
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    So glad Katla- now is he in the same facility as you just in a different area? Or can he come back to your apartment?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I did my dumbbells twenty reps! Yay! My shoulder didn't twinge at all. Yay! And I did pretty well eating today. I should have had some fish, but I skipped it then ate saltines instead. So I ate back some of my exercise calories but I'm still under. It was a good day.

    Welcome to all the new people!

    Annie in Delaware
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Evening Lovely Ladies!

    Heather and Lisa I like your art work. It looks relaxing to me.
    Margaret I like your boundaries. They make sense to me.
    Kelly and Allie and Lisa and Heather and anyone else I missed. Enjoy those littles while you can. I miss my littles! Teenagers can be fun, but not the same.
    Vicki Years ago I quit being that sounding board for my youngest Daughter and husband. I told them they were adults and could figure it out, the only thing I truly cared about was the little granddaughter in the other room. I told them to figure it out with her in mind and to quit making my life miserable. They have now been married 21 years. So hopefully , your family will figure out what is best for them soon.
    Tina in CA Welcome back! Stay safe! I saw a bunch of the CA floods on TV this morning. So scary to go from drought to flood so quickly!
    Welcome Ang and Julie! Grace and Presence are great words. It is hard to pick our selves up after a fall, that is where this group of ladies comes in handy! Someone will have the right words to help you along the way.

    Kylia in OH moving on to next page.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Thanks for all your thoughts and comments
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Muttergans that makes me think of a Meghan Trainor song My Name is No. It could be your theme song!

    Annie in Delaware
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did a body pump DVD today. Nothing scheduled for tomorrow. Will try to take a walk either around the block today or to the vet’s. Tomorrow I’ll go to the vet’s if I can’t go today or else walk around the block

    Tracey – never thought of looking on Etsy for the sign. Thanks for the suggestion

    Kylia – “chatty day”...why should yesterday be any different from any other day????? On the days when I’m having trouble reaching my water drinking goal, I usually have something that makes me drink like popcorn, maybe a bran muffin, pretzels, salsa.

    Shelley – welcome

    Vince has a cardiologist appt later today and then we need to pick up a prescription for Loki. I’m hoping to go with him to the appt., to the pharmacy, and then make a small donation to the Salvation Army. I’d just like to get the big things out of my closet like the waffle maker, food processor, and a few other things. I just got new, bigger things

    I’m definitively a sunlight person. How I hate it when it gets darker earlier! It’s starting to get lighter earlier, and I’m in heaven. Can’t wait for it to get lighter at night so I can go for my walk after dinner (I think it helps to digest the food)

    Karen VA – sending good thoughts for a great delivery

    Carol – so sorry for your brother

    Lisa – I, too, skip those lists. Like barbie, I prefer to be in the moment since the past can’t be changed. Glad to know that I’m not the only one who doesn’t do the lists

    Heather – your drawings are amazing

    Ang in Utah – welcome

    when exercising this morning, I purposely wore a tight fitting exercise top. You could see the rolls of flab around my middle. I really don’t like them but I’m thinking that there’s not much I can do. I am the way I am. I am grateful that I’m fairly healthy, about the same weight for many years (fluctuation of maybe 5lbs up). I have gained a few pounds since starting working, but not so many that I need to get a new wardrobe (thank goodness)

    Went with Vince to his cardiologist appt, then to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for Loki, then the Salvation Army to make a donation (and go in the store). I did get this blouse, not sure that I really like it, but it was only $1.50 so I figure if I find that I’m really not liking it, I’ll just redonate it

    Margaret – beautiful cone lights

    Julie – welcome

    looks like it’s getting too dark to go for a walk – boo. Coming here sure is a rabbit hole. I should have waited to come on here until after dinner when it is too dark to walk. Update: I did take a walk, only I cut it short

    Lisa – beautiful pics, especially the one of Levi looking up

    katla – so happy for you

    Off to bed.

    Michele NC

    It doesn't look like I'll be able to walk to the vet tomorrow. They're calling for rain. Well...we shall see
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Karen - I’m sure before I’m caught up I will read you have another granddaughter. I agree there are no words on being a grandparent.
    Very interesting the difference in tears.
    I was right, she is beautiful. Congratulations

    Kylia - I am trying very hard to have a more positive attitude at work. I struggled with it all day. People expect you to drop everything for them.

    I get to sleep but wake up around 4 and 6 every single night and struggle to get back to sleep. I don’t know why.

    Machka - you need to spend your winters in Canada and your summers in Australia.

    Betsy - good for you for speaking up. It must be a huge relief.

    Allie - I feel sorry for Tracy because it seems she has to do a lot of coddling and tiptoeing to keep Kyle’s temper in check. I was there for a lot of years and hate seeing anyone go through it. I don’t do it anymore. If he wasn’t to be in a bad mood I let him.

    Heather - I love your paintings

    Annie - is there any agency that will come in to help your parents understand what they are dealing with. My brother just didn’t take Mom to renew her licence. When she wanted to drive later he said you don’t have a licence anymore and she was fine with the answer.

    Carla - I heard once “Little flakes, big snow. Big flakes, little snow.” I have paid a lot of attention to that for years now and I think it’s fairly accurate. Here at least.

    Vicki - I had to smile at your struggle with your son and DIL. When we were married my FIL wasn’t at the wedding. When I met him a couple of months later he told me if DH ever gave me a hard time to call him. I sure took that to heart. When DH drove truck he was very jealous and his mood was always bad when he got home because he ran too hard and too long and took substances to do that. One time he came home and was being a complete jerk (there are more accurate words for this but jerk will work). I told him I was leaving and not putting up with him anymore. He told me I wasn’t going anywhere. I called his parents. It was 2am. His mother came to the house. She walked in, sat her purse down and told me to make her a coffee. I said, I wasn’t staying long enough for her to have a coffee. She told me I was and when DH tried to say something she told him to sit there and be quiet. I made coffee and we all talked for about 2 hours. There was one other time I called her a few years ago and told her I didn’t know what to do, DH was very depressed, I’m sure he was having an online affair of some kind. She told me that she loved me and I deserved happiness and I would always be her daughter. It gave me the strength I needed to keep trying. I’m glad I did now but boy I can’t tell you how I did it. The joke in our family is that if we ever divorced his family gets me.
    I hope your son and DIL work it out I’m whichever way is best for them and the Grands.

    Margaret- I love your decorations. I have left my outside lights on. I know there are a lot of people that walk through the park at night and I always think of Barbie and her walks and enjoyment of the lights.

    Had a fairly decent workday. I sure wish I had more time off though.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Finally able to string a few thoughts together without being interrupted, whether by my own distractions or others... and even that's not truly true... I've got bread dough proofing in the oven to make sandwich buns for the rest of Corey's workweek. Also got a cat door ordered and ready for pick up at Lowes so he can pick it up on his way home.

    Regarding the cat door: The much-lamented Bella (who has never shown up) is an older yellow Lab mix, probably 50 pounds - and she tried to get through the cat door, snapping the rigid flap right in half. Again. We've already replaced it once due to a previous visit, so we're now working on our third cat door in four years. Ah well, water under the bridge now. Still pleased that Corey refrained from comment on it in front of Kelsey.

    So... you might (or might not) be wondering why I'm not doing all the many and varied numbered lists, whether looking forward or back, and the answer is, I can feel my stress levels rising when I read them--and writing them makes me break a sweat. I did do the November one, but even so, had to break it into just a few numbers at a time.

    Not sure why these ongoing lists overwhelm me so. Sort of anti-OCD? I don't know. I'm sorry I won't be responding to y'all's lists, but I just whiz right past them, no worries. I'm genuinely not asking anyone to stop! We all have our ways of making sure our mental health is in good shape. The lists just aren't an option for me. I don't know why.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Kinda like how I feel about words for the year.

    And it never entered my mind to question why or why not someone chooses to participate in something here. That's their business. I've got too much going on in my life to think about someone else's business.

    M in Oz