

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,053 Member
    edited September 2022
    Some asked about the homopathic remedy I recently took for COVID. It is called nux vomica. It is usually used for over indulgence in drinking and eating. I learned about it from a homopathic vet Wil Falconer. I bought it on line at a very reasonable price. In homopathy their remedies are highly diluted medicines. Even so I approached it cautiously. This one came as tiny pills that you put under your tongue. I only put one under my tongue to see if I had any adverse reaction before I upped the dose. Then for my first dose which are six of these. (They are smaller than a grain of rice.) I did three then and then three more. Once I was sure I had no adverse reaction I took a dose five hours later. I only took what was prescribed for as long as I needed it. It is not something you want to take daily for an extended time. Wil Falconer explained homopaths come up with a remedy for an illness. He did not go into the details why this one is used for COVID. He did have a you-tube video for a while that gave more explanation but he was pressured to take it down because it is an outside the box treatment that only cost $7 for a bottle. I am feeling fine today about a week after the treatment.

    Still learning about possible treatment for DrewB through the pet summits I have been listening to. Right now I am changing her diet to raw, giving her a few supplements, and watching her stress levels. Her energy level is improving with this. I have another vet visit in a month. I am learning about some other holistic treatments that I may use if her blood work shows she needs further improvement. I am one that tends to want to try everything at once and am learning too many changes at once is not always to best course of action.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited September 2022
    Margaret, so glad to see you are approaching the homeopathic remedies with caution. Many people underestimate the pharmacological potency of homeopathic preparations. I know of a heart transplant patient and a liver transplant patient who experienced organ rejection years after their transplants due to taking either Gingko or Ginseng supplements without consulting their transplant teams. I like homeopathy, but have a healthy respect for it, like you.

    Karen in Virginia
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,313 Member
    Heather ~ At least your husband is willing to spend money on something you both seem to love doing! :)

    Facebook: Wow! They have changed the way it looks. One of those thing where if it is working, why mess it up! :s

    Carol in GA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    Margaret, so glad to see you are approaching the homeopathic remedies with caution. Many people underestimate the pharmacological potency of homeopathic preparations. I know of a heart transplant patient and a liver transplant patient who experienced organ rejection years after their transplants due to taking either Gingko or Ginseng supplements without consulting their transplant teams. I like homeopathy, but have a healthy respect for it, like you.

    Karen in Virginia

    Agreed. We have to be so careful with those herbal/natural things.

    A little while ago I found out that my antidepressant and Gingko did not play nicely together.

    And turmeric caused me issues.

    I'm currently gradually going off another herbal remedy for hot flashes. I still have hot flashes but I am testing a theory that the "solution" might actually be causing the problem.

    Just before I had my deviated septum surgery in 2020, I found out that garlic oil capsules reduce the blood's clotting capability ... which is good for me but not good going into a surgery.

    It's good to check what combinations are OK and what might cause more problems.

    M in Oz
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,848 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,393 Member
    edited September 2022
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Corey will be back soon. I got all the for-the-week shopping done online and delivered, and he headed into town to buy a good weed trimmer and stop at a couple of advertised sales on the way back. Always interesting to see what he comes home with, and since he's the cook, I don't argue too much. Barbecue chicken for dinner tonight and macaroni and cheese from scratch. Sounds yum. I just control my own portions, and we're both happy.

    just say "NO!" :D Maybe make him a deal before he goes through the bags that, if he can tell you a week from now what's missing, you'll let him keep those he remembers. If he can't, they all go! Just a thought.

    I always find it interesting when spouses or partners give a gift that is just as much benefit to them as it is to their partner. Like these experience gifts that are all the rage these days, cruises and such things. Effectively they've given themselves half of that gift. I guess it's all down to the relationship.

    Ah, he just pulled up...
    Lisa in AR

    Edit to add: He's so proud of that new trimmer... explained to me how to fill the tank, how to choke it, how to start it, how to put new string on it, and then turned me loose on a fence line with it. Weighs about 15 pounds, which doesn't sound like much, but gets heavy fast. It's a good buy - but the deal was that if he bought one, then I'm taking the two old ones and putting them out by the road with a "free" sign on each. It's a good trade-off. Couldn't get the gas one started, and the battery-operated one was wearing out fast. On the cost, I just keep telling myself, "A budget is a road map and a plan, it is not a law and not a crime to break it." :wink: I'm an incredibly lucky person to have him in my life.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,214 Member
    edited September 2022
    Lisa - I love the cruise, in fact, I'm over the moon about it. :p<3 But the window situation is really getting on my nerves, and I hate the old, shabby bedroom deco that we inherited from a teenage boy. Yuk! DH doesn't even notice.
    I am really looking forward to the cruise, but, if someone handed me the money, there would be no choice.

    The new bed cushion covers have just arrived - my little attempt to make it look better. ;):)

    I spend most of the day in the bedroom. It's my study and retreat.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,345 Member
    Worked then cut the grass. Bought gas for the mower, now home to have dinner. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow so I just may go to the gym. I’ll go for my walk tonight

    Carla – I question if ANYONE can be as great a monarch as Elizabeth was

    SuebDew – feel better fast

    Ginny – good thoughts for your surgery. I was born in 55 so I haven’t know anyone other than Queen Elizabeth

    Michele NC
    who is off to take a shower and then probably work on the jigsaw puzzle
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,345 Member
    Worked then because it was raining I got to go to the gym. Yea me! And no work tomorrow so the plan is to do the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout then some yoga. Sometimes life can be so grand. After the gym went to the Salvation Army and found a DVD. Now home

    Sue – your leg and calf under the tractor? I’d be scared out of my wits if that ever happened to me

    Rebecca – did I miss it??? Happy anniversary

    Heather – do you somehow have to “prepare” that duster so that it’ll pick up the dust? If not, what’s the name of it?

    We make a list of what we want for Christmas/birthdays. This way we get what we need and want. Only Denise doesn’t hold to it. She’s so materialistic, not at all like me. I’d much prefer something that someone made with me in mind than something bought at a store. But Denise thinks things that you buy are the greatest.

    Lector at the church tonight.

    Michele NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Carol, I am so sorry about the frustrating situation with your husband. I, too, used to keep everything that might be useful one day. I very much understand that way of thinking. I have so much empathy for both of you. (((Hugs)))

    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We are expecting a visit from our daughter and grandsons today. I am hoping to get a chance to buy a few items at the store. A new shoehorn for DH is high on my wish list.