

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    up early to trap two of the cats to get them fixed. First one put up a fight- got a few scratches and popped my knuckle in my pinky finger- typing without using it is hard-(use the A key so much). Put Voltarin cream on it but still really hurts. Second one was simple but he got out so had to do it a second time- zip tied the cage after that. Son and his girlfriend are taking them up. One is her cat the other is my kitten. I paid for it- went through the feral cat group- $25 each instead of the $165 and $85(females are more expensive) at the so called low cost clinic. Vets around here are now charging up to 400 for fixing a female.
    One more stress of my list. The female got outside once over night and we were worried she had gotten pregnant- luckily she didn't. Now no more worries. And, if she doesn't stop peeing on my side of the bed(I keep a pad here because of her), in the spring I will kick her outside like I did her brother, for the same reason.

    Waiting to hear if I have my daycare girl today- got to the school yesterday, sitting waiting when the mom text me to say , oh sorry, forgot to tell you she didn't go to school.

    Need to start on decorations-maybe that will help get me in the holiday mood. So far, not feeling it.

    Napa Valley, Ca
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sitting in my apartment and watching Zoo programs. I had a good visit with DH yesterday. Afterwards I came home to my apartment. My daughter is working toward moving me closer to DH. He and I will both appreciate that. 🤞🏻 ❤️ 🤞🏻
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    1 What is something that makes you laugh? My two dogs, Wicket and Brownie every day the do something to make me laugh.
    2 Something about the current season you’re grateful for. The Christmas spirit making people nicer at this time of year.
    3 What about your body do you love/are you grateful for? My hair. It is white, pretty full with lots of body. Hairdressers always comment on how they like to work with my hair. Growing it out this winter. We will see how long I leave once the heat comes back!
    4 Who is someone in your life that you’re grateful for? My children and grandchildren.
    5 What is a book that changed your life? The Blooming of a Lotus by Thich Nhat Hann
    6 Think about something you’re good at. Customer service.

    7 What is a lesson you’re grateful you learned?
    8 A basic need that has been met.
    9 What are you most grateful for in the city/town where you live?
    10 What rejection in your life are you most grateful for?
    11 Something you use every day.
    12 Something you don’t need anymore.
    13 Refuge – space you love in your home
    14 Item of clothing
    15 Taste
    16 Touch
    17 Smell
    18 Sound
    19 Sight
    20 Texture
    21 Color
    22 A song that makes you happy.
    23 Type of weather you love.
    24 Professional who helps you.
    25 Something you take for granted.
    26 A TV show that you look forward to watching.
    27 A movie you watch over and over.
    28 An opportunity you’re grateful you had.
    29 A place you love to visit.
    30 A tool you find incredibly useful.
    31 A daily habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated.


    Kindness Calendar:
    December 1. “Spread kindness and share the December calendar with others”: Sharing on here and hope it helps someone.
    2.:Contact someone you can’t be with to see how they are: to be determined. I ended up talking to my uncle and a friend, both who live 2,000 miles away!
    3. Offer to help someone who is having
    difficulty at the moment. - I helped a mom fix her son’s bicycle.
    4. Support a charity, cause, or campaign you really care about. - I use Amazon Smile to
    5contribute to St. Jude’s Children Hospital
    every time I buy something, including gifts
    5. Leave a positive message for someone
    else to find. Left a note for DH with a
    chocolate kiss!
    6.Give a gift to someone who is homeless or feeling lonely. Hmmmmm

    Didn’t sleep well last night. Went to therapy yesterday and touched on some tough stuff.

    I am reading “French Women Don’t Get Fat” that someone on here mentioned. I like it mostly because I’ve got French roots but the advice is really the same as every good healthy eating book out there. Nothing really new, just with a French twist to the recipes!

    RvRita in NM
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Morning ladies
    Well i took nyquil last night and slept well,woke up feeling so much better and got up and got the laundry in the dryer .and got the garbage together and folded laundry and wrapped a few presents..hey its great when you have a little bit of energy...

    Nyquil is powerful! When I have a cold it's usually sinus related, so I take alka selzer plus, then a Nyquil chaser.🤗😂💖.

    Nyquil is great for most people but I (and my mom) are NOT most people. We have the opposite reaction- it is like have 6 cups of coffee and trying to sleep.
    Found out that Benadryl does the same thing to me. Found out the hard way that the "pm" in TylanolPM is Benadryl- was up for hours after taking that.

    Oh no! The sleepy qualities of Nyquil is the best thing going for it. Plus the taste is like old spinster sherry.😜😁
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    The peanut brittle recipe is 7 minutes out of your day to make!💖

    Kirby made some a couple of days ago

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Barbie that is beautiful!

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    Barbie ~ The blanket is pretty! I like those colors and your great grandaughter is just as cute as can be. She looks very happy with her blanket.

    Carol in GA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Barbie- that is amazing
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Sorry to hear about the extent of your surgery.

    Mine (in a week) will be similar except my Dr is going with a Bilobed flap at the same time as the removal. She says that often gives a better result because the skin used for the skin graft is pretty much the same colour as the rest of the nose whereas getting skin from elsewhere (butt, hip) may mean that the skin is different and a different colour.

    I will also be doing the sleeping with my head up thing. I'll be getting a chunk out of my right hip too so I won't want to lie on that side for a while.

    Get a couple different neck pillows. They help. I've got 4 in preparation for this! I had 3 from my deviated septum surgery but bought 1 more. They have different pressure points.

    I won't be able to wear glasses or drive or watch TV or exercise for up to 3 weeks. No digging in my garden or cycling over Christmas! No bending forward. No lifting. No picking up our little Rhody.

    But I can read and colour because I can do those things without my glasses.

    And I have a lot of soups on hand because eating hurt with the biopsy!

    M in Oz

    he is doing two surgeries so they can send the full thing they take off to pathalogy to make sure they got it all then go back and do the reconstruction.
    he mentioned the flap that he might do that.
    I was trying to listen and understand all of it but was very overwhelmed
    he didn't mention not wearing my glasses- will have to wait and see on that. I can see decent without them but not great


    My Dr told me I could wear glasses but she thought I had the kind that sit on the bridge of my nose. However mine have nose pads that sit where all the activity will be taking place. Plus she says that the bandaging will be somewhat bulky.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Afteenoon ladies vjlwgdclgi1s.jpg
    You will get a kick out of this.. so you see Miles sitting in front of the cellar door there is a cat door so the cats can go down stairs to the cat box.. so his new thing is to take anything he is playing with..in the picture its a big plastic kitchen spoon and chucking it down the hole.. oh what a game to play lol..
    He is fine with me when moms not there but sheesh when she is there he is like a klingon ..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Heather- Johnny is a Godsend to those grandchildren and I know he loves them too.
    Im all showered,and ready for bed,fresh sheets on the bed..
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,909 Member
    edited December 2022
    quick peek to read posts

    Heather great photo 😍

    Grandmallie fresh sheets are the best 👍

    My Daily Goals for next week (5 days)
    1. Drink 48 oz of water
    2. Eat 5 Freggies (3 veggies)
    3. Eat @ home or HEALTHY when out
    4. ST or PiYo video
    5. Cardio 20 minutes daily
    6. Talk to a friend

    💗 Karen OR
  • Roseabc123
    Roseabc123 Posts: 13 Member
    Barbie: Pretty blanket. I like the color!

    Machka and Debbie: I hope the procedures go well. It is a pain having to reduce your activities and change where you sleep. Hopefully the time will pass quickly!

    Annie: What about pens! One can always use pens! A new pedometer might be nice for a more expensive gift to yourself!

    Lisa: I read in a writing group this summer. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't that bad either.

    Heather: I have decided I am a professional dabbler and will never have expertise in anything. Next summer I want
    to weave. The Georgia summer's are hot and can be depressing so it is good to have a theme each summer.

    Terri: I ordered my cards and hope to have them out this week.

    Carla: WOW! I love the village! What a great project!

    Grandmallie: I am going to mention you keep the heat at 62 in CT and watch his reaction. True he is a quad now and heat control is not easy for him, but still he keeps the heat up...and we are in GA!

    When I was younger, I liked books by Rosamunde Pilcher and would like to re-visit these now that I am older. She helped me settle into home life and nesting. I remember tiring of the idea of traveling and wanting to put resources into my own home instead of looking at other places and the homes of others.

    An unexpected turn for this Christmas season. My son...who got married in May at his wife's family home....his family wants to visit us on the 24th. I believe they want to visit my husband and know he really doesn't leave the house. They offered to do the cooking, but I think I will make lasagna and a salad and brownies and maybe one other side dish. Does anyone have a good lasagna recipe? I have never made my own sauce. Does anyone have a recipe for a meat sauce for the lasagna? This will be for 8 to 12 people I believe. I was thinking 3 lasagnas. We usually don't entertain this many people. And on the 25TH....I believe my son will go to his new in-laws. So we will be alone on Christmas day which will be fine with me!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/kids- 2hrs 2min 16sec, 34elev, 2.91ap, 103ahr, 143mhr, 6.22mi= 652c
    Strava app = 762c
    **lucy walk 1.75mi**
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 13.46min, 52elev, 170aw, 22.2amph, 105ahr, 145mhr, 5.08mi= 119c
    Strava app = 134c
    Zwift stats- 13.48min, 53elev, 169aw, 51arpm, 22.13amph, 5.09mi= 134c
    Walk to stores and back- 21.10min, 1.17mi= 120c
    Strava app = 144c

    Total cal 891

    Tomorrow, Lucy starts her 2 mile walk
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,112 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Yes I should get some pens - great idea!

    I did my dumbbells today- Yay! First time since I hurt my shoulder. I did twenty reps, and I could feel it a little when I picked up my "heavy" weights at eight pounds. The row, the shrug, and the tricep kickback were all a little weak. But not too bad. And the planks were fine. Yay!

    And I got my hair dyed today to be ready for my date Monday. Yay!

    Tomorrow I have to go to the bank and the library. I will do yoga if my shoulder feels good.

    Annie in Delaware