
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,081 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    🐾🥰🐕 Here is my sweet Annie in her new winter jacket. It is big enough to wear over her sweater so she will be warm enough for winter. She doesn't have a lot of her own fur to keep her warm so she likes the woodstove and often wears her sweater in the house.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,593 Member
    edited December 2023
    Kelly - How neat to be greeted by all of those kids and parents. You were such a great influence on their lives. <3

    I feel the same way about getting up off the floor. :# I figure I'm doing good if I don't have to pull myself up grabbing on to a chair so if I need to brace my hands on the floor, so be it. :p People with foot, ankle, thigh and balance problems (me, depending on the day, lol) will probably need to use hands too. I think all ways of getting up take some good thigh muscles no matter what.

    So sorry your foot is flaring up. Hope the first aid/ice does the trick.

    No heat needed for the chickens, their feathers shed water and so long as they can stay relatively dry, they will be OK. The birds can also huddle together. I keep a lot of dry straw packed in their little coop.

    Regarding only sending gifts to nieces and nephews who communicate, that's kind of the way I do it. My brother's daughter and her husband are always sending me family photos, and they are big on saying thank you when I do send them gifts. Old fashioned manners.

    The rest I rarely hear from. Many people are going through hard times and kind of stay under the radar these days. They'll at least get Christmas cards and a couple paragraphs of news, hopefully funny and uplifting.

    Barbie - Annie is so adorable in her new coat. Sounds like she's fitting right in. Give her a kiss on that pink nose for me. <3

    Ginny - sorry that your brother is starting to fade a bit. Glad to hear you can keep up some house walking - I walk mostly on carpet which is much easier on feet. Think of the wear and tear we're saving on our walking shoes. :p Bet it feels good be close to having that budget done. Doing the budget was one of my favorite parts of the job. We had some "double entry" type stuff too as I recall. I loved getting it to balance. :p Grateful for Excel spreadsheets.

    Sue - sorry to hear about your labradoodle's allergies, glad you figured out it's one of the treats. My schnoodle was that way too, very sensitive, and we were always changing dogfood and she had weekly baths with anti-allergy shampoo for years - some dog allergies are hard to figure out it seems. Archie McPhee's on 45th St. used to be one of my favorite stores when I worked in Seattle! I used to spend a lot of lunch hours in there. I need to look at their website. I think I even bought a rubber chicken there once. Wonder if it's still around here some place.... nice your DD gets that week off with pay.

    Lisa - I forgot to mention, I hope the acupuncture helps. Good the VA is going to cover it. And thanks for the photos of the grands with their gingerbread houses under construction. I especially like the fact they are in shirtsleeves standing on green grass in what - 80 degree weather? So neat you are kept in the loop on their activities like that. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,813 Member
    edited December 2023
    Reposting from November. Barbie: Thanks for the new month.

    (((Ginny))) (((Rori))) (((Allie))) (((Annie))) (((Rita))) (((Tracey)))
    My thoughts are with each one of you as you deal with your various life traumas. Time after time you have shown such strength and forebearance.

    Kelly: ” I have to keep reminding myself that only I know of my plans of everything I want to accomplish; SO...letting go of some of those things is okay.” 🥰 We could all take a leaf here.

    Rebecca: 🥰 Hokusai. Went with elder daughter and granddaughter to see an exhibition of his work in the British Museum in London a couple of years ago. Fab-u-lous!

    Running behind again 😝 I will try and skim through when I have time. So many events last week and again this week, then off for 3 weeks.

    November was a good month for me. Stuck with the Solid Habits and steadily maintained in the middle of my range. I’ve eased off the daily weighing. My Smart Scale graph has been flatlining for quite some time.

    I did the quiz.

    It’s way after midnight. Time to switch off the light and get some zzzzzzs

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

    Pg 4
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Beth-Absolutely nothing wrong with handing out food with date clearly written. Patrons at food pantries do worry that they may be given old stuff. Also-for those with poor eyesight-you have made it easier to read (we get a lot of seniors at ours. Funny thing-many people who can't afford food can't afford updated glasses . . . .

    Annie-I am not meaning to be flip-but your mom sounds pretty much like many people with her history would be. Best to try not to argue with her reality. Your attitude towards the bed is just right-even if you get her in the hospital bed once you are asleep she can head up the stairs. If you have the space, perhaps a twin bed for your dad near your mom would help her (I'm assuming they still sleep in same room). Good luck with the meds and getting them straightened out. There is quite the debate about antidepressants and Alzheimers. Just ask whoever it is why they recommend what they do and see if it makes sense to you. I do hope your sister can come back out.

    Rebecca-so if we are like a nunnery without the religion-that sounds like a college dorm before they went coed!

    Pip-I like seeing pictures of you and Kirby and the kids-always makes me smile!

    KJ-hope your foot is improving.

    Allie-I love the party crashing! What a neat, unplanned experience. You do seem to have the best group of friends.

    Have been sitting most of the day (working on budget). Ii is in good enough shape for meeting tomorrow. Will finish proofing this week before it is entered into the system. It is a government budget and looks funny based on how you have to show in and out of some items (it's like they are double entries but you have to do that to account for one fund going to another).

    Brother and wife came over at lunch time and brought my Christmas greenery they always get me for the table. I order some pizza (they love the pizza place near my house. My brother's memory is shaky. He said he is worried that one day he will wake up not know who my SIL is. He has told her when he gets to that point she needs to put him somewhere. She told him that would be up to her. I think as long as he doesn't get violent she will take care of him-they are still very much in love.

    I have been trying to baby my foot until I meet with doctor on Friday. It is still painful. I am going to get some walking done around the house to at least get my 30 minutes of movement in. It isn't a lot-but it is better than sitting! Will work in my hand weights and some stretches.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Heehee, it was my poor attempt at the "sisters" comparison...😂😂. I have not a clue about nuns in general, but they all seem happy to me. College dorms are co-ed now??? Hahaha!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    Reposting from November. Barbie: Thanks for the new month.

    (((Ginny))) (((Rori))) (((Allie))) (((Annie))) (((Rita))) (((Tracey)))
    My thoughts are with each one of you as you deal with your various life traumas. Time after time you have shown such strength and forebearance.

    Kelly: ” I have to keep reminding myself that only I know of my plans of everything I want to accomplish; SO...letting go of some of those things is okay.” 🥰 We could all take a leaf here.

    Rebecca: 🥰 Hokusai. Went with elder daughter and granddaughter to see an exhibition of his work in the British Museum in London a couple of years ago. Fab-u-lous!

    Running behind again 😝 I will try and skim through when I have time. So many events last week and again this week, then off for 3 weeks.

    November was a good month for me. Stuck with the Solid Habits and steadily maintained in the middle of my range. I’ve eased off the daily weighing. My Smart Scale graph has been flatlining for quite some time.

    I did the quiz.

    It’s way after midnight. Time to switch off the light and get some zzzzzzs

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

    Pg 4

    How awesome!
    We have one block print!

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,528 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    edited December 2023
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good afternoon all!
    Welcome to all of the new ladies! ;)- You have "joined" simply by posting your desire to join. Remember to bookmark this thread and come back to read, comment as you choose. We try not to get into religious or political discussions (I am sure there are threads/places for that). We also try to uplift and support each other; and advice is given with only the best intention (which we all seem to try to keep in mind pretty well). We all come from different backgrounds and places in life that means we take a different approach to a lot of life's problems. BUT, it all comes from love.

    That's it. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    I just wanted to bring this out and emphasise this. :)

    Also ... this is a fast moving thread. If you don't look in for a couple weeks, there could be 30+ pages of comments!

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,081 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,802 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    Did Gin Miller’s Simply Endurance DVD then took my walk then went to WalMart. Now we’re putting out decorations because it’s 70 degrees outside

    Last night we were putting some of the totes for the decorations back in the garage and I tripped. Fortunately, Vince didn’t see me because he would have gotten all worked up. Nothing much happened – I don’t even have any black and blue marks.

    Beth – NO, you’re not wrong. The people would be thrilled to get the food and know that it isn’t past the expiration. Your husband is dead wrong. He should volunteer at a soup kitchen and then he’ll know. Sharpie comes off with rubbing alcohol

    Allie – ROTFLMAO

    Tracey – I wish I had the problem losing weight that you’re having. That village is SOO pretty. Tell Michaela that if she lived here in the south, two churches on a street is very common.

    Annie – HUGS. You are in such a difficult position. Vent as much as you need to

    Lanette – the “best buy” date doesn’t mean that it’s out of date, just that it MAY not be totally up to standard. But it’s still good to eat/drink

    Got a lot of the decorations out. It was in the 70’s but it had rained last night (just cloudy today) so the ground was soft for hammering in the stakes. Had to make a run to Lowe’s Hardware for more bailing wire. Vince says we need more extension cords (oh boy) but the only place I can find what he’s looking for is Lowe’s and they are super-expensive. Guess I’ll just keep looking

    Jess called yesterday. Seems there is some sort of “dessert-a-rama” and she said she’d pay for us but we were already committed to the ceramics party. Honestly, I wouldn’t be at all crazy about a get together that’s nothing but desserts. I just want to confirm with her that that’s what she’s doing because I signed her and Colby up for the party. I can cross their name off – no problem. And I have the cookies made that I made for her to take so I’ll take them and what isn’t eaten Vince can have.

    Laurie – welcome! I take it you are a vegan. How interesting!

    One of the penguin inflatable that we put up had a rip in him so Vince brought him in for me to repair. He also brought in a spider! Now it seems that the lightbulb is burned out!

    KJ – that was so wonderful of your hubby. I do think that if I needed that, Vince would do the same for me

    Rebecca – I love all your crafts, but especially the jewelry tree and its significance

    Love all the pics of the grands. They are so precious. Unfortunately, they grow up so fast

    Sue – so sorry to hear about the allergies. Perhaps you can donate those treats to a Humane Society? I know that the HS around here takes all food, even opened.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    edited December 2023
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Did that personality quiz ...


    Machka in Oz

    I have done the MB test before, and the introverted part of my personality has become much more introverted than it was 20 or 30 years ago.

    At 96% ... when I say I'm tempted to go off and live in a cabin somewhere out the woods as a hermit, I guess I'm not kidding!!

    A few things about us ISTJ-As. :)

    ISTJ indicates a person who is energized by time spent alone (Introverted), who focuses on facts and details rather than ideas and concepts (Sensing), who makes decisions based on logic and reason (Thinking) and who prefers to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (Judging).


    Understanding ISTJ Sensing

    ISTJ: Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

    Machka in Oz
  • VeryVeggieVegan
    VeryVeggieVegan Posts: 14 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Camping again, kirby brought Santa.

    A kindred soul. Camping and a black lab…it doesn’t get better. I’ll be camping for Christmas - 10 glorious days off in my favorite campground 😀 pure heaven.

    Appreciate the welcome and you all have lovely decorations!