

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Today is 3December, ironically always happens on December 3 (DUH!) From what I gathered this is in reference to 3D pictures and art. Enjoy your 3December!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited December 2023
    They've just left! We got a text from DDIL to say they would pick up after 3 pm. So - we had Bea for nearly 9 hours. That's fine, but in the end we settled her down in front of cartoons, and the noise disturbs me, so I went upstairs for a bit and left John watching cricket on his laptop, with them. Max was bored, after having had a good time getting AI to compose Christmas poems. :p They were hilarious, and quite good!
    I came downstairs, after listening to a podcast, to make tea and toast for everyone.
    Earlier we had followed a YouTube video on how to do five different techniques of shading in a picture. Bea, John and I had a go. Should have been taught this stuff at school. I really enjoyed it. Max said he had already done it in Art. ;)

    My son said DDIL was doing well until she had a mechanical failure, and Edie came 4th girl. Mud everywhere!

    Phew! If I'd known it was going to be so long I'd have taken us all to Fatto a Mano for lunch. :D

    All good though.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member
    Beth - I think your husband is way off the mark. Sometimes finding those "best by" dates are nearly impossible unless the light is just right and sometimes the volunteers don't have the best eyesight. You did a great job finding the info and making it readable. I wonder if you could contact someone at the church and ask them what they think? Maybe if you get someone else on your "team" he'll be OK with it.

    I also did a pantry cleanout yesterday and took a load over to a neat little town not far from me. A couple of the cans were a month past the "best by" date but I put them the in boxes anyway.

    Allie - I laughed out loud at your fun night. What a wonderful time, you'll all remember it. :)

    Pip - you know we need you here to inspire us PLUS you have THE BOOT which will probably get a work out soon :p

    Tracey - so nice hearing about your girls getting creative with the village scene. Love that they enjoy being together like that -- brings back many good memories of being together with my siblings. <3 Glad to hear sales were better yesterday.

    Lisa - hope you feeling better today. Glad Corey finally found a shirt but what a long day. Egg was probably glad to see you back home. :)

    Heather - I love hearing about how your grands fill your lives with joy and entertainment. That right there is keeping you young!

    <3Annie <3 - so glad you were able to contact your sister and friends with your mom's situation. Can you get her to take her pills? Do you think your dad fully understands what's going on or is he counting on her to get better? Having your sis come when she retires will help if she can swing it. Hope they have scheduled the hospice nurse to stop by a lot.

    The 16 personalities - it's fun seeing what we are. Lots of I--J's here. I sent the link to my girlfriend and she's an ISFJ-A - a Defender as well and the description fits her to a T. She's not sure. I read over the description on mine - INTJ-A and it fits. Kay - do you identify with the INTJ-A description?

    I remembered from MBTI that my type navigates through the world by identifying and assimilating patterns. I stumbled across a box of puzzles my DH used to work on, and grabbed a 100 piece one. Got it put together pretty quickly (thank you brain) with a couple breaks and took note of how I did it. Sorted out the edge pieces. Then colors. Then detail within each piece. That's probably how everyone does it.

    As my DH's memory started to slip, he was no longer interested in puzzles or even playing solitaire on his computer and he had liked to play the most complicated versions. Speaking of solitaire, I need to pull out a deck of cards and do it the old-fashioned way - laying them out on the table. Get away from the screen for a while.

    Looks like we're in for some potential flooding. The first week of December is known for nasty weather in the Pacific Northwest. Damaging windstorms, historic floods seem to happen then. December 3, 2007, we had the 1000 year flood which washed out parts of I-5, several bridges and destroyed many homes. The atmospheric river heading for us doesn't seem that bad but snow in the mountains will melt, rivers will overflow.

    Make it a good day <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    This has been a great weekend so far! On Friday night (Guam son's Saturday) we talked for 2 hours. He showed me a friend that hitched a ride with him to his mailbox, after work.
    A leaf insect! He said when it opened its wings, it was huge, and when it flew, it was loud!
    Then yesterday afternoon I video chatted with son in Cuba for 2 hours. We had also video chatted on the 27th (Monday) for an hour and a half. Can you say I have been in my happy place??!!! Gosh I miss those two kids! Today I will see if middle son wants to video chat so I can ask Athena about life.πŸ’–πŸ€—. Technology has healed my family.
    Today I need to organize the cool recipe book sister sent me. The recipes she wrote out for me weren't in any order. Then fill in my calendar. Do you guys remember the felt advent calendar I have? I know a couple of years I got photos of you ladies for it. Well since its just husband and I, I folded the pockets under and tacked it with a couple dots of hot glue, then just hot glued all the "ornaments" on it. I then just connected my regular December calender on it. It was tedious work to keep asking for updated photos of family. I put the paper bits that were numbered and told a nice Christmas story that were put in each pocket, those all are in my Christmas album of info, like all our past newsletters etc. For future generations.πŸ‘πŸΌ One year I decided to yank all the Christmas related photos from my childhood, and my husbands childhood and make a "Christmas album". Of course that just messed up my regular albums which annoyed husband.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜. Its fun though to sit with a cup of coffee, watch snow falling outside and parouse the photos. Like watching old home moviesπŸ€—.
    My Christmas calendar now.
    I am making French toast and some maple sausage links for husband for dinner. I might just have a breakfast burrito.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,356 Member
    Happy Sunday! :)

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    Allie - does Miles smile all the time? He's such a cheery happy guy, love seeing that. Thanks for posting.

    Pip - make sure you waterproof that boot if you come up here. :p Or wear the barn boot. Glad to hear you were running again because you can really give us a good "boost", lol. I haven't heard if the Puyallup is supposed to flood. :#

    Barbara - thanks for posting those Upright Health videos. I had forgotten about them and he gives so many good tips on building leg strength.

    Tina - thank you, I'd rather be eating all of that delicious food with you than sitting here looking at the weather report, lol. My chickens will need duck feet for a few days but they have a dry place to hang out when and if it really sheets down. ;)

    Johal2021 - I had the very same reaction as you to the MBTI/type changes. I wonder too if the past few years of staying home/social distancing kind of drove us into the "I" category. Theoretically, type doesn't change, at least not as drastically as what we saw. Just for giggles I retook the original MBTI this morning and compared it to the "16 personalities". The results of both were very similar. It might be fun to retake these in a couple years and see if we swing back to what we were. :) MBTI is careful to say these "type indicators" only indicate preferences, not traits.

    Welcome all new ladies. <3

    Gentle reminder to get info to me today or tomorrow morning if you want to be included in the weekly check-in post. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: Β»
    Good afternoon all!
    Welcome to all of the new ladie ;) s!- You have "joined" simply by posting your desire to join. Remember to bookmark this thread and come back to read, comment as you choose. We try not to get into religious or political discussions (I am sure there are threads/places for that). We also try to uplift and support eachother; and advice is given with only the best intention (which we all seem to try to keep in mind pretty well). We all come from different backgrounds and places in life that means we take a different approach to a lot of life's problems. BUT, it all comes from love.
    Yesterday, I did my normal Saturday stuff. Shopping, then meal prep. THEN, in the evening, I put my Feast of the Strawberry Moon clothes on (think mid-late 1700s countrywoman wear), with lots of newer athletic layers underneath for warmth, and headed downtown to march in the Jingle Bell Parade. The weather was cooperative with temps in the low 30s, but clear and no wind. As I walked in the parade, I saw many, MANY current and former childcare kids/families and they were all yelling out to me along the parade route as our group came in sight. Lots of people walking up to me (I was walking along the edge of the road) and giving me hugs. I felt like a Disney Princess. :D The members of our group thought it was hilarious that so many people were calling out to me. (It really was quite funny) BUT...I have been in childcare for 30 years (this upcoming January) and I have cared for 109 children in this town. So...I have my people. ((( <3 )))
    Anyway, by the time the parade was over, I was in a lot of pain. It seems my hiking boots caused a plantar fasciitus flare up. By the time I got home, I hobbled into bed with the assistance of my DH. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning and began the hobble to the kitchen for water. DH came up the stairs carrying crutches. He took a minute to fit them to me, then helped me back to bed, rubbed some lotion onto my foot and heel, and set my heel on an ice pack. He then plugged in the heating pad right next to my feet, so that I could put my heel on that if I felt that would feel better. He is a good man. I guess I will keep him. I am moving around a bit better this morning. Still using the crutches though to stay off my foot.
    I took the personality test and got ESFJ-A (Consul) 74% extroverted, 54% observant, 68% Judging, 82% assertive. The judging and the assertive took me by surprise; but I had my husband and son read the outcome and they thought it was spot on. lol
    Rebecca Eli has gotten so big! He is darling! Count me in as one of the fans of your jewelry tree! I wish I had all of my old costume jewelry! I gave it all to my sister and it is long gone.
    Heather- I love all of the time you get to spend with your grands! I remember how it was before you moved . Seems you only saw them once a month or less. What a gift! And the lottery win! Wahoo! Don't spend it all in one place! ;)
    Beth I do the same thing with my canned goods. I need to know what needs to be used first and I want to know at a glance. The print on the cans is SO hard to read. I have considered having a large rectangular magnifying glass put on a swivel screw under my cupboards for easier reading of dates, recipes, and med instructions.
    Pip- Your voice, inspiration, and boot are needed.
    Lanette- Great videos! I sent them to my DH. I am up and down off the floor many times a day, and I am not graceful getting up and down. Things hurt. It really used to bother me that I couldn't do it without using my hands. AND it still bothers me when I hear the words "not being able to get up and down without using your hands is an indicator of the fact that you will not age without injury "(or something to that effect). I call bs on that statement. I figure, as long as I am still going up and down, however I get there, I will be fine. It is the stopping of an activity that causes that muscle memory and strength/ability to fail. SO...I guess my advice to people who have to use your hands to get to the floor. Keep at it. Don't let the difficulty stop you. lol (me-off my soapbox now). How are your chickies doing? Do you have to heat their house?
    Allie- You had me laughing at your birthday girl/wedding crasher antics! Cute pics of Myles!

    Well, I better scoot. I am going to do as much as I can today, while staying off my foot. That means it will be a joint effort between me, my DH and my DYS. One helping me with the tree, and the other helping me with the cooking. I will sit at the table and do the mixing of cookies, creating a "present" garland for the base of the tree pee, and working on my Christmas gifts for my grandsons, a grand niece and a grand nephew. Question: Is it bad that I only give gifts to the children of the niece and nephew who stay in touch with me? I mean, I speak with these two, (my older sisters kids), about monthly (sometimes more) and they have stayed in touch and include me in family activities by sending me photos of their own kids. My other nieces and nephews I never hear from unless I initiate conversation.
    That's it. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    You are a Disney princess!!! Caring for 109 children is amazing! You definitely need a plaque to put on your door. "Childcare provider of (insert your town name) Provided care and comfort to 109 children of our fair city. Date ___ to ___.πŸ˜πŸ’–. If I was on the city board I would delicate this.πŸ’–. I hope your feet feel better! I have really pared down my Christmas stuff, giving a lot of stuff to my middle son, for Athena and Eli. What I have left just makes me happy. I seem to be a gnome collector! I don't know HOW that happened! They just started coming! I have 13 about the house presently.😁.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,356 Member
    Kelly ~ So sorry to hear about your foot but glad that DH and DYS are stepping up to help. Yes, you are an amazing woman to have helped raise all those children and I bet you are in their hearts.

    Lisa ~ Your grands are such cuties! So glad to hear that your daughter's new husband has taken such an interest in them. Makes you proud I know.

    Allie ~ Your party crashing sounds like so much fun. My husband and I did that one year after attending one of his co-worker's wedding. On leaving the wedding hall there was a concert going on outside by one of the 60's bands so we sat on the concrete wall and enjoyed.

    Carol in GA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Lisa - What darlings!!! :p<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    KJ - What a heartwarming reception for you. Nothing in life is more important than making a difference to children's lives. The most important job in the world. <3<3<3
    How you do it, day after day, is a mystery and a miracle. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member