
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,094 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,832 Member
    Good news, Flea. <3 I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing time in Belize. B):)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Barbara - you can look up the menu online. Shandiz. Church Road, Hove.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,749 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    If you're interested in the Action for Happiness Calendar ...
    Do Good December
    This month, we're encouraging you to carry out small acts of kindness.

    Or we could post something we're thankful for, or happy about, related to the holiday season.

    December 1 - I love the Christmas music. :) Come December 1, that's almost all I play. Christmas music or classical music (when I have to think at work or when we're in the car).

    December 2 - Christmas decorations! We're lagging behind a bit because I usually like to decorate on December 1. But we got the decorations upstairs on Dec 2. Today I'll rearrange furniture and make a start.

    December 3 - Summer. My favourite season. And we are finally having a few days of decent weather after a very wild and woolly spring. That's not saying the good weather will last (thanks La Nina) but there should be more of it.

    December 4 - Memories. So many of the Christmas songs and traditions remind me of my parents and grandparents and happy Christmases with them.

    December 5 - Christmas Displays. I like how many of the shops have Christmas Displays, and some are quite detailed and intricate.

    December 6 - Greetings. People smiling and wishing each other Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

    December 7 - Shortbread. So much delicious shortbread!

    December 8 - Family. Christmas seems to bring us together a bit more.


    Just saw your post, Barbara ...

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Aha, finally found a December daily gratitude calendar.
    “This time of year, there’s a lot of pressure to think about what we want instead of what we have. Every day for the month of December, celebrate what you’re grateful for corresponding to the theme of the day. Snap a photo or update your status on IG or FB with #spaceforgratitude”

    1 What is something that makes you laugh? Rhody! We're so very glad we got our little COVID Cat!

    2 Something about the current season you’re grateful for. Rest. There will be a lot of rest over Christmas.

    3 What about your body do you love/are you grateful for? I like my nose and want to keep it. But my official answer will be legs - for transport (walking) and recreation (cycling).

    4 Who is someone in your life that you’re grateful for? I've said husband and parents last month, and that's true, but this month I'll say ... my manager. She has been supportive and encouraging regarding my input into my job.

    5 What is a book that changed your life? The Bible. :) With the Christmas season in mind, I'm reading the gospel of Luke now.

    6 Think about something you’re good at. I think I'm good at planning and organisation.

    7 What is a lesson you’re grateful you learned? To speak up. To say my piece.

    When I was young, up till about 17-ish, I was quiet and shy. Then I went through a bolder phase from about 17 into my early 20s. Then the quiet shyness resumed for the most part until my husband's accident. And then the bold me reappeared!

    Where I once guessed what people might be thinking and thought my answers, now I'm vocal and even told I'm quite blunt. :smiley:

    8 A basic need that has been met. Shelter. I'm very thankful for our particular shelter.
    9 What are you most grateful for in the city/town where you live?
    10 What rejection in your life are you most grateful for?
    11 Something you use every day.
    12 Something you don’t need anymore.
    13 Refuge – space you love in your home
    14 Item of clothing
    15 Taste
    16 Touch
    17 Smell
    18 Sound
    19 Sight
    20 Texture
    21 Color
    22 A song that makes you happy.
    23 Type of weather you love.
    24 Professional who helps you.
    25 Something you take for granted.
    26 A TV show that you look forward to watching.
    27 A movie you watch over and over.
    28 An opportunity you’re grateful you had.
    29 A place you love to visit.
    30 A tool you find incredibly useful.
    31 A daily habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,749 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    But if I were filling one with things I bought for myself (???), I'd put the alcohol pens I like colouring with in there plus maybe some sketching pencils.

    Machka in Oz

    Do you know if they sell something similar in the states? That might make a good stocking stuffer for my daughter. I could just google, but the quality of coloring pens varies so much from brand to brand.

    Like these ...

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,749 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka that is a ding dong danged shame that iRobot AU isn’t offering the deals iRobot US is. In the 8 days I’ve had Maizey, she’s vacuumed over 21 hrs and still produces a full bin every time. A life changer for me.
    “I've got to get my husband and me home after!” This does not sound like a good idea to me. Hope there’s a taxi or other alternative.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2022: Be still and listen.
    December: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.

    Yes, we'll be using a taxi. We'll take the bus in and a taxi home.

    I'm planning to have a cup of chamomile and valerian tea in the morning with a Travel Calm.

    Here, Travel Calm consists of Dimenhydrate 50mg, Hyoscine hydrobromide 200 mcg, Caffeine 20mg, similar to Gravol but with caffeine.

    I was a little bit nauseated after the biopsy, so this plan should ward that off and hopefully make me a little drowsy without being out of it.

    I have been so busy this week that I'm looking forward to the rest!

    There has been work every day, all day, and something every evening.

    Tonight's was a dinner with our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. :heart:

    I work tomorrow (Friday), I'll be busy all weekend, and then I work Monday and Tuesday. Then I rest.

    Machka in Oz

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 3,000 Member
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 662 Member
    Thank you all! I do love my village and it is amazing to just sit it the darkness and let the little lights shine at night. So peaceful. We can let the rest of the world slip away.

    8 A basic need that has been met. enough... just enough, that's what my gram always said
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,190 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im here with Miles,he is on his first nap...and I got some good rest...nothing else to add.
    Just hoping that all of you that are having surgeries will feel better soon..
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    A basic need - I am grateful for food and shelter, both provided by my parents. I pick and fetch the groceries, but they reimburse me, and never fuss about what I pick. And the house is lovely, warm and safe. I am lucky.

    Well I got my packages from Amazon. Now I'm thinking I didn't buy enough. But it will work out.

    Thinking about Debbie and her surgery today. Machka, when is yours again?

    Have a great day, friends!

    Annie in Delaware
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,307 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,731 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I've been watching Dr. Chatterjee interviews with neuroscientists Dr. Dan Levitin, Dr. Lisa Mosconi and Shane O'Mara. Talks about good ways to maintain and even restore our cognitive health that include being conscientious, curious. Do things with our hands - I think crafts would fit in here, music, art-painting, sculpture. Learn something new. Walk, walk, walk, in nature seems to be best. Walking outside is equal to or better than the "brain games" we find on the computer advertised to help our brain health! Get up and move. :p

    Do we quit walking because we get old, or do we get old because we quit walking? The neuroscientists would say the latter. ;)

    Link here - it's long. Many, many topics. Most of us here are active in many ways - I bet we didn't realize we were keeping our brains healthy too. :)

    Barbie - gorgeous blanket and happy recipient. As I was watching the above video, I thought about your walking, and dancing, and knitting and other activities you do. <3

    Heather - you as well with your frequent 5k, walkable neighborhood, watercolor, writing, cooking and family things.

    The video reinforced, for me, the importance of walking alone. Walking with someone is good for the social aspect, but the solitary walks - really have a chance to glance around, look at nature, take new paths sometimes - well, they make my brain happy, improve my mood, help me work out things.
    I got in a very early walk, alone, yesterday morning, then did one with my walking buddy before lunch. I told her about the video, and how much I loved the alone walks and now I understood why, and how good it was for cognitive protection and development, seeing all the variety in nature, changing my speed, etc.

    I asked her if she ever had the urge to go on similar solitary walks. She started to say yes, then changed to say she does 15 or 20 minutes on her exercise bike every morning.

    However she wants to get exercise when not walking with me is fine with me, it's all good. I think she finally understands I don't walk alone in an effort to just leave her behind.

    Debbie - sending hugs and good wishes to you today.

    Rori - I can imagine what it was like being next to those basketball players. They really are powerful, aren't they?

    Sending healing thoughts to everyone with the crud, flu, whatever ails you. Drink water, take Vitamin C and D and have some chicken soup. Hope the infections are mild and quick.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,293 Member
    :)Lanette, When I walk alone, I listen to podcasts and Dr. Chatterjee is one of my favourites. Sometimes I listen to podcasts while I ride my exercise bike. I knit while riding my exercise bike. When I walk with my friend in the morning, I tell her things I've learned from the podcasts.

    :)Heather, your paintings are amazing.

    <3Debbie Sending many hugs to you.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,832 Member
    edited December 2022
    Yes Lanette, I've known about the connection between exercise and the brain ever since I read 'Younger Next Year'. That book and its sequel 'Slimmer This Year' changed my life. It was where I first learned about gut microbes too.
    Dancing is said to be one of the best because the brain has to work hard at the same time as the body. Forging new pathways in those neurons!
    It is also the case that strong social connections keep you young. We are so blessed with our grandchildren, who stretch our brains every time we see them and keep us laughing and seeing the world in new ways.
    Having said all that, it is a tragedy beyond grief when dementia strikes 💔 😢 and it is often the people you least expect and who were just super souls.
    I console myself with the fact that I won't get 'early onset dementia ' now, but I know some beautiful, lively, creative people who have succumbed.
    I continue to do everything I can to avoid it, but I am super conscious that the time left to me is limited and I want to live life to the full NOW!

    I've decided to go into town tomorrow morning instead of writing, in search of those cherry chocolates and a couple of other bits. It's freezing here and it saps my will to go out by the afternoon. I will set off after exercise. We are babysitting in the evening.

    Waitrose delivery in half an hour. I waited until the government had put the heating help money in our bank account. Our bills have sky rocketed, so old age pensioners are getting a bonus. So we can now eat! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,426 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,307 Member
    Flea- great news on your test results
    Thanks for thinking about me

    Thank you to all you ladies- I so appreciate the comments.
    Dont have time to read them all this morning.
    Need to get a few more things done before we head up to the appointment.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,417 Member
    1 What is something that makes you laugh? My two dogs, Wicket and Brownie every day the do something to make me laugh.
    2 Something about the current season you’re grateful for. The Christmas spirit making people nicer at this time of year.
    3 What about your body do you love/are you grateful for? My hair. It is white, pretty full with lots of body. Hairdressers always comment on how they like to work with my hair. Growing it out this winter. We will see how long I leave once the heat comes back!
    4 Who is someone in your life that you’re grateful for? My children and grandchildren.
    5 What is a book that changed your life? The Blooming of a Lotus by Thich Nhat Hann
    6 Think about something you’re good at. Customer service.
    7 What is a lesson you’re grateful you learned? To forgive myself.
    8 A basic need that has been met. My housing at the campground. Free for hosting
    9 What are you most grateful for in the city/town where you live?
    10 What rejection in your life are you most grateful for?
    11 Something you use every day.
    12 Something you don’t need anymore.
    13 Refuge – space you love in your home
    14 Item of clothing
    15 Taste
    16 Touch
    17 Smell
    18 Sound
    19 Sight
    20 Texture
    21 Color
    22 A song that makes you happy.
    23 Type of weather you love.
    24 Professional who helps you.
    25 Something you take for granted.
    26 A TV show that you look forward to watching.
    27 A movie you watch over and over.
    28 An opportunity you’re grateful you had.
    29 A place you love to visit.
    30 A tool you find incredibly useful.
    31 A daily habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated.


    Kindness Calendar:
    December 1. “Spread kindness and share the December calendar with others”: Sharing on here and hope it helps someone.
    2.:Contact someone you can’t be with to see how they are: to be determined. I ended up talking to my uncle and a friend, both who live 2,000 miles away!
    3. Offer to help someone who is having
    difficulty at the moment. - I helped a mom fix her son’s bicycle.
    4. Support a charity, cause, or campaign you really care about. - I use Amazon Smile to
    5contribute to St. Jude’s Children Hospital
    every time I buy something, including gifts
    5. Leave a positive message for someone
    else to find. Left a note for DH with a
    chocolate kiss!
    6.Give a gift to someone who is homeless or feeling lonely. I made a person smile who was having a very bad day trying to get a campsite. I gave them one.
    7. Give kind comments to as many people as possible today. Done! Campers and DH
    8. Do something helpful for a friend or family member-

    RvRita in foggy Bottomless Lakes
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,832 Member
    No comments Kim. Just lots of love. <3:)

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,832 Member
    Oh what fun we had tonight! The delivery driver was French, so we ended up having a lovely chat in French. :p He said it really cheered him up! <3 Oh how I love speaking French. Yes, yes, yes! B)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Rori--Sounds like a fun and exciting night. Your cat is as spoiled as our dogs. Very nice.
    Flea--Great news! Make enjoying your trip easier.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,306 Member
    I keep thinking about the Christmas chocolate that I bought and hid. It's tucked away where Teddy can't get it, but it's calling to me! But I have to be good at least until my date Monday. That is looking a little shaky, as I haven't heard from him in 24 hours. I'm trying to be relaxed about it. I dyed my hair and tomorrow I'm getting the car ready for the drive. But I would do these things eventually anyway. So we shall see what happens.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,749 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    A basic need - I am grateful for food and shelter, both provided by my parents. I pick and fetch the groceries, but they reimburse me, and never fuss about what I pick. And the house is lovely, warm and safe. I am lucky.

    Well I got my packages from Amazon. Now I'm thinking I didn't buy enough. But it will work out.

    Thinking about Debbie and her surgery today. Machka, when is yours again?

    Have a great day, friends!

    Annie in Delaware

    Next Wednesday. December 14.