Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    Why is convincing myself to drive to the gym so difficult?

    When I got to this stage, I had to address just how important going to the gym was going to be in my life. If it seems important enough for you to find time before/after work even though you are tired, or want to do something else, then you may have to plan for it. Like always having a gym bag in your car with your workout drinks, workout clothes, workout towels etc. Make it an expedition of sorts, make sure you can't make excuses to back out of it, because excuses are so easy to make!

    I was unable to get the hubby to get to the gym, so I canceled our membership. And I walked so much, because: I can do that without an assist from the hubby since I don't have a car. Therefore, I burned so many more calories walking than I ever would at the gym no matter what I did.

    Walking is nothing to sneeze at, but as for the burn you can get from a gym vs. walking there are some things to think about: the dog. Dogs love to walk, and it probably doesn't matter if you go to the gym chances are the dog needs walkies!

    Gym classes seem to be a good motivator for lots of people because of the scheduled time, and you get to seeing the same faces and can make some friends. Just maybe look at some pros and cons and see if a gym is really the way to go for you. Then make a decision and stick with it! Yep, that is by far the most difficult thing to do on any life journey. :smile:
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    edited July 2022
    I know I shouldn't make excuses. My apartment gym with dumbbells is where I have been going. There is a really nice gym I'm free to use... 20 minutes down the road. It's about halfway between home and work, but it's so much faster to just do stuff at home so I don't have to get off the beaten path. Maybe once the pup gets the a-ok to go back to daycare, I can eat breakfast, take her to day care, stop at the gym, shower, change, and go to work. Daycare is between home and nice gym, nice gym is between daycare and work. It's namely time, not money, that's making me stumble.

    I should add my desire to go to the gym is specifically for strength training. I am doing well in regards to cardio, endurance, and flexibility, but I'm really trying to get some muscle definition and make some workout buddies who can give me tips in person.

    Yeah, I think that'll be my game plan. Go to the gym on days I take the pup to daycare.
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    Age: 52
    Height: 5'
    SW: 266.6 (1/4/21)
    January 2022: 233.5
    February: 235.4
    March 230.9
    April 226.8
    May 225
    June 224.6

    7/1: 228.6
    7/8: 224.8
    7/15: 223.8

    I was mad at the world and went "meh" at checking in last week, though now I can see I was actually doing okay. I've been reading and commenting in my head!

    To everyone with kids worrying about their weight-- I want to fight everyone making your kids feel that way. I want to burn things down. that is SO messed up! one thing that might be reassuring to them (if you feel it's helpful and appropriate) is--I've worked in a school (middle school, now a k12) for twenty years. A lot of times, kids start to put on weight in their early teens and then BAM! They're four inches taller and not pudgy anymore. They were just getting ready to grow!

    It makes me so angry because I think a lot of my weight issues stem from my childhood. Part of it was almost certainly how my mom was always worrying to her friends about my weight--long before I was actually overweight. Part of it was me, trying to out-eat my (much more active) brothers because if I didn't get seconds fast I wouldn't get them. That FOMO--Fear Of Missing Out-- has been with me my whole life, making moderation very difficult...

    That's a thing I'm pondering and working on right now. In October, this lucky LUCKY girl is going on an amazing trip--but we'll be eating out pretty much always for an entire month. I can easily put back every pound I've lost if every meal I'm ordering what I want most from the menu, based solely on my Fear Of Missing Out on the really good stuff...add in the sneaky stuff like salads with high calorie dressings and Moar Cheese Makes Anything Better, and I'm worried. Checking the menu ahead of time won't always be an option! I'm open to suggestions here.

    One thing I'm already doing is trying to ask myself before I eat-- how much nutrition/fuel do I need to make it to the next meal? And how many calories do I want to spend on THIS food, instead of, say, that next meal? (so, get a shake now at fast food place I can always hit back home, or wait and have that This is Our Specialty amazing dessert at wherever we hit for dinner?)

  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    So, while lunch out yesterday went well (I had the salad with meat and skipped the chips and salsa), I still did not do great yesterday as I gave in and had a couple of drinks in the evening. It has been a very stressful week at work, and I needed to decompress (at least that is my excuse). I ended up over in calories as you would expect. I will probably need to work some this weekend as well. There is lots going on next week that I need to prepare for. We are having a mini-conference / summit for all the leaders in NA next week. Luckily it is here in my city so I don’t have to travel (except within the city to the location), but I will end up eating with the group for several meals. I probably won’t be able to keep strictly to plan in this situation. Also, I need to finish my presentation for the conference. I didn’t have much time last week to work on it. So, that will be my weekend activity! The other activity that I want to do this weekend is to actually do a full workout and try to get that back on track.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251
    7/8: 252
    7/15: 246.6 – Yay I am finally down!

    Tag Party:

    @JAC581 – I hope the fatigue gets better soon! Good luck with the move!

    @justanotherloser007 – At least you know the weight gain due to Prednisone is water. That can come off easily. Keep on track and know that it will come off as it is just water!

    @KeriA – I went on a low salt diet a few years ago. For me it was horrible as I am a salt addict. I hated it! I ended up making most things from scratch as almost everything that is processed has WAY too much salt in it. As I got better, I was able to handle more salt so while I still watch it, I am not as tied to a low salt diet anymore. Good luck with the recipes!

    @LisaLethal – It is easy to make excuses for eating what we want instead of what is good for us! I have found that if I go off a little, I want more of the bad stuff! If I stay on plan, I don’t crave the bad stuff. It is really a challenge as sometimes you really must go off! Stay strong and you will make it.

    @kenziestabes – any loss week over week is good. I stayed around 251/252 for about 10 days before all of a sudden weight came off. Your gym plan sounds good. I still need to work on my exercise plan. I am also struggling with getting a workout of some sort in on a regular basis!

    @sargemarcori – I have the same FOMO problem. I grew up in a family with 6 kids and I learned to eat fast so that I could get seconds if I wanted. I have finally begun to get free of it, but it has been a continual struggle.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    If anyone of you has a Dille & Kamille store near you, their loose leaf tea for iced tea is amazing. I've been using the apple one and the strawberry one for years now. Delicious.

    I'm at my mum's now after a long and unpleasant journey. I didn't get in that walk yesterday but I had to lug around a heavy suitcase, including down some very scary and steep steps and we're going for a walk in a bit so I'm getting to move again! Also the scale (at my mum's, I forgot to weigh this morning) said 124,5kg despite me having slept poorly, still being sore from the workouts from early this week, having already eaten a nice big breakfast and half a liter of water, and being very bloated because my period also came today. I'm just glad the 124kg I saw earlier this week wasn't a mirage or simply caused by me misreading the scale because I didn't have my glasses on. I'm very pleased.

    The cat's good, got plenty of food and water. My sister's good, enjoying her vacation to central and eastern Europe with her boyfriend.

    Next weekend some relatives from Serbia are visiting so we're gonna have some fun in Amsterdam and in the province my mum lives in.

    Now I'm gonna go for that walk, get some necessary shopping done and we're attending a former neighbour's birthday party tonight so I'm letting go of restrictions and will just make sure I log everything so I'll know what the damage will be.

    Have a good weekend, everyone!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    We won our softball game last night! I was the catcher, so lots of squatting. Lol. Even managed to score a run!
    Way to go!!! And look at her go folks!! Good luck trying to pee today lols
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Also! The medium shirt fit perfectly. My mind is blown that I’m a size medium in t-shirts. I mean, it’s a unisex tee, but still…
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 252.8 (11/13/2020)
    CW 7/1/22: 183.2
    7/2: 182.6
    7/9: 184.0
    7/16: 183.8
    GW for July: Out of the 180s
    GW for 2022: In the 150s

    OK, I'll take it.

    I ordered some new gym shoes earlier this week, got fitted at the running store in the mall and everything. They arrived today, and...they're the wrong size. I went to the store's website to see about ordering a replacement, and New Balance doesn't seem to want to sell them inventory that will fit me, so I went ahead and ordered a new pair directly from NB. I walked around the mall for a while after I dropped off the shoes to return, since the weather was supposed to be nasty - big clouds in the sky and hot, hot, hot. I got all the steppies I needed today and more, and hopefully the shoes I ordered today ship soon and get here quickly. And fit, that would also be nice.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    So despite eating in a surplus yesterday (tons of štrudla sa makom and Chinese food) and being on my period (and very bloated from it) and weighing in after breakfast because I forgot this morning, the scale said 124,7 or 124,8kg! My mum's scale is actually very easy to read even though it has little lines you have to see and count yourself, it's not a digital scale. I much prefer it to every other scale and we've had it pretty much all my life. This scale is over 20 years old. Anyway, all this leads me to believe that my true weight might be lower, closer to 124 or even 123,5kg. Based on the deficit I've had it should be closer to that too. Still, I'm happy to see a lower number too.

    Yesterday we had the birthday but we still had to buy a gift and I also needed some new underwear so we went into town for a bit. I got the cutest stuff and nice summery trousers, none of which I tried on but all of which fit perfectly. I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of which clothes will fit me despite my very bad sense of how much space I take up in the world. For a few months this winter I kept bumping books and full cups of tea off my living room table with my butt because I couldn't tell that I was too close to them and that streak finally ended too.

    Today's goal is to not combat my cramps with all the chocolate in the house. Yesterday I got in about an hour to an hour and a half of walking and today it's gonna be 27 degrees and I'll have to carry all my heavy luggage home by train so I'm not gonna do much of anything. Tomorrow I'm doing the regular workout, immediately followed by another gymnastics workout so I'm looking forward to that!

    @The_Fat_Optimist of course you're welcome here! My own starting point was in the 300s too.
    If you want an additional place you can go for support, there's a larger losers group as well. I don't have a link to it as I'm on the mobile app but that's a nice place too.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    185.4 this morning, but it's TOM right now. It's definitely not that I overate yesterday, because...

    Yesterday was nuts. I started off well! I deep cleaned the kitchen.
    Made lots of tea for the week.
    Went grocery shopping. Made nasi goreng for dinner.

    And as I was making dinner, I was running up against time to leave for my workshops. So I never ate lunch, whoops, and I left before I ate the dinner I made, so you can imagine what happened at the workshops. I got really lightheaded, nauseous, didn't feel well. Left after the workshops, immediately got some food before even driving home, lol.

    Anyway! Busy and productive day yesterday, today I've got to clean the house hardcore and prep my chicken and breakfasts for the week. And then hopefully that will get done and I can spend some time playing video games this afternoon/evening.

    Tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 sounds like you're having a fun and relaxing time! That's very exciting, that all the trousers you brought home fit, that almost never happens to me. :lol:

    @kenziestabes I loved being the catcher when I played softball. I especially loved throwing the catcher's mask off to do stuff, so dramatic, lol.

    @goal06082021 I hope the new shoes fit! And good progress!

    @The_Fat_Optimist you're welcome here, of course! Excellent job losing so far!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • EmA_5512
    EmA_5512 Posts: 7 Member
    Okay, since I started on a Sunday. I guess Sunday is weigh-in day. I weight daily, so I'm using Happy Scale and taking the weekly average.

    Age: 37
    Height: 5'2
    SW: 250
    CW: 250 (7/10)
    GW for July: 244
    GW: 199 - I felt better under 200lbs, and that's what I want right now is to feel better

    7/10 - 250lbs
    7/17 - 248.4lbs (-1.6)

    The Good
    Logged my food every day
    Walking more, working in some light exercise
    No food binges
    64oz or more of water each day

    Needs Improvement
    Over calories a few days.
    Too many alcohol calories and too much sodium
    Move more. I'm really out of shape.
    Feet, ankles and knees hurt. I think I need new shoes.

    Goals for the next week
    Stay under 1700 at least 5/7 days
    At least 5000 steps every day
    Get to the pool or park at least once

    I have to get some new clothes for work (back to school in two weeks). I tried ordering pants, based on the size chart, I needed a 22. Got them and they're way too baggy and fit horribly. So, I have no idea what size I am right now. I'm going to have to go shopping this week and try on pants. Really not looking forward to it. I haven't plus-size shopped in a long time. I've mostly stuck with flowy dresses and stretchy jeans as I've gained weight. Anyone have any clothing location recommendations that won't make my bank account cry?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Happy Monday, all!!

    Well, as I predicted I had a lazy-ish weekend, it was the first weekend I had with the hubster in 6 weeks, so we took it easy. Had a lovely massage on Saturday (still a little sore, I love massages but I bruise!!) and did some running around, but I was within my calories (not counting wine). Sunday I didn't hit my 8k steps, but I got 7k, so it wasn't a complete couch potato day. I prepped super green soup and turkey fajita patties for lunches this week. I did get a bit snacky through the day and went over calories (plus had a couple of beers and some wine) so I'm seeing a bump up on the scale this morning. I need to remember that this was what I did when I lost a lot of weight previously - lower cals during the week, extra cals on the weekend and not rushing it. I want to lose weight, but also want to enjoy life.

    I was a bit slow getting going this morning, so I didn't get off a station early so I have some walking to catch up on. Honestly, it's bitterly cold so I'm not sorry!

    Plan this week is to keep with my previously stated goals,and maybe try and get in a EP workout or maybe a round of Ring Fit.

    @CupcakeCrusoe that nasi goreng looks amazing!

    @bojaantje3822 your adventures sound exciting! I was lucky enough to spend my 40th in Amsterdam (right before covid hit) and it was amazing. I could honestly live there.
  • gbj4120
    gbj4120 Posts: 43 Member

    Hello 👋, I’m GB. I have been struggling with weight loss for last few years but I never give up! 💪🏻
    I’m 30 years old and 5.5”.

    Highest weight: 204 ( early this year)
    Starting weight: 192

    Goal 1: 180 (obese to overweight)
    Goal 2: 150 (overweight to healthy)
    Goal 3: 120 - 130 ( Target)

    🌟July Goals 🌟

    🚶‍♀️10,000 steps everyday
    🍴 Eat home cooked meals everyday
    🏋️‍♀️ Strength training 3-4 times a week
    🥉 Reach my goal 1

    07/04 - 188
    07/11 - 185.3
    07/18 -181
    07/25 -

    July weight loss : 7 lb
    Total weight loss: 23 lb

    This is the first time I have been consistent for longer than 2 weeks in my multiple attempts at weight loss. I super appreciate the results I’m seeing so far for all the hard work I’m putting in. I understand workout is not a chore and a lifestyle. So il keep working until it does feel like that. I’m only a pound away from my milestone goal and I’m hoping by next Monday, il be there! 😀
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe love the anniversary pic with whatshisname! What are you growing in the garden? And yes the rolls look wonderful!! Yummy!!

    @The_Fat_Optimist I had to really come up with some things because when I started I had a long way to go as well. I had maintenance breaks during holidays, meaning, I ate at goal weight + exercise (I actually still lost weight during that time). Every Sunday, I always eat calories at goal weight + exercise. If I am at maintenance if I need to "borrow" calories I saved during the week this is when I do so. When I lost weight I geared everything towards "maintenance calories at goal weight" to teach me how to maintain and not just willy nilly gain weight whenever I get there. Having that special day every week really helped out during difficult times. I also make sure I am 1) drinking lots of water or no cal tea 2) get my recommended fiber the majority of the time 2) hit protein goals first - in my diet this is my weakest link and if I get that I let the chips fall where they may so to speak. This is a journey, and you are learning you can do this!!