

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Getting a quart a day from my strawberry patch. DH and I eat them the day I pick them. YUM! Spoils me for store bought strawberries.

    my raspberries are starting to ripen. I picked about a quart of them on Friday afternoon to take up to mom. She loves them. Today, Ezie and I went out and picked some for her to have with her lunch. She loves doing that.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    Wanted to say thanks for the information months ago on the Epley maneuver. I think it was Rebecca who was suffering so terribly from vertigo, and Karen who first suggested the maneuver, but not completely sure. A medication the gastros put me on for gut inflammation gave me terrible vertigo and dizziness, so they stopped it and put me on an antibiotic regimen instead. The worst of the vertigo passed, but mild vertigo remained, especially when I look up, or lie down.

    I tried the home Epley maneuver (looked it up online) yesterday on my left side. It diminished the vertigo almost completely. Not the first thing I've learned from this group, and probably won't be the last. I'm grateful!

    Oh so glad the epley maneuver worked for you. I notice my neck pain goes away, as well as my headaches. I can tell when it comes on though as I get a twinge in my neck. Its only at night that my vertigo shows, and I use the swirls as a sleep aide.😂😂
    Its only when I turn from side to side at night, so I appreciate that the evil vertigo gods don't bless me with it during the day.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    Wrote 7 letters which totaled out to about 35 pages handwritten today. I put in each a small envelope of gift stickers. My niece gave me a container full of about 600 good quality stickers so its fun picking them out. My hands are sore today though. I will rub them with aspirin cream tonight after a hot bath!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Today I ate 1005 calories, which would be really low, except that I ate a lot extra yesterday. So I'm feeling good about it. Yay for listening to my body! I did twenty minutes on the bike, and an hour of yoga, and thirty minutes of aerobic walking, Yay! So my deficit is 564! Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
    on day 11 of my sister challenge!
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited June 2023
    I bought two new hummingbird feeders yesterday, and plan to put them on my windows—one feeder on each window. I am planning to fill the new feeders and put one on each window tomorrow morning. 😊 ❤️

    Katla in Illinois
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,861 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,238 Member
    Tracey: We got into the habit during lockdowns when we couldn’t visit, and it was good to keep in regular touch with DGD and DEGS who were on their own. Now we visit DED every other week and Skype the inbetween week. Not everyone Skypes every week, but it keeps DGD in the loop.

    DGD will be home on 1 July for 10 days holiday. DYGS is home until late September. He will be 20 on the 8 July, so we are planning a big family celebration.

    I’m goingvto craft this morning so will catch up on the rest of the posts when I get back.

    🤗 🤗 🤗 and 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 etc 😂


    Pg 69

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    25. Show your appreciation to people who are helping others. BV for SAR and first responder.
    24. Bring to mind a favorite memory you feel grateful for. Yosemite with C and K.
    23. Create a playlist of uplifting songs to listen to. Later today for line dance practice Another One Bites the Dust, Like I Love Country Music, Give Me Your Tempo, Bad Habits?
    22. Watch something funny and enjoy how it feels to laugh. Goldens’ “Good Morning!” reel.
    Catching up seems to be the theme. Just finished reading/responding to an email from a college roommate. One of only two with whom I have contact. Good memories.
    Lisa con VERY gratulations for paying off your house. What a feeling that must be! What you said about learning from the gals on this thread.
    Welcome @missixtea Clairie!
    Heather thanks for the pics.
    More later maybe. ((hugs)) to all especially you Rita.
    1. Decide to look for what’s good every day this month. 1-Blue skies. 2-views of the ocean on way into town and on stroll chat with T. 3-sharing worries and laughter with D. 4-Pianist’s choice of offertory-congregation gave her an ovation. 5-Perfect temperature today, 70 degrees at 10 am, blue sky, sunshine, only the merest breeze to keep the air fresh. That “ahh I’m home” feeling. And then there was the birdsong. 6-cool still day perfect for burnbarreling the fernwhackings.7-Pomegranate/kombucha soothing my sore throat, thanks Lanette! 8-Zicam minimizing cold symptoms. 9-Joe volunteering to pick me up something from Freddie’s-Minestrone! 10-Jeopardy walking for the first time since got this cold. 11-vimeo-ed church but feel well enough to take dogs to powerline and play with plants on this gorgeous day. 12-Shower and clean linens after sweating for a week. 13-felt well enough for line dancing at the Grange. 14-H’s wife D’s yellow cake with buttercream frosting. Yum. 15-Joe liked his birthday book and cupcakes.16-drone was on clearance, $20 less than labeled. ;). 17-Blue sky, warm sun, wind held off ‘til after dog group. 18-dogs to powerline instead of Dirty Cello. 19-Joe’s feeling better. 20-Thanksgiving for serendipitous math sour cream mistake.
    21-Discovered knife sharpening guy at farmers’ market. 22-Art stroll and coffee at the boardwalk with D. 23-Surprise text and visit from M, J, R, C and Cl!!! 24-dog group at HBVC. 25-admired Joe’s whack work down the cistern path. 26-email from Ki.
    06/25: Move: 2 sets PT w/D, dogs to powerline. steps: 5269
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 10+3+5+3+6+5+6=38 almonds, apple, artichoke, arugula, asparagus, beans-chili/pinto, carrots, cashews, celery, cucumber, dates, dragon’s tongue mustard, green onions, kombucha, lemon curd, maple syrup, maraschino cherry, minestrone, mushrooms, olives, onion soup, peanuts, pecans, pepitas, pepperoncini, pesto, pistachios, pineapple, pomegranate juice, popcorn, potato chips, radish, romaine, salsa verde, soy breakfast patty/protein bar, tea-black/herbal sweet spicy, walnuts, wheat-pappardelle/Snap’d crackers/whole wheat tortilla/scone/whole wheat sourdough/biscotti/tortellini/chocolate bundt cake. CI=1595 :P CO=178
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, council, laundry. Wt:134.0
    06/24: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, Shadow to dog group. steps: 7540
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 10+3+5+3+6+5= almonds, apple, arugula, asparagus, beans-chili/pinto, carrots, cashews, celery, cucumber, dragon’s tongue mustard, green onions, lemon curd, maple syrup, maraschino cherry, minestrone, mushrooms, olives, peanuts, pecans, pepperoncini, pesto, pistachios, pineapple, popcorn, potato chips, radish, romaine, salsa verde, soy breakfast patty/protein bar, tea-black/herbal sweet spicy, walnuts, wheat-pappardelle/Snap’d crackers/whole wheat tortilla/scone/whole wheat sourdough/biscotti . CI=1590 :{ CO=401
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, farmers’ market, Wt:134.0
    06/23: Move: 1 sets PT, stroll with Joe and the dogs. steps: 6992
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 10+3+5+3+6= almonds, apple, arugula, beans-chili/pinto, carrots, celery, cucumber, dragon’s tongue mustard, green onions, lemon curd, maple syrup, minestrone, mushrooms, olives, peanuts, pecans, pepperoncini, pesto, pineapple, popcorn, potato chips, radish, romaine, salsa verde, soy breakfast patty/protein bar, tea, wheat-pappardelle/Snap’d crackers/whole wheat tortilla/scone/whole wheat sourdough/biscotti. CI=1398 CO=272
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, nail trims, leavened, surprise visit from M/J/R/C/Cl <3, Post Office, Library, Grocery Outlet, Freddie’s.Wt: 134.3
    06/22: Move: ZERO sets PT, art stroll/coffee/chat with D, dogs to powerline. steps: 7023
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 10+3+5+3= apple, arugula, beans-chili/pinto, carrots, celery, dragon’s tongue mustard, green onions, lemon curd, maple syrup, mushrooms, peanuts, pecans, pesto, pineapple, popcorn, potato chips, romaine, salsa verde, soy breakfast patty/protein bar, tea, wheat-pappardelle/Snap’d crackers/whole wheat tortilla/scone. CI=1446 CO=593
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, bottle drop, recycling, play with plants. Wt:134.0
    06/21: Move: 2 sets PT w/d2, line dance class, steps:5423
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 10+3+5 = apple, arugula, beans-chili/pinto, carrots, celery, dragon’s tongue mustard, lemon curd, maple syrup, mushrooms, pecans, pesto, pineapple, popcorn, potato chips, romaine, soy breakfast patty/protein bar, tea, wheat-pappardelle/Snap’d crackers/whole wheat tortilla. CI=1228 CO=570
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, farmer’s market, Wt: 132.7
    06/20: Move: 2 sets PT w/d2 and 1x, line dancing. steps: 6579
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 10+3 = apple, arugula, beans-chili/pinto, dragon’s tongue mustard, lemon curd, maple syrup, mushrooms, pesto, potato chips, romaine, soy breakfast patty/protein bar, tea, wheat-pappardelle/Snap’d crackers/whole wheat tortilla. CI=1445 CO=547
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, casserole-a-thon, Wt: 134.3

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. June: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Claire—You are welcome here. 😊

    Katla in Illinois
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Some of you have mentioned you are getting vertigo and Epley maneuver is helpful. Another thing to consider is salt intake. A friend of mine developed vertigo and then was diagnosed with Menieres disease. She had to go on a low sodium diet and avoid foods and drinks with caffeine. It does have to do with the inner ear. Not sure how they came to the diagnosis. Changing her diet did help. A place to start is noticing if certain foods aggravate your vertigo.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,457 Member
    Oh so glad the epley maneuver worked for you. I notice my neck pain goes away, as well as my headaches. I can tell when it comes on though as I get a twinge in my neck. Its only at night that my vertigo shows, and I use the swirls as a sleep aide.😂😂
    Its only when I turn from side to side at night, so I appreciate that the evil vertigo gods don't bless me with it during the day.

    That's when mine still shows up, too! When I go from sitting up to laying down in the bed, I have to clutch the sheets on both sides because the whirlies make me feel as if I'm going to fall off. The days aren't nearly as bad now I've done the maneuver, but I can still feel it when I look up too quickly and try to focus on something above my head. Which makes grocery shopping a quite interesting procedure, since I'm 5'2" and can barely stand to look at the shelves that are higher than that.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,457 Member
    Article about a study on intermittent fasting vs. calorie counting on NPR.

    I know Rebecca uses intermittent fasting schedules and has used it very successfully. The article is interesting, because the study shows that IF and CICO (calories in, calories out) show very similar results. There are flaws in the study, as there are in most, but it's an interesting take.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,036 Member
    edited June 2023
    Article about a study on intermittent fasting vs. calorie counting on NPR.

    I know Rebecca uses intermittent fasting schedules and has used it very successfully. The article is interesting, because the study shows that IF and CICO (calories in, calories out) show very similar results. There are flaws in the study, as there are in most, but it's an interesting take.

    Intermittent fasting is one way of doing CI<CO.

    I don't eat between about 8:30 pm and 11:30 am = 15 hours without eating.
    All my eating occurs between 11:30 am and 8:30 pm = 9 hours of eating.

    What I eat in those 9 hours is often (when I am focusing on losing weight) fewer calories than I what I spend. Or in other words CI < CO.

    Taking in fewer calories than what I spend works for me to lose weight.

    Intermittent fasting just fits my schedule and lifestyle. I don't like mornings and I've never been fond of breakfast. About 11:30 am my stomach gives me the first few hints of waking up and being interested in food. And unless I'm studying late into the night, I'm happy stopping eating about mid-evening.

    Exercise fits into the mix by giving me more CO to work with. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
    Annie ~ When I cook dried beans, I sometimes go to the Honey Baked Ham store and purchase a ham bone. It usually has enough meat to flavor the beans and makes them great! I have found I don't like ham hocks and have no ideas where you buy neck bones.

    Carol in GA