

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Saturday afternoon already; the weekend is rushing by!

    To get started, here's a song that takes me right back to 1971. Neat rendition.

    Barbara - thank you for sharing the pictures! Love the wedding photo, you were a beautiful bride. <3 Nice to catch us up. :p

    Kate - nice to see you pop in, what have you been up to?

    Joy - sounds like you had an awesome vacation, good for you. Sorry to hear about that smoke, I wonder how far it will come into the US. I need to check and see if any east winds will blow it our way. I am very envious of your orchard and blooms by the way. Thanks for sharing your photo - great backdrop and the name Joy fits you. You find joy wherever you go.

    Ginny - sorry to hear you caught some crud. I do hope you are better soon.

    Rebecca - welcome home, sounds like you had a wonderful time being Athena's grandmother! Who is that older gentleman in some of the pictures - her other grandpa?

    Rori - thank you for sharing your vacation photos! We are ready to send bail money but it looks like you are behaving yourself so far. :p When you get together with Heather, tho, all bets are off.

    Kind of a crazy day yesterday - went in to get an oil change, the mechanic said the old Sube needed new brake pads. I hadn't noticed anything but he's probably right. I also need to get the tires rotated and will do that soon and have Les Schwab guys check them out too. I rarely drive the thing anymore but want it to be safe.

    Gosh I miss my DH - he could have double checked them in a second. :'( I never know if mechanics and car service departments are trying to take advantage of me or not. They would try in the past and DH would straighten them out.

    Then on the way home, once I got onto I-5 and hit about 30 mph, I noticed the hood starting to flutter - it hadn't been completely latched! I pulled off as soon as I could and slammed that baby shut. I called the oil change guy and let him know, he said he's sure his crew did everything right. Mercury must be in retrograde or something.

    This morning I remembered I hadn't washed the air cleaner filters on the heat pump. Ever. That was always DH's job. I managed to get them out, washed them as best I could; they were filthy. Struggled to get the door back on once they were dry and put back. But I made it.

    I can do pretty good mowing and keeping up outside but anything mechanical or electrical kind of freaks me out, plus I don't have the strength to tackle some of this stuff even if I could figure it out. :|

    I've decided I would be OK with a 65 year old boyfriend as long as he had a son or grandson nearby that liked to do things and show off his skills.

    Potted up tomatoes this morning, need to get some kind of a wind screen put up and pop more squash in the dirt. I'm going to try containers.

    Have a great rest of your weekend, ladies!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    That is the famous crotchety retired Chief of a husband. Heehee😂
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Got to Replacements. At the last minute I decided to take some pearls that I had with me. Well, I’ll be getting $450 for them in addition to the $277 I’ll be getting as long as they buy everything (and I think they will).

    Been walking around the block or going down to Food Lion. Volunteered at the soup kitchen yesterday. Church tonight. At the soup kitchen took home these orange cream cookies. Never heard of them but they were good. Had to try it to be sure that it was orange and not macadamia nut.

    White shoes: when I was a little girl, I had a new pair of white sneakers. I was at my aunt’s house and they talked about going to the “black dirt”. I figured that was just a figure of speech. Nope! My white sneakers were never white again...lol I have been wearing white pants and just now started with white shorts

    Grocery prices: for the first time in a LOOOONNNGGG time, eggs were under $2. We very seldom eat out

    We’ll be getting new phones and I found a cover that I like. We’re also getting new tablets. Only the cover I like has 0 reviews. The ones that have a fair amount of reviews are just the boring solid color. What to do????

    Made an orzo shrimp salad to take to a cookout tomorrow. Then made banana chocolate chip cookies for Vince

    M – I can’t fathom spending $300 a week on food!

    The only thing that I don’t like about sauerkraut is that it is so high in sodium. Otherwise, I love it

    Vince said he wants to go to the race at Charlotte next weekend so I’m thinking that maybe I’ll go to Jess’. We shall see, it’s just in the thinking stage right now

    KJ – how wonderful you cook so healthy for the kiddos

    Debbie – I love my freezer. As a matter of fact, I wish I’d gotten a bigger one. Like you, I buy when something’s on sale and then freeze it for use later

    Kim – sounds like you have things in place for your mom. If the PT company is concerned about no grab rails and your mom still doesn’t get them and falls, what happens then? So glad there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for you.

    Mary – when we were transferred, the mover said to put one of those coffee filters in the refrigerator and it’ll keep the smell away. We honestly just figured “well, it’s worth a try, but I’m not holding my breath”. But it worked! We one time unplugged the refrigerator down at the condo and had a problem with the freeon so we had to purchase a new refrigerator. So...what we do now is keep the refrigerator on the lowest it can be and put a few bottles filled with water in it

    katla – good luck at the eye MD’s. With how much you love to read, I sure hope he/she is a great help.

    Rori – so glad you’re having such a wonderful trip. Looking forward to hearing more about it

    Fortunately, I can’t drive around to different stores since there are only 2 stores that I drive to: Aldi and WalMart. I can walk to Food Lion, but their prices are high so I only get what’s on sale or that I can only get at that store.

    Ginny – hope you feel better fast

    Rebecca – what wonderful memories you are making with Athena! How often do you get to see her? Congrats to your son. Welcome home. Love your attitude

    Need to go take a shower, maybe work on the jigsaw puzzle or watch TV then get to bed.

    Michele NC

    I get to see her a couple times a year, usually in May or June, and then this year for a short time in Sept when her brother is born. I hope to have husband come with me in September, and we just rent a hotel room for a weekend. Then Athena can swim in the hotel pool.💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Rebecca, lovely pictures. You have a beautiful granddaughter who you are giving wonderful memories to. I applaud your attitude.


    Thanks Joy, she's so sweet, funny and it was great to soak up her aura for a week. Had some great chats with son, daughter in law not so much, but we are really pleasant to each other and hugged good night every night.🤗💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    @Whidislander Us Grandma’s have to create fun everlasting memories with our grand children every opportunity we are given. Looks like you both had a blast!

    Yep I sure did. I played with her using every imaginary tricks I had, which she loved and she just ran with those. Strange I had no problem falling asleep each night, my brain fried. Kids drain the wholly life from you, in a good way.😂💖🤗
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    Way to go Rebecca! You have always been a beautiful Mother, and Grandmother. ❤️ Athena is a lovely little girl.


    Thanks Katla, a sweet thing to say.🤗💖. The experience harkens back to when I visited my maternal grandmother. Holding hands, playing, cuddling, and saying I love you. 💖
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    edited May 2023
    Michele lots of different ideas about refrigerators. Another one that we have done in the past is to fill it up with balled up newspaper and close the door. It kept the refrigerator from smelling and mold buildup. We used to do that in our RV in Arizona. We found that it did work.

    💕 Mary from Minnesota/Arizona
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    edited May 2023
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Having very lazy day today. Picked up some sort of bug at conference.
    Got home Thursday evening, was doing some running around chores yesterday. Started coughing at some point during the day. Got to feeling achy, etc at dinner time. By 7:30 or so felt miserable. Took some night time cold and flu medicine (hoping to sleep it out.) Up every couple of hours with severe aches. Went to bathroom, got excessively dizzy in there-had to lay on bathroom floor for a bit. Have slept most of today (off and on). Still have body aches but no more dizziness. I think I picked up a sinus thing from hotel (or maybe one of the 1,100 people there passed something on! Did not drive to memorial service for DS FIL-wasn't comfortable with driving, feel miserable and most importantly don't want to pass anything on to DIL.

    Going to slowly try to pick up some things and work on ironing (got laundry washed and dried yesterday). Not worrying about steps, etc. Will try for walk tomorrow morning if body aches better.

    I have read all of the goings on for the past few days-brain is too fuzzy to make comments I want too! Plus all of my joints are very painful-including wrists and fingers so typing is not comfortable.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    That was my reaction to my second COVID shot ... might be worth getting tested. Just saw that you did test for it.

    I do hope you feel better soon.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    Vicki - I am as long as I don’t have any work issues brought to me. I am still getting texts. Just the thoughts of it get my heart racing.
    I hate switching jobs, I don’t know how these people switch from one to another.

    Machka - I agree. 2020 made people realize how little they actually spent with their families and after reconnecting it ended up becoming a priority again.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    In 16 months, just recently, I was in 4 jobs.

    January 2022, I finished up at a place I had been 8 years and went into a 6-month fixed term position to try out something different. While there, we also moved offices.

    July 2022, I started a new permanent position.
    October 2022, we moved offices.

    December 2022, I was offered the position I have now, and I accepted it.
    March 2023, I started my new position back in the department where I worked for 8 years, but in a different unit. And that department moved into a new office just before I started. I narrowly missed another office move by a couple weeks.

    So not only 4 jobs in that time, but also 6 different offices.

    A number of people in my newest place don't like the new office, and I've had better, but I've been through so many office moves recently, it doesn't really matter.

    In that time, I've met a lot of people and learned a lot of different things including some things about myself.

    It has been challenging to do all this job switching, and stressful, but with each one, I've gone into it thinking: this is a chance to learn more.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    edited May 2023
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Pic of orchard trees….apple, plum, pear…apple and plum blooming. Pear is pretty much out of bloom but fruit forming. My bird killing cat is also shown with pear trees.

    Another smoke filled day. Was out for a bit but smoke bothering my throat. Was so thick last night that I could not see across the road which is close to the house.

    Your orchard is well developed! Nice.

    Our trees are still quite spindly in large pots (plastic garbage bins).

    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    If any of you are looking for something for a laugh. There is a movie on Prime called The Hot Flashes. Not the best movie ever written but good for a laugh.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    You've seen the first photo. If you were here, and you turned about 90° to the right, you'd see the view in the second photo. The second photo is yet another portion of our yard.


    A bigger view of the second photo:

    Today was about 1.5 hours in the garden ... which I counted as 15 minutes in the tracking software. I never feel like I'm working hard enough to count gardening as the whole time I'm out there. I wielded the mattock and used a rack/hoe like thing, plus digging with bare hands.

    Then I did 20 minutes (3.2 km) on the rowing machine and 33 minutes (3 km) on the treadmill.

    I dropped even more weight when I hopped on the scale today, but Sundays can be a little funny like that. I usually hit my low weight of the week on Sundays, but Monday I will be a little bit heavier (back to Saturday's weight) which I will maintain all week, then I'll drop a little on Saturday and a little bit more on Sunday, and up a bit on Monday back to Saturday's weight.

    So while it is really nice to see Sunday's weight, I don't believe it. :)

    Machka in Oz