
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,587 Member
    Sunday 12/10: convivial church council.
    Michele I think the color of the gift plate is perfect and I really really love you in your elf outfit!
    Ginny ((hugs)) so sorry to hear MD has no quick foot fix, glad you’ve been referred to PT with alternatives. Praying they help.
    Machka thanks for the brilliant examples of how to deal with difficult coworker.
    Beth belated ((hugs)) for you and your mom’s fall. Hope the oxygen continues to reduce her confusion.
    Heather curious about the world again and hungry? Halelujah!
    Belated welcome bacl @judefit1 and belated welcome @luannelizabeth Luanne in the Shenandoah Valley!
    Kay, Lisa, Heather and Terri thanks for your insights about shifting away from diet mentality. Some of those notions are seeping into my brain…
    Heather another stunning creation. Like you’ve worked in pastels all along.
    Margaret :love: “A Dog’s Friend: Have a heart and listen to your dog”
    Betsy, new steps, what a great Christmas gift from your BIL.
    Lisa WOW. Hefting those logs?!? Amazing!
    Rosemarie “…iron some jeans” ??? :noway: :laugh:
    Annie “walked 10 minutes (dec 10) Yay indeed. Well done!!N!
    Rita remind me of what and when the surgery is?
    12/9: Move: ZERO sets PT, dog group. Steps:7907
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=18 CI<CO net=472 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS, chiropractor, Freddiie’s, BiMart, Grocery Outlet, hymns, Wt:132.3
    Two more pages but time to prep for fellowship and feed the pups.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    December: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, meditate 3 minutes/day. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Ive seen the saran wrap balls on Facebook and TicTok and they are a hoot..
    Going to Diane's today for lunch,she is Carolyn's daughter and the one I sold my car to.
    Im having a cup of mandarin orange tea,but still looking for the Christmas tea.
    Im procrastinating on wrapping presents,they are only for Miles anyway and im just bringing him one as his Birthday is the 7th of January
    Have a hair appointment this week and so does Alfie
    Annie- Breath girlfriend..one moment at a time..take it easy on yourself and like I said ,Hospice is there to help..lean on them
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    Yes that one lit decoration is a Bigfoot!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,152 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good morning ladies!

    Mother story not happy so spoiler.....
    She has asked us kids to come help her downsize again. Not going to happen. We have done it three times. After the last time she disowned us all, cut off all contact, moved into a space where no one can keep an eye on her. When she needs something she wants to communicate again. 😏 The last straw was my sister tryingvto help mom with a car and finances. My sister got sh** on by mom. She is on her own i am saddened to say. Long bad history. It could have been different, but her personality didnt help. I can't allow her evilness into my life. I already have enough stresses. I am hoping my sister has learned this. She is the baby and feels guilty for not helping. How many times can you get beat up mentally before you quit trying. Hence my removal from the situation. My brother and sistervwill tell you that I was their mom growing up.

    I picked up my youngest daughter yesterday to run to store with me. It was wonderful having one on one time with her. She talked a lot. Still not talking to or about her sister, but I will stay out of that situation. She does want to do Christmas on the 23rd after our hillbilly parade. Too bad she has issues with her sister as we could have done Christmas with them both on 23rd, then gone to my brother's until the 26th. Oh well.....I won't let that bother me too much. Got to see both grands too! Granddaughter was on her way out again.

    My living room looks like remnants of Christmas. Sorted gifts to wrap and started saran wrap balls. Lost energy after lots of back and forth yesterday trying to get a few things. Forgot one item so will grab when I go out this morning. Once gifts and balls are done I will be as ready as I want to be for next weekend. I think I will do chili for the 23rd. Put in crockpots and forget!

    I am blessed to have you all in my life. Your experience sharing helps in many ways. I would love to road trip and meet you all in person. You inspire me!

    Better get some things done.
    Much ❤️ and lots of ((HUGS))

    So sorry you have more mother drama.
    Had more here last night with MIL- her niece in Osaka called her. She wants to come here and take MIL back with her to live- the few kickers are- She wants to MIL to change the trust and take dh and son out and give everything, including the house to her niece(same niece that she accused of stealing from her last time she came a few years ago). She wants to do it now because MIL in almost 88yrs old.
    Dh just said fine, do it but he wasn't going to help in any way. Her and her niece would have to handle all of it, including getting a translator(niece doesn't speak English). I am sure MIL was trying to pick a fight, see if dh would try and talk her out of it. At this point, he is so done with all of it.

    This morning he went over and she has changed her mind again. Says she doesn't want to move, she isn't stupid and knows Otsiko just wants her money(over $700,000 if we sell the house plus assets) AND she was planning on putting MIL in a rest home over there!!!

    Our suggestion would be if she does want to move over there- do it for 6 months. Take half of what is in her bank account. IF she wants to stay after that, then we would put the house on the market.
    My biggest fear would be that the niece get all the money and sends MIL back or not even get her to Japan and then MIL will have no money and no home. She is NOT moving in with us.


    Kylia in rainy but warm Ohio

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member

    Interesting .. I think I may have had one UTI in my life, in my 20s, although thinking back, it may have been a kidney stone because it was a bit different from what people describe as a UTI. So they have been completely off my radar. Didn't even enter my head that was what was going on with my mother.

    M in

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,078 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,152 Member

    Kylia - Not much on road trips these days, but I'll be waiting at the diner for you to arrive as you gather people up! Hope your car has water wings for the UK and Tasmania parts of the trip! :) After hearing more about your mother, it makes so much more sense of your overwhelming sense of responsibility to everyone for everything, but the fact that you take so much joy in so many things is a grace that arises purely out of your own strength. My sis and I have discussed more than once that because of the many years trying to survive our father, we know joy when we see it, and we hold onto it, squeezing every moment for all it's worth. It's not a small thing to learn. I've met an awful lot of people who don't seem to know when they're happy--still complaining, still believing there is something wrong with everything in their lives. Pain, sorrow and unhappiness are easy to find, or even invent, if that's all you can see, but joy doesn't stay where it's not recognized. Something I always remember at this time of year.

    Halfway through my first cup of coffee. Bad day yesterday, gut-wise, but I woke up less rumbly this morning. Fingers crossed it's a better day. I was useless yesterday, but Corey got the entire second layer of flooring down in the sunroom. Hopefully I can assist him in getting more insulation in today. It's hovering right at freezing, but the sun's not up yet.

    Hope it's a good day for all...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    That is PERFECT-
    I try and find the joy and happiness in the little things so the bad parts dont get me down so much.
    DH is just how you describe. Can't find any happiness for more than a minute if that(and that seems to only be when he is with the cats-they bring him a bit of happiness). He is clueless at all he is missing out on because of this

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,205 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,813 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,152 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Debbie – YOU don’t want MIL living with you, but how does your dh feel about it? Will he feel guilty? He put up with her “attitude” (can’t think of an appropriate word) so how will he feel if she doesn’t have any place to live?

    Have a cold right now, sneezing and all. No, I know it's not covid. Just sneezing.

    Michele NC

    Sorry your evening out was canceled.

    Dh said he would just make her a ward of the state- tell them she gave all her money away and now she has nothing. There is no way they could live together. He stayed there for a few months almost 24/7 when she fell and then now twice a day and he is about ready to drive off a cliff.
    He was ready(or says he is) to let someone else take over. They can have everything. I am hoping it never comes to that. His mother has not worked since before she married his dad-(met him while she was bar hoping in Tokyo, had a 2 yr old and FIL felt sorry for her so brought them here and married her- worst thing he ever did is what he told us so often). His dad was military and after retiring from Air Force, worked at the Naval Shipyard here in town. He paid for everything and now she is saying she is going to give it away.
    I would never live with her. I would leave. She would be happy with that. I would move in with my mom