

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,364 Member
    Worked today then went in the pool. No work tomorrow so the plan is to do the Biggest Loser the workout DVD. Then I’ll probably clean out the spa, Vince said it needs it

    Barbara – right now I’m reading “Have Spacesuit will Travel” and enjoying it. Who knows when I’ll get it done, tho?

    Lisa – I have this “thing” about being barefoot in a hotel. I wear flip-flops in the shower. I usually don’t bring slippers but I use my flip flops as slippers and don’t let my feet touch the rug or floor. It’s probably clean...but still When we’re driving somewhere, I feel it’s a mortal sin to pass a rest area and not use it...lol I drink A LOT of water when we drive. I think it’s the dry air that does it. So I’m constantly having to use the restroom. I think it’s Kentucky that doesn’t believe in rest stops. Neither does Rt. 70 here in NC. Vince camps by the light of the TV...lol

    Debbie – hugs

    Making ribs in the IP right now for Vince. Tomorrow I’ll probably make a meatloaf and more chocolate bran muffins (but not until I go for a walk around the block). Forgot to water the new plants tonight. Well, I’ll probably be able to tomorrow a.m.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,845 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
    Sunday -- 50 km bicycle ride this morning and early afternoon.


    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,733 Member
    Debbie- not free services my FIL owned his house.. they do an assessment of her finances he had a couple of pensions and social security
    And this was when he was more ambulatory ,they got him into adult day care,with transportation ,meals on wheels ,that didnt work out well he would lock them out lol.companions and homemakers would come on the weekends and they got him a life alert which he promply put on his walker..
    But anyway you get the idea..
    See if you state might have a similar type of program..i hunted it down.. that wasn't through the hospital but i kept up with things.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
    Exercise over the last 30 days ...


    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,225 Member
    Debbie: and others with elderly relatives. Much sympathy. Having gone through similar experiences, I know the frustration of trying to do your best for them, often in the face of fierce resistance from them. (((Hugs)))

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,941 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Early Saturday morning here! <3

    Lisa - "Camping is just pretending you're homeless." :D Agree! My idea of camping is in a 35' fully equipped Winnebago with toilet, shower, etc. With some fun girlfriends.

    Meg - DH and I raised several litters of beagles. Loved them, very affectionate. But I know what you mean, ours were ruled by their noses. We once nearly lost Trooper and Scout overnight in a forest near North Bend, WA, where they took off after something and there was no calling them back. We were heartbroken. The next morning I called in sick, returned to where we last saw them, near a busy logging road, and there they were, no worse for wear. Little twerps.

    Debbie - so glad MIL is willing to use the commode. My DH actually quit smoking the last week of his life, though he had cut down considerably prior to that. That last week, he would say "I'm going out and roll a smoke" then either was too frail to roll one or forgot and would sit on his bench and watch the birds. It's interesting looking back now at how rapidly he was deteriorating, things I didn't realize when I was in the midst of it. That tobacco has mega control over their brains like any drug I guess. There are still pouches of tobacco stuck here and there I need to collect and toss into the garbage. I am pretty sure tobacco contributed somewhat to his death (he didn't have any cancer), but I think the main culprit was the many drugs he was taking for his Rheumatoid Arthritis and their various side effects. And more drugs to handle THOSE side effects. Sigh.

    Barbara - I didn't sleep well, dreaming about grass in the driveway and re-graveling it, lol. Our house is about the same distance as yours from the county road. With houses beyond yours, it makes sense your lane is more heavily traveled and subject to wear/ruts. Since there's a new home, I'm guessing the building department assessed the road recently in conjunction with issuing that building permit, so road graveling/maintenance should be fine.

    Rita - whenever Elon Musk or whoever gets that teleporter going, make sure to sign up! That way you can come visit us for a change of pace and get away from that heat and your DH if he's having a grumpy day. A balmy 62 predicted here for today so bring a sweater or two.

    Like Lisa, when DH was in the Marines I got to live in Arlington VA for a year and we went exploring a lot, spend time on the beach at Chesapeake Bay, hike a bit along the Appalachian Trail, see some historical sites. So I've dipped my toes in both oceans, and have had my fill of flying and traveling.

    Visitor - with my broken toe keeping me from walking with my buddy for a while, she has taken to come visit me. A lot. Other than Rosie barking and pestering her, it's pretty peaceful here in my living room. The first couple times were good, but now she's been keen to come every day. Half an hour would be fine, but 1 1/2 to 2 hours at a time makes me really tired and we are starting to rehash prior conversations we've had and it makes me antsy :D

    I know she has had a stressful week with one of her kids suffering mental illness and her upcoming knee replacement surgery, I'm glad I was here for her. She had to shed a few tears, it's safe here with me. She's doing better and the conversation is back to how she is washing all of the blinds in her house, lol. And I'm getting tired of hearing myself comment about how my broken toe and the weather is keeping me from getting stuff done outside. :D

    And, I think she feels like with DH gone I'm lonely and need company. Nothing could be further from the truth. I truly am enjoying peace and quiet and being alone with my thoughts, planning the budget, planning meals and grocery shopping (Sue :D ) doing a bit of cleaning. When I need company I call someone or email. There were so many things I didn't have control over when DH was here, and now I can start to regain some control over my time and activities.

    My INTJ personality is coming on strong and the "I = introvert" part means I don't get energy from being around other people for very long. Small doses are energizing but beyond that, very tiring and stressful.

    Carol - so sorry to hear about the A/C on the fritz for your renters. I saw little "room coolers" at Walmart, when I guess they blow cool air on folks and can cool a small room. I'm hoping the renters can make do. I know it can be a worry. Until we had the thermostat replaced, our heat pump seemed to always go on the fritz - turn the heat ON! during hot weather so we got used to open windows and fans on the rare occasions the temps hit the mid-upper 90's here.

    Pip - Poor Kirby! And you! What a year for you both. Hope Yogi is on the mend and Kirby feels good enough to run the marathon. <3

    OK kids, that's the quick catch up for now. Make it a wonderful weekend!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Kirby is definitely not in shape to run a marathon. Tomorrow’s run is supposed to b a 10k run. They have two options, a 2 mile or a 10k. He can’t run either of them so he decided he is going to walk the two mile one even though he signed up for the 10k..

    I’ve noticed that a lot of people think any run is a marathon or that’s what they call it. We do marathons but those are a different bird altogether.

    Here is the distance

    5k = 3.1 miles
    10k = 6.2 miles
    1/2 marathon = 13.1 miles
    Marathon = 26.2 miles

    When we do any of those, they are always running only, no walking. I feel bad for him not being able to do what he signed up for. I offered to run it for him and just use his bib, he wanted to do it himself but he won’t b able to run it.

    Those are the same distances we have down here at events:

    5k = 3.1 miles
    10k = 6.2 miles
    1/2 marathon = 13.1 miles / 21.1 km
    Marathon = 26.2 miles / 42.2 km

    There is usually a 1 km or 2 km option offered for kids.

    And the 5 km option is comprised of sprinters and walkers. They send them off at the same time. The sprinters finish in a few minutes and the walkers stroll in an hour later.

    The other distances are "running" but runners can walk a bit now and then. That's OK.

    I've done a few 10Ks and a half marathon. :)

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka— I love the sea mist. Your photos are excellent.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,582 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! After being so busy last weekend with the historical event, I was kind of hoping to have a day to just rest this weekend. I got up early yesterday and got my grocery shopping done and ran a couple of errands for my childcare week. Came home, put groceries away, then off again to pick up a father's day/birthday gift for DH. My DD and DYS and I went in together and bought a new office chair for DH. I asked my DOS, if he wanted to go in on the gift with us, but he told me he couldn't afford it. (a $25 contribution?) Grrrr. Sometimes it is so glaringly evident that DOS was not raised by me (he is my stepson). He makes a good living, pays very little in rent, has very few expenses, is extremely frugal. I know he must have thousands in the bank, and I am glad that he does. I am glad that he is "planning" for his future. But $25 for a father's day/birthday gift is too much? The past couple of Christmases, he got us his old tv and a 250 piece puzzle. lol I love this kid, but he has a very selfish heart. Anyway, back on topic. Bonus, the office chair came with a free desk. So...back out I went to get the chair, the desk, then I stopped at the Home Depot and picked up four bags of dirt, a few pots of flowers, and five 9 ft poles for a couple of projects that I am going to get done today. I guess I could just rest today, but I really want to get these things done.
    Machka- I am in the same boat as you, when it comes to girlfriends. I have had a few girlfriends in elementary through high school. But for the most part, I have always gotten along with boys/men a lot more. I just felt that they aren't quite as demanding of my time and emotional involvement. Except my dh, of course. lol That is a beautiful misty picture. I have the same kind of phone as you, by the way.
    Lisa- I didn't care much for camping when my kids were small; but I really enjoyed going last year with my (now adult) DYS. It took us about 15 minutes to get the tent, hammock, and fireside set up then we were able to just relax by the fire, read, have drinks. I am sure I would enjoy camping for longer than a day. To NOT have a house and yard to look after, to have the time off work, every one pitches in on dinner around the fire or cold foods out of the cooler...bliss.
    Pip- Sorry to hear about Kirby's fall/injury. Walking the 2 mile is probably for the best. No risk of further injury and he can safely heal and be ready for the next race. Glad you are doing better!
    Heather- Your cruise time is getting closer! My travel brain/heart are getting ready with you!
    Rori- Great pic! Are these the friends that you went to the concert with? I think you have a pic on facebook and you are wearing a green dress (you look stunning, by the way).
    Rita- I feel for you and your desire to travel. I am the same way. If I get in the car to run errands and it is a lovely sunny day; a thought goes through my head..."I could just keep driving...I wonder how far I could get on a tank of gas..." lol I am not running from anything; but I love an adventure. Would your DH be up for little excursions to explore places within say 25-50 mile radius? Pack a picnic. Maybe make a rule that you each have $5 to spend on whatever you want. My philosophy is that pics make the best souvenirs and are FREE! Also...could you save $10/week for a year? That would give you $520 to spend on a bigger trip each year. What about changing parks that you work at? Would hubby be up for a change for a while?
    Lanette- Perhaps your neighbor/walking friend would understand if you told her you need some time alone to process everything. I am guessing she is alone, as well? I always read your posts so carefully, as my DH is also dealing with advanced RA. We have both read the articles and facts on the RA meds that he takes/has taken. He does not take them every day, which means he is in major pain every day, which means he is so very, VERY irritable every day. Your DH went downhill so fast. Sending you all of the love!

    Well, here it is 8:30. I better get my butt in gear and get my projects done. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather, Have a wonderful time!

    Karen in Virginia