

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    edited June 2023
    Wednesday did KettleWorx Fast Fat Burn DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do KettleWorx Legs and Thighs DVD.

    Working on my gecko at ceramics. Put my kissy fish in to be fired so I should be able to pick that up Monday.

    For the life of me I’ll never understand this “labor is down” stuff at BK. To me, you want to be showing a profit at the end of the day, not hour by hour. You can’t predict when you are going to be busy and when you’re not. If you’re not and you send someone home, what happens when you do get busy? Then you don’t have the help for the customer. They’ve been running out of tomatoes again. I used to really get concerned, but I’ve gotten to the point of “why bother? They’re going to do what they want to do”. To me, it just doesn’t make profitable sense to have someone who is paid more than I am doing my job. But they do for “labor” sake.

    Been in the pool every day that I can. The water even got warm enough so that I can get my whole body in and exercise. Yeaaaaa

    Still trying to walk around the block each day. Honestly, I have said to Vince so many times “are you ready (to go for our walk). I really think if I didn’t say something, he wouldn’t go. How many times I’ve gotten the “I don’t have my shoes or shirt on” “so put them on” Then he does go, sometimes not for very far. But at least he does go.

    Lanette – so sorry about the bite. Hope it’s better soon

    Tracey – so sorry about your daughter’s dog. You’re so right. Pets get a special place in our hearts. Happy Anniversary

    Evelyn – Jerry’s wife is the sweetest. Kindest person you would ever meet. I honestly don’t think she’d hurt a fly on the wall, she’s so sweet. Yes, she has physical and emotional problems, but she’s so dear. Complete opposite of Jerry.

    Prayers to everyone who needs them and hugs to everyone who needs them

    Mowed part of the lawn (the part I keep). The grass was getting tall. Didn’t weedwack, tho

    Found these “cookie dough Twix” bars. Jess likes Twix so I bought one bag. Fortunately, we’re going to see her tomorrow (we’re driving up there) so I’ll take them to her and out of the house.

    Made dog treats for her to take up there. Tomorrow want to make this cheese taco thing to take up.

    Heather – you’ll be the bell of the ball on that cruise

    Went to Replacements Wed but my GPS got me totally lost (I don’t understand its algorithm) so I came home and have another appt this wed. to pick up some (what I thought was) crystal and see if they’re interested in any of the jewelry I have

    So far behind that I’m going to have to skim. Apologies to anyone I’ve missed

    Flea – great news from the oncologist

    Allie – extra hugs. The therapist said “no more therapy”?

    They have some sort of summer interns at the soup kitchen so she’ll let me know when she needs me this summer

    Rori – so happy for you

    Rebecca – happy birthday. OUCH with the fall

    Terri – I really need to do some yoga. I’ve lost so much. Wish Vince would do it, but I know that won’t happen. I can hear it now “real men don’t do yoga” (yea, right)

    Debbie – AWWWWWW

    The other night there was a cat in the road who wouldn’t move. When I finally got out of the car he went away and I could see it was badly hurt. Well, a neighbor said he got it, took it to the vet, but it was so feral and the injuries were so extensive that they had to put it down.

    Will be going to the dentist Thurs. for a root canal. Got a crown and one of the pins is pushing on the nerve. He gave me antibiotics and the nerve quieted down some but I can still feel it. I do think that it will come back so having the root canal now.

    Went to the Green Room tonight to see “Last Roundup of the Guacamole Queens”. Funny show.

    Been working on stringing the popcorn for the Christmas trees. Lectored at the church tonight.

    Better get to bed. Thinking of everyone

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited June 2023
    Have a super time Flea <3 I know you have been there diving before.
    We did the Yucatan several years ago, went all over for two weeks. I ate something bad and was very ill. I still loved it, but I was very, very sick. Days in bed in the jungle. So, please, please be super careful. I ate something off at breakfast in a good hotel.

    Karen - fabulous art from your brother. I sometimes hope to do something like that, but it is never as good. Somehow goes in another direction. :o

    The most useful thing I take on cruises is a little leather bag with a long strap. In it, I carry the cabin key card, lipstick, powder, a comb, tiny folding spectacles, and my phone. That way, I can move around the ship without having to go back to the cabin. I take my backpack handbag on trips out.
    The bag is going in my precious hand luggage. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    edited June 2023

    6.4 km walking plus 2 flights of stairs.

    I didn't exercise yesterday :open_mouth::open_mouth:
    I was restless today and needed to walk.

    What did you do for exercise today?

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,228 Member
    edited June 2023
    Ginny: I cleared out my bathroom recently. I need to do it again 😝 It’s a never-ending story.

    Heather: Thats the size of my everyday hand bag, and I have a backpack that I use on outings. I would love the convenience of door-to-door cruising, but unfortunately, there are no cruises which depart from Ireland at the moment. Have a lovely trip. Looking forward to reading all about it. I get the butterflies too 😝

    We haven’t booked any holiday, but we are planning to take advantage of our beautiful scenery in Ireland. We did a road trip a few years ago down to Cork and up along the Atlantic Coast. That could be a possibility. And of course a few weekends away in other beauty spots and days out, if the spirit moves us.

    Machka: Exercise today so far has been walking. It’s Father’s Day here, and DYD is here for coffee. We are going to visit DED after lunch.

    They are forecasting thunderstorms with possible hail later today, but at the moment I’m enjoying the balmy sunshine and birdsong in our back garden

    ☘️ Terri
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,455 Member
    edited June 2023
    @Machka9 - Sent you an MFP message. Sometimes, those don't get through, but hopefully you can see it.

    Terri - Thank you, and agreed. Line drawn, moving on...

    Karen - Your brother's works always stir emotions for me. Thank you for posting them.

    Heather - I find it so frustrating to seldom (if ever) be able to paint what I envision in my mind, so I understand. I admire your determination to keep at it. It's been a long time since I picked up a brush.

    Was up at 5 a.m., far too early, but couldn't go back to sleep. Lost an hour of sleep during the night, too. A storm blew in about 1 a.m., and because the nights are cool, we keep our windows open. Doors were rattling, things were falling off tables, so I went around and shut most of them, but had to get Corey up to close our bedroom window, which I can't reach without a step ladder and then perching on the top of our dresser. :p

    Still soaking wet outside from the storm, but the air is still now. Lots of small branches broke off, but the big trees seemed to survive intact. When I looked out the windows I was closing, the wind was lashing the big trees into a frenzied dance. Beautiful, but a little scary.

    Well, Corey's up, and made his first cup of coffee, and I have laundry to get in the dryer and then get folded and put away. That's pretty much my only ambition for the day. Here's to a peaceful Sunday.

    Lisa in AR

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    @Machka9 - Sent you an MFP message. Sometimes, those don't get through, but hopefully you can see it.

    Lisa in AR

    I haven't received anything yet.
    But then, I'm not on the strongest connection so maybe it will turn up.

    M in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Flea, Your trip sounds delightful. I hope you can enjoy every minute of it. I look forward to the report when you get back.

    :)Debbie, the chick is darling. Be sure to tell us the chapters as they happen.

    :) My daily exercise lately has been about two hours of walking in my neighborhood in the morning, 30+ minutes working in my yard, and a few hours riding the exercise bike while watching TV or reading. I do a bit of yoga but want to do more.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did KettleWorx Legs and Thighs DVD today then took my walk. We’re going to be leaving in a few to go to Jess’

    I was always in the 129-132 weight category – until a few years ago. I can’t seem to get under 133 now. It may not seems like much and I haven’t gained inches, but Mother Nature is doing her thing and things are going south. Which frustrates me.

    Heather – will you see Penny while you’re in Norway? Have a great trip

    Flea – you, too, have a great trip. Wow! Your own island!

    Terri – I agree, let’s move on. Nothing can be accomplished from dwelling on this. What’s done is done and can’t be undone. So let’s just accept that and go from there

    barbie – you do all that walking in your neighborhood. Do you have different scenery? I get somewhat bored going around our block – always the same scenery. That’s one of the things I like about walking in FL. I can always go someplace different.

    Well, time to leave for Jess’

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Flea- I was in Belize once it was beautiful we went while on a cruise...
    Hope you have a wonderful time.
    Didn't sleep well at all but got my son to the airport and he is boarding the airplane as we speak..
    Will be going down to take care of Miles for a few hrs this morning while Kyle and Tracy go for a massage.
    I remember you asking yes Kyle is Carmines dad.. they have been together a long time.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    @Machka9 - Sent you an MFP message. Sometimes, those don't get through, but hopefully you can see it.

    Lisa in AR

    I haven't received anything yet.
    But then, I'm not on the strongest connection so maybe it will turn up.

    M in Oz

    It's also possible we might need to be friends.