

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Happy to see you had a great family visit, Rebecca. <3:D

    Chatted to L.

    Watched the last ever episode of Inspector Montalbano. End of an era.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
    welcome kinstugijoy
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member

    Worked. Evidently, they’re having some sort of high-up inspection this month so almost every day I have to do something different. Like yesterday I was told to do the tomatoes first so they have time to cool. Is someone REALLY going to be checking the temperature of the tomatoes???? The other day I was told to put the chopping machine by the sink, which to me makes sense so it can be washed with the sprayer. Then I was told that even tho I clean the inserts for the chopping machine, to put them next to the sink (that’s where they put the dishes to be washed, with my stuff there there’s not going to be room), today I was told that this lettuce spinner (which to me is too small anyway) is never to be on the floor (the old one was for the longest time) but that I should put it in the sink when I’m finished (my understanding is that they’re going to put the chopper there <which they’ve done in the past>. Now with this, there won’t be room for the chopper. Wouldn’t be surprised if it gets put on the floor. But not my problem.) Whatever……

    Not much needed to be prepped today, not surprising since yesterday was 4th of July. Probably could have gone to the gym but I didn’t have my things with me and I know if I came home and then went to the gym I wouldn’t have had time before my eye MD visit so I went in the pool instead (oh hardship) Then went to the eye MD. Things are looking fine. Ceramics tonight

    I would like to get a piece of wood and have a friend paint “Steve’s Room” for the door to the room he usually stays in when he’s here, but I couldn’t find anything at Michael’s. We don’t have much at all for crafts.

    Bonnie – welcome!

    Tracey – your salad sounds good. I’ll have to try it. Oh, yes, I saw the Fall merchandise, and the 4th of July stuff 70% off

    Divine – So proud of you

    M – good luck on the new job

    Rebecca – so glad you had such a wonderful trip

    kins…. - welcome! What part of NC are you in? I’m in Newton

    Michele NC
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,472 Member
    edited July 2022
    Stopping in before I head for bed... it's been a quiet day. Walmart delivered my order at 3 p.m., and that was pretty much the high water mark. B) I find it is much easier to avoid getting junk food when I'm having groceries delivered than reaching out and picking up snacks when I'm in the store. Not really sure why, but I'm OK with it.

    With Corey gone, the chance that I'll make a full meal for myself is pretty remote, as well. Big shrug for that. On my own, I eat small meals about five or six times a day. When Corey's cooking, I end up adding in the full meal he makes for both of us, rather than taking one or two of mine away to balance the calorie add. Just need to own that and balance it better. He's really good at helping me achieve it, I just have to be able to express it to him.

    Welcome @KinstugiJoy . We're glad you're here! Don't forget to bookmark the thread, and just a note for everyone who's new: Quite a few of us don't accept friend requests, and I'm one of them. This is not personal, it's simply part of my drive to keep social media as a small part of my life only. However, this is an amazing thread with posts from women who've been on it a week, and women who've been on it five to ten years. We have folks from dozens of states in the U.S., and others in the UK, Europe and Australia. Drop into a conversation anywhere you like.

    Off to bed says SleepyHead.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,642 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    Barbara - “can’t snack when I’m asleep” this is why I went to bed before Rodger got home last night.

    Machka - trying to get the right clothing for a new position is always the worst. I have found in the position I’m in now that I dress more “girly” I work mostly with women now and it was mostly men.

    For those of you that have to battle the fireworks that would get annoying fast. We have a few that go off occasionally here, but they are illegal in the city. You can buy them for outside city limits.

    Rebecca - so happy you had a wonderful trip!!! Love the pictures.

    Annie - what a relief to get your Mom to the appointment!

    Rita - I hope you find some solace at the therapy appointment.

    Vicki - I will never understand parents that use their child as a pawn. What a nasty thing to do to her children.

    Lisa - I finally figured out last night that I didn’t have to have a big supper, just because it’s what’s ingrained. So last night and tonight I’ve just picked at things instead of a meal. Lo and behold my calories are much better!

    I drove into the city tonight after work. I was looking for a specific colour of seed bead. I had checked Michael’s and 2 Dollarama’s here and they didn’t have them. I ended up at another Michael’s, the Dollar tree and a 5th Dollarama before finding them. I probably spent more on gas than I did the beads.
    If I hadn’t been over halfway done this stocking I would have changed it up a bit.

    Another wet cold day. I’m so tired of it.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,867 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :'( More fireworks last night that scared Bessie. First she went to lie on the mat in the bathroom then next to the bed and finally wanted to be in bed with me. I played my audio book for 30 minutes til the fireworks were over and we were able to go to sleep.

    :)Allie,How is Carmine? I am reading a book by a man who was gender confused starting as a small child and how he was bullied and told to be different. I hope Carmine is getting love and support from their family and their teachers.

    :)Lisa, we have been ordering our groceries online and picking them up curbside for a year and half and we find our shopping much more intentional with no impulse items jumping into the cart. We love it.

    :) My walking partner is going on an adventure today so Bessie and I will go out together. Bessie will be disappointed but I'll be able to finish listening to my audio book (a cozy mystery).

    :)Heather, We have a sign at our house that says "If you're lucky enough to live near the water, you're lucky enough". Your beach scene is fabulous.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Yesterday talked to the young man whose job it was to clean up the massive mess the people left behind after the fireworks. Turns out a group was shooting the fireworks at each other. Fortuantely no one got hurt. I didn't want to stay long anyway because of DrewB. I doubt I would have stayed long given how dangerous the people were acting. Such a shame in past years it was not so chaotic and dangerous. Some groups at least gathered their mess and put it by the trash cans.

    I still think of some of the advice from the Safety Trap. In these times I think he is spot on. Being vigilant and becoming physically strong is your best defense. I just have to watch that I don't become hyper vigilant because that doesn't help either.