
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    Dinner tonight for me(dh ate at his mom's and son went over to his girlfriend's) Thai coconut chicken bone broth(instant packs I just found at Grocery Outlet- 5 packs for $1.49), small fresh mango and a cup of decaf English Breakfast tea.
    Hope that will be it for me for the night.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,706 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”
    Happy Independence Day!
    Welcome back @trug61 Lori from MI. Tracking = knowledge = power. Weighing portions was a real eye opener for me. When the package says 2 Tbs=28 g, it was a shock to see that one nearly level measuring ablespoon really weighted in at 30 g. :sick:
    Tracey so much stress, no wonder your mind is all over the place. Sorry to hear about the car(s). Would be interested to learn if Jonah translates the meme for you… ;)
    Heather “…May they both stay healthy and employed” Amen! O miss posh, you are lovely!
    Thanks, Machka. Guess I’m overthinking my choices ;} “… I've started writing the story about my husband's accident several times but so far I can't do it. ((hugs)) It wouldn’t surprise me if you are suffering from PTSD. Do you have a counselor to help you?
    Lisa I have one word for you: “Roomba” ;}
    Lanette WOW that’s an impressive protein goal.
    Annie six pounds is VERY well done!
    KJ so good to see your smiling face. Well done on the two weeks AF!
    Rita hope it “cools” down to the 90s for you soon. Thanks for the pics!
    Kay tried your yoghurt and Reddi Whip dessert alternative this evening ans was surprised at how the unsweetened cream countered the yogurt’s tang. Thanks!
    Barbie “…ice cream and French fries…” :laugh:
    Rebecca “mentle gristle” so apt!
    Allie sending good thoughts for all your appointments, may the results be clear and point to doable resolutions.
    Pip smooch that pooch!
    Jolene I’m struggling to edit, what Barbie calls decision fatigue. Will play again this weekend when things around here settle a bit.
    Debbie have to thank you again for the Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea recommendation. Yum!
    Kylia would your Shelby be considered a pony car?
    No fireworks noise last night thank goodness, after Sunday nights’ fusillade. Hoping for similar peace tonight as I need to sleep so I can get up at 1 and leave at 3 to get to my eye appointment at 7. Oops just remembered I set some plants out on the porch after the grow light died. Need to bring ‘em in before the marine layer gets here.
    07/04: Move: 1 set PT, beach stroll with T, dogs to powerline. Steps:8743
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-19. CI=1466 CO=423
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, seasonal clothes swap, floor lamp bit the dust, CareCredit statements/payment, 1 load laundry. Wt:133.4

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.

    I had steak tonight, and there was some gristle but husband had cooked it so wonderfully, I just ate, gristle bits and all. I had cut up his potato skin, the bottom of it as crispy as a piece of crunchy bacon. The broccoli was steamed way too much, so it was kind of mushy but with steak sauce, pieces of fresh tomatoes it was all lovely.😂
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Heather - I agree worrying about our children’s finances is a real thing. I worry about both girls for different reasons.

    I have so enjoyed following along on your cruise with you. I can imagine you would feel a bit blue getting towards the end.

    I need to cut the carbs too, I know they don’t do me any good but they are what I crave the most when I’m stressed.

    Welcome Lori.

    Ginny - welcome home.

    Annie - I hope your Dad’s hearing aid shows up soon. It’s frustrating when someone can’t hear you for them and you.
    You are learning a lot about yourself on this journey.

    Lisa - you and I are the same type of gardener. I don’t like the care and attention that they require.
    It is not a surprise that my daughter is having difficulties. They allowed her to have a car loan based on her child tax credit, which was a big problem, as the kids age the amount goes down. She lost her job last year and has been trying to find a job since. She works retail and the jobs are expecting full time availability which she doesn’t have because of the kids. If she had to pay for childcare she would be in the negative. Her husband works 3 days one week and 4 the next 12 hour shifts. It should work out but they change his schedule regularly. That’s why she has lost her last two jobs they were not able to change her availability when his schedule changed.
    I always enjoyed tv. I have found in later years that I struggle to find shows that really keep me engaged. I think we grew up with the belief that television was lesser.

    Kelly - you have been busy. I’m always saying “I need a drink” but funnily enough I might have 4 or 5 drinks a year. I have three 1/2 pint bottles of vodka in the fridge. I think DH has 4 partial bottles of rum. We go somewhere, buy a bottle and then never drink it.
    I scared myself when I was very young as I was drinking every evening. I then broke up with my fiancé because of his drinking. My DH’s Dad caused some ruined events as he was growing up due to drinking so he drinks less than me.
    Great news on your daughter and sister. It will be so much fun to have your grandsons closer.

    Rita - I love that meme about Optimism. I am usually very optimistic and some people (DH) sometimes frowns on my attitude. Very rare these days that he does though.

    Katie - sorry the cleaner messed up your plans. Maybe give her an opportunity to explain herself. Some people share FB memories when something is happening as it helps bring the person back to happier times. Sort of like looking through albums when someone passes.

    Annie - one of my favourite Nora Roberts series is set in the Chesapeake Bay. I would love to visit there one day.

    Debbie - I have given up asking DH to go with me to things he doesn’t like, I just go by myself now or take the Grands. I invite him every time though.
    Can your DH not offer to drive to the Comic-Con?

    Kylia - you sound so much more relaxed today!

    Barbara - I asked Jonah about the meme. He used to watch a video that was just a pot full of boiling water going around in circles to the tune of Funky Town. The letters under his Pot says Funky Town Intensifies.
    He has a mind that just fascinates me.
    Good luck at your appointment I hope you get some sleep before your drive.

    Well another interesting day. I paid to have the wheel bearing done on my car today. I am pretty proud of myself as I diagnosed the issue correctly, just I thought it was the drivers side and it was the passengers side. The mechanic was new to me, but I will definitely be giving him more business he fit me in on short notice and cost less than other quotes. He also taught me how to listen for the same issue again and to test which wheel it is. I was very impressed.

    I think we are going to look at getting a new vehicle for DH in a month or two. I will take his and give mine to our daughter. I may even keep it in my name and insurance to help them out. I know how hard it is and if I can help a little bit without putting ourselves in a tight situation I will.
    We are going to make sure I have a new job first.

    In the meantime our other son in law has a vehicle they can use to tow their camper for when they go to camp as the hitch was on my daughters car. We will need to get a hitch installed on my hubby’s now for when we borrow their camper in August. They were given this camper from the pastor at their church a few years ago and we all use it. It’s a pop up tent trailer.

    I have had a relaxing weekend but now that I know the HR lady will be returning to work tomorrow and seeing the letter from the doctor my anxiety is starting to set in a bit. I’m taking deep breaths. I’m praying that they respond and tell me they will be paying the day they didn’t pay me for and will be leaving me alone for a bit. I don’t want to have to pay for a lawyer to help me navigate this.

    Heather - I hope you feel better fast!

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Evening ladies
    Well should I say good morning its 12:44 a.m. here,with all the rest i gor yesterday and the little tickle in my throat that nags at me im awake..im hoping to catch a couple more hrs before i have to get up.

    Heather-sorry your feeling under the weather but glad it is at the end of the cruise and not at the beginning.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”
    Happy Independence Day!

    Debbie have to thank you again for the Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea recommendation. Yum!

    No fireworks noise last night thank goodness, after Sunday nights’ fusillade. Hoping for similar peace tonight as I need to sleep so I can get up at 1 and leave at 3 to get to my eye appointment at 7. Oops just remembered I set some plants out on the porch after the grow light died. Need to bring ‘em in before the marine layer gets here.
    07/04: Move: 1 set PT, beach stroll with T, dogs to powerline. Steps:8743
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-19. CI=1466 CO=423
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, seasonal clothes swap, floor lamp bit the dust, CareCredit statements/payment, 1 load laundry. Wt:133.4

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.

    So glad you like the tea- did you find it at Grocery Outlet? They have the best price on it.
    It is good hot and chilled. Have gotten many hooked on it!

    Fireworks are still going off all around us. These are all massive and all illegal. Cats are terrified. Our one cat we let out during the day is no where to be found. Tried to get him in early but he hasn't been in the yard and doesn't come when I call him. I am sure he is hiding someplace. I will try in half an hour- hopefully the fireworks slow down by then. I am tired and want some sleep but can't sleep with all of them going off. These are ones like they have the shows for.

    Napa Valley,Ca

    edit- two fire trucks just went down towards the park where they are setting a ton off- hasn't slowed them down yet.
    Not enough cops in town and way too many people setting them off. Just looking around us I have counted 6-7 going off at the same time.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Debbie - I’m so sorry. Sympathies to Destiny’s family and friends.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Barbie, thanks for a new month!

    Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear of Destiny's passing. May she rest in peace.

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    I am a social drinker. As that if my sister has a glass of wine, I usually did too. But when I am home here, I don't drink. I do in the holidays when I might treat me to a bottle of tawny port. Then I try to make it last a month. If I go out for dinner, I sometimes order a nice white wine like pinot grigio. Its rare that I finish it though. I just get such a wiped out feeling the next day, its just not worth it. I can get a buzz from non alcoholic beer so I'm quite a lightweight. I'm not a cheap date, I'm just economical. 😂🙃

    Last night I video chatted with my eldest sister. I happened to be sitting kind of in the dark, watching the fireworks around the neighborhood go off. So it looked like I was about to tell her a scary story.😳😂
    We agreed that our sister seems to have a lot of unresolved issues. (An understatement of the year). Its amazing what a person holds onto when they don't process trauma. Both from the passing of each of our parents there are things my middle sister resents and is bitter about. Let it go. I realize every person processes differently, and I respect that. But when you hear things brought up from years ago, its just a saved grief. A bit of mental gristle you cough up and try to process. That's a crazy mental.picture eh?

    The other day I made graham cracker cookies for husband and I. Its just sugar free chocolate frosting and graham crackers. The secret is putting the filled crackers in a plastic bag that's opened and not sealed. Husband likes the crackers soft and the frosting a little hard. I whipped up the frosting with the beaters and it makes like twice the amount than you get in the tub. Like I need more frosting...😒😳😂. I have been sneaking spoonfuls like a weirdo these past days.

    Tonight is some steak and broccoli, with a salad. 💖

    Have you tried using Cool Whip(or store brand) on graham crackers then freezing them. Taste so much like an ice cream sandwich. Not usually a big fan of graham crackers but this was is really good. I like to mix a little peanut butter powder in the cool whip or a little choc. Quick. to it(or both for peanut butter/chocolate ice cream bar)

    Down here, we don't have Graham crackers, cool whip or peanut butter powder.

    At least not in the main grocery stores where I've looked.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Earlier today I mentioned a video I was watching - Dr. Rhonda Patrick & Dr. Chris McGlory, both PhD's, discussing Omega 3 supplementation combined with higher protein intake to prevent or rebuild muscle loss.

    I managed to get through most of it. Here's a link to Dr. Patrick's website "Found my Fitness" and the interview including show notes:
    They discussed various trials and research findings about Omega 3's positive effects regarding muscle wasting from hospitalization, for example, and also cancer. Studies have shown that high doses of Omega 3's help the side effects from chemo.

    A lot of the terms were geared more toward people with medical backgrounds, but still, it does look like Omega 3's and higher protein, plus resistance training, help older gals with muscle wasting (sarcopenia). We can hang on to our muscles and build strength, and a good reason to eat fatty fish. Several of the studies used very high doses of Omega 3's, and research is ongoing about optimal dosage for folks not having to rebuild muscle after loss from incapacitation, etc.

    They interview and show notes cite research papers. I tried looking a few of them up - they were either over my heard or behind paywalls, lol.

    Dr. Patrick has several interview regarding the benefits of Omega 3's in other areas.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State where it's 89f degrees right now, and I hear booms. Our area is under a "red flag warning" so home fireworks are discouraged to say the least. :#

    If you're reading technical papers and feel a bit lost or bogged, scroll down to the Discussion and Conclusion toward the end. They usually write those a bit clearer. Also glance at the Limitations section.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    From Destiny's aunt:
    Destiny passed peacefully today at 2pm. She was surrounded by parents, siblings, aunts and uncles. Thank you for your prayers of healing and peace. We cling to Isaiah 57:1. She has been taken from this world to be saved from the troubles to come. She is healed. ❤️ Continued prayer for peace for the family is appreciated. John 14:27 Please give the family space to heal at this time.

    Prayers for the family. :heart:
  • belkyg430
    belkyg430 Posts: 5 Member
    Belky from MIA/ super hot and humid. Striving for a great July.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Prayers and hugs for Destiny's family. She was such an example of courage, hope, and strength.
    Like Katla, I have enjoyed the hummingbirds and fireflies (lightening bugs). I have pictures to share once I post to computer.
    Alcohol- I am very much an occasional drinker. Sometimes it just hits the spot. I don't drink alone. I can't drink and work. I am sure growing up with two alcoholic parents plays a big role in that as well. DH drinks enough for me. And yes, there have been more times than I can count that it has been an issue. I have a full bar if I desire something though. Alcohol isn't good for my health though between head and belly.

    Television vs reading My parents limited our TV watching growing up. It was rarely on except Saturday mornings for cartoons and Sunday nights for Disney. I did get to watch Sonny and Cher once a week. When I first got cable coming back stateside it seems like my ex always had it on. This was particularly distracting when I was trying to get day care kids wrangled for leaving or arriving. One day he came home from work and we had no TV in the house. I moved it to garage! It was a year before I brought it back in. Now there is a TV in every room of the house and when DH is home at least one is always on! There aren't amy real shows I watch on regular TV. Netflix on the other hand is bad because I get hooked and binge watch!

    Katie Hugs! I would have found that distressing too. More information is needed, but I do onow in the heat of an emergency sometimes things get overlooked.

    DH'S glucose was up this bloodwork. He figures it is the fruit cups he has been eating for breakfast and lunch. SMH! I told him he needs real food. He says like what.....grrr. I take leftovers for lunch and he doesn't eat them. I said I would make sandwiches but he says he doesn't like them. He replies with "I would eat them". I told him we need to go to grocery then do he can pick out what he wants for lunches. He was eating romaine and cheese for lunch (calling it a salad-lol) but was getting too gassy. I am starting to add more foods to my diet today. Will see what happens. No pork, limited lactose!

    Adult children I have one that has no money worries and one that struggles. I probably helped too much, but have stayed out of their business for 2 years now and they are managing. It has been hard to watch them make stupid decisions, but the consequences are theirs and not mine. I always take care of the grands.

    Thank you ladies for taking us on your adventures! They have been wonderful!

    Heart ❤️ doctor this morning. Wasted visit unless he wants a longer heart monitor. Haven't had any issues that i am aware of lately. Will keep you posted.

    Better get going!
    Healing thoughts!

    Kylia in foggy Ohio