October 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,132 Member
    @AlphaHowls Have a great race and enjoy those pancakes. Sounds like they are good at sticking to a theme. Love it!
    Weather makes a big difference when it comes to pace. If you were actively trying to slow down, maybe you were right on pace for those particular conditions?

    These paces are based on my HM race pace from the Hanson’s pace conversion charts. I definitely overran them. The cooler weather does make it feel easier and it makes it easy for the pace to get away from me. The goal of these marathon tempo runs is to learn what this pace feels like. So far, I’m doing a pretty bad job of it but I have one of these workouts every week, so plenty of chances to get it right. I find myself edging down to HM pace but I guess that makes sense. Most of the training I have done has been for the HM, so those are targets my body knows. This slightly slower pace is not one I have hit regularly for a long time now.

    @quilteryoyo Leaf clearing definitely counts as a workout. It is hard work!

    Way to go @tarun_yadavA. You earned some downtime for sure. Enjoy your trip!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,448 Member
    @quilteryoyo glad to see you back. You've been busy! Raking and clearing leaves from the roof is hard work!
    @martaindale you are doing great with your marathon training!

    15.15 miles this morning. Well that could have gone better. Planned on 16-18, and was feeling really good until about mile 12. But I had dropped a Gel at some point before mile 5 when I was going to take the first one and discovered it wasn't there. So I had to ration the one I had and took half at mile 8. But that was too late, and after mile 11 I was feeling really zapped. Took Walk breaks every mile after that, but just had to give up a little after 15.
    Oh, and almost got hit by a car. I was almost across an apartment driveway when this car was coming out and it didn't even slow down. I had to bang on his hood before he saw me, or he would have kept going. On his @#&! phone! 🤬

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,908 Member
    Sometimes it's very difficult at a 4 way stop to SEE the pedestrians if they are in that place where the windshield/side window have a pillar in the car. I almost hit a runner there also because she was right in the blind spot and I was stopped. Luckily I saw her last minute in my windshield and did not pull into her. When I am running I always assume that the cars are going to hit me esp if I cannot make eye contact. I have been grazed by a truck in a school crosswalk because I did not think he was going to turn left INTO me. Several years ago. I literally DOVE forward and only had a small glancing blow from his left qtr pnl. He did not even stop. My hands were the worst with road rash.

    Anyway, looking forward to race reports and I don't know HOW you can do such long runs. I was literally all out after 10 miles last weekend.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,132 Member
    October total: 121.5/180 miles

    10/1: 10 miles
    10/2: 6.1 miles
    10/3: 6.2 miles
    10/4: 5.1 miles
    10/5: 7 miles
    10/7: 6.6 miles
    10/10: 5.9 miles
    10/11: 3 miles
    10/12: 7 miles
    10/13: 6 miles
    10/14: 10 miles
    10/16: 6.5 miles
    10/17: 6.1 miles
    10/19: 10 miles
    10/20: 6 miles
    10/21: 5 miles
    10/22: 15 miles

    Big jump in distance on the long run this week and a new distance PR for me! This was also the biggest volume week I think I have ever done, clocking in at 48.6 miles. I feel surprisingly good.
    I went to the Spring Creek trail today. It is perfect for a long run. Got there a little after 7am to take advantage of the cooler morning temps. It's such a pretty place to run, so peaceful. Tried out another of the Muir gels. These are a winner and will be in the mix for my fueling plan. This run went really well. Started out a little quickly because there was a guy right behind me and I was subconsciously keeping up with him. After a couple of miles I realized I was going too fast so backed off, he passed, and we got enough distance between us that I could settle into a more sustainable pace. Aside from a couple bathroom breaks I didn't need to stop or walk and even clocked 2 of my quicker miles at the very end. This was a big confidence booster.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,132 Member
    @yirara The little video clip I found of the Saru walk was pretty funny! I guess, if it works, it works!!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,568 Member
    @yirara The little video clip I found of the Saru walk was pretty funny! I guess, if it works, it works!!

    Yeah, I know. I realized the full potential last winter when I did a longer hike and ran out of energy some 2km before end - at a small hill. It got me up :D
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,112 Member
    Nice running @martaindale ! I have never been good at pacing myself. Of course, I probably don't really need to since I always take walk breaks. I would need to if I ran continually, for sure. Glad you weren't hit by the car!! Great run today and congrats on your distance PR!

    @Scott6255 Sorry you had to give up on your run, but 15 miles is nothing to sneeze at. Also VERY glad you didn't get hit by the car. People!

    @yirara Sorry you didn't make the 10K, but sounds like you did great getting the 8K in. It's frustrating when getting started is so hard.

    @AlphaHowls Congrats to you and A&E for your awesome runs! I love the shirt that you ran in! Also love the pancakes on the sleeves of the race shirt. So cool. Sounds like a great race and even more so because you had fun doing it.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,112 Member
    October: 44.95/80 mile goal

    1 Oct - Ran 2.50 miles, Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    2 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    3 Oct - Ran 2.75 miles - walked 0.70 mile - driveway laps
    4 Oct - Ran 3.00 miles - walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    5 Oct - Wun 2.00 miles - driveway laps
    6 Oct - Ran 2.30 miles - walked 0.80 miles - in town while on lunch break
    7 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    8 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    9 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    10 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    11 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    12 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    13 Oct - Ran 2.00 miles - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    14 Oct - walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    15 Oct - Wun 4.00 miles - 2 on the driveway and 2 on the treadmill
    16 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    17 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    18 Oct - Ran 3.00 miles - Walked 0.70 mile - treadmill
    19 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - treadmill
    20 Oct - Walked 1.00 mile - driveway laps
    21 Oct - Ran 3.50 miles - Walked 0.70 mile - treadmill
    22 Oct - Walked 2.00 miles - driveway

    I wasn't feeling the best today, probably from leaf dust and mold. I did clean house and then worked in the leaves another 1h45m. I got them all blown off of the driveway so that I can now see where I am going. LOL They were pretty deep. When finishing up the leaves, something happened to my little toe on my left foot. It just started hurting where it attached to the foot with every step. I was limping back up the hill to the house. I rested a few minutes and then went out to see if I could at least walk a mile. It hurt a little, but mostly when I put pressure on the outside of that foot, so I walked 2.00 miles in 30:34 minutes. Hopefully it was some freak thing and will be fine tomorrow.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,908 Member
    @AlphaHowls congratulations! What an awesome race and finish for all of you. I had NO trouble picking you out because well those LEGS.... WOWSWER you might have liked that guys runner legs but I can tell yours are nothing to sneeze at. Well done and LOVELY report and photos.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,908 Member
    @eleanorhawkins tap tap tap... waiting on the race report!!!