

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    B) Too Hot!

    Viv UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Karen - I hope you are going to reattach the patches :p:o You can mount these things very nicely in frames as a work of art. :laugh:
    I saw some old falling apart sneakers done like that in a glass display case on Queer Eye.
    Amazing. :D<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,321 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 3hrs 1min 14sec, 183elev, 7.63mi= 772c
    Strava app= 869c
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,355 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Beth,sending love and hugs.. i know how hard all of that is for you.. I knew my dad had some stuff but up until he was hospitalized for the last time i didnt know he had congestive heart failure.
    Im hanging with Alfie and will do some clean up around here tomorrow.
    I just paid a 510.00 hospital bill for when i fell with Miles.. Kyle has crappy insurance and it wasn't covered,and since he was on my watch..I paid
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Kim: Happy Belated Birthday!

    Katla: I am glad you are near your family and your husband is getting great care. Change is difficult even at the best of times and you should be very proud of how well you are handling all of these new developments.

    Rebecca: I am so very sorry for your sister's loss ... out-of-order, unexpected deaths seem more painful in some ways. I am praying for you and your family.

    Rita: Hugs.

    To the new ladies: Welcome!

    As you can imagine, the past two weeks have been incredibly busy. My Dad's passing, even though he was 93, was startling as he was physically and emotionally better than he had been in years. Fortunately, my Dad and I had recently been discussing the future and had set up POAs, Living Wills, etc. God's timing in many ways. But now all the work of dealing with insurances, banks, his investments, etc. needs to be done. My Mom is dealing with grief, coupled with declining mental health. And she is most definitely confused. While I spent five days living with her in their assisted living apartment, observed all the reasons why she needs assisted living, and discussed why she needs to move near me ... she is now telling family she is going to look for an apartment. This is a ridiculous statement (she is non-ambulatory, unable to dress herself, and is incontinent and thinks the walls have ears) and living where she is alone without family in the same state is not an option. While I am taking baby steps with her, I can't drag my feet on moving her either.

    For the military families out there. My Dad was as patriotic as any American can be. He was in the First Infantry Division of the Army as a bandsman. We requested an honor guard at the gravesite. Not only did we not get one, they never even responded. Saddened me on multiple levels. The funeral director played taps from her phone and she took the flag back to be folded correctly. A few days later, she presented it to my mom.

    And here's something for consideration... death certificates are not worth the paper they're printed on. The primary cause of death was semi-accurate, but the contributing factors were sheer fabrication. "For years" he was listed as having chronic and debilitating diseases that he most definitely did not have! Our medical community has some serious problems.

    On a positive note, I've lost 13 pounds since July since DH has taken his diabetes diagnosis to heart and we're eating better. He had a recheck of his numbers and they are much better too.

    I've been reading along. Thank you to all who wondered how we were doing and expressed your sympathy. I love this group of ladies!

    Beth near Buffalo

    Hugs to you

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    Morning again,here with a napping boy..
    I feel bad for Tracy as I was married to a man with a temper.. like I told you Kyle has a temper. Never has hit or gotten violent to people ,but things yes.. he was going up the stairs after work to take a shower,Carmine coming down the stairs.he smiled and said hello and got nothing and he got upset,so after he took his shower. Went into Carmines room opened the window and chucked the air conditioner out the second floor window to the ground. And came back down stairs and went in his bedroom and closed the door.. which leaves Tracy to deal with all the aftermath..
    Kyle pays for Carmines guitar lessons,they are supposed to be going to see Santana on friday night and in a couple weeks going to a concert in NYC and then to Six flags in New Jersey..,Tracy went up to try and talk with him this morning and all she got out of him is I dont care..
    Gosh it just hurts my heart...

    I am sorry the family is going through such a hard time. I remember going through a really rough patch with my son- didn't care about anything, why couldnt he just die,etc. He had a bad anger management problem and so does my dh- I was in the middle of it often. Physically and mentally/emotionally. Many things dh never knew about because I didn't trust dh to not go totally out of control even more than he did. He seemed to totally ignore son or go over the top crazy on him .

    Karen- sorry you are dealing with that- So hard when you are doing so much.

    Vickie- One of my big triggers for my asthma is stress and I think that is what is causing my flair up the past two months- dealing with MIL and DH- I usually don't have a problem with it during the summer but this has been terrible. My other huge triggers are cold air/cold food and cig. smoke- I used to joke that going out with my MIL during the winter was a sure bet to cause an attack because she would smoke around me too. Thankfully she hasn't done that in a long time- was only smoking in the back yard and hasn't had one since right after her accident(she had been smoking at least a pack a day)

    Today started too early- didn't get to sleep until about 1:30AM then dh woke me up at about 7:30 to take son's truck in the shop- while I was up and out, went over and walked MIL's dog then helped her with her shower FINALLY(only second one she has taken since before her accident-thought it had been three months but actually only two months today-sure feels a LOT longer)- At first she didn't want to- told her she has two choices. Today or tomorrow- that is it. She HAS to take one. She smells. I went downstairs and get it ready for her. She started doing dishes, etc. Nope, lets go, now!.
    She felt so much better when she was done.Actually thanked me a few times for helping her.
    Went shopping then lunch with DH then came back to our house and gave one of the cats a bath- I got less resistance from the CAT than I did my MIL. ;)

    No Zumba tonight- teacher is taking a day off, but one friend from class wants to walk instead- Looking forward to it. I am happy walking at the park or at the wetlands- just to have someone else to walk with.

    Napa Valley,CA

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
    Cool and cloudy again today. Things just about ready for guest coming tonight. DD will pick her up this evening and they will eat before coming home. That means a YOYO night for me which is just fine as I have choir. Just have to figure out feeding for horses and goats as we usually feed at 7:00 and that is when I have to be at choir. Usually if I have choir DD feeds critters.

    KJ - good to see your post.

    Rita - hang in there.

    For all of you enduring heat waves stay as cool as you can.

    Welcome to those who are new.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Been pretty hectic around here the last few days. Keeping track of Jess in Raleigh, Jess in Cary, Colby here, Colby away on business and when he’s coming back, Jess here, Colby here but Jess in Raleigh or Cary, Colby in Cary….and so it goes. I know they’re big on going out to eat, but we aren’t. So here’s me trying to figure out Colby and I will eat this but Vince and Jess won’t, what do I give them. Jess, Colby and I will eat that but Vince won’t so what do I give him? And so it goes.

    Worked, went to ceramics Monday and Tues and I went tonight. Went to the dentist today to have a filling. There was decay below one of my crowns. Went to Aldi. Went in the pool since I couldn’t go to bowling. Not that I minded. Next week is the last week...hurray!

    Tracey – Vince and I are the same way you and Rodger are. I’m the person who is always out. Vince is the homebody. Lovely stocking – you are so talented. Lisa had some great suggestions of things to say to your boss.

    The other day BK had to shut down for a few hours while they were working on the grill. They couldn’t cook anything. The a/c also went out. I thought I felt a few drops on Sat. but figured it was my imagination. Guess not. Well, all’s fixed now. To be honest, I’m sort-of by myself and at first I didn’t realize that they’d sent just about everyone home

    Hi to everyone new!

    Got my hair cut the other day. The ATM at the bank was down, they didn’t even know it! They were working on the electric lines and must have killed the power without telling the bank

    M – love your coloring

    Didn’t do real good eating while Colby and Jess were here. They like a lot of Tex-Mex food which has a lot of cheese. Well, now that Colby and Jess are at their place in Cary I can get back to decent eating. We went to see their place Sun. Of course, they wanted to go out to eat. They all had a pizza but I had a grilled chicken salad. Dressing on the side and just water to drink.

    Brought home Pluto to work on the black. Got the first coat of clear glaze on Goofy.

    Just realized that I have a dermatologist appt. at 9a.m. in a few weeks. To reschedule I’d have to take another appt a few months out so I’ll have to work it out at BK. I’m sure they won’t have a problem with it. Normally, I have to do a lot of prep on Mon (expected since I’m not there on Sun). I don’t think they’d have a problem with me coming in on Sun. night to get some of the prep done so I won’t have that much to do on Mon. Well, that’s a few weeks off.

    Beth – HUGS to you

    When I came out of Aldi the sky opened up. I was soaked, not only from the pool but then from the rain

    KJ – so glad to “see” you. Things must be really hectic for you at this time of year.

    Going to get to bed.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
  • user2757363
    user2757363 Posts: 35 Member
    Your natural hair color is beautiful. We actually have the same hair color although my hair is considerably shorter. I started going grey when I was 18 and by my late 30's I was 100% grey. I dyed my hair every other month or so for YEARS trying to cover it up but then when I turned 50 I was just so fed up and decided just to let my hair grow out to it's natural, and BEAUTIFUL platinum grey color.

    As far as 'senior' discounts...when I was a teen, looking 'older' than I was back then had it's advantages....and even now, while I'm in my early 50's, looking older (60+ years old) STILL has it's advantages in the form of 'senior discounts' which, when mistakenly offered to me at certain retailers & restaurants, I graciously accept with a smile....including Michaels 😂😜

    'L' ~ Mojave Desert Boonies