
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family, windy!- 2hrs 22min 47sec, 122elev, 2.37ap, 95ahr, 118mhr, 6.16mi= 624c
    Strava app = 754c
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Evening ladies
    Kim- God Bless ya girl..we are all here for you..and It must be a hard row to hoe ,feeling that way..You are a brave Chica..and I salute you xoxo.. you are a true and faithful servant...
    Today was a long day.. all good though.
    Miles had a blast with his Vacuum and we will see what we can find for Carmine..to make her feel comfortable.

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good evening....someone said rhis has been the longest week and it is only Tuesday.....I agree!

    I am thankful for all of you Strong Women being a part of my life. ❤️ I consider you family even though I will probably never personally meet you. I love the support, sharing, and caring.

    My heart doctor called yesterday. Her response was to contact my primary doctor about my mental health! My mental health was fine before the medicine they put me on. Grumbling....I need to make another appointment to see what's next.....Will keep you posted. Lisa I am trying to take a page from your book to keep being brave and trying for the right medicine, but am really not excited for more side effects. My insurance company refused the mri request from neurologist. I really want to know why people with no medical license get to undermine those with medical licenses. DH says I need to call around and see prices of just getting it done without insurance. Woke up this morning with anxiety high. Started back on that medicine tonight. It was helping prior to the carvedilol.

    DH's sister had a tia at work Friday. Refused to go to hospital. Went to doctor yesterday, got admitted, ran a bunch of tests, but too late to know positively if it was a tia. She has a history of them. She got released this evening with a med for 3 weeks and baby aspirin daily after that. All hush hush....whatever....her life. I am thankful she is okay. My DH was seriously concerned about her on top of worrying about me. Mot good for him.

    Kim HUGS! Coming to terms with wishes and hopes is hard. We are here for you!

    Hugs for all in your daily struggles! May tomorrow bring a bright spot in your life.


    Kylia in Ohio
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited April 2023
    Kim — (((HUGS))) You are a wonderful daughter. Your kindness and willingness as a caregiver are remarkable. 💖

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Worked, but no work tomorrow so that means I can go to the gym. The plan is to do a body pump DVD.

    Had to go to the dentist. Will be getting a new crown. Have to go also on the 10th when I get the permanent crown and they work on the next crown that I’ll be getting. After that, no more crowns, at least for a day….lol

    The landscaping guy is here (well, he’s either getting the block for the barrier or else he’s at lunch. But they did do the skid steering, added the dirt by the detached garage, put down grass seed, got some of the plants planted, put down the mulch. So in all, I’ll probably give him an extra $200. At least the work is getting done. But I was going to give him other work but I don’t think I will right now.

    The salt water generator came. Vince thinks he’ll install it tomorrow since it’s quite a bit of work to install it. At least we have it.

    M – well done on the dry stream!

    Allie – My living room can use a good vacuuming (hint, hint). How wonderful Carmine was invited to the prom!

    At BK A is still on the “labor is down” kick. So stupid to me so I just ignore this and do my job the best I can. I wonder if the other managers feel the same way but just don’t constantly say it? Maybe they let her say it so they don’t look like the “bad guy”

    So many times there’s something that I want to say, but someone else beat me to it!

    Kim – it’s a shame that your mom didn’t realize how hurt the friend who lives 6 hours away probably felt because she couldn’t bring something so she did the next best thing. Glad you used it. BIG HUG

    I am so grateful for everyone here. Words cannot express

    I do have to say that the landscaper did do a nice job. However, we were quoted $4700 and I’d given him a deposit of $3000 so every invoice from him said I owed $1700. I wrote a check for $1900. Then he said that it was $500 more because he had to pay the guy with the skidsteer another $500. Well, it’s not my fault that he screwed up the first time. So I just gave him another $300.

    Then I had to convince Vince that we would have time for a short walk. I think he still needs someone to motivate him. I just said “oh, we’ll be back in ½ hr” when he said that he wasn’t going for a walk because it would be getting dark in ½ hour. So we did go for our walk.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    (((Rebecca)))—Great news! Your youngest son will be in your time zone soon!!! Three cheers! 😊

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    1. Commit to being more active this month starting today. Yes!
    2. Spend as much time as possible outdoors today. Yes!
    3. Listen to your body and be grateful for what it can do. Yes! I can garden, which requires all sorts of body motion, and cycle.
    4. Eat healthy and natural food today and drinks lots of water. Yes! Ate my usual food and drank lots of water up till about 8 pm. We won't talk about what happened after that.
    5. Turn a regular activity into a playful game today. Hmmm ... Walking around the shops? Climbing stairs?
    6. Do a body-scan meditation and really notice how your body feels. Achy.
    7. Get natural light early in the day. Dim the lights in the evening.
    There isn't much light early in the day here. Plus I was sleeping then. Plus it was cloudy, drizzly and rainy all day.
    But I do dim the lights in the evening. It's one of many steps I take to wind down in the evenings to prepare myself for the night.
    8. give your body a boost by laughing or making someone laugh
    I rarely laugh. Most things don't strike me funny.
    Lots of things amuse me, but not enough for laughter.
    9. Turn your housework or chores into a fun form of exercise
    I often do, but as today's work involved sitting at 2 computers, I walked on the treadmill during a break instead.
    10. Have a day with less screen time and more movement
    Unfortunately, today was another day sitting at 2 computers.
    But I did go downstairs to row and lift weights.
    Hoping the rain will let up soon!!! It's been 4 days already!
    11. Set yourself an exercise goal or sign up to an activity challenge
    One of my more favourite areas!! :)
    We aim to cycle at least one 50 km ride each month and have been doing that for a while. :) At our AGM at the end of March, we got a bag full of these each. :)
    We will have to see when we can fit our April ride in ... the 5 days off over Easter would have been good but it rained and rained and was cold and windy. Snow at higher elevations.
    Maybe next weekend ... we'll see.
    AND ... one of the bigger running events moved their event to September which is fantastic for me. Originally, it was this month, but I was nowhere near ready to even sign up for the 5K. Now I've got the winter to get in shape. :)
    Also, now that I'm working back in the same building I was in about 16 months ago, with many of the same people, we've started our stair climbing challenge again. We are easing into it this month because of Easter and ANZAC Day but we'll be ready to be much more consistent in May.
    The stair climbing challenge is exciting because when I'm busy climbing 20+ flights of 20 stairs each day I am at work, I lose weight.
    12. Move as much as possible, even if you’re stuck inside
    Absolutely! I climbed stairs. :)
    13. Make sleep a priority and go to bed in good time
    I do when I have to work the next day ... make sure I get at least 7 hours of sleep.
    But I am not keen on that. I'm a night owl and like to get things done late at night. Having to be in bed by 11:45 pm is a bit uncomfortably early.
    14. Relax your body & mind with yoga, tai chi or meditation.
    Gardening ... will gardening do?
    15. Get active by singing today (even if you think you can’t sing)
    I sing every day. My husband is very polite about it. :)

    16. Go exploring around your local area and notice new things

    I've spent 5 years on our island.
    I've done a lot of local exploring!
    I think exploring locally is a great idea and some people don't do enough of it. However, I'm getting more and more restless to go somewhere else as the weeks go by.

    17. Be active outside. Dig up weeds or plant some seeds
    I usually do this on the weekend when there's daylight.
    However, I occasionally do some weeding in the pitch dark when I walk Rhody right after work.

    18. Try a new online exercise, activity or dance class.
    Hmmmmmmm ... not that keen on online exercise, aside from Zwift.
    However, I have started a stair climbing challenge at work, and we keep track of it on an Excel spreadsheet. :)

    19. Spend less time sitting today. Get up and move more often.
    Walking in the morning and evening as part of my commute.
    Walking at lunch.
    Climbing stairs.
    Walking back and forth to the kitchen and toilet.
    Walking with Rhody after work.

    21. Focus on eating ‘a rainbow of multi-colored vegetables today.
    22. Regularly pause to stretch and breathe during the day.
    38. Enjoy moving to your favorite music. Really go for it.
    39. Go out and do an errand for a loved one or neighbor.
    40. Get active in nature. Feed the birds or go wild-life spotting.
    41. Have a ‘no screens’ night and take time to recharge yourself.
    42. Take an extra break in your day and walk outside for 15 minutes
    43. Find a fun exercise to do while waiting for the kettle to boil (or pan of water.)
    44. Meet a friend outside for a walk and a chat.
    45. Become an activist for a cause you really believe in
    46. Make time to run, swim, dance, cycle or stretch today

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Morning ladies
    Here with Miles,who is napping.