

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    The tumor hasn't gotten any bigger (it hasn't grown in the last 6 years) so I can go back in 3-5 years.

    Michele NC

    Good news. Where is the tumor, Michelle? Are you in treatment or have you had treatment for it?

    Willamette Valley OR
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Flea - I have a tumor in my left ear. It's non-cancerous, very slow growing. If I were to have it removed, there is something like an 80% chance that I'd lose my hearing completely. So I just deal with reduced hearing. Previously, I would go for an MRI about every 2 years but since it hasn't grown in the 6 years, I can go 3-5 years. I think I'll go at 4 years for the MRI. No treatment.

    Just in case Jess comes by tomorrow, I'm making double chocolate chip cookies. We can have spaghetti, and if she doesn't come I'll have the rest of the lasagna for Vince.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Evening ladies
    I sat outside for about 1/2 hr while Miles played in his pool and in the 95 degree heat it did a number on me.. i came home and just stayed in the a.c.,watching the little guy tomorrow and then off for the weekend.
    Im taking Toms first wife Sharon ,we are good friends she is #1 i am #2 lol ,up to New Hampshire for her son in laws celebration of life.. thats my friend Jay who passed away a few weeks ago..its at 5:30 on a Saterday night and I dont want to deive back down so far in the dark to drop Sharon off. It would be a 4 hr ride at 9:30 at night.. so i booked a hotel about 20 minutes from Jens house so we can stay and leave Sunday morning,would make me feel much more comfortable..
    Poor Jen has a appointment with a grief counselor tomorrow thank goodness.. they were married for 22 yrs.. they had there ups and downs but they truly loved each other.. damn cancer!!

    You are a true inspiration of what I should aspire to...and what probably won't happen.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Lanette - It's English/Spanish. When they first moved to Hove, all the 'normal ' schools were full up. This one had space, but the previous OFSTED report was not brilliant. However, a new headteacher had been recruited, and current reports were favourable. It has turned out to be wonderful. The kids are very happy there.
    I do think it's funny that the grandchildren do not want to speak Spanish with me out of school. They all have impeccable accents, but I would not say they are fluent. Plus, they seem to think of it as something they only do in school.
    I think Max will be able to continue his Spanish at his next school, probably adding French. They may teach Latin there as well. He is not a language lover, much preferring computers. Bea has the best ear. Her accent is authentic.

    I'm not dizzy today, but still being kind to myself. I will do my exercises indoors, as rain is possible. Then I will read through another chapter. I feel in a strange limbo mood. I just need to stay with that and not get impatient with myself. It's probably to do with preparing to publish my book. I am dormant, waiting for the sap to rise.

    I will be ringing L this afternoon. I'm limiting my phone calls now.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    I seem to have picked up a summer cold from somewhere, feeling a bit off today. It started at the Theatre on Wednesday evening watching Pricilla Queen of the Desert - which was brilliant by the way, the costumes were spectacular (wish I could have taken a photo to show you) I have a cough, sore throat and no energy. Negative for Covid, thought I would test to be on the safe side, don't want to be infecting others.

    It's back to normal temperature here thank goodness. We haven't had any of the predicted rain and thunderstorms so far. I think I heard that the reservoirs are getting dangerously low, but I am sure that is normal for this time of year.

    Michele Good news about the tumour <3

    Flea Sorry to hear about your mums health problems <3

    Sorry, more I wanted to comment on, but my brain is a bit foggy.

    Take care and love to all <3

    Viv UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Morning ladies-ugh awful nights sleep..5 hours maybe of tossing and turning..
    Guess thats what i get for having a diet soda at 2 pm
    Maybe I'll catch a nap with Miles when he takes one..
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited July 2022
    This morning was our last dog walk on the beach by the Gold Beach Airport. Tumble got so many stickers enmeshed in her long fur, it took the entire trip home for me to get most of them out. Next nail trim trip we’ll walk the dogs in the local park, if I can’t persuade Joe to drive up to the Ophir beach. Much better- all sand, no stickers. (edited. Have always called the round spiky seeds "cockleburs" but googling see an unfamiliar plant with different seeds, so now I don't know what to call them.)

    Rebecca thanks for the bean salad and cabbage ramen tips. I portion out my brown rice into little snack baggies then put them all in a larger freezer bag then into the freezer for when needed. :love: the lavender field picnics pics and Athena’s switch plate. Brava! Katla ((hugs)) can you FaceTime or Skype with DH on your phones? Praying your DH is soon strong enough to travel to be near you.
    Heather scary dizzy spell. You ARE the dream resource for your grands, lucky kids! Yes please do be kind to yourself. You are still recovering from both the cruise and Covid.
    Vicki :love: what you said about this group. Amen, sister, amen!
    Lanette thanks for the Greek beans recipe. Will try it with the garbanzos I have on hand and arugula instead of dill ;) And yes, you’re right. C leaving means updating my “Just in caes” binder. Trusting that someone else will appear is not easy but what else can we do? :} Joe has to mow before 10 am due fire season restrictions. Neighbors can’t complain, we’re all in the same boat.
    Flea :love: the pic of your pooch and the watering wand. ((hugs)) and prayers for your mom and you. Sometimes crying together is not just the only but the best thing you can do.
    Michele are you interested in joining the lunchtime yoga class? Thankful for the good news that things are stable and don’t need to be re-checked for 3 years.
    Tracey we all need mental health days from time to time. Good for polishing resumes too… ;)
    Sue those running and turning questions on the PT eval always make me laugh.
    Rori “everyone’s favorite mister” :laugh: Thanks for the Killer Queen tribute band recommendation.
    Allie could just picture Miles “swimming” in his baby pool :smile:
    Suebdew “cooled DOWN to 112"? :astonished: How did the checkup go? ((hugs))
    Viv hope you feel better soon.
    Welcome @or3s3sl1m Cindy from New Zealand!

    Avocados: Will look for the diced avocados. Whole large avocados are $2.50 each here, smaller ones $1. Little ones in bag always seem to be bruised and brown inside. Maybe I leave them to ripen next to the apple on our fruit tray too long. If I catch them in time they keep ok in the fridge until cut. Now I’m hungry for avocado.

    Vacations: Had two stellar vacations with Mama alone, Disneyland when it first opened (I was in second grade and got to skip school, a one time deal). Then, when I was 17, we went to New York City. Otherwise our vacations were going to St. Louis and Kansas City to visit aunts, uncles, cousins every other summer. Had my first birthday on the train (Papa worked for Railway Express so he rode for free and Mama for half fare). Then, when I was old enough, we went by car. Mama and Papa always planned a side excursion on the way, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Royal Gorge, Mojave and Painted Deserts, something. I remember Route 66 well. We always stayed with relatives, only in motels en route. Nowadays I prefer to stay in local hotel when visiting kin, but kinda miss the late night chats around the kitchen table. I do NOT miss St. Louis in August in an un-airconditioned brick house. Sometimes I had to sleep in the bath tub it was soooo hot.

    7/21: Move: 1.5 set pt, beach stroll, active mins:224 steps:4902
    Fuel: protein=53g sugar=95g fiber=17g sodium=1051mg fruit=1 vegs=3 CI<CO=568
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, 30 mins grooming, nail trims, call for Joe’s derm appt, call for Shadow’s rX, PT thank you, massage, Sharon’s mail to box.
    Wt: 140.2

    7/20: Move: pt appointment, 119 mins line dancing
    active mins:196 steps:5133
    Fuel: protein=53g sugar=87g fiber=8g sodium=1118mg fruit=2 vegs=3 CI<CO=430
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, lunch with C and T.
    Wt: 140.2
    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    2022: Be still and listen.
    July: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,429 Member
    Good morning ladies! <3

    Here's the Greek Bean Salad recipe if anyone is interested. I left out Olive oil in my previous post. And, you can add avocado :) ( I don't, because this dish lasts me several days and I don't want to risk the avocado turning brown.) I found the original recipe here (modified it a little for my own taste) https://the2spoons.com/vibrant-greek-bean-salad/


    1 - 15 1/2 oz cans Cannellini Beans, rinsed and drained
    kosher salt and ground black pepper to taste
    1 medium garlic clove, finely minced
    1/2 small red onion, halved and thinly sliced or 2 sliced green onions
    1 to 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
    1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus more to serve
    1 ripe avocado, halved, pitted, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch pieces - OPTIONAL
    1/4 cup lightly packed fresh flat-leaf parsley, torn if large OR 1 tsp dried
    1 T cup lightly packed fresh dill, chopped OR 1 tsp dried
    1 tsp grated lemon zest, plus 1 tsp lemon juice

    In a large microwave-safe bowl, cover and microwave on high until hot, 1 to 2 minutes, stirring half way through. (I halve the recipe - 1 can beans, etc - and heat only 30 seconds, stir, then another 30 seconds. Longer than that in my microwave makes them explode.)

    To the hot beans, add the garlic, onion, vinegar, oil, salt & pepper, toss to combine. Let stand until cooled to room temperature, about 30 minutes, stirring once or twice.

    Stir the beans once again, then stir in the avocado, parsley, dill and lemon zest and juice. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Transfer to a serving bowl and drizzle with additional oil.

    Makes 3 to 4 servings.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :) Jake's daughter and her family are coming to town as part of their vacation which will be primarily two weeks in a rented house on Vancouver Island. Jake and his daughter talk on the phone every week but otherwise we have very little relationship with any of them. Her sons are 11 and 13. They say they have lots of vacation things to do while they're here but Jake wants our schedule clear in case they want to spend time with us. So it will be several days in limbo.

    :) Welcome,Cindy from New Zealand tell us about yourself and join the conversation.

    :)Allie, It's too bad that you're not a reader. I had a hard time sleeping last night so I was able to finish the book I was reading on my phone and start a new one.

    :) We've made changes in what we eat, but we still stay with a small pool of regular foods. It cuts down on decision fatigue and makes grocery ordering much simpler.

    :)<3Katla, I know you're taking it one day at a time with your husband so far away and you building a new nest for the two or you near your kids and grandkids.

    :) Jake and I worked in the yard together yesterday and several neighbors came by and we invited them into the yard for a visit. One had a dog but Bessie wasn't interested.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Poor Tracy was in tears when I got here..
    Miles is learning how to work things like going to sleep being put in his porta crib,then waking right up so mom will hold him.
    So nobody gets sleep
    Tracy started this so she could feed on demand,and now Miles knows how to work the system..
    I told Tracy now that the weekend is here its time for him to start sleeping in his crib and learning to self soothe..
    Tracy doesn't want to stress Kyle out during the week because he needs the sleep because he is the one working full time.
    So hopefully they can get him under control and learn to sleep on his own.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    edited July 2022
    Barbara AHMOD: OPB radio ran a story about Gold Beach this week, and I felt silly that I had never figured out that back in the 1840s there was gold washing up on the beach. It was a fun story of gold rush, boom town, and hidden treasure. If you missed it, I'm sure you can listen to it on OPB 's website.

    Re: stickers. Are they goathead thorns? We had them in Kansas, and they are pesky and painful. Your description reminded me of them.

    Willamette Valley OR