!).

    Two days of chances to get outside, play in the dirt, walk the dogs, and did I? Nope. Rats.

    Machka Hope your transition is easy. Will your new job be from home too?
    Kellie ((hugs)) hope you feel better soon, and that it isn’t C-19.
    Barbie 17K is quite inspiring.
    Vicki sorry to hear you’ve been sick, glad it wasn’t C-19.
    Heather thanks for the Longyearben article. Sure miss @lagopus Penny. Have you heard from her?
    Margaret ingenious! Drew is a lucky pooch.
    Atta gal, Annie!
    Allie Carmine doesn’t realize it yet but they are lucky you are their grandma.
    Lisa I just love your expressions, “loopy as a three toed tree frog” what an image! Damglad your cardiologist is taking action.
    Ginny Brava for the walk at 24F, good luck teaching the cats to unload the dishwasher ;)
    Mary wow, thank you for the useful information. Five miles with Covid, inspiring!
    Katla hooray for Yoga!
    Michele glad to hear Loki’s prognosis is good.
    Tracey conVERY grats on the well-deserved and long overdue raise.

    Time to get off my butt and get some steps in.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Good Tuesday,
    I am feeling lots better. Still have a lingering cough, but still taking vitamins and mucinex. Sister in law still sick. She has been sick since Thanksgiving more than less, so "C" is kicking her butt. DH is a grumpy sicky. It is in his head (literally) and he is whiney. His AFIB minimizes some med choices, but I am feeding him lots of vitamins too.
    Lisa My DH's old doctor and his original cardiologist didn't believe anything was wrong with his heart until he wore a monitor for a month. I was happy to see changes in attitudes when those results came in. Multaq and Eliquis (while costly), have helped tremendously with few breakthroughs. I hope you get some answers soon.

    Everything cancelled this week due to illnesses, so quiet week. I have been watching "Virgin River " on Netflix. It is so good! I have also been trying to get a head start on granddaughter's graduation gift with cataract surgeries coming up. Making decent progress there. Now if I could get the load of laundry into the dryer that I have washed 4 times! I am trying to only touch things once at home. Deal with whatever as it comes in. So far so good (other than laundry) 😉

    Healing thoughts!
    Congratulations on all the victories!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Weird day.

    My holiday is over and work begins again.

    I was just about to head off to work this morning when I got an email from a coworker that included the phrase, "now that we're working from home".


    I started sending emails to find out what was going on. Yep, most people moved to work from home over the weekend.

    I went in anyway to finish a job that needed doing, and then I started going through everything paper on my desk. My last day is the 18th so I need to do some sort of transition and handover. I can do most of it via computer but I do need to clear my desk. I thought I could finish it today, but evidently I collected more than I thought so I'll be going in tomorrow too. And I might be bringing my computer and everything home to work from home for the last few days.

    So that was unexpected.

    M in Oz

    The unexpected continues!!

    I went to work today and will go tomorrow too. There's hardly anyone on the bus these days and next to no one at work so that's kind of nice.

    A COVID team is supposed to take over 3 floors in our building, including my floor. They were supposed to come today but no one showed up, so they might turn up tomorrow. I've been told that if there are a lot of people and the floor becomes crowded, I'm to take my computer and go home. But if there are only a few, then it's up to me. I can stay or go, whatever I feel comfortable doing.

    I'm finished sorting all the paper stuff. I've finished my last project. Tomorrow will be all about handover. I hope.

    Meanwhile, I discovered that one of my prescriptions has run out at the chemist. I could have sworn I had more repeats but whatever. I decided to ring my doctor to have another script sent to the chemist. Turns out my doctor is no longer in private practice. OK. So I asked about my back-up doctor. She's taking leave from all things medical for a year. Great. I did get the script from another doctor there, but now I'm not sure what I'm going to do for a regular doctor.

    @auntiebk ... I'll find out when I get there! I might have have some more unexpected news before then.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Was unusually tired yesterday. Felt very "off" by the evening. Slept reasonably well, but soon realised I wasn't feeling too brilliant. Fluey. Took a LFT test first thing. Negative. :)
    I am going to send DH off to pick up Bea on his own this afternoon. I've told my son. I'm having an official duvet day. I do get these 24/36 hour things now and then. It may be related to a flare up of my self-diagnosed Sjögren's disease. I seem to have most of the symptoms, but the intensity comes and goes. Auto immune thing.
    Whatever. :| Could just be a stray virus.
    So, feeling a bit sorry for myself, but also pleased to have an excuse for doing nothing. Focaccia is out of the freezer and will be paired with gravadlax for lunch. Dinner is undecided.

    Barbara - I did email her and her parents were not well. She is crossing oceans and worrying about them. Stress. She had been back to Longyearbyen for a visit, and the choir.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning ladies
    We have frigid temps today with wind chills -5---10 below Alfie and I are staying in ..I tried telling Carmine that today they need to bundle up,dont know if he will listen to me or not
    I have decided to just leave Tracy and them all alone unless they need me until the need something..trying to figure out something to get them to welcome the little guy home.
    Lisa- I had that done in the hospital for afib and it helped alot..
    What my cardiologist finally did this past April is go through the groin and cautirize ( sp)some of the heart vessels and that is working very well.. I am so glad you found a good cardiologist.
    I got a call from the kidney transplant team yesterday afternoon and they are going to wait until July to see how things go with my cardiologist and then we shall see where it goes from there.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    A slight surge in exercise over Christmas


    Yes, I've actually done a couple things, other than colouring: a bit of work for my cycling club, and updating my activity here. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,373 Member
    ☘️ Terri
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Back to 20's today. It was a long two days in the deep freeze. Allie you have the weather now that we just had. You are right best to stay put and snuggle with Alfie.

    Lisa I agree glad you found the right doctor to help you.