
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Rita Interesting about the fasting glucose. I will pay more attention to what I eat prior, next time I need to give them my blood. Okay, and just eating in general. ;)

    Tracey What a nice thing for your daughter's friend to do. My one niece was IVF both times she got pregnant (Aubrey's mom). Speaking of Aubrey, she is doing amazingly well! Every 6 months for testing, but at this point doesn't have to go back to Boston for a year! She loves preschool and dance. She just turned 4. Her sister Carley is a pistol at almost 2. Prayers for your daughter and her DH.

    Annie Love the unexpected guests! Reminds me of Allie wedding(?) crashing. My parents probably had this happen once or twice. They use to throw great parties when I was young.

    Linda Going on about your day is what we are here for! Never apologize for that. Even when/if we choose to take notes, somethings just plain get missed. Great job on the 10 min walk! Maybe later in the day do it again for 10 mins. If not, then tomorrow do 11 minutes.

    Rebecca The picture sounds lovely!

    Michele I get it. I got tired of dirty dishes in the sink that weren't mine piling up. There are fewer cups and silverware now.....I bring them hone, throw in dishwasher, and stick in drawer. It takes less than 3 minutes to wash, dry, and put away a fork, spoon, or cup you used. My pickup delivery guy asked me one day why there was a towel and coffee cup sitting in the truck. My reply was that I wasn't his mother or his wife and I was tired of picking up after him and washing his dishes. Yes ,he threw a minor tantrum, but he hasn't done it in 4 months:)

    It feels like I have been saying for a year that I want to paint my nails. Either I don't have time, too tired, or remember that my polish was all yucky and I threw it out. Well, I picked up my favorites I'm not really a waitress red yesterday. Today I painted all nails. Yay! Feel so pretty.

    Talked with my sister today. It was good. I took some comfort in the fact that she is now on wellbutrin for anxiety. I felt isolated being on one, like I wasn't doing something right. My sister is classy, beautiful, and smart. She was assistant vice president of student affairs at Clemson Uni. She just got a promotion to assistant vice president for Division Operations and Logistics

    She graduates with a master degree in August. The only reason she went to work at Clemson was she was bored. That was 2018. She is living the life I thought I would. Career, school, big fancy home, fancy events, and travel. I am living the life she dreamed of.....small home, land, animals, quiet. Funny how life turns out. She wants me to come visit, which I love, but I need her to come here and help me with wardrobe, accessorizing, and makeup. Maybe I will get that to happen in 2024.

    Cherry cream pie was a hit! Served in individual dishes and topped with cherry pie filling for those that wanted. The company was wonderful. I get a chance to use my fancy dishes. We keep it simple so not a lot of time or money.

    Well ladies....I was under on calories, but also under on proteins. All in all a good day, but now it is time to get off this computer and read for a few.

    Love to you all!
    Kylia in Ohio

    I know when I was on Welbutrin, my sister explained it perfectly. The medicine just stopped the lows from being too low, and keeps you more level. I think it helped me to cope with the issues regarding my youngest. Its all good, and welbutrin is a nice thing in your mental back pocket. Everyone is unique though.👍🏼🤗
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Jake just reminded me that our public library is exceptional and not everyone may have all the services we have. I guess I am spoiled by access to Hoopla for music and audio books along with Libby for ebooks and audio books and magazines and the library itself for books. I could entertain myself forever with all the books of my choice without paying a cent.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Our library has this habit of ordering Book 2 of a trilogy or in the case of Sue Grafton books (A is for, B is for, C is for, ... through the alphabet), they might have A, M and Q or something. It got so frustrating that I started buying books in the used bookstores because I had a better chance of getting the whole trilogy or series or whatever.

    I do have access to Libby, and have used it a few times, but even there, I looked up a couple books I wanted to read recently, Libby didn't have them.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    One of the reasons I rarely eat food that people have made and brought in to work to share. You just don't know where it has been before it got there!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    Kylia – I don’t paint my nails mainly because of my job. I would always worry that the paint would chip off and get in the lettuce or whatever and to the customer. Lovely sister,

    I sent Lynette an email asking if she’d like to come to dinner this coming weekend. Really, if she doesn’t, I’ll have to repack her gifts because I need to start packing the boxes to be put away. Vince said she was talking about coming in Feb. We’re going to be gone for ½ of Feb. Plus, her busy season will really get going then.

    Put a load of laundry in. Now just waiting for it to go in the dryer. Have the yogurt draining.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Here is a screen shot of the last giveaway. Perhaps it will give you all a way to get these same giveaways too!


    I had a look around the Goodreads site because I finished another book today.

    Turns out the giveaways are only for the US and Canada.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Good morning, ladies. Just reading through all the posts and enjoying my second cup of coffee.

    We are finally going to get some cold winter weather with minus 33C predicted for Thursday. Farmers are starting to get a bit worried about possible drought conditions for this year as we do not have very much snow. Going into spring, ideally a foot of snow is needed to ensure a good start for the growing season. Snowfall is in the forecast but it doesn't appear to be very much.

    Hard to believe that we are in to 2024 and I will be 74 this year. Looking forward to see what is in store for us. So many things to be thankful for but good health is at the top of my list. It has been 9 years since going through breast cancer treatment and I feel blessed that I continue to be cancer free.


    @Snowflake1968 & @Joy1580vb

    I remember well the days of minus 33C and colder from when I lived in various locations around Alberta (especially in the Grande Prairie area, but also around Edmonton and Red Deer, and from the when I lived in Winnipeg.

    Minus 33C and colder is one of the reasons I moved to Australia!!

    Tasmania isn't particularly warm, but we rarely get below freezing.

    Joy, I am very glad you continue to be cancer free!

    Machka in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Terri Sorry for your family's loss. You do stay busy!

    Simone Congratulations on your loss! Great job walking. It is a small world isn't it? A Doctorate in dance sounds interesting.

    Michele My polish won't last at work. Too much oil and gas normally. OPI seems to hold up the best, but even that is no match for the chemicals. Since we are slow it is the perfect time for them to be painted. Do you not use gloves when you prep? When I prepped I wore gloves. Back then I actually went and got nails done, but dish tank and acrylics were not a good combination.

    Machka Yay on Covid negative. Boo on sinus infection. Yay on change of leave status. As for first husband.....sorry to hear, but you were no longer with him for a reason, so your feelings could be mixed. As for doing something, I don't believe anything is expected.

    Walking while reading and typing. Taking DH to hunt then back to get ready for work.

    Make the best decision you can in the moment.

    Kylia in Ohio hoping for sunshine
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,795 Member
    edited January 8
    Good morning from the pre-dawn, pre-storm system darkness of the Arkansas River Valley,

    Yesterday I woke up to the movie "Elvis," on the TV, because my daughter was up before me and she can't exist without noise. She's seen it three times and wanted me to watch it. I don't have that much attention span, particularly in the mornings... I finally told her I knew the ending and wrenched myself away to get her laundry done before Corey took her to the airport yesterday afternoon.

    I know I've been MIA here since she came in, but had little time to string enough thoughts together to reply, or quiet to get those thoughts organized. My house is quiet again now... just the washer swooshing and the dryer bumping with the dryer balls this morning. While she was here, I remembered once more how much I love my life and what I love about it.

    It was just so amazing to be able to hug her any time I wanted for a few days. Tried to hug her enough to hold me for a while... no idea when we'll see her or the grands again. Impossible to plan when both spouses are military. She's collected the kids early this morning in Columbus, GA, and about to fly to Atlanta and then Hawaii this morning:

    While she was here, I took advantage and had Kels and Corey move some things around so I could get my craft room cleared of the detritus it gathers up. Took advantage of the new sunroom to get a few things out there, like my cedar chest and the dorm-sized beer fridge. Corey also got his grill set up how he wanted it under the vent fan and we had steak and shrimp from the grill on her last evening here, Saturday night.

    Have caught up reading now, but all responses have flown away with my still scattered mind. I've only got a half hour before the rain shows up, and hopefully, enough light outside before it to get the bird feeder filled. It's got a little roof over it so they can come in and snag breakfast between the raindrops if they're hungry. Descaling the coffee maker, doing all the laundry, about to start putting my meds together for the week, and putting the dishes away. Usual Monday morning routine in progress...

    Love y'all!
    Happy Monday, whether past present or future,
    Lisa in AR

    PS - Edit to add - Annie, just saw your post from this morning, as mine's been open for an hour... glad your dad's OK, still holding you up from Arkansas, my chicken. I know it's been a rough few months. Hang in there. Much love from over here.