

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    Afternoon ladies, sheesh what a long day for me so far.. stopped at my daughters she had a guy come to give an estimate on heating and ac so i got Miles to sleep.. then went over for my mammogram, then grocery shopping. Ugh i used not mind at all,but now wears me out.and since the pandemic, dislike being in the stores..the new med im taking is making my tongue feel odd,not like a burning sensation but just off..no - no Covid...
    So i got home and put refrigerated stuff away then ran over and got Homer out of course took Alfie,then came home and brought the rest of the stuff in.. now to rest..
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Rita great job on updating/cleaning up fb
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,767 Member
    Clothes ... I dread clothes shopping. So when I find something that I like I buy multiples ... if it's a top, different colors. I'm 5'8, long legs and very short torso ... so it's a challenge. I have done online shopping and only use sites that make the return process easy. Now that I'm retired, I really don't have need for much, but I do like to have nicer things for church. I no longer wear skirts/dresses, but always have dressy slacks on hand.

    Michelle ... hope Vince is ok ... and sorry for the loss of Loki...

    Katla ... I am praying for you and your husband as you make significant changes. It's not easy and you can expect to have difficult moments, but it sounds like your family only has your best interest at heart.

    Rebecca ... I'm saddened every time you write that the youngest son has not reached out to you. You handle it extremely well, but someday he is going to regret lost opportunities.

    I have spent the past few days hedge and shrub trimming our yard. Last summer my guys just gave up after I broke my leg and everything was overgrown. Still have a lot to do, but the things look neater. The weeds are finally under control and beds are ready for mulch ... a little late ... but who cares. Working on how to hide a really dumb spot in the front yard where the septic tank sits... it's too high (and can't be lowered) and every summer the grass dies over top of it in a perfect rectangle. I'm considering reshaping the front landscaping beds to incorporate the tank and then just cover with mulch.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    I took a nap ..Prime day I did buy a mattress topper for the bed
    Will put it on this weekend.
    Im another shortie im 5 2.5 ive shrunk 1/2 inch..
    I wear stretchy everything nothing button up,mostly pull on pants and shirts that cover my middle..
    Picked up some baby food for the little guy..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Rita - I don't have cramps or spasms. Just a deep, constant aching. I've had it before and eventually went to the doctor for blood tests. That's when they came up with the mild hemochromatosis. That can cause joint aches. I think it must be some auto immune thing. It tends to last for a while, then gets better. It's worse in thundery weather, or hay-fever season. I don't notice it in the daytime, or during activity, and it doesn't interfere with function at all. I think this time it may be an over enthusiastic immune response to the covid. I have other symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome, like dry, itchy eyes, dry mouth, dry cough, but not losing weight!!!! :o;)
    Tonight I'm going to apply Voltarol gel liberally. I did start taking hemp oil last time, but I think it was more of a psychological help than real.
    I'm looking forward to getting back to my previous level of activity, which might help. Moving about is a relief.

    Spoke to my friend L this evening. She is up and down a lot. Sometimes very down.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,074 Member
    Michele I am so sorry about Lexi.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    edited July 2022
    Vince went to the MD about his leg. It’s probably an infection so he has an antibiotic and oxycodone for the pain.

    Was going to go for a walk but we decided that we’d replace the rug in the sunroom that Lexi pooped on. It’s stained. We’ve tried using a rug shampooer and there are places you just can’t get clean. So I was looking online for one, now I need Vince to see them. Made manicotti for us to have tomorrow. Made sausage ones for Jess and Vince and spinach ones for Colby and me.

    Vicki – I love summer, heat and all (as long as it isn’t humid and I have my pool). Now winter...can’t wait for spring. Glad we go to FL in Feb., can get my almost-summer start. Then, when we get home, time to start opening the pool (yea)

    Beth – we have one area in our backyard that’s a rectangle and it seems that the grass burns there. I can’t help wondering if that’s where the septic is and if there’s anything we can do to prevent the grass from burning.

    Michele NC
    who is off to take a shower
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Sue - Sorry about your ankle issues. PT really does work, if you work it. I had problems for years from two bad sprains. Yoga was a huge help, but you can do a lot on your own. Just a little every day.
    I need to get some weight off too. :#

    Pleased to say, I slept much better last night. :D I anointed myself with Voltarol and then took a paracetamol later in the middle of the night. It had all started to wear off by 5 am, but I got through until 6.
    I must say, I feel a lot more myself today. My appetite for life is returning. I am debating whether to make a return visit to the running shop. This will be the last bearable day before the temperature ramps up over the weekend and next week.
    I will know I'm better when I get back to my new book, WHERE AM I?
    The actual publishing process always scares me as I am sooooo not techy, but I know I can do it. I just wish I could wave a magic wand and it would magically appear! I'm always convinced I've done something horribly wrong and it will all come out a jumble. Of course, it doesn't.
    I will not do it today, but always with me, the procrastination eventually becomes more painful than actually doing it. Then it gets done and I wonder what I was bothered about.
    Yesterday I listened to a podcast that was very helpful to me in the matter of privacy and other people's privacy. I might listen to it again as it settled a niggle that has been holding up my plunging in to publication. I do have concerns, but I liked the discussion and the conclusions they came to. I discuss the problem in my intro to the book.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx