count down to christmas challenge...



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i have already done my jump squats, leaving work in 20 minutes then when i get home will be doing my 30DS, brisk walk and the leg lifts and bicep curls :D xxxx
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    guys im not to good today i feel like ive been kicked in the ribs by a horse i got zero sleep last night with the feels like plurisy !!so im gonna have to see how i am later but as far as the challenge i reckon im out... im really hoping the pain goes soon so i can do my circuit training tomorrow and i was hoping to do a bootcamp on wednesday to bring the calories burnt up a bit... i shall have to wait and see... your all doing brill and really trying im so proud of you xxxx

    keep up the good work :)
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    guys im not to good today i feel like ive been kicked in the ribs by a horse i got zero sleep last night with the feels like plurisy !!so im gonna have to see how i am later but as far as the challenge i reckon im out... im really hoping the pain goes soon so i can do my circuit training tomorrow and i was hoping to do a bootcamp on wednesday to bring the calories burnt up a bit... i shall have to wait and see... your all doing brill and really trying im so proud of you xxxx

    keep up the good work :)

    oh no!!! ive been suffering with a pain a bit like plurisy too but not as severe. I hope your ok and make a quick recovery!

  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning all, how is everyone doing? xxx
  • Hi guys :)

    My turn to do the challenge today :)

    It's a two parter, if that's OK - and it's an individual thing really, cus I want you all to go to bed tonight, feeling like you've achieved something for yourself:

    Part A - A FOOD ADVENTURE - it's important that you mix up your healthy food, so that you don't get bored, and slip into slightly naughtier habits... so today I would like you to find a fruit or vegetable that you've never tried before, or haven't had since you were a child, and eat a 'portion' of it - here are some guidelines on portion sizes:

    Part B - THE BIG PUSH - everybody has that exercise that they really hate. I love working my legs, but lifting 17stone of woman is a tough job, so tricep dips and push ups are my nemesis. Other people hate crunches, and work on their obliques, whilst some can't stand any work on their bum! So I'd like you to pick out the TWO toning and strengthening exercises you dislike the most - be they mountain climbers, jumping jacks or squat jumps and do FIVE SETS OF 12 REPS. It's not easy, and it's exercise that maybe you don't like, but think of how proud you'll feel after! :)

    Report back to the the thread and let us know how you got on, and what exciting food you discovered!

    Also, keep that water intake high, and those carbs low - that's my big challenge for today :)


    (hope this is OK!)
  • guys im not to good today i feel like ive been kicked in the ribs by a horse i got zero sleep last night with the feels like plurisy !!so im gonna have to see how i am later but as far as the challenge i reckon im out... im really hoping the pain goes soon so i can do my circuit training tomorrow and i was hoping to do a bootcamp on wednesday to bring the calories burnt up a bit... i shall have to wait and see... your all doing brill and really trying im so proud of you xxxx

    keep up the good work :)
    Hope your feeling better :) x
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi guys :)

    My turn to do the challenge today :)

    It's a two parter, if that's OK - and it's an individual thing really, cus I want you all to go to bed tonight, feeling like you've achieved something for yourself:

    Part A - A FOOD ADVENTURE - it's important that you mix up your healthy food, so that you don't get bored, and slip into slightly naughtier habits... so today I would like you to find a fruit or vegetable that you've never tried before, or haven't had since you were a child, and eat a 'portion' of it - here are some guidelines on portion sizes:

    Part B - THE BIG PUSH - everybody has that exercise that they really hate. I love working my legs, but lifting 17stone of woman is a tough job, so tricep dips and push ups are my nemesis. Other people hate crunches, and work on their obliques, whilst some can't stand any work on their bum! So I'd like you to pick out the TWO toning and strengthening exercises you dislike the most - be they mountain climbers, jumping jacks or squat jumps and do FIVE SETS OF 12 REPS. It's not easy, and it's exercise that maybe you don't like, but think of how proud you'll feel after! :)

    Report back to the the thread and let us know how you got on, and what exciting food you discovered!

    Also, keep that water intake high, and those carbs low - that's my big challenge for today :)


    (hope this is OK!)

    Im not sure if im going to be able to do the food one as i dont have time to go to the shops today but will def. do the exercise one. Mine are going to be the same as yours push ups and tricep dips! i hate them but will definatley do them as my arms need toning :)

  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Great challenge today! I will do my best to get to the grocery store to pick out a fruit or veggie (great idea). I will also be doing push ups and tricep dips as I do hate them!!! :laugh:
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    im feeling a lot better today guys thank god so i might get to my circuit training class.. great challenge today well done!! i had turnip and carrot mash for dinner with fish and beans twas delicious so ill try the veg one tomorrow if thats ok....
    hope your all having a great day :heart: :heart:
  • I am so IN! I love a challenge!

    Sw:188 (Aug 31, 2011)
    CW: 180
    GW: 150
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    hey girls and guys...
    this message is for the newbies... your all more than welcome to join in the challenge the way it works is we set 1 main challenge a week and then we throw in a few mini ones to keep things interesting... every friday morning we weigh in by sending me a pm with your weight in pounds... the reason we do it on a friday is that if we have a bad weekend we have 5 days to work it of before weigh in :laugh: :laugh:

    i must say that the girls and guys doing this challenge are extremely supportive and very motivational and i hope you are to...
    hope you enjoy it keep us posted on your progress and if you have any questions feel free to put it up here im sure someone will answer it for you very quickly ...

    A xx
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    well done my tricep dips and push ups...ouch!!! hows everyone doing?

    Glad to see your better andreaie :D

  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Did squat jumps, mountain climbers, and star crunches. Owww....
    The weird thing is I love it when it burns in the morning. As I'm wriggling my sore legs into a pair of jeans, I'm just like "YES! SUCCESS!" So now pain = good :)

    Great job everyone ♥ <-- just learned how to do that after...a long time. so excited :tongue: expect to see l-o-t-s of hearts
  • RasheedaR
    RasheedaR Posts: 38 Member
    Can I join in this late in the game!?!?!? How many days left?
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Can I join in this late in the game!?!?!? How many days left?
    We are doing it up until christmas xx
  • Feeling so bad that i didn't do yesterdays mini challenge :(
    Looking forward to today's one :D

    Well done everyone, Keep it up :-D
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Feeling so bad that i didn't do yesterdays mini challenge :(
    Looking forward to today's one :D

    Well done everyone, Keep it up :-D

    We all have days where we can do as much as usual, dont worry :)

  • ms15000
    ms15000 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am in for this!

    New here so picking everything up.

    I used a simillar site a couple years ago and got down to 18st, now i have crept back up to 21 stone after too much binging.

    I felt last time that having people to talk to really helped.

    Looking forward to a slim christmas! Can never resist the big xmas dinner!

  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Here is todays challenge

    Squat & Press x50
    Jump Rope x50
    Step Ups x50
    Crunches x50

    Try to get in atleast a 20 minute walk at some point during the day and remember to drink your water.

    Good Luck everyone :wink:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Here is todays challenge

    Squat & Press x50
    Jump Rope x50
    Step Ups x50
    Crunches x50

    Try to get in atleast a 20 minute walk at some point during the day and remember to drink your water.

    Good Luck everyone :wink:

    Yay gunna try do the squat & press and jump ropes in work (in the loo haha) then im going to my boyfriends tonight and we are going out for a meal so will do the 20 minute walk with him and then when i get home later will do the step ups and crunches before bed :D xxxx
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