Women 200lb+, Let's Have An Extraordinary January!!!

RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
edited January 2023 in Motivation and Support
🎉Hello, ladies, and Happy New Year!🎉
🎉🎉🎉We've made it to 2023!!!🎉🎉🎉

⭐ This is our year! We're going into 2023 with commitment, focus, and the support of all the women in this group!

⭐It's a brand new year. And you get to choose if it's a Brand New You that greets 2023 or if 2022 You is going to kick down the door and continue marching her way forward. Maybe it'll be a mix of both!

⭐Share your plans for 2023. Is there a goal that you would like to have achieved by next December? What are your specific plans for this January?

⭐And do you have a mantra or a bit of advice that will inspire you for this new year?

💛 If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM! you're one of us.

💛 In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

💛 All are welcome and if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

💛 Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

⭐ Let's be extraordinary this January and have an amazing New Year!!!⭐


  • finngirl61
    finngirl61 Posts: 122 Member
    Any recommendations for a new Fitbit? I've read some reviews but am on the fence.
  • lmgoff232
    lmgoff232 Posts: 277 Member
    @finngirl61 I have a Charge 4 that I picked up when I started this process about 18 months ago. It never comes off, except to charge about once a week (unless you use the gps function for outdoor workout, in which case the battery will need to be charged more frequently), and has served me pretty well. The standard band is utilitarian, but you can get some nicer bands from Amazon that dress it up a bit. Happy to answer any questions about it you may have.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    @RavenStCloud thank you again for this group!

    @pomlover57 Welcome!!

    @Sydsunflower88 You got this! 20 lbs is fabulous.

    @cellomum I'm hoping my BMI also gets to overweight this year. It's going to be a huge win when we see it.

    @lmgoff232 I love your goals.

    @finngirl61 I have a Versa 2 and love it. Prior to the I had a Charge 3 and really liked that when I wasn't looking for a Smart Watch.

  • VickyEltonGreen
    VickyEltonGreen Posts: 116 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!

    Vicky 61 years old
    Highest weight 240 ( early 2000's)
    Current weight 219.6

    Goal for January

    Back to work tomorrow after 2 months off. Was a rough fall with health issues but feeling so much better ( vertigo then shingles). I love my job and am excited to be back.

    Be realistic <3
    Be gentle on me <3
    Focus on all the successes off the scale and give them equal value <3
    Focus also on emotional and physical health <3
    Try my best to eat the foods that make me feel healthier <3

    Hope everyone has a great month and will continue to check in and read your posts as really find them helpful <3

  • limnological
    limnological Posts: 18 Member
    37 years old
    CW: ?
    GW: ~130

    Hi everyone, I've lurked on here a while and I'm trying to do more interacting and less lurking. So, nice to be here!

    January Goals:
    I'm skipping the scale this month and tracking habits instead.

    Running (3x/week)
    Yoga (5x/week)
    Drinks 1 night per week or less
    2 nalgene bottles of water/day
    1 legume-based batch meal per week (this one first, mmmm: https://www.101cookbooks.com/chickpea-salad-sandwich/)

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member

    It was the third day of my devotional for January and I swear the writer has just found everything I've ever said about or while dieting and put it in there. LOL. Today was the "I'll start tomorrow" mantra we all keep saying when we mess up. Ugh!

    Yesterday after putting up most of the Christmas stuff (there is still a few things I haven't gotten around to) my husband and I had a date day. We went to lunch, got lost on purpose driving around the rural area, poked in a few shops and just enjoyed being together. It's been a while since we went out without our daughter or friends or without a real destination or plan. Then I was in bed and asleep by 8:30. I guess all the late nights over the past week caught up to me and I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

    Today I'm going to hit the Zumba class while my daughter is at basketball so I'll have plenty of cardio this evening.

    @VickyEltonGreen Hope your first day back went well!

    @Angief05 Welcome to the group! I love that it’s your time! You got this.

    @KeriA You’ve had a LOT going on. I hope January is smooth sailing.

    @limnological Other than lentils and a few other tiny legumes I’ve never really been a fan of legumes. Mostly it’s the texture when you bite in. A few it’s the bean flavor but 75% of the time it’s the texture. I wish I liked them more. Maybe one day I’ll find some recipes that mask that texture. If you find any that aren’t too beany please share! I’ll try almost anything once.

    @tahitig I love this so much! You can do it and I can’t wait to see the photos because I know you can do it.