

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,459 Member
    edited April 2022
    Barbara AHMOD - Congratulations on your new addition to the family! He's lucky to have the two of you. Are you going to keep Gino's name the same? You asked about tornados:

    We live in the lightest colored section on the western border of Arkansas, with the least number of tornados in the state over the 56-year time period. As you can see, there have been lots of tornados in Arkansas. We happen to live in a protected area, in a stone house, but we know we're not invulnerable. Not trying to be funny, but mobile homes seem to be tornado magnets. There have only been three tornados even close to Cedarville in the history of the town, one about five miles away last year, one 12 miles away, and one 26 miles away.

    We did a serious amount of research across the entire United States on houses before we landed here--probably five years of research all told. My job had me traveling, so when we could Corey would come with me and we'd explore on the ground rather than over the Internet. This place had all four seasons, a reasonable amount of snowfall, mountains, trees, and lakes. We met and got married in a desert town in West Texas, and were sick of the desert.

    We wanted land with it, and this one has nearly 11 acres all told, a good growing season for a garden, and it's one story. Wide hallways, wide doorways, as few steps as possible getting in and getting out, and so on. This house ticked all the boxes, including the "not too much renovation," and we jumped on it. It's now worth three times what it was when we bought it, not due to anything we've done, just this crazy housing market. It's also within 30 minutes drive of a VA clinic, and a ten-minute drive from an emergency room. No major fault lines - the nearest are clear on the other side of the state. Last but not least, it's 35 minutes for Corey's drive to work.

    Every state has the possibility of a natural disaster, from tornadoes to hurricanes to floods to droughts to earthquakes, mudslides, wildfires, and so on. So we found the one that had the least of those and everything else we wanted, and it was here.

    Whoops! Time to get Corey's coffee ground and brewing, and get lunch together for him.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    Morning all-happy April 1!

    Snow here (and that is no April fools). Won't stay long but could do without it. Off work at noon after a long week!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oh Happy Day! It is FRIDAY!!! Whoot! I just have to make it through the next 10 hours and I will have a week off. Full house today, because school is out (spring break). So I have 12 kiddos ages 6 months through 6 years. This is my last spring/summer season with the three oldest; which is a relief, because they reach a certain age and become kind of surly. I have reached a certain age that doesn't seem to handle surly children well. Me: "What? You're bored? You think this is for babies? Well, here. (hands child cleaning supplies) You can help me, then." Anyway, I am more than ready for some time off. No travel plans. I was going to do some work on the yard for my childcare, but the weather doesn't look like it is going to cooperate. Snow and rain forecast for next week. SO...I will help DH get our taxes done and let him bore me with all of his bill paying details. And I will sleep as late as I want, take a walk whenever I want, eat at my favorite places at lunch so I can get the special lunch pricing. lol
    Lisa - Wow! Good call on Corey's part! Thank goodness for the downpour! I have a funny for you. Earlier this week the little kids were talking about "scary things". All of the things that they have bad dreams about or worry about. One little guy, (age 3) told the other kids that he was home with his mom and dad and it was dark and he looked outside and he saw a giant tomato coming towards him! The other kids all laughed and the little guy looked confused and I could tell he was going over everything he had just said; because it didn't get him the reaction that he wanted. He looked at me and said, "what is that thing that spins around in the air?" I whispered, "tornado" and he said "Yes! You guys! It was a TORNADO!" Which then made the kids scream and squeal in fear. lol
    Rebecca- Hello! Yup, you and Athena...those genes run strong!
    Barbara- Awww! Congrats on the new pup!
    Tina- Hope your knee starts feeling better!
    Machka- Ooooh! I like today's task "commit to being more active this month!" Yes, I will!
    Barbie- Thank you for bringing us into another month!
    Plantlady- While "plantlady" is ringing a bell; it is not bringing a picture of you to my head. What do we call you and where (in general) are you from? Occupation? Welcome back!
    New girls- Welcome!

    Well, It is now light outside, and I need to put down some driveway salt because of snow and ice last night. (so tired of this). ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Hello Everyone it's been a few years since I have logged in. I was so happy to see this group is still around. So I'm going in for knee surgery in June and really suffering the pain yet I have to lose weight. So here I am on the best site and in the best group on this site!! Barbie so glad to see you are keeping the group going. It's been awhile! xoxo

    :)<3 I am so happy to see you. You were one of my earliest friends on MFP and I have so many fond thoughts of you. I hope you will keep coming back so everyone on this thread can get to know you .

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    We had another snow flurry today. Freezing cold blasts of wind. The house hates cold wind, too many gaps! We are not up to temperature in the living room. I have two long cardigans on and my feet are cold. Will, have to find my thick socks. :# What a contrast to the last two weeks!

    Wrote this morning. I sorely miss the person I am writing about and I'm so sad about their death. I don't stay sad all day. I found this today on the Internet.

    Before you move on from something, you have to honor it. Take a step back and see what it taught you, how it changed you, and honor the transformation. Allow yourself to grieve, smile, and reflect on the situation, and then you'll be able to move on.

    I am learning a lot...... I hope to be able to pass on that learning.

    Love to all and thanks to Barbie. <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,039 Member
    edited April 2022
    2022 Goals
    My 2022 goals are a continuation of my 2021 goals.

    Upcoming Appointments
    Audax Tasmania

    House > Office > Computer become more specific as they go along. I have a number of thing which need to be done in the house (sleeping room, dining room, etc.) but most importantly the home office needs a whole lot of work. And along with that I need to organise the drives on my computer into a better filing system.

    The goal is to have an organised and decluttered house.

    Progress: Crawling forward.

    Fitness/Sports > Cycling > Audax Tasmania also become more specific as they go along. There are a number of fitness/sport things I'd like to try, with a focus on cycling, and a large part of my cycling endeavours includes my volunteer work with Audax Tasmania ... and maybe even riding some events again myself!

    The goal it to improve my fitness level.

    Progress: Not bad. I've been active but the paperwork side of my sport is sliding a bit.

    Garden is a very small category because that's my husband's domain but I'd like to finish weeding the place and get some flowers and other plants going to choke out the weeds.

    The goal is to have a relaxing and functional area outside for reading, exercise and socialising.

    Progress: Making progress!!

    Medical is mostly my husband's appointments, which I also need to attend because I'm his ears and cognition.

    The goal is to keep him as healthy as he can be.

    Progress: Slow and steady.

    Education/Career ... little things like becoming really good at SQL, brushing up on VB, and learning data analysis software.

    The goal is to expand my skillset.

    Progress: Making progress with the new job!!

    I've got another month to work with thank goodness because March was a dizzying whirlwind, an absolute blur!

    FT Work - 3rd month of new job.
    PT Work as Legal Assistant most evenings and some days. Hahahaha. Kidding ... sort of.
    Cycling Club event, AGM, advertising, paperwork, etc.
    Bit of beekeeping stuff.
    Some medical stuff.
    Really wonky bus schedules meaning I've been away from home longer than I like when I work at the office.
    A weekend away.
    My birthday.
    As much cycling and walking as I could toss into the mix.
    A bit of gardening.
    And a massive migraine which flattened me for a couple days.

    And all of a sudden it's April and I am tired.

    This weekend DST ends. :(:( The great and depressing darkness descends. :(:(

    It has also started cooling off toward winter. I've started wearing short sleeve tops in the office some days. It was apparently 9C/48F one morning.

    On a happier note, it is the weekend and I work from home next week. Thank goodness for that!!

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,081 Member
    Barbie thanks for the new thread!

    Barbara Congratulations on your new dog Gino!

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,081 Member
    Goals for April are to get back on track logging and be firm about CI<CO, which means improving the quality of my diet, too. I need to eat the boiled chicken and salad so I can resist the cookies.

    Hugs to all of you with bad knees. I wore heels last night and my knees were not happy! So wobbly. I can see more knee exercises in my future.

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
    NINJA ~ What part of Georgia are you from? I grew up in Forsyth, GA north of Macon but have lived in Marietta for the past 50 years.

    Carol in GA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Barb-- Congrates on the new addition to the family. I hope it goes well. We have an appointment this afternoon for our Pug, Jake. It is time and not an easy choice. I kept praying he would just pass in his sleep at home, but was not met to be. We had an extra month with him as the meds helped, but it is time. Not looking forward to this as will be with him. First time we have stayed with them, but it's the right thing to do. DH found a little wooden box with a dog engraved on the front, my dad made years ago, we will take for the ashes. This is also a first for us.

    Barbie--Thanks for getting us started on another month. You are a Blessing.

    Heather--Thanks for the wise words. I need to do that and move on from several past relentionships.

    Betsy--Glad your sons will be with you the next several days. I understand what you mean about the comfort of having Jack's ashes home. I have our DS's ashes and I feel better cause I know where he is. It will be 23 years in June since we lost him. We have told his 2 daughters when they are ready they can take the ashes.

    Ninja--Baby steps, one day at a time. You have a lot to deal with and make your own new normal. Glad to have you as part of our group.

    Glad it is Friday, have the weekend off and time to ajust to Jake being gone. Also help Oscar ajust as they have been together 8 years last month. Don't think KIA will notice as she has only been with us since last Aug. with DBIL took off for Texas and left her with us. <3

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • NinjaCalibrated
    NinjaCalibrated Posts: 7 Member
    @carol I am in Jackson 2 miles from High Falls. Wow what a small world! 💕 we bought here about 5 years ago. So quiet and I love the small town feels.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited April 2022
    Ninja - Sending hugs for all you have had to deal with. My elder son had really bad depression, no job etc and it is sooo hard. He is thriving now. But I know what a hard road it is. Schizophrenia is in my ex-husband's family, so I am very familiar with it. No easy answers.
    I also spent a terrible 4 years mourning my break up with my husband of 28 years. Be kind to yourself and allow the feelings. It all takes time. I am now very happy with my current husband, but, at the time, life looked bleak and scary. Love to you ❤

    I am delighted that my brother rang with a date for a visit. :D It will be for the May Bank Holiday. DH has cricket on the Sunday, but that's fine. I can't wait to see them. 😍

    I've found a new German series on Netflix! Queer Eye. I've never watched it in the English version, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it in the German one. It's so good for my languages to watch these TV series. I've chosen English subtitles, but might switch to German. I always watch French in French. My German is not nearly as good. Spanish in Spanish.

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    Vicki- I am sorry you have to say good bye to Jake- It is very hard but have to do what is best for him. And staying with him til the end is so hard but needed. I stayed with each of ours. DH couldn't stay when we had to have his favorite cat(our little deaf girl). He offered to stay last Saturday when we had to do it for Umaku- I stayed with him. Even with, now, 7 cats in the house, I still miss my big boy.