

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,106 Member
    For salad dressing try skinny girl poppyseed.

    Annie in Delaware
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    Had an early morning dentist appointment this morning- 8AM. Didn't sleep well last night because right before bed I realized that I didn't get a confirmation call and worried I had the wrong date(she said Friday when she scheduled it but I just assumed it was today and not next Friday). Tried to call to double check before I left the house but they don't open until 8- Got there and it was today.
    Third time putting a build up on one of the teeth I broke. Glad it was a build up and not another crown but even happier that it is done. Hopefully, third times a charm.
    Got back to the house as dh was getting ready to go to his mom's. Asked if I wanted to go with him- No thanks!! Would rather sit and have my tea. I will go with him to Safeway when he is done.
    May do a walk around the wetlands if the rain holds off- rained hard earlier. Alexa says more rain today, Dh's phone says not until tonight- who knows.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    Does anyone have recommendations for salad dressing? I used my follow your heart vegan and it put me over my fat and sodium limit for the day yesterday

    I have been making a simple one with just a little pesto and rice vinegar. It has been really good.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,945 Member
    Does anyone have recommendations for salad dressing? I used my follow your heart vegan and it put me over my fat and sodium limit for the day yesterday

    How about home made vinegrettes? (SP) You can control how much oil and salt with that. Oil, vinegar, and seasonings to taste. You can use flavored vinegars for variety.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Another day of my dad and I dancing around the taxes. He is in the basement doing a puzzle. I should go down and get him, but I don't want to do taxes either. I don't want to be the adult. The problem is that I need to go down there and exercise before too long. I already did my laundry and I have leftover meatloaf for dinner so that will be quick and easy. Hmmm. This won't get any easier next week.

    Annie in Delaware who is procrastinating again
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member

    10. Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face. The wind driven rain might make this a challenge… ;)

    Just skimmin’ a bit, will update stats later.

    Debbie thanks for the Safeway card tip! My heart hurts for you, and even a little for your DH. For him to be so insensitive to others’ pain must mean he’s very alone.
    Machka Between your advocacy for your DH and for yourself, could you hang out a shingle “Machka, experienced patient advocate” ? Well done!
    Lisa hope you don’t have to wait long for that Xray or workup for the new rX. At Joe’s pre-colonscopy consultation Monday the Dr. heard a heart murmur (first time any Dr. has put a stethoscope on Joe since we moved here in 2017.) Won’t do the colonoscopy until he sees results of echocardiogram. Next available echocardiogram appointment? May 2! :noway:
    Welcome Joy in Alberta and thank you and your DH for being organic farmers. Much appreciated. I look forward to enjoying your Ireland trip vicariously ;)
    Kim (gentle hugs) Unsolicited advice: Please value your sanity enough to say fooey about the money and let your mom’s house pay for her care, nearby but not inside your home. Reverse mortgage:?
    Just my two cents.
    Michele if you really want to extend your FL stays, would Vince consider getting a PO Box in NC?
    Lanette love the dancing like Tom Cruse image. Your potting shed project is inspiring me to dedicate at least an hour Saturday before dog group to similar activities. Thanks!
    Rita 9993 steps? Well done! ((hugs)) about the changes you see in your DH.
    Heather yours to Kim. Thank you. Mama lived with us for her last two months and had it not been for Joe, we wouldn’t have lasted two days with each other. :cry:

    Only through pg 31 but breakfast’s eaten and it's time to move.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. March: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    Does anyone have recommendations for salad dressing? I used my follow your heart vegan and it put me over my fat and sodium limit for the day yesterday

    :) I stopped using salad dressing when I saw how much it added in fat, sodium, and calories with no suitable nutrition 🌻🙂
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Rebecca of Whidbey, how are you feeling today? Did you find a therapist who suits you? What are you cooking today?

    Allie, so sorry for your losses.

    Kim, hugs and strength to you!

    Rosemarie, more hugs as you grieve.

    Evelyn glad you are feeling better.

    Rori Wow the Boss!

    I grew Basil outside in a pot in Fairfax VA in the summer. It likes steamy weather. I remember the instructions said to mist it, and I thought they were crazy to think I had time for that.

    It's weigh-in day for me. I lost 2.1 pounds! Yay! And two inches off my waist! Yay! I must be doing something right.

    I read a success story last night where a woman maintained a 500 calorie daily deficit for a year with amazing results. I'm closer to 300 I think, depending on how close 1100 calories is to my basal metabolic rate. The numbers really aren't accurate enough to be compared to another person but the inaccuracies are consistent for me. So even if all my calorie numbers are low, say by 200, it is still a consistent plan that gets me two pounds a week lost. Yay!

    More taxes with my dad today. I get to call the Social Security Administration. I think we are getting closer to the end, though.

    Have a marvelous day!

    Annie in Delaware

    Awe Annie, not yet. I have a doctors appointment on 14th will decide then. It's referrals or maybe they have an office at the on base clinic. Something the doctor has to initiate. I did tell my Navy moms groups moderators how I was feeling. The story from on here about me attending a hang nails support group with me being one that's lost their nail made sense to them. I am on a completely different shelf grief wise. I will still be one of the moderators, but will not insert my situation into the threads. First its not fair to me, and also its not fair to them. For example someone hasn't gotten a text from their sailor on a ship in a week. I come on, say I'm so sorry, its a tough thing. Then I say I haven't heard from mine since June 2020. (Its not a contest Rebecca, you don't have the right to make the thread about you). So I can support in a general sense but for grief that I feel sometime I will stick to this group, husband, eldest sister, and hopefully a therapist to make sense of it all. My support system is ready.

    Today I just had a nice glazed lemon pound cake muffin I made the other day. Tasted like an old-fashioned buttermilk donut.💖. I just descaled my Keurig coffee maker last night so my coffee is back to its yummiest!

    I bought a 1/2 of a head of cabbage on Tuesday so I will shred some of that and make some Cole slaw. I plan on making some beer battered fish fillets into a fish taco deal. I use those flour tortillas street taco size, put a slice of havarti cheese melted, and press the fish on it. Yrs I use cheese as glue for things. 😜 Then the Cole slaw on top. Should be good!

    Congrats on the weight loss! I have been staying fairly close to about 1500 calories a day. Its fairly easy to guesstimate when I eat one meal, a snack or dessert. I try to weigh in most Sundays, but had taken a break since the bathroom where I weigh in was being repaired. In the intermittent fasting world they say that weighing in a lot isn't recommended. So I use lots of other ways of measuring how I am doing. How my clothes, ring, and shoes fit, is just as important.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Extra virgin olive oil is wonderful for health. I use it on everything. The benefits for blood lipids outweigh any calories.
    Love Heather UK
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Today balanced the checkbook before I had my coffee. To the penny. Why that makes me feel so accomplished, I don't know, but it does. Sets my whole day.

    Need to write some pen pals, do some crops words and sudoku puzzles. Put my clear shower curtain up to give away so monitor that online thing. Need to call my middle sister to see how the estimate went with her organizing converting her heat from oil to gas. They have snow on the grow and 2nd time they have run out of oil. 4th day without heat. Sad sad situation. For her its nothing. Things I take for granted like my heat coming on, the ability to sit or stand in a shower, is not a thing for her.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Kim--Sending prayers and hugs!.
    Katla--So glad you are getting your stuff to help you feel more at home.
    Rori--Sounds like you are staying busy. I love live music and this next Tuesday night we are going to a concert at the college with a local group. They play bluegrass, Americana, folk and country. Nice way to relax for an evening.
    I am working the 6a=6p shift today and then off the weekend. Tomorrow we are going to Omaha to a big car show. O'reilly's where DH works is one of the sponsors. I will get in a lot of walking. Tonight after work I need to bake 2 cakes to drop at church in the morning for a funeral. Then Sunday have church and get ready for another work week.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    Got to the school early so I could walk my hour around the wetlands and to my surprise- no school. The daycare mom thought I knew there was no school. Nope, not an actual holiday and looking at the calendar that I printed, I don't see the different shading on today's date. Text the mom and she told me she stayed home. Sorry.
    Wish I had known. Would not have rushed to get back from shopping this morning. We could have done it all and the bank in one shot.
    Heading back out in a bit as soon as dh is ready- he is painting a model that he is repairing for a guy. He 3D printed it, the guy loved it but when he was having some work done in his apartment, the workers broke it. Sent it back so dh can fix it along with another model the guy bought from someone else that he wants dh to make look better.
    Rain is holding off for now but who knows for this evening. Want to get back home and then just stay here.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,359 Member