Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited April 2022
    *** April 27 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Cruskit - 11K steps is amazing!!!!
    We are mostly US, with peeps in Canada. We've had ladies from the UK join us. You are the first from Australia--so glad to see you. Where in Australia?

    Lana, North Carolina
  • Cruskit0Fairy
    Cruskit0Fairy Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Lana, I’m from South Australia - about an hour south of Adelaide. I have ocean views to the west and hills to the south. It’s magical really.
    What is North Carolina like? I would love to experience a white Christmas, and a proper Halloween! Aussies are starting to get on the bandwagon, but since we don’t have that historical connection, it’s really quite ridiculous compared to other countries 😂
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good morning,

    Made a scrambled egg and hash brown breakfast. Nice change for me.

    Ordered chocolate chips to make cookies today - those were delivered half hour ago.

    Cruskit - nothing wrong in making your own traditions for the holidays.

    Now I need to get some steps in and wait for the butter to soften.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member

    Cruskit - You must be going into your autumn now, but I don't know Australia, and I can only guess at what your winters are like. Maybe like being in Florida?
    I'm in the middle of North Carolina where a white Christmas is rare; I think farther west in the state, in the mountains, they may have snow often in winter.

    Sara - Is your baking for your church? There is nothing like good chocolate chip cookies! Yum~~

  • Cruskit0Fairy
    Cruskit0Fairy Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah we’re in autumn now, still getting some warm days which is nice. Our winters in my area go as low as about 8°C during the day but average about 13°C. I think that’s about 45-55f? I am looking forward to it though. This winter will help us decide whether to keep the combustion heater or lose it and make some more room in our living room…

    Oh Sara I LOVE fresh baked cookies!

    Tomorrow starts my duramine journey. I really hope this helps with my appetite. My husband is generally a feeder, but since this has cost me over $100 I really hope it’s enough for him to take this seriously.

    Food was still over today, but no binges so far!

    Steps are only at 5500.

    I hope everyone is happy and well!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member
    *** April 28 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Cruskit - so your winters are warmer than mine in North Carolina. We can get down to 20 degrees some nights-- minus 7 to you. Good luck with your journey with the new med.

    Well I didn't eat badly yesterday, but I guess there was more salt involved than I thought... I have to check my doctor's portal to see if she has recommended someone for my foot. Lack of walking is killing me. I'm at least a month away from being able to use my pool. That will be a game changer 👍🏻

    Waving to Sara and Tracy and Missy and everyone else who pops in today 🌴


    267.4 today
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning!

    It's been a hot minute since I've been on the community. I have Covid right now :'( , so I haven't been able to eat anything. I've lost 6 pounds so far haha. Covid sucks though, I haven't left my couch in a couple days.

    I haven't really been tracking my food for the last couple weeks. I still am going to the gym all the time and getting a routine there and I track my workouts. I am just trying to live my life, without obsessing over the calories.

    I am at the lowest weight I have been in about 5 years. My clothes are starting to get too big! Which is a good thing, but it gets expensive when you have to change your wardrobe lol.

    Anyways, I hope you all are doing well. I am going to continue to lay on my couch and try to rest. Hopefully I recover quickly!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,

    Ladychronic take it easy this covid thing is very strange and "sensitive". You deserve a rest anyways. Hope you feel better.

    Lana hope Dr can get you set up with a specialist. I have to call my pcp and reset apt - I dont get home in time so sometime next week.

    No coffee in afternoon at work and going over and plopping on recliner is next on my list.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member
    *** April 29 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Holy Cow Jordanna, you must have caught covid from work! I hope that you feel better soon.
    Congratulations on your weight loss success 🎉
    About your clothes....can you have some of your favorite things altered? Check out the dry cleaners near you; they very often have a seamstress who can do such things at a very reasonable cost.

    Sara - yes, I am supposed to hear from the sports medicine department to set up an appointment.

    I am so sleepy again today. I've been bad at getting to sleep early enough, and I can't seem to sleep in.

    🌴 The Cabana Boys have a Friday Happy Hour planned for us 🌴...Sara is choosing the music 🎵


    266.6 today
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    Oh my goodness, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my post about having covid. I honestly was so sleep deprived and sick when I wrote that post that I wasn't thinking clearly. I wish I could delete it but I don't know how.

    I am very sorry to anyone reading this. It was very insensitive.
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    And Lana you are very sweet, thank you. And thanks for the tip about a seamstress. That's a great idea, and I never thought of it!
  • Cruskit0Fairy
    Cruskit0Fairy Posts: 11 Member
    Ladychr0nic, well done on the weight loss!! I’ve managed to not get the spicy cough so far but I feel it’s going to be inevitable. A few of my friends have had it and they’ve been ok, but my stepfather had it pretty bad.

    Lana, I see your numbers are going down too! Well done!! I think the coldest I can remember here was -1°C during the day and it was only very early in the morning 🤣

    Day 1 of the duromine and holy moly! It has definitely made my appetite weird… I can feel the hunger pangs at some points but I just haven’t been interested in eating and when I have eaten I felt full very quickly. I was bored tonight and tempted to snack but was also able to ignore those thoughts. This is a HUGE change for me. It’s currently 12:40am and I’m wide awake though - this is one of the main side-effects so I was expecting it.

    Here’s hoping I sleep! Take care everyone!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member
    Oh my goodness, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my post about having covid. I honestly was so sleep deprived and sick when I wrote that post that I wasn't thinking clearly. I wish I could delete it but I don't know how.

    I am very sorry to anyone reading this. It was very insensitive.

    Jordanna - you are fine! There is nothing wrong with your post! So sorry that you have to go through this. It is so hard for you and all of the over-worked angel-nurses in the medical world. You do very long shifts with tons of sick people.
    Get your rest and feel better soon! Sending big hugs 🤗

    Crustik - Here's hoping you settle in soon with the duromine and sleep can be normal again.

    See Y'all tomorrow~~

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,403 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Quick check in. All things are good. Just busy. Trying to figure out if I should quit my weekend job or not. The extra money even though it’s not a ton it’s nice to have but I’m getting burnt out. They didn’t put me on the schedule this past month and it was definitely nice. Got a lot of things done, spent time with family and friends. And my dogs were definitely better behaved and relaxed. I’m just worried if Murphy decides to make a visit again.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    It's Saturday. I woke up thinking of a different way to use the lamb I thawed yesterday, and now I can't remember it. (sigh) At any rate, it needs to be ground, and I need to fry up the Italian sausage and make what I call a "pizza quichecake".
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member
    *** April 30th ***

    Oh my - today is the last day of April 🌷

    Alexandra - what is pizza quiche cake? Post a photo!!

    Missy - that is a tough decision about the extra work on weekends. I don't know what I would do.
    Any chance of finding a different way to bring in some extra money that doesn't hammer your quality of life as this job does? 🤗

    Waves to those who stop by later on. It's time for some late breakfast here.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good morning,

    Up late last night, so I slept in - just so tired come weekends that it is almost predictable. Workplace is reviewing the 4/10 shift option so things might change again.

    Food - I am trying to do my best but boy are those yummies talking loud.

    Lana glad the medical system wheels are churning in your favor.

    Missy - make a pro /con list for the second job and see what happens.

    Ladychronic - I also know people who sew as a hobby and might be able to alter clothing - ask around your friends and see who knows who.....

    Got to watch soccer and got some eye candy moments. I am so lucky.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member

    Sara - Yay for the eye candy moments!!! ⚽️
  • Cruskit0Fairy
    Cruskit0Fairy Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! For some reason I’m unable to post pics? It puts up a loading bar but they don’t actually load?
    I got a whopping 3 hours sleep last night 😑
    I’m not even remotely hungry which is amazing for someone who is obsessed with food and considering I’ve had about 7 hours sleep over two days I’m not remotely tired.
    If I don’t manage to sleep properly tonight I will have to stop taking the medication and see if it’s possible to get a lower dose I think. (They’re slow release capsules so I can’t just chop a tablet in half unfortunately). Even though I feel amazing there has to be some sort of fallout from no sleep. I don’t want to crash my car or leave the gas on or something from being delirious.
    I planted a black sapote tree today! I really hope I don’t kill it.
    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,877 Member
    *** May 1 ***

    Happy First of May!!

    *tossing beach bag onto favorite lounge chair for later*


    264.6 today