

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,414 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in for December 18, 2023

    Rita in Roswell NM - Lost 1/2 pound this week. Still in the right direction! :)

    Debbie in Napa Valley CA - 152.2 this week- down .4 Not bad for not tracking or walking quite as much.

    Evie in BC - Managed to eke out a .4 of a pound loss. I will take it!

    Lanette in SW WA State – again, weight holding very steady in the healthy range. Still daily walking with weights three times a day after meals, 3 times per day. Starting to gradually incorporate 5# weights, up from 3#.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,792 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Well still a bit cloudy but the sun is out.. wild weather overnight and this morning.. i used 10.00 worth of water for the quarter we get billed quarterly and then for the sewer and overall water usage say washing machines etc.. its 25.00 and 25.00 so every 3 months i use 10 dollars worth of water but have to pay 75.00 sheesh.
    Well enough of this pish posh.. Im so very sorry to hear about all the sickness and all going on..my prayers to all involved,Vicki ,Carol ,all around the holidays....
    Makes my stuff sound petty honestly and I do apologize..
    Im going to hop in the shower and going to Trudys for dinner tonight and.. Alfie goes to the groomers in the morning..
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,621 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Gave Jerry the biscuits that I made that I didn’t like the way they looked. He was all upset before I gave him the biscuits – something about his sister wanting to put him in a group home in CA. Who knows? I’ll believe it when it happens

    M – of course Vince and I talk to each other!!!! Sometimes you just get so busy that something goes out of your mind. No big deal

    Carol – I’m so very sorry about your husband’s brother. When you say “his wife could not manage him any more”, what do you mean? Did he have a personality change? Prayers. On another note – I’m not expecting Denise and Pete to let me know of their plans. They never did before, so why would they now???

    Got home from bowling and took a walk around the neighborhood. Will eat in a few so we can go to ceramics. Want to stop at one store to get soup for Christmas Eve.

    Rita – nice decorations. Love that nativity

    Vicki – HUGS for your brother’s wife

    Terri – nice tree

    Well, off to dinner and then ceramics

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- walked to Costco- 1hr 57min 41sec, 42elev, 3.26ap, 90ahr, 109mhr, 6.49mi= 634c
    Strava app= 794c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 6min b27sec, 915elev, 125aw, 18.1amph, 20gear, 111ahr, 128mhr, 20.01mi= 406c
    Strava app= 475c
    Zwift stats- 1hr 6min 34sec, 916elev, 124aw, 67arpm, 18.03amph, 20mi= 476c

    Total cal 1040
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member

    I feel very lonely decluttering by myself. Also I am hesitant to change the house because I want it to feel like a home to my son...age 28 and married. I also don't seem to have much energy. My son and daughter in law are coming the 23rd to the 28th. Truthfully I wish they were coming to help me with the house. Instead it is their vacation from work and I want them to relax and rest and enjoy their visit.

    But approaching 10 months a widow, I think it is reasonable to want to make some changes to the decor of the house. After all it is not a museum.

    Sorry to be so gloomy! I love reading about all the cooking and art and Christmas decorations!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    Hugs!! I think you should relax with your son and daughter in law but also ask if they might help with a few of the more important chores that you would love to get done.

    After dad passed away, about 6 months after I think, Mom changed quite a bit in the house(mainly in her bedroom and the living room- whole new bedroom set and had the paneling in the living room painted white and redid the ceiling plus new lights.
    She got rid of so much pretty quickly- that worked for her.
    You do what YOU are comfortable with.

    It has been raining most of yesterday/last night/today. Hoping it slows down while I drive to and from class.
    I need to feed all our cats then go over and then over to my friend's to take care of her cats and dog then head to class.
    between the two houses that is 16 cats and one dog to feed and 8 litter boxes to clean twice a day for the week

    Got the candies I made consolodated (sp?) trying to clean up my kitchen., Got most of the gifts wrapping done(not that I had that many people to do for. Still need to start on cards. Maybe after class.

    Napa Valley Ca
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 449 Member
    Dr. Katiebug: I joined the Nourishing Minimalism Yearly Decluttering Challenge Facebook group. It is an active and responsive group. I will consider the online course you are suggesting. I might be interested in the all-day decluttering one Saturday in January. Is that by zoom? I will google it.

    Unfortunately my son is living in a postage stamp MidTown apartment in Atlanta. It will be a few years before he gets a house. His father was quite sentimental about items and I believe my son is as well. I would probably end up "storing" items for him until he got a house. I will make a Sonny Do list for him while he is here.

    One lady I spoke to recently has an Apple watch and she says she has lost weight using this watch. It tells her when to stand up and I don't know what else. Does anyone else have an Apple watch that they use for weight control?

    Rosemarie from Georgia
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Rosemarie, the all day decluttering is either through the course page or the FB group. I’m not sure which. You get a schedule of the activities, and there are video lessons every so often. Like right before you’re supposed to be in the kitchen, there’s a video about what to do. You are encouraged to listen while you work. I edited my post to change the costs. I just had to reset my password to get back in. The sale price is $94 and the regular price is $597. I personally would not pay full price for this, but I do think $94 is reasonable for all you get if you are really serious about it.