

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,869 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    edited February 2022
    Rain and wind today. Horrible.

    Made the mistake of reading the news first thing. Not a great idea.

    Waitrose delivery this afternoon. I always buy the same things, more or less, every fortnight, from previous orders, and DH does a fruit, salad and veg trip every Thursday. He walks to the local small supermarket. Top ups are from the deli round the corner, but I don't go often. We circulate the same meals, probably fortnightly, or more, so the required foods are in the fridge or freezer, according to what we fancy that day. I get the ingredients together when I make the morning cup of tea. Also check on lunch. Today is seeded bagels with avocado and prosciutto. Cucumber, lettuce. Dinner is salmon with leek and fennel in creme fraiche.
    Just occasionally, I get fed up with cooking. Then DH does it, or we get takeaway delivery. I haven't had takeaway since I've been trying to lose weight for the cruise, but I really do fancy fish and chips. :o Even just a few chips. >:) Might do that at the weekend. ..........

    Rescheduled my phone call to friend K. She was going to be out on a long hike today. Oooohhh! Blasting winds, rain and maybe snow on high ground. They are going on Saturday instead, so my Saturday phone call is now on Sunday. <3
    Phone call to G at 3 today. MUST get my afternoon exercise in between Waitrose and her.

    All good. I'm pleased with my minor victories yesterday. The main thing is to exercise and WRITE every day. Then the world is good.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Chose well: Joe, readings, BP, dogs to powerline, steps >7400, CI<CO, dog group, active 4:22
    Bonus: 40 mins grooming Tumble, reconciled bank accounts, BGBS
    Workin’ on it: 143.7, H20x5,
    Friendly February 2022
    23: Be gentle with someone you are inclined to criticize. Including myself.
    24: Tell a loved one about the strengths that you see in them.

    Trying to reconcile Discover card statement but can’t find $0.24 discrepancy. Would normally drives me nuts, I balance to the penny every month. Today I’m just letting it go. Seems like the statement’s not all that’s “off.” :{

    Machka “…In my head, I just need to pay a bill or send an email or log into a site and do one thing ... but as soon as I get started I discover a whole bunch of other things that I need to consider or do. . . “ sounds like me and cleaning or decluttering. One tiny step forward, whoosh! Big slide further back down the hill. And as for Joe, well, I haven’t even tried to involve him. He was a big help writing checks when I had surgery to repair my broken wrist in 2005, but has no interest in paying bills or accessing bank accounts online. I should try again.
    KJ :love: our arbor, drain spout, gargoyle, terraced container garden plan. A lot of work up front but oh the benefits you’ll reap! Ditto your “make like a bear” comment even though you (and Vicki) would laugh at our wind chilly c c c old coastal temps.
    Heather, yay for tech, boo for long lines, and back pain. Long ago a combination of getting caught in the rain in Brighton and HOT curry cured my flight induced bronchitis, hope it does the same for any remnants of your cold.
    Annie brava and ((hugs))
    Rebecca (and Michele) in their hands? Athena might like the Botan Rice Candy where the inner “wrapper” dissolves on your tongue.
    Debbie glad you have Zumba to get you out of the house. Sounds like both your ex and your current have anger issues. Hard to live with.
    Tina Oh, oh OOH those photos! Thank you so much for letting me enjoy without having to be that close to the shark. :laugh:
    Pip fingers Xd for Friday’s appointment. ((hugs))
    Sue our fridge is hanging in there but considering your wait times, think I’ll talk to the appliance guy Friday. As for being a good pioneer, not me! Too dependent on all the mod cons.
    Katla hoping your daughter and family are well or with only mild cases.
    Welcome @skinniesomeday Christine in KY.
    Karen rejoicing at Josephine the ballerina’s clear scans. Thank you so much for letting us know.
    Michele humidifiers in Florida? SMH. Like coals to Newcastle… ;)
    Lisa staying warm, reading and watching the telly, a restorative day. Are your gastro, cardio and pcp communicating with each other? And you?
    Tracey emergency appendectomy surgery, both you and your daughter, as children? How terrifying. Agree with you and KJ that mental comments count. ;)
    Alexandra “…hadn’t sent the order in yet” That happened to me too here. And as I’d been fasting I was good and hangry and not nice to the tech. Now I call the lab a day before to confirm they have the orders in hand. A nuisance but better for my temper and their ears.
    Julie augh! ((hugs))

    Dragged my unwilling butt down to the port for dog group despite cold cold wind. Felt the better for it. Remember this Barbara, activity IS the rx.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    Morning ladies
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday!
    Karen VA- Such wonderful news about Josephine! Dance ballerina dance!
    Tina- Beautiful shots! I did some scuba diving when I lived in Mexico; but that has been 35 years, now. Your pics bring back the feel, sound and taste of the wonderful salt water. Looks like a marvelous trip!
    Pip- Hope the docs appointment brings answers! Feel better!

    Shout out to Penny near the Pole- I watched an episode of Our Planet last night and they followed a polar bear around the ice, near Svalbard. Friend of yours? lol

    Kids arriving. Here we go, another 11 kid day. I am always so tired by Thursday. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,289 Member
    Allie: So sorry to hear of your uncle's finally passing. May he rest in peace, with your dad.

    Lisa: Glad your lung scan was good. I understand about your brother. My SiL stopped communicating with me 5 years ago. I reached out to my brother a couple of times, but he seldom reciprocated, so I stopped reaching out.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    edited February 2022
    Karen- Forgot to say how happy I was to read about Josephine. I was just thinking about her the other day, but scared to ask how she was. <3

    Did the 'poo stick' this morning to post off to the lab. Much easier than it used to be. Just one stick and a hygienic bottle. :D Better than a colonoscopy anyway!

    Going through old letters from old lovers. Strange experience. I made sure I got some writing in first, before I got too distracted. In the process I found some photos of me from around 87-89. Will post something when I've photographed them.
    The boyfriend who wrote the most love-letters, and was the most romantic, was, in reality, living a lie, and was not as heavily involved as I thought he was. I think he was deluding himself, not just me. :*;) He was very handsome. >:)

    I've ordered a sparkly cape/shrug to cover the tops of my arms for formal evenings during the cruise. I didn’t like the lace one I have used previously as I think it looks cheap. This one is black with multi-coloured sequin swirls. Should arrive today and I will have to bite the bullet and see if anything I have fits me! The point of going on the current diet is to fit into my old formal wear. I NEVER wear sparkles, except on cruises, because it's quite the norm. :*

    DH has just contacted a mobile battery change company. He is fed up with our dodgy battery which doesn't hold its charge any more and is a pain. I told him, it's worth spending the money for peace of mind when we go away. They come to your house to change it. We need an extra strong one because we have the eco setting on the car.

    Waitrose have delivered. Now to row before my phone call with G.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) It snowed here last night. It's enough to make the morning walk beautiful but it won't last.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Both younger cats seem to think that it's easier for me to make the shopping list while they sit on the keyboard. Not so much.

    I'm just moving slower today than usual, but I'm going to be gentle with myself about that. I am, after all, still recovering, and I'm still not allowed to lift heavy, which means that I'll need Boyfriend to go with me to load and unload and handle anything like bags of cat litter.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,348 Member

    Carol in GA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2022
    We have snow this morning! What an unexpected surprise. ⭐️
    We talked to our daughter on the phone yesterday. The whole family has the omicron virus. They’re all staying at home.
    I hope they will be okay and have plenty of food on hand. I am keeping them all in my prayers.
    🙏🏻 ❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    edited February 2022
    Reading through my old love letters has sent me into a bit of a spiral.
    It will pass, but, oh, what a first class idiot I was. :o:o:o Plus a b...h. :s
    Glad I am not that person any more. I sincerely hope.

    My friend G has hurt her knee. Badly. When I rang her she was toughing it out. :# I persuaded her to call, for help. She is now at the Emergency room.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip - It is good that you’re getting needed rest. I’m adding my prayers that you will get good answers and feel better soon. 😘
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,914 Member
    edited February 2022
    PS to Heather 80% through your last memoir and am surprised about how many of your experiences were mine too. Actually made me feel mor normal to know someone ‘across the pond’ experienced a lot of the same things I did.

    Thank you for writing! Can’t wait for your next one!

    Ps… edited to add you first memoir hit home too!