
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,530 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »

    We are leaving in the morning for Woodard OK to help celebrate DH's uncle's 90th birthday. Get to see family we have not seen in years. Will leave early in the morning and stay the night. Come home Sunday afternoon. Looking forward to getting away.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3

    Woodward, OK? I ask because we jokingly call it Woodard.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Ok Oakie and Vicki - Woodard/Woodward - I double took both times because there is a small lake near here that is Woodward reservoir and I could not imagine any reason anyone would come that far to go to that lake... But then it dawned on me that names are used over and over again.... LOL
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Worked and then we put more of the blocks around the pool. Not even going to go for my walk, I’m so beat. It was my job to take the big rocks and put them around so they don’t looks out of place. It was also my job to clean up the little rocks so that Vince can put down the landscape fabric. Then we went to Lowe’s to buy more blocks. Tomorrow we think we might bring in the christmas decorations

    Lynette – isn’t it frustrating when you find something in a smaller size like your milk?

    Went to the soup kitchen today and had two of the potato wedges. The guy who made them is a really good cook, but they were very spicy. I don’t think I would order them. Just sloppy joes today. I was dishing out the coleslaw and then serving. Between serving and putting the blocks around, I got in over 13,000 steps

    Margaret – I keep a glass jar (with lid) next to my stove. I put all sorts of liquid things that I don’t want. I figure the more that goes in that jar, the less that goes into my septic. I even put things like the juice from sardines, egg liquids. If it doesn’t go in the jar, I try to put it in my garbage. Oh, there are some things that I have to put down the drain – but not much. We shouldn’t have a garbage disposal.

    Debbie – glad alls well with your former FIL

    Rita – thanks for telling me that WalMart carries a Bulletproof-type thing and that it has no flavor. I need to go to WalMart Sunday since Vince needs bananas so I might check it out. I think I’m going to have to look to see if they all contain coconut. Jess is HIGHLY allergic to coconut so I wouldn’t want it even in the house. Sure hope you get your bp under control

    Annie – that’s wonderful that your mom walked!

    I usually did a body pump DVD at the gym on Wednesdays but I think I’m going to do some cardio. I need to exercise first thing in the morning or it doesn’t get done. Unfortunately, the gym doesn’t open until 1 on sundays and that’s too late for me. So I go Wednesday mornings.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    Michele I am going to be more mindful of what goes down our drains. Like the idea of saving containers for the liquids that you want to avoid putting down your drain. I am also keeping a box of baking soda to rub into a greasy pan I have already removed the grease. DH likes his sausages!

    Spent a quiet afternoon with Drew a son's house. Nice to relax. In the morning I practiced with my singing bowl. I might play it in an upcoming anthem in our church. I am going to bring it on Wednesday so they can hear its tone. I bought it at a shop where the bowls came from Tibet. I tried a number of them and this one had the tone I liked. When you make it sing it sounds like the whales in the ocean. Our choir director is trying to find more diversified music. This one also calls for a Native American flute. I think if they like it I think it should start the anthem as an introduction.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    Busy getting things maintained or repaired. Tuesday took car in at 7:30 got it back at 4. Needed alignment, oil change and transmission fluid changed. It is running better. While waiting I spent 2 hours trying to unclog the kitchen sink. Yesterday morning had the pro come out to snake it and hydro clean it. Both best left to a pro. I learned some tips on how to care for pipes. If at all possible no egg shells, coffee grounds, grease, stringy veggies, potato skins etc. I also moved the trash can that was sitting on the main drain cover in the basement. Bits from my shredding were falling near it. I also need to change the drain covers. They are now cast iron and they start to degrade in about 5 years. Those bits of rust get into your pipes and can cause problems too. It was pricey but told DH I learned from the technician too to avoid future problems. I always do this when I have someone help us with a problem we are not equipped to fix. I saved his card and put him on my who to call if I have this type of problem. I also wrote him a good review to share with his boss. Today is a shopping day. Hope all is well with everyone!

    At our place ...

    All of this: egg shells, coffee grounds, stringy veggies, potato skins etc. goes into compost to be used on the garden.

    All cardboard and paper waste (not toilet paper and tissues) gets shredded to be used as mulch or laid down intact to reduce the weeds.

    And if possible plastic containers get recycled as seedling pots.

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Yup its 4;22 am and have been awake since 10:30 pm
    These wild sleep patterns are gonna send me over the edge lol
    Going to try and go back to sleep before Alfie wakes me up again .
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    Today’s gratitudeT’s gracious offer to chauffeur me to/from oral surgeon.
    Machka and Tracey “- If I do eat in the morning, it's like I've turned a switch on, and I'll clean out the house, eating anything that's not moving and maybe the occasional thing that is.” Me too, especially a carb heavy breakfast on arising.
    Vicki safe travels!
    Debbie there was a bob cat sighting in our neighborhood last week, ‘nother reason we don’t have chickens. Tumble is a tempting enough tidbit.
    Rita glad you called the doctor about the new meds. If the cardiologist doesn’t call you Monday, take the reins and call them. Referrals here fall through the cracks and have to be shepherded through.
    Annie great news about your mom. :heart:
    Lisa 5 days? Bravissima!
    Heather hoping for a pic of Edie in her birthday furry jacket.
    09/22:Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, Chetco Point stroll with T, line dance class, Jeopardy walking. Steps:9627
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=19 CI<CO net=444
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT. ptS, recycle Roomba battery, pick up new patient packet. Wt:132.1
    Time to snooze.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    Yup its 4;22 am and have been awake since 10:30 pm
    These wild sleep patterns are gonna send me over the edge lol
    Going to try and go back to sleep before Alfie wakes me up again .

    Bit confused by the times you mention.

    I'm awake until about midnight ... then I go to bed.

    What time did you go to bed?
    And then what?

    When we close our eyes, lie still and relax, we usually fall asleep ... even if we don't think we've fallen asleep. Our brains are a little funny sometimes. We think we've been awake for hours, but if those hours feel like they're going by fairly quickly, we've actually been asleep but just a light sleep.

    Some things that help me include:
    - making sure that the room is dark.
    - wearing an eye mask to hold my eyes closed.
    - wearing ear plugs to block noise.
    - making sure my bed is comfortable ... and for me, that means a nest of pillows.
    - doing a relaxing technique where I tense up my toes, and then relax them. Then I tense up my feet, and relax them. Then I tense up my calves, and relax them. And so on up the body. Usually by the time I reach my thighs, I'm asleep.
    - to calm my thought, I pray, "sing" hymns in my head, or think about shoes. If I am sleeping lightly, I'll wake up several times (feeling like I have not been sleeping, but knowing I have because 20 minutes has passed quickly) and resume praying, singing or thinking about shoes.
    - sometimes a lavender scent is relaxing. I have lavender oil which I sprinkle on my bedding once in a while.

    Before bed, I have a bedtime "ritual" to get me ready for bed.
    - turn the room lights off or down
    - put soft music on ... that's for about the last hour before I go to bed.
    - my computers and phone go to a night setting about an hour before bed to reduce the blue light.
    - drink a cup of some variation of chamomile tea.
    - once in bed, I'll read a little bit before turning all the lights off.

    Other than sleeping and reading, I don't spend time in bed. That helps my brain know that the bed is for sleeping.

    My TV, computers, etc. are all out in the lounge room.

    I find it also helps to be active during the day.

    Just a few things that help me. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    So far ... :)

    Machka in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Saturday,
    Trying to describe 2023.....it has not been a bad year, but definitely full of potholes and switchback turns. I need to find my calm. Have been trying to find someone to build a new garage for over a year. So far no one is interested in even giving us a quote. Found out yesterday that our 8 yo split system in the master bedroom addition has to be replaced. Coils leaking. Home got re-evaluated by county. Value went up 100k! If we were selling that would be good but for property taxes that just sucks. The upside is that we can afford these things, but like Tracey's door project, it just all adds up. I told DH on Wednesday that my "squirrels " were all over the place. He asked what was new. (Meaning I couldn't stay focused on anything)

    Eating I realized today that the reason I am eating everything under the sun....... the temps are cooling and my body is prepping for winter. I have been starving for 3 days! Generally, I am hungry between 11-6 and Generally eat then. But I am getting hangry by 830am and feeding the beast way too much at dinner. Craving crunchy salty. 😫 Need to rein the squirrels and belly in before I am back in the zone I don't want to be in.

    Annie Good news about mom. Hugs for you! You do have all of us in your pocket!

    Garbage disposals Being on a septic system means that we shouldn't have one, but we do. I only use it so that I don't have to worry about small items. It is not for bulk food disposal. I always hated doing dishes as a kid when soggy items (bread and cereal) would be in the sink water until you turned on the disposal. YUCK!!!!! Still don't like soggy things.

    I know there was much more, but .......

    Healing thoughts!
    Lots of Encouraging thoughts!
    Pride in accomplishments!

    Make the best decisions you can at the moment.

    Kylia in Ohio