
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 478 Member
    Machka: Somehow I missed that you were going to New Zealand. Have a good trip! Is it for business?
    Rosemarie from Georgia
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    oh machka - so happy to hear you got to go to canada! I know how much you missed your family. Can't wait to hear what you want to share.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,163 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Internet went down so no choice but to do PT ;)
    PT done, breakfast eaten, still no internet.
    Hour grooming Tumble, still no internet.
    Pouring down rain so no dog group, started load of laundry, still no internet.
    Day more than half gone, only 2K steps, no internet means no YouTube Leslie Sansome. Dug out old Zumba DVD and walked to 5 songs Zumba to get to 4500 steps. Can NOT move my hips butt the way they do but walking at their pace gets HR up and sweating. Still no internet.
    One game of Spider, one of Free Cell, still no internet. Repeat, still no internet.
    Prep dressing for hot potato salad, tummy time, green salad prep.
    Aha! Internet restored! Yay! Ate dinner, napped, Jeopardy and Zumba walked some more and now I’m back on line.
    Barbie ((hugs))
    Time to snooze.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    November: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, start meditating. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.

    I know what you mean about the zumba moves- there are times in class I just look at the teacher and say " WHAT??" there is a new one she is doing now and I try but can't seem to get it. When that happens, I just do my own version- do the best I can. I need to watch more videos and see if I can get it from them.

    The extra hour sleep was nice. Cats are hanging out in our bed more and not so demanding of food early in the morning. The one that likes to pee on our bed is ready to eat so I get up quickly while he is in the catio and put food out before he has a chance to come pee in the bed before I get the pads back on. The other night, for a few minutes, we had 7 of the 9 in our bed- 6 stayed most of the night. Had to turn my little fan on because the ones next to me were putting out way too much heat for me. The kitten that was sick is doing great. Today is the last day of his meds- that makes 14 days on it- they wanted him on for 28 but that is too long- we will save the rest if we need it.

    Son crawled under the house yesterday to adjust the supports on the beams- one was a bit loose so it would creak/pop when walked across- So glad he did it- dh was going to do it- was sure if he tired, I would be calling 911 to pull him out. There isn't much space, Son even said it was hard for him and he is thin. Didn't know he was going to do it yesterday but was willing so took advantage of it.
    He was concerned about finding coons under there(thankfully, they have moved on for now.
    Dh had to clear his closet out to get to the crawl space- while he had it cleared out-he is having me check ebay for prices on the toys that are in there- it is a small closet but totally full of old toys from the '70's and 80's, brand new. We will be taking them to the FanExpo in SF in a few weeks. Taking toys and the 3Dprinted stuff- He and his friend will do the show on Friday, I will go help on Saturday. He isn't looking forward to driving into the city but if the guys girlfriend goes, we will need to drive in on Sat.
    Just hoping we make enough to cover the booth cost. Will be nice to clear out more of the old toys- Plus we have a bunch up in storage that we took when we did our first show. We plan on doing more. Most of these toys he didn't even remember buying and they are worth at least 10 times and some a LOT more from what he paid for them.

    Overcast, chance of rain today so we are staying in(I went to church this morning)
    Thinking of something warm and filling to make for dinner.
    Need to debone some chicken thighs and also some salmon that I cooked yesterday- dh bought them mainly for the cats but there is enough for us and the cats ;)

    Have a wonderful Sunday ladies- need to try and catch up- a few pages behind.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 969 Member
    My brother died. :'(

    Karen in Virginia

    Oh, Karen, I am so sorry to hear it. Hugs to you.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,594 Member
    Ginny - thank you for that explanation. I knew it was somehow complicated. I wasn't aware of tenancy rights but now that you mentioned it, I have heard of long-time roomies creating a problem sometimes.

    Betsy - That's too bad about your I-Pad. I make do with a Fire tablet, laptop, and dumb smartphone where I get a little data - enough to pull up the internet if I had to in a pinch, but mostly I access email and messenger on it and pull up Wunderground weather. Since most places have wi-fi, I can take the Fire tablet to town with me if there's a long term internet or even power outage and hook into Starbuck's or Walmart's from the parking lot where I can access more apps.

    Barbara - our internet service has been troublesome lately. My next door neighbor can't even get the wi-fi to work on their TV. Sometimes the internet on her computer screen goes blank for a millisecond - mine does too. Must be a recurring burp somewhere in the fiber.

    Machka - can't wait to hear more about your trip(s).

    Pip & Kirby - congrats on your runs. :D

    Rita - I am envious of your potato haul. Did you grow them in something like a 5 gallon bucket with potting soil? I think your mini garden did better than mine this year. :p

    Heather - I'm in favor of people protesting whatever they want, but to hinder traffic and jeopardize public safety vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks doesn't garner them much sympathy in my book. Your dinner sounded great. Hope you are feeling 100% better soon.

    Made it to Walmart and back. Self check-outs are still open, they were closed the other day because of staffing shortages.

    Grabbed some "shrink bags" to store extra towels and bedding. Need to really clean out the linen closet - some items I'll never use again and they'll get donated.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,163 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka: Somehow I missed that you were going to New Zealand. Have a good trip! Is it for business?
    Rosemarie from Georgia

    That would be because I have kept it very quiet. :)

    We're flying back to Hobart tomorrow morning after a month on holiday. 😀

    I will tell you all more in a bit. Right now I need a nap because we've just had a 13-hour flight from Canada 🇨🇦

    M in Oz ... or actually NZ for less than a day.

    Look forward to hearing all about your trip- hope it was wonderful
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,232 Member
    I can't move due to my dog sleeping on my foot. Feels warm and cuddly. Much better than doing laundry!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,702 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Night sky/front yard
    I forgot to say I found my charger box! I decoded to grab my ipod to use on mower which is on charger speaker in my bathroom. On my way there I remembered that I put the charger pack on same shelf! There it was! It is now in the proper basket in the proper drawer.
    Blushing Kylia still ☺️ in Ohio

    That's quite a front yard. Impressive!👍🏼💖
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Front is three acres. Back is two.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Well I had a long post and hit the wrong button and poof off it went.
    Oh well
    I will check in with ya'll in the a.m. God willing.