

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    Beth Thinking of you... :heart:
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Thanks, Barbie, for Feb thread.

    Love you gals,

    Karen in Virginia
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,470 Member
    edited February 2022
    Barbie - Thank you so much, as always.

    Beth and Barbara - answers in the spoiler:
    The anti-inflammatory he mentioned was gabapentin. He also suggested Lyrica or Cymbalta. I took Lyrica years ago and it didn't have any impact on my joint pain. My sister, however, takes gabapentin for disc damages in her back and said it helps that as well as every other body pain and ache. And no gut interaction.

    Barbara - Regarding why I'm taking the request back to my VA primary care doc - the first thing the rheumatologist said was, "I'm not the right doctor for you." Then, three times, he explained to me the "ladder" of doctors. On the top is the doctor who treats the most important thing that's going wrong, then the rest of the specialists. He said that ulcerative colitis, Crohn's, and the rest of the gut diseases are no longer dealt with by rheumatologists - they take a back seat to the gastroenterologists. It makes no sense to get a prescription from someone I won't see again.

    However - I just got a response to my request for a VA appointment to discuss the rheumatologist's suggestion. The answer came from the tech, and merely said "the doctor advises that you not take NSAIDS." I have told this doctor THREE TIMES that my joint pain level becomes unbearable without them, and begged her for a replacement that will do less damage to my gut. Crickets. No response. So I sent a message asking to change doctors, either back to my old one who's now in Fayetteville (an hour away) or to a different team in Fort Smith.

    I'm done. I keep expecting her to be a professional medical person, and she has failed repeatedly. Somebody's got to fight for me, and apparently, it's me. I woke up this morning with a couple of epithets running around my head in a deep East Texas accent - the UK version, which isn't much more polite, is "sod this for a lark!" :wink:

    Betsy - SO pleased for the good news on your sister!

    Heather - went and checked out the mirror synesthesia. Really interesting.

    Machka - Glad HR caught up to the problem!

    Things to do while there's a little bit of sunshine and 50 degrees - the weather weasels are prognosticating freezing rain tomorrow night turning to snow on Thursday and Friday, and down to ten degrees on Saturday. Yuck.

    Later y'all,

    ETA: Goals for January were be lighter, be healthier, stick to budget, and did OK. I'm one-tenth of a pound lighter than I was 1 Jan, I feel somewhat better both mentally and physically, and we did ok on the budget. Same goals for February. Onward and upward, my pretties!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,085 Member
    Barbie thank you for the thread!

    Lisa sorry the VA system has been so aggravating for you. Hope you find better answers soon.

    I went to acme today because of the snow piles and construction, but they didn't have lactose-free yogurt. So I went back to Giant. First time I've gone to a second store for groceries in years, but my diet is worth it.

    Annie in Delaware
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,811 Member
    Well I am caught up again. This is a busy group. Our weekend was nice and it was great seeing friends we have not seen for a couple years. Didn't sleep well at the hotel, but that is nothing new.

    Rori--Your vacation sounds like it was a lot of fun and tiring.

    Allie--Sorry to hear about your family loss and so young. Sounds like you are getting lots of Miles cuddles and that is what makes being a grandma so GREAT!

    Machka--I found the daily calorie calculator very interesting and educational. Beautiful flowers.

    Debbie and Lisa--Our dachshund Oscar follows me around and will stand by my chair until I set down and then he is right on my lap between my knees. At night he will sleep right next to my legs by my feet. Seems he thinks he has to be touching.

    Michele--So sorry to hear about Clyde. It is so hard to let go of our fur babies. We have an appointment Thursday afternoon with the vet for our Pug, Jake. The meds don't seem to be doing much, but make him sleep when he finally settles down, but he will cry and cough when we move him.

    Katiebug--Not easy to know whats right and the best. Hospice is great at knowing the timing and being on hospice doesn't necessarily mean he will pass soon. Could be months, even years. They care help make things easier as the time passes.

    Betsy--Prayers for you and your sister.

    Thanks Barbie for getting us going on a new month. I made it to the gym on the way out of work yesterday and upped my time on the newstep and treadmill to 10 minutes each. Doing hand weights also. Baby steps, now to get the eating under control.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE where we are back to winter weather and maybe some snow in the next couple days. <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We are looking forward to getting a new dog. Schooner passed away from cancer more than a year ago. One of the veterinarian’s staff has helped us find a new, healthy pup. The puppy is from a local breeder who raises poodles. This litter is coming along. We have been invited to meet the mother dog March 6. I am hopeful. 🐩
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,512 Member
    edited February 2022
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Today I disappeared!

    In the midst of all the job shuffling, someone misread one of the forms and listed me in the system as on leave without pay.

    There were a few clues that something wasn't quite right earlier, but first thing this morning when I logged in ... I basically wasn't there. I suspect that at the end of the month, I was cleared out of the system.

    I was on the phone with IT for long periods of time who couldn't figure out what was going on. I heard more, "I've never seen that error before" today than ever before!! Finally, toward the end of the day, I worked out what must of happened and started contacting the right people ... HR.

    Hopefully, I'll reappear tomorrow!

    M in Oz

    Oh no! I hope that yours gets resolved quickly!
    That has happened to us, when Lee retired from the Navy. Instead of putting him in retirement pay mode, they just deleted him. We were up in Canada doing our historical reenactment, at an event and noticed when our debit card read a strange balance on an ATM machine there. I was 5 months pregnant with 3rd, and we couldn't get on base when we arrived home, it was awful! When they took him out of the system, they really took him out! I was like, I need to see my pre natal doctor, eek! Worse retirement ever....
    They finally organized us though.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,004 Member
    edited February 2022
    Kelly- I have tried leaving dishes in the sink, trash in the kitchen, yep, still there the next day. About once ever two weeks, dh might do the dishes but never all of them, for some reason always leaves a few in there-no clue why,not needing soaking or anything.

    Barbie- thanks for starting the new thread!

    Barbara-thank you for taking the time to comment to everyone each day.

    Machka- we had issues like that when dh retired then went back to work. They dropped our medical and we found out when I was at my pre-op for my cataract surgery-said we had no coverage. Same thing with our dental. We have had issues a few times. Every time things change(when he retired, when he went back part time, when the changed the restrictions on hours-lost count how many times.
    Hope they have it fixed already.

    It is going to be a long day- insomnia big time last night. I should have been able to go right to sleep. Zumba for an hour, came home, enjoyed a half glass of hard seltzer then a long shower, then read for an hour or so, tried to get to sleep and laid there,took my little pills, turned my little light on again and read more- finally got to sleep about 3AM then awake at 7:30 and 8. The sleep I did get was interupted by too many cats trying to snuggle/take over my side of the bed. Drinking some English Breakfast tea now but think I will be switching to coffee soon.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,512 Member
    Thank you Barbie for giving us our great reset, month after month. It is a clear the slate moment, and I love it.💖👍
    Today being payday, we have switched up how we pay rent to our management company. Before son had it taken out, and we sent him money. Now son is sending us month, and rent comes out of our account. In case there's ever problems, we can fix them.

    Still awaiting Guam to let son into country. You know how the military loves paperwork, and making them wait! Of course we need to make the hotel reservation in Seattle for the day he has to turn in his van to overseas shipping company, then stay overnight, and he flies out the next day. Can't do it until his orders are cut and its definite. Frustrating, but have to be patient.🙏👍💖

    Thinking about my middle sis...
    My middle sister is practically bedridden, and has to wear incontinent products. She is only 63 years old, so its quite distressing to my eldest sis and I. My niece and her husband have to change her, and I doubt they can manage her up the stairs to where the full bathroom is. So my thoughts about her only having a half bath to keep herself healthy keeps me up at night. All self induced, with her lifestyle. Knowing my niece and husband are only caring for her, because having her go into a care facility would mean she would lose the house is a sad reality for them and their kids. A house they're living in, and niece grew up in, so there's that. A house my grandfather built😔. Young adults that have lived "beyond their means" for quite sometime, and in the next year or so, its going to bite them. Its a sad situation all around.
    Well today, mailing eldest sisters package. Going to try to get to the $ store, and maybe get myself a Reuben sandwich from our Arbey's ffood joint.💖


  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Thanks for the new thread Barbie!

    I do LOVE February... Of course, my birthday rolls around well to the end so I celebrate the ENTIRE month! Feel free to send anything you like. I take a size extra large cruise to the Mediterranean or 3X week at the beach, with unlimited cabana... attendant. LOL
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,085 Member
    Well I'm having a bad day. I burned a pot roast because I was distracted by a drama in my zoom book club over choosing a new book. I may leave the book club because it is upsetting me, but I don't have much friendship with faces beyond that, and of course, this group! I think I will just skip a meeting then see if it gets any better. I wish I could quit brooding over it.

    I put the pot roast in a fresh pan with fresh water. The soggy mess of burned carrots will have to cool down a bit.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,910 Member
    Made it to February! January was busy with my MDD wedding! Done now. Had a great time!

    I list 2 pounds in January now for more to lose this month. I did resign from substitute teaching. I came to the realization that my nerves were not doing so good. I actually feel relieved about that. I did enjoy it even though it took a toll on my nerves.

    Starting this month sick. Both DH and I have colds. Never tested for CoVid since we are both faced, but isolating for 5 days to be safe.

    Here’s to a great month!

    RvRita in Roswell NM
  • fizzfizz
    fizzfizz Posts: 94 Member
    Hey, Happy February everyone! It's been great following your adventures over the last month and BIG thanks for all your inspiration. I'm starting a new month a few kilos down which is a fab feeling - here's hoping it continues ... There's a sudden hint of spring in the air here too, my daily walks take me out past budding trees under blue skies which is putting an extra spring in my step. There's a little more winter to go but sunshine's on the way!

    Paula in Oxford (UK)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    The blue skies in my recent photos of Hove are because we had record breaking sunshine for January! :D
    Also only 30% of the normal rainfall for the month.
    Hence my morning runs.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,004 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member

    Mellee Lag – welcome!. The way I count calories is during the day I jot down on a piece of paper what I had. Then, maybe late afternoon I log everything and then see where I am. Sometimes I have to eliminate something (like maybe a dessert) to meet my calorie goal. Also, after I log everything, I look to see if there are any adjustments I can make in the future. An example of this was that a sweet potato, while really healthy, is a bit high on the calorie chart. So...what I do is I usually have ½ a potato. Getting benefit of the vitamins and other good stuff, but a bit better on the calories

    Evelyn – I’m sorry you had to cancel your Y membership. What a pain it must be, tho, if the rules keep changing. You mean when you get there that’s when you find out what the new rules are? You’ve inspired me to think about using the recumbent bike later today...or else start on a jigsaw puzzle. Not sure which I want to do. Or else maybe watch some TV and take a rest. What to do, what to do?????

    Allie – your daughter is having a birthday. Happy birthday to her. Doesn’t it make you feel old???? Jess’ birthday is next month and she’s asked me to make pierogi. I made them and have them in the freezer. Next week I’ll make brownies to send to her and when we get back from FL, I’ll just have to get some dry ice and mail the package.

    KJ – “Nancy Drew mystery” lololololol

    Watched a bit of TV then started on another puzzle now that the downstairs table is free. I probably could have started sooner.

    Ceramics tonight

    Michele NC