

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Heather- how grand.. it looks like you and Johnny had a wonderful time and I just love armchair traveling with you..
    I have started watching YouTube video's of Cruising with Ben and David.. they are 2 chaps from England that travel on cruises and video there cruises. They are fun to watch.. you might enjoy.. look them up
    I think im fighting the Flu off keep getting a chill and then it goes away..
    So maybe will hop in the shower and get some warm jammies on..
    Tracy is trying to get Miles to sleep through the night on his own.. any of you have any miracle cures on this? He goes down well but then he wakes up and wants mommy with him.. I told her ,he is playing her so she will stay with him
    And I think if he screams and crys to much that will upset the apple cart and we know where and who that is.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 14min 44sec, 2.66ap, 81ahr, 105mhr, 192elev, 6.03mi= 561c
    Strava app= 738c
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Well found out the water pump went on Toms car.. they have to order the part and hoping to have it in by Friday.. goodness that is a tough break.. literally..
    Forgot today is Kyles Birthday ..will text him and wish him a happy happy.Tracy is racing around trying to make dinner and a cake after she worked all day ..
    Gel and alcohol pens will have to look for those
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Went to Aldi now making a pumpkin pie to take with me tomorrow. Like I said, I really think she invited me because she really doesn’t have family around here. I think she’s invited people from where she works now. I met her at BK. She’s a very sweet person. I don’t think she’s very happy in her job. When I asked her about it, she really didn’t want to talk about it. But I think she does like the money. Well….. I’m not planning to stay very long. She wants me to come at 4, I’m thinking I’ll only be there until 5 or 5:30. I’ll use the fact that I need to give Vince his dinner, which is true

    Lanette – one of the things that I kind-of miss is not being able to rake leaves. We don’t have any trees. Yet, it’s amazing how many leaves get into the pool

    What is going on with MFP? I keep getting a “400 Bad Request”. I don’t get that message on my tablet

    Walked to take the bowling ball and bag to my neighbor. She has a sign (I didn’t know this) in front of her house to call or text. Well, I don’t have her number so I just left the ball in the front. She’ll find it. Then took my walk around the block

    Had Newcomer bowling. See, last year one gal was able to send out an email asking for gift cards for Make A Wish. Newcomers won’t let her do that this year because the kids aren’t in the area Newcomers supports. So I think we’re just going to get a gift certificate anyway.

    Heather – those pictures are enough to take my breath away.

    Allie – so sorry about Tom’s car. The water pump going, now that really stinks. Couldn’t Tracey pick up a cake for Kyle? At least that would save her having to do one thing.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Miss_Idelia
    Miss_Idelia Posts: 6 Member
    @auntiebk thank you for the welcome! I have wondered if anyone read my post...and I cannot really figure out how to comment on someone else's post yet **shrug**
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Miss ideila welcome sorry I didn’t say it sooner :( so you just comment on a post just like I did by putting the persons name and saying whatever you want to say. Some of us often open up a word document next to this forum and then we can read somebody’s post and put comments in the word document and then copy and paste the word document into Mfp others just make comments as they go along. Everybody does what works for them and it’s just fine. We are very fast moving forum and sometimes a post will get lost as we skim our way through and we forget to comment so don’t feel left out if we’re slow welcome!
    Kim in n. California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    edited October 2023
    @auntiebk thank you for the welcome! I have wondered if anyone read my post...and I cannot really figure out how to comment on someone else's post yet **shrug**

    Use the quote button under the post. See ... it says Flag, Quote, Insightful, etc.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    Getting bits and pieces done lately.

    Got passport photos today. Blech. I'm sure they are meant to look like I've been travelling for weeks. Fortunately the bumpy feature of the rash has eased on my cheekbones. I'm half smooth across my cheekbones now. Unfortunately, I'm more bumpy closer to and across my nose. But I used lots of makeup.

    And fortunately my neck and chest don't show much. The rash is still quite obvious there.

    Got a cassette to digital converter which I'm experimenting with now. It arrived earlier today.

    I've been catching up on emails and photos and odd banking issues.

    All kinds of little stuff.

    Looking forward to some decent weather so we can get back on our bicycles.

    But went to an excellent Indian restaurant tonight. Nice to do on another rainy, wet evening.

    Machka in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    edited October 2023
    @Miss_Idelia Welcome to the group. It’s a busy group, but people do read the posts, and comment when they have more time.
    I have wondered if anyone read my post...and I cannot really figure out how to comment on someone else's post yet **shrug**
    I sometimes use the <Quote> and edit the content. Or, I put the person’s name in bold, and comment.

    Machka: We are also in a wet rainy period which is forecast to last several days.
    Heather: Boo! to being unwell, and safe travels.
    Tracey: 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for a speedy recovery for your cousin’s son.

    Planning to make a batch of crab apple jelly this morning, and boil a gammon for our salad for dinner tonight. Also going through my winter clothes so that I can swap for summer clothes in my wardrobe. I intended to do this a couple of weeks ago, but we had a late spate of settled warmish weather.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 to all.

    ☘️ Terri

  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member